LadyChordewa's Journal

LadyChordewa's Journal


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15 entries this month

00:23 Aug 29 2008
Times Read: 878

Normally I don't do this...but this I just shook my head at....

This whelp's profile was pointed out to me by Morrigon.

This is her avatar...

and this is Pamela Andersen

In this whelps portfolio...was...

And I found this on the internet...

To say the least, its suspended. Because photoshopping your face into a picture, does not count as portfolio picture. Nice try whelp.



00:30 Aug 29 2008

ROFL. My stomach!!! Thats the funniest thing I've seen all day!!!

00:30 Aug 29 2008

First one is good, but the second one you can tell its not her. Duh!

00:34 Aug 29 2008

Second one, she didn't get all of Pamela's eye out of it. But once I proved that picture wrong...it didn't take much to find the other picture too.

00:34 Aug 29 2008

wow, hehe

00:41 Aug 29 2008

I just pointed out to you because I thought it looked a little strange ;)

00:57 Aug 29 2008

lmao,,,,, boy am I glad that I haven't seen that one yet. Come on give me a break at least learn how to do the image properly.

01:06 Aug 29 2008


06:06 Aug 29 2008

The first pic's a pretty good attempt at photoshopping, but the second one...sheesh. Even if she had gotten Pammy's eye out of it, her face has the exact same expression on both pics! Normal people move their faces...

14:20 Aug 29 2008


22:04 Aug 30 2008

That's funny..but I am sure TL would be looking for a hookah pipe after finding that in his arms!

22:54 Oct 12 2008

lmao i thought is this as funny



21:52 Aug 26 2008
Times Read: 903

The top nine comments made by NBC sports commentators so far during the Summer

Olympics - that they would like to take back:

1. Weightlifting commentator: 'This is Gregorieva from Bulgaria. I saw her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing.'

2. Dressage commentator: 'This is really a lovely horse and I speak from personal experience since I once mounted her mother.'

3. Paul Hamm, Gymnast: 'I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father.'

4. Boxing Analyst: 'Sure there have been injuries, and even some deaths in boxing, but none of them really that serious.'

5. Softball announcer: 'If history repeats itself, I should think we can expect the same thing again.'

6. Basketball analyst: 'He dribbles a lot and the opposition doesn't like it. In fact you can see it all over their faces.'

7. At the rowing medal ceremony: 'Ah, isn't that nice, the wife of the IOC president is hugging the cox of the British crew.'

8. Soccer commentator: 'Julian Dicks is everywhere. It's like they've got eleven Dicks on the field.'

9. Tennis commentator: 'One of the reasons Andy is playing so well is that, before the final round, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them... Oh my God, what have I just said?'



23:43 Aug 26 2008

I actually heard the weightlifting comment. We were sitting in a doctors waiting room when it was on and my partner and I almost wet ourselves laughing. lol.

22:17 Aug 27 2008

That made me laugh. I appreciate that. =)

19:45 Aug 28 2008

Those are hilarious! and I hadn't seen them before. The horse one is such a hoot LMAO!

00:23 Aug 29 2008

lol cute.


05:33 Aug 23 2008
Times Read: 942

Lord V walked in tonight and I was half turned away from him, looking at the messages on my laptop. I got up to say hello and jumped back when I hit something that crinkled.

He had a dozen red roses that he was handing me and I had bumped into them. When asked the reason...

"Just cause" With a big smile.




06:01 Aug 23 2008

Does he have a brother?


13:47 Aug 23 2008

Awwww that's lovely x

17:33 Aug 23 2008

Listen...I'm gonna send my husband to him for a week, hopefully Lord V will depart some knowledge on him LOL.

21:58 Aug 23 2008

I was wondering if he was going to offer classes


21:27 Aug 24 2008

" just cause" if the most romantic reason to do anything , you lucky girl :)

19:47 Aug 28 2008

Awww, how lovely! makes me feel like trading my husband in for a new model, but then I can't figure out what people would trade him for!


01:19 Aug 23 2008
Times Read: 966

Hey Pai!!! I got a playmate for you. Her name is Maddie and she is about 7 years old (don't mind the white hair). She is a beagle/Dachshund mix. I'm not as good as Your mom, Morri, at taking pictures, but figured its time to give YOU a pen pal lol.

