02:23 Aug 27 2010
Times Read: 770
It is said that there is 3 sides to every story. Your side , their side and the Truth.
It is no secret that I have another sire account. I have had it for some time now, it is Mystic and yes that is Council of The Witches Coven.
There is nothing wrong with having muliple accounts, its my choice, I pay the premium for them and as Saetan has already stated this one is a Lifetime account. So stop your bitching about me having multiple accounts.
Now all this bullshit, that was started by THEREALTHING aka THESEERER because she has an ax to grind with me because way back in March, mind you, we were rearranging Sire marks and her along with afew others lost theirs. Two coven message were sent out stating the fact that they would be returned, as stated in in the below message:
00:01:45 - Mar 27 2010
again to anyone who lost my mark today dont fly off the handle and post something stupid, it will be returned in a day, im in the middle of an experiment and needed to check something out....again you WILL get the mark back....i just need to do a few things here.
Venerable Sire
21:00:48 - Mar 26 2010
for those of you who saw my mark dissapear from your profile dont worry, im working on fixing that...may take me a day or two but it will be back.
Venerable Sire
But TheREALTHING had to fly off the handle, like she always does and start with all the dramatic bullshit, she was blinded and I spoke with Purgatory and they accepted a trade for her. Yes she was just below Sire when she was sent there. Again as I stated this was way back in March, freaking five months ago, and yet she still continues the bullshit.
She has since become obsessed with knowing who is in my coven who has been traded and what not. Yes some of the members of Atrum Templum were traded over to my coven, and they have no complaints with it.
Being that I am Coven Mistress and am also ACM in AT depending on which account I am on when I am out hunting for new members, they will get inducted into AT sometimes I just wait to trade who ever I found after I am done hunting and sometimes AYW will find someone and ask if I want them. That was the case with BabyxGirl.
He found her and sent her to me, but being I am on vacation I didn't get to the trade right away.
When I signed on that day I always like to glance in journals, and I came across babyxgirls journal that stated the following :
xBabyGirlx's Journal
Trading, the coven
00:21:42 - Aug 24 2010
Times Read: 48
I've just been told by a stranger to me here, the coven I'm now in is a bad one. This is quoted from the emails I got from a very nice stranger. I won't include their name out of respect for them.
Rachy Note: (at this time she was in Atrum Templum)
The email read,
"I heard you have ended up in a Coven that treats people like raw meat. Sorry, not everyone in here is like that. The CM of the Coven you are in now is notoriously a bitch, greedy and power hungry. Sorry, about that. She asks for way too much favor for her members., unreasonably so."
Rachy Note: as far as trades go, enoug with bitching about how I handle my trades I can ask for what ever I want and I ask 100 per level and on rare occassions I will ask for 150 per level. How I handle my trades is none of your business. And when I do place ads in the Classifieds I list when they were last on. You obviously have some sort of misconception of how this all works. VR is step up the way it is, if making favor by doing trades was not supposed to play int this maybe Cancer would have done it another way. It a freaking Vampire Website, there is induction there is selling and trading people, this is nothing new.)
Then I got a second email from the same stranger who's now a friend. That one read,
Rachy Note:(at this point I had accepted the trade and she was now in Council of Witches so gee, that makes 2 covens and she was still at level 20, she was never bounced to 4 covens before she hit Purgatory, I think someone needs to relearn her math)
"The Coven where you are now is a BITCH. She has multiple profiles, I mean more than three or four. Her main account is LadyDarkRayne aka Rachy of Atrum templum. Her and AYW, the CM are liars and assholes. Mystic, aka Rachy, runs a meat market, and ask ridiculous amounts of favor when she sells her members in the classifieds. I just thought you might want to know. I added you and your journal, and am stalking you. Please feel free to return the favor."
Does that mean I'm now stuck in a coven I don't wish to be in?
Now we all know this is all coming from THEREALTHING. and her other account THESEERER or one of her little family members. It's funny that you can go and send this message out to other society Masters and ACMS :
A birdy sent this to me...
) 15:32:37 Aug 25 2010 Reply Block User Delete Delete To Saved Email to Self about it. ===================================== Hey I got some news you might want to share with your Coven and friends. There is a VR member that I just rescued from Purgatory by sliding past on another account. Her name is BABYxGIRL I just got her in my Coven. They still have her other account stuck in Purgatory after being traded around for four Covens, then sold to Purgatory by Mystic. Watch out for Mystic. She is LadyDarkRayne aka Rachy . Atrum Templum and Council of Witches Coven are both meat markets. She told me Atrum Templum gave her to Mystic. It is obvious Mystic is Rachy. It is the only Coven in her Alliance. Look at who is her ACM, Charlie, and hellsreaper is there too. I have been watching them cruise the free members section snatching up all kinds of accounts, and then buying and selling in the classifieds. I have noticed that people don't want to pay her over inflated favor demands, so she took most of her adds down. But I am sure they will up again soon. Anyway, could you please rate and add BABYxGIRL. She has had such a bad experience so far in VR. I want to show her, we aren't all assholes. XD Hugs
The fact that you feel a need to have to start bullshit where ever you go, proves just what a conniving, two faced and disloyal bitch you are. You want to start drama, but yet have I ever heard a word from you, no you just have your little slackers do it for you. I don't need someone else to fight my battles for me, and being that you started this shit anyways because you can't keep your nose out of anything at all, deal with. You look like a complete idiot going around bashing me.
You have no class and no honor, this coming from some one who is thought of so Highly, ya ok what ever. You need to be knocked off that high horse of yous, and stop acting like your shit don't stink when you standing in the middle of a pile of manure. You bring all this drama to your self and look foolish. If you can't fight your own battles, keep your fucking mouth shut. All of these other Sire's that you claim to you that I am a Notorious Power Hungry Bitch, what doies the cat have their tongue's as well or is this just you talking out your ass again ?
There is an old saying, give a person enough rope and they will hang themselves. Well you have done athat all on your own plenty of times.So stop judging what your small mind can not even start to comprehend.I think its about time you stop trying to play the victim or advocate for these supposed victims in your drama production, because 99% of the time the victim turns out to be the instigator and that would be you. All you want to do is complain and bitch all the time and honestly I am sick of hearing about it...Funny how you say you can't stand all the drama yet your always the one starting it.......
02:43 Aug 27 2010
Truth must hurt like a real bitch when you tell the side of the story that she won't Rachy and she looks like an even bigger ass than she made herself look before.
03:03 Aug 27 2010
So how is that vacation going?
06:46 Aug 27 2010
06:53 Aug 27 2010
haha Yes my friend, the thought crosses my mind many times on some days lol
07:44 Aug 27 2010
Damn it I found typos... well I am me and I am not perfect, you all come to expect typos from me lol Atleast I am not doing drunk and trying to type lol Although, saturday night I am sure I will be feeling FAntastic.
08:00 Aug 27 2010
Yuh..and everyone of importance that I thought had learned to shut their yap-traps... apparently haven't learned that Lesson fully yet.
To them, I say:
You haven't become more well-behaved...just more Pious...trot along now, please....trot along...