"Damn, that alien thing is back"."

And of course my favorite. The.."I have been in this car for 5 days now, 12 hours a day and you are taking pictures...GRRRRRR"



01:33 Aug 23 2008

Hi Maddie! Boy she's got a cute face.

21:58 Aug 23 2008

I just love those expressive eyes :)

15:51 Aug 24 2008

*hugs puppy* Ahhh a pen pal that will not try and drown her. :)


20:42 Aug 19 2008
Times Read: 1,005

So, time to tell you a story. Not one that guys will want to read….but it’s a story that I need to tell, to explain what I am going to attempt….and how I will need all your help and encouragement.

I started my periods when I was 11, they were always very heavy and the cramps would send me to bed for 3 out of the 5 days of it. Talk about a curse. When I was 16, my mother agreed with the doctor to put me on birth control, to help with the cramps, so I could actually function with the dreaded curse every month.

Fast forward 8 years, I am married to my first husband and we wish to start a family. I stop taking the birth control and we wait. After 4 years, while working at ADT, I begin bleeding. I think that my period has come two weeks early, but the cramps are incredible and the blood was just too much. I went from work directly to my OBGYN. I had a miscarriage. It was an eye opener and I never really processed that I had been pregnant. It made me look at my marriage and my husband closer. I decided, I didn’t want to bring a child up in a house where I was beaten and always walking on eggshells. It wasn’t long after that I left him.

All my life I have been overweight. Since I was about 14, I stopped being the trim, athletic person and started putting on weight, no matter what I did. Nutra-System, Phen-Phen, Jenny Craig, LA Weight loss, I tried them all. They worked for a bit, I would loose maybe 15 lbs, probably due to drinking all the water, but then I would stop. So, with the second husband, went to family doctor to talk about my weight. I was told that my thyroid was low or very close to borderline. It had been borderline since I was a teen. The doctor said he would put me on Thyroid medicine and that MIGHT help with my weight. He put me on a low dose…and never checked me again. Been on the same dose for going on 10 years now.

I am 37, twice divorced and with a man that I can truly love and respect. I wish to give him the ultimate gift, a child. He is an only child. The only child to carry on his father’s name. But I wish to have one too. So, I go to my doctor. The first female doctor that I have ever had. We talk and strike up a friendship. I explain about my weight, my thyroid and my desire for a child.

I know that I’m 37, I know I’m 100lbs overweight and with the MS, some say that I shouldn’t even attempt to have a child, considering that child will have a chance of having it passed down to them. But, I’m not diabetic, I have low blood pressure, my cholesterol is fine and no heart problems. I don’t eat a lot and I don’t eat a lot of sweets. I exercise at least 3 times a week. I am actually a healthy fat person, if there is such a thing.

She explains to me something very simple. The birth control, caused a hormonal imbalance. This caused the thyroid problem, causing my weight gain, hair loss, weak nails and flaky skin. But this also caused a hormonal problem, causing me to no longer ovulate. But there is hope. There is a pill called Clomid. It will kick start my ovulation. It isn’t too late.

But I need to loose some of the weight. So, I’m back to square one. The doctor stated that she will help me. She will increase my Thyroid pills, to help with the weight loss. Too bring my thyroid levels up from borderline, to above that and it will help me loose weight. But, I need to loose at least 30 lbs, prepare my body by getting lots of vitamins and to go through some tests to make sure that my ovaries are in working order.

But as I read my books from my birthday, I read of how it is to be pregnant, as one character feels the flutter of the babe in her belly. How another, looks down at the babe, suckling at her breast. I am in tears, believing that I may never have that ability, all because of a decision to help with the cramps, that has made my life difficult. I am of mixed emotion. Realizing, that I have endured being called fat and disgusting all my life, due to this decision. That I have had low self esteem because I thought it was a weakness within myself, that I wasn’t strong enough to loose weight.

I have been called defective, since I couldn’t produce a child, by not one husband but two. To find out, that it was always possible, that both of these things could be fixed so easily, is so frustrating and scary at the same time. I have been so fat, so obese for so long, that I don’t remember ever not being fat. Is it possible that all this time, it wasn’t my fault? Is it possible that I may have a child, finally? Is it possible, that I may have the family that I have always dreamed of? A man that loves me to distraction and a child to love and protect of our own?

I can only hope and pray and do my damnest to loose the weight. I know stressing over it, won’t help. No need to tell me that. But it hit me today, how my life has made a chance, simply to help a teen with her cramps….and now 22 years down the road, I am down to the last inning. They only give Clomid for 6 months. If you aren’t pregnant in 6 months, then you probably won’t get pregnant I am told.

So, going to wait. I’m going to get the new dosage from the doctor and see how I feel. She states I should start loosing weight, without doing anything, due to it increasing my metabolism. If it starts to work, I will go all out. Increase the exercise, take my vitamins and pills and eat even more healthy. Thirty pounds isn’t much in my eyes, but it is a goal. I will keep you all posted.



21:12 Aug 19 2008

No matter the cause, wanting to have a baby and facing problems concieveing hurts. It may be a long road but you are a determined lady.

I wish you well my dear *hugs.*

21:21 Aug 19 2008


I know that you can do this. Desire is certainly intent here.

21:21 Aug 19 2008

Wow...all this strikes so many chords with me it's unreal. I'm due for blood tests this week about this very thing. I feel for you, I really do. I know what you're going through *hugs*

21:47 Aug 19 2008

My prayers and best wishes are with you fully.

00:22 Aug 20 2008

Hon I am with you 100%. I know I'm allll the way across the country but you always have me for support!! I'll send positive thoughts and support your way :)

01:13 Aug 21 2008

The joy of having a child. ive been blessed with two. and now they are grown. i miss the little ones that i held and loved. but for all the roller coaster ride that it was. I would never trade it for all the money in the word. And heres hoping my sister, that you get the chance to ride in the front of it..will light a candle, will send yo and josh all the postive energy that I can....:)


01:01 Aug 16 2008
Times Read: 1,069

I have been thinking long and hard about this....and I have decided to put my thoughts here. Just to note, these are my thoughts and opinions. This might be long but its a good read.

I have been looking at a new site, the Virtual Resource System inc. I will admit that that concept is a valid one. When I first got on the internet...I didn't have a need for html and css, as the chat rooms I visited wouldn't allow it. So, I went to visit his site...This is from his main page.

"This Site’s Main purpose is to give the Members of Vampire Rave a Place to share and to also help one another with their Layouts to their profiles through the use of html and CSS. Mainly Premium Users have the most freedom with their profiles as to they have access to the pages CSS style sheets to be able to change them so that the profiles will take on different characteristics and to add better content to what they wish to express to you as you are viewing that particular persons profile."

Why would all of the Dark Network need to go to your site to learn of HTML and CSS. When it is offered to the Dark Network by the Dark Network Profile Help page or by the millions of other sites that offer the same help?

The most common problems I had as an Acolyte, was "How do I put a background on my page?" and "How do I put a picture on my page?" As stated by Cancer, it is not in the job requirements for Acolytes to answer these questions. If it was, HTML and CSS questions would be part of the Acolyte test. But they are not, as Acolytes are suppose to answer questions regarding the Dark Network, not about coding. As a Sentoran..I can tell you, all codes don't work here on the Dark Network.

"Our Goal at VR Systems Inc is to bring you the Member of Cyberspace resources to improve your experience and to give you the tools to be able to safely travel in the most dangerous place you can travel without leaving your home, for there are Countless individuals out there whose sole purpose is to hurt your pc, Steal your information to become you and ruin your credit while improving their life at your expense."

I am going to paraphrase a administration note from Cancer, regarding the safety of VR. The cookies on VR are 100% safe, as the minute an ip address changes within a session the cookie is destroyed. That means nobody can hack you through the cookies you use. Although Phishing may be a problem, I'm sure that Cancer is doing his best to prevent it from happening.

The only way that someone can get onto your account on VR, is for you to give out your password, save your password on a public computer or have it written down where someone can get it.

Everyone should know they should be using some sort of virus and spyware protection. If you have a computer, you should have them.

"copy and paste pre-made CSS Templates for Premium Members to use as well as free members templates."

Hmmmm, I seem to remember several different templates in which to start your premium profile off. I believe they come in different colors and you don't have to copy and paste. You can take the basic color you are looking for and go from there. Free members...again, due to the limitations that Cancer has put on the site, so there isn't any hacking, the coding is provided in the Profile help page to spice up their profiles, with a little effort.

"The Sole purpose of the site is to help you enhance your profiles for Vampire Rave as well as get tips and help with other issues."

Please tell me, In what way is the website that Cancer has created is lacking? He has Acolytes, Sentorans, Dominars, Procurators, Regents, Consuls and Master Vampires to help you with "Vampire Raves tips and other issues." Do I have to point out that the creator of this other site, is none of the above? He isn't even a Sire.

"This is also part of my other service ia m offering for Designing Coven Websites for The Covens here on VR."

I don't know about anyone else...but I know that my coven already has a website. I can tell you what it is...it is "https://www.vampirerave.com/houses/index.php?house=dark" I can have any amount of pages that I wish. I can put whatever I so choose on the page, as long as it isn't against TOS and its FREE!!!

"There Is a live Chat Room set up for people to hang out at.">

Cancer has worked long and hard not only to create VR, but he gave us a Vamp box right off the bat. Now he has given us, a Chat room for each coven and House. He has given the vamp box its own chat room. He has allowed it to be possible for ANYONE to make a private chat room.

See, I think that is what burns me. I admire anyone willing to take on a mission for something that they see is needed. There are literally millions of websites out there specifically set up to help teach you Java, HTML and CSS. Cancer obviously has the knowledge to do one of them....but he didn't. There are a couple hundred thousand websites set up, to protect you from the evil hackers of the internet, but truthfully nothing is fullproof. Cancer also has this knowledge but he didn't create one of those either.

Cancer has taken this vision that he had, one that he spoke of doing in a chat room called #vampires, almost 5 years ago. He decided that he would help collect all the media, stories, articles and whatnot and put them on one website. He would make a Vampire Database, since one didn't exist at the time. He has put incredible time and expense into this endeavor and I for one are in awe of this man, for taking on such a deed. He saw a need and he filled it.

Now we have this person who seems to want to take away from Cancer's accomplishments. He states that the site is being made solely for Vampire Rave members, yet what's on there...that you can't find on here?

You have your own website, in your profile. You have access to HTML and CSS through my page for codes that work on DarkNetwork. You have access to Chat rooms....that anyone can open. Your coven has its own website. Or haven't you googled your coven name?

It comes down to loyalty in my book....and this person, is attempting to gain a bit of the glory from Cancer and all his hard work. Creating a whole separate website, that alludes to a connection to the Dark Network, by its name alone, "VR System Inc."

What more do you wish to have? What can this person offer to you, that Cancer hasn't already?

Sorry folks, those are my feelings and opinions. You can agree or disagree with me, but they are mine.



01:09 Aug 16 2008

*Clapping and cheering* You couldn't have said it better! You are exactly right in your thoughts and I will say that mine echoes yours.

01:13 Aug 16 2008

Yeah, I hate to bash people that seem to be 'helping'... but problem here is, the guy doesn't seem to know enough about VR to offer any assistance to our site members. He's offering things we already offer right here. And with the paypal links to donate??? Maybe this is more of a money making venture, I dunno :(

01:15 Aug 16 2008


01:16 Aug 16 2008

I agree, Images! This is the comment I made upon his profile, and I know I shouldn't but these are my thoughts on the matter:

I find it funny that someone who has had their own profile suspended due to coding is offering a website trying to teach people HTML, when he has not bothered to read TOS, The VR Manual, nor is he any type of Cancer's staff. Kind of tooting your own horn there, aren't you?

01:48 Aug 16 2008

i agree with your personal concerns.

VR has been set up with all the goodies that one needs to 'do up your pro and whatnot....so why the additional crap?

it's like having a site that sells butter....and having a person saying "hey, here's my butter too...but note it's special 'cos it's a shade or two darker.."

i do not agree with every technical idea put forth here, as hacking is a multi-functional, multi-platform-headed beastie...and not always will the IP addy change...meaning, that there are several ways to skin a cat, looking at cookies or not...but i digress. it just makes me look like a friend of yours with too much knowledge for her own good and too big of a mouth.

i will not be offended if you delete this reply, we are still friends aand i certainly laud you for speaking your thoughts.

06:58 Aug 16 2008

Cancer is good, he knows his security (he was able to plug a bad xss exploit within hours of finding out about it)... but... this site gives you a rich media experience... it is not a secure site by the very nature of what it serves up.

Your darknet page is good. Excellent examples, tested and known to work but somebody who knows their css and HTML... but... by the very nature of who you are targeting (web site and graphic designers) it is limited.

VR Resources has a different mission... he is not treading on Cancer's turf, he is not treading on your turf (which is to provide the best web pages you can)... you should reread what he want to provide.

07:11 Aug 16 2008

Oh and virus/spyware programs are a lot of wank sold to you by carnie barkers. If you ask Cancer, he will tell you that the XSS exploit that was used on here was done before any major spyware company had provided XSS checking into their programs. There was no way it would have been flagged by any sentinel on your computer.

The only way to defend yourself against exploits is to know about securing your own computer. But I'm sure you know that.

07:55 Aug 16 2008

Isn't this the same guy that sent you a message a few months back wanting into your coven to help with the help page? Wanting your password to your comcast so that he could edit the pages? Didn't he also ask for copies of the help pages you made?

Just asking. ;p

15:17 Aug 16 2008

Borked, I am no Admin here but yes, I am aware that it was an XSS attempt w/o even being told.

Mayhap we could put up a bit someplace about securing your computer against such attempts, or do we already have this Ladychordewa?


06:47 Aug 17 2008

Raziel did ask me to come to VR System Inc. He wanted to host the Profile Help page on that website. He stated he would be more than glad to help me set up the site....

The one that asked me for my password and guts, was someone petitioning my house, not Raziel.

Borked - if you noticed, I posted what was said, in quotes, as, this is what was stated by him or his site. So, I wasn't misunderstanding him, these are my interpretations of what he said. Its my journal...so I'm allowed to state them.

As for the xss protection, as Borked and Kontradiction are talking about, I know that at one time, there was a thread regarding it or on some ways to protect your computer. I don't see it anymore. Might be something to put in a member article.


Wise women...

06:54 Aug 14 2008
Times Read: 1,088

I love talking to intelligent woman, Imagesinwords is one of them...

"Vampirism parallels HUMANITY. Feeding off each other is a very natural thing, and necessary for health. That's why solitary confinement in prison is punishment. People go crazy without human interaction."

My response...

"Exactly. How can you learn about yourself in this life, if you don't see someone's mistakes and make your own and see the reaction of others when you do? Its part of growing and maturing..."





18:50 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 1,116

I have always enjoyed the Olympics, especially the swimming. It brings back alot of memories, of all the swim meets I did as a child, through my teen years. Last night I was holding LordV's hand, yelling at the Television, as the Mens 4x100m freestyle relay unfolded.

The only prep I will say, is that the French walked into these finals, telling all the media..."The American's? We will smash the Americans, its what we came to do." The USA team weren't considered the favorites, even though they set a World and Olympic Record during the prelims.

Watch and enjoy. Its long but...its history.

See here

Points of interest:

--Michael Phelps had just finished swimming the prelims for one of his other events, less than an hour prior to this race. His split, was .01 off the 100m freestyle world record.

--Jason Lezak, the anchor of the relay, entered the water, almost half a body length behind the competition. His split, was the fast split of all time, at 46.06, the world recording going into the race. 47.50.

--5 different teams came in below the World and Olympic record times set in the prelims by the USA team. (Kinda depressing that you break the world and olympic records and get 5th place.

--The World and Olympic Record was smashed by 3.99 seconds. I will tell you, four seconds in swimming is unheard of.

--The seperation between Gold and Silver..... .08. That is eight, one hundredths of a second. That is less than a blink of the eye.

Just goes to show, giving the right motivation, anything can happen.



19:13 Aug 11 2008

we're recording and watching the Olympics.

how did you like the Opening Ceremony?

21:00 Aug 11 2008

Oh my goodness. The opening Cerimony was amazing! I've taped the whole thing, with my jaw to the floor the whole time.

*blinks her eyes* Wow.

22:13 Aug 11 2008

The dreams of thousands of American kids were born with this race.

22:32 Aug 11 2008

We watched this race too...and screamed...and I'm SO glad we kicked the butts of the smack talkin' Frenchies. I can't believe how strong the anchor came up right at the end, it was amazing.

00:48 Aug 13 2008

OMFG that race OWNED!!!

04:55 Aug 14 2008

Dude.. is that French guy crying??



02:16 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 1,139

One of the problems that LordV and I have is the, "I don't know" syndrome. We are so use to pleasing other people, that is our decision on most things.

So, Sunday, as we are trying to figure out what to go with our steaks, we got in the same funk.

"what do you want with your steak?" I asked.

"I don't know," he says.

"Do you want Rice?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want Stove top?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want Lipton Noodles?"

"I don't know."

"Ok dear, you are going to have to make at least one decision in your life...."

"I did....I got you here, didn't I?"

Now how can you fight with that. LOL.



02:26 Aug 11 2008

LOL you can't lol

thats sweet lol

04:05 Aug 11 2008

LMAO cute.

05:52 Aug 11 2008


14:48 Aug 14 2008

lol, that's me and my man at dinner.


00:15 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 1,165

I sent a message to Cancer. I asked him how hard would it be to have a message come up, when you have been petitioned by a sire. Since it came up only when there was a trade, you sometimes never knew, if someone petitioned you, unless they told you.

He stated he made the change but hadnt tested it yet. So, I told him I would get it tested and send him the results.

I know the VW39 was making the rounds to covens and Houses alike and asked her to help on this endeavor. I know that she had just been visiting the House of Umbrae Octo, when I asked her this. But she said she would ask and see if they would release her temporarily, for the test.

I guess it worked. Thanks UO and VW39 for helping me test this out for the betterment of the Dark Network. Also, Thank you to Cancer for taking care of this so quickly.



00:31 Aug 11 2008

Thank the Bobs! I've always wanted to have a message for that. =]

01:02 Aug 11 2008

Sure thing.. Rat doesn't mind being a guinea pig. Wait... I mean... oh well you know what I mean.

*rat smiles*

Anything for Lady C and my beloved site.

01:41 Aug 11 2008

Nice work ladies


00:17 Aug 09 2008
Times Read: 1,205

Congrats to our newest Dominar......NIGHTGAME!!!!!

Nice job dearest....well deserved!!!



00:20 Aug 09 2008

Wow...that is INCREDIBLE NEWS.

Not a better choice..she is such a wonderful person!


*trots off to put up Thread in UO Forum*

05:23 Aug 10 2008

Friggn' SWEET! You'll make a great Dominar!


19:55 Aug 07 2008
Times Read: 1,240

Well fun times last night. After I got finished teaching the swim lessons, I got out to go to the bathroom, before I headed home. But I hit a patch of standing water and down I went. I would have been fine, except I was close enough to the brick wall that they had in front of the door to the ladies room, to catch my head on the corner.

So basically I slipped fell and on my way down, I hit the corner of the brick wall and slide down it, slicing my head open. I didn't loose consciousness and wasn't dizzy, just my head hurt. So, I put my hand over it. Someone asked me if I was ok, I said yes and went to get up. When I pulled my hand away from my head, the girl helping me saw blood on my hand and started yelling, "Put your hand back on it, put your hand back on it!!! GET ME SOME GLOVES!!"

I did and then the entertainment began. I have been an EMT for 15 years and my certification on just ran out in January. So, I had a bunch of 18 to 20 year old lifeguards trying to take care of me. I appreciated it, but generally, they didn't listen to me, or use common sense. I felt like I was in a first aid class, everything was very automatic and robotic like, even the phrases they said.

I am laying on a hard floor, with my hands behind my hand, one applying direct pressure. I had one of the lifeguards approach me, that I don't like anyways, say in a very high pitched perky voice, "So, Jayme, I'm going to take care of you!! Do you know your name?"

"Ummm, Jayme, considering you just told me it." I smirked. She stopped asking me questions. lol.

At that time, I heard two members come up and offer to help, as they were off duty paramedics. The lifeguards shooed them off and ignored their suggestions. I had about 6 people standing around me with gloves on and I suggested that someone get me some guaze so I could help stop the bleeding. That is when they seemed to remember what to do. They ordered me to stay still and decided I needed a backboard and an ambulance. I was then given an oxygen mask and told to put it on. They had given me a pediatric mask. I explained that ...

1. I was not going to be put on a backboard, as the only thing hurting was where I was bleeding from. They told me that I couldn't refuse that. I told them oh yes I was.

2. If they would let me sit up, I could move out of the way of the opening of the women's locker room and the pool didn't need to loose money because of me.

3. There was no indication for me to be given oxygen.

But I waited for the firefighters and paramedics to get there and I told them simply...

"I've been an EMT for 15 years...so...I'm a 37 year old woman that slipped on some standing water, landed on my right side and my head glanced off the corner of the brick wall and apparently I am bleeding from my head. No loss of consciousness, no other pains, other than my head. Alert, conscious and oriented times 3 and I have PMSx4. I refuse the backboard and C spine and will sign off on it."

For those of you not in the ems...PMS stands for Pulse, Movement and Sensation in all 4 extremities, not a major monthly bitch problem lol.

The paramedic looked at me and laughed. He said, well ok...can I ask some questions now?


Ummmm, nevermind you hit everything. Other than address and history, but I can get that in the truck

So, off I went to the hospital to get 3 staples put in my head. That was fun. When the doc went to numb it, he poked me several times with the needle but I could feel the medicine running down my neck. He then went and did the first staple, when I wasn't numb yet. Metal being driven into your skull is not a good feeling, trust me on this.

So the doc came after me again with the needle and numbing agent...this time he hit a nerve. I screamed in pain and burst into sobbing tears and I nearly broke LordV's hand as I was gripping it so tight. My other hand was in a fist, ready to hit the doctor where it counted, but I felt considering he had a sharp instrument into my head, I better not. He then put the needle down and came over and started poking the staple he just put in.

"Does that hurt still?"


"Oh sorry, sorry." This was said in a automatic, non apologetic way.

So, two more staples and a cat scan to check to see if anything else was going on. I get to leave the hospital, looking like barefoot bride of frankenstein.

So, I am not allowed to take a shower for 24 hours, to let clots set up around the staples. So, the side of my head is matted with blood, chlorine, saline and whatever the numbing agent is. I can't wait to take a shower.

I'm doing ok, slight headache, nothing big. I was given vicodin, but I only use it when I want to sleep, since the injury is on my right side and I sleep on that side.

I can work, just can't submerge my head until the staples come out in a week.

My boss called and asked me what exactly happend and how they could improve for the next person. I told him simply listening to the patient, they know their body and what is going on with it. Getting procedures set for use of oxygen, if I had been dizzy or nauseous then oxygen was indicated, but all that hurt was where I was bleeding. Told him about a Paramedic and EMT's duty to act. That although most people with basic first aid and CPR, are covered from lawsuits by the good samaritan law. Paramedics and EMT's go through alot of training and they are guided by different rules. They have a duty to act. If they have a decal on their car stating they are a EMT or Paramedic and they drive past a accident, they can be sued. Same as doctors with MD tags that drive past. So, technically I could sue those paramedics for leaving me to the devices of these lifeguards. All and all he was very nice, explained that workman's comp would cover the expenses and he said he would do a search personally for my shoes that were left behind that night.

All and all, it was an entertaining night and LordV was a jewel. He stood next to me, holding and kissing my hand, comforting me and just being there for me. Thank you baby. I love you.



20:13 Aug 07 2008

Whoo that looks painful...but at least you only have to stink for 24 hours ;-)

But what's weird is, we have the same name :-)

20:17 Aug 07 2008

Oh honey......I am so glad that you are all right.

And I was an EMT too for a few years...I would've clipped away at those "kids" in the same way.


Maybe this is a chance for you to work with your Boss to make the pool a much safer place, meaning, a better response to injuries/emergencies?

20:53 Aug 07 2008

Could I have that oxygen...feeling a bit dizzy looking into the gaping hole to your brain!!! Ow, dammit. Sympathetic pain receptors are alert and functioning...pass the vicodin.

02:11 Aug 08 2008

J I hope you dont mind but I had to send this to my boss....we got a big kick out of the kids trying to help lol.

04:37 Aug 08 2008

*hugs* kisses your boo boo... give em hell girlfriend!

00:31 Aug 09 2008

Ohhh nasty, feel better soon x

02:07 Aug 09 2008

I'm very glad you were not hurt more seriously. Perhaps there is some way to make that area less prone to slipping? That close to a brick wall would be dangerous for anyone.

01:41 Aug 10 2008

glad you are ok hun.


19:55 Aug 06 2008
Times Read: 1,267

I have a bunch of amazing people in my coven. I will give you a glimpse. One of my 14 year old members posed the following question to the coven, in our coven threads.

”What attributes would you say a person needs to be a guardian? What is your definition of one? Would you strive to be one under your definition?”

We got some awesome answers.

LordVlkodlak - That's an unfair question to ask of me, my dear. I am a Guardian. I define the Guardians ... the true Guardians ... as the ones who possess many rare traits.

Guardians have a sharp eye. They have not only the ability to see what is on the surface, but beneath the surface. To see not only what is in front of them; but what is around them. To see not only what the outside of a situation shows; but what is truly happening.

Guardians have a keen mind. They have the wisdom to see problems from the positive, the negative, and the neutral. The wit to know that not all fights are won with the physical strength, but the mental. They hold their self beliefs and morals as close to their hearts as their family.

Guardians have the physical strength to stand firm in their battles. They have to confidence and the knowledge to know when to fight and when not to. They have the courage to stand strong with their brothern in force; to stand rooted in front of those who need the protection; and to stand with their backs to one another to protect each other.

Guardians know what is right and what is wrong ... and they know when right is done for the wrong reasons and justify doing wrong for the right reasons.

CelestiaNocturne - How eloquently put Lord V, but may I add a few things?

A Guardian needs to have an accepting, forgiving, and loving heart in order to care for those in their charge. They must have the vision to see what is hidden from them, and ears to listen to not only was has been said, but what hasnt been. They must possess a strong and patient spirit, mind and heart in order to properly deal with what is laid before them. A Guardian must have the Courage to stand up for what is right and to protect what is theirs.

*smiles and steps back into the shadows*

And we must be able to watch at all times, even when it seems like we arent around.

Contessa - One of the things I consider important in a true friend and guardian is honesty. I listen to my friends and they know that I will be honest with them even if it hurts. I will not break their trust by telling anyone of their conversations with me but they also know that should I be told something illegal or immoral I will take whatever steps are appropriate. I believe they are asking for help by telling me such a thing and I will give them that help even should it cost me their friendship.

Then the question was posed, again by the 14 year old……How can you be a guardian in your own life?

LadyChordewa - I can be a guardian by stepping in when someone is being abused or ridiculed.

CelestiaNocturne - I can be a Guardian by always lending an ear, having big shoulders, and giving of myself to those I care about.

Contessa - I can be a guardian by going green and taking care of Mother Earth.

Kitsuna - I can be a Guardian by advocating for the right thing and fighting for what I know is right.

Nartinalemaliki - I can be a guardian by protecting, to the death, the happiness of others and myself. By doing this, I can make sure that people can always if not most of the time, have the ability to smile about something that was either said or done, and I can as a guardian, I can be a comedic attribute to the ones I love most! It may be a different point of view, but yes, that is one way I can be a guardian.

Keira - The way I can be a guardian is by standing with the people that matter to me, cheering them yup as they would for me, protecting them from what ever problem they need help with. Its mainly just being yourself when people really need you.... I'm always there for everyone I know and the same back, makes us all guardians in special ways that can't be forced but natural.... but who knows I may be wrong on this and my mind is going crazy. Lol

theHaunted - A guardian in my mind is someone who is willing to sacrifice there own well being for someone they know or even dont know, for example look at firefighters going into a burning building to rescue someone they dont know risking their life, now some could try to argue that that is there job, however the person made the choice to put his life on the line for others and that goes also with the police, military, security, ems those people are true guardians.

CelestiaNocturne - I think....that a Guardian is someone who watches you from a distance, always protecting you even if you don't know it. Someone who is just a word away

Sweetnightmare - iv always thought of a guardian as some one who looks out for you wheater you think you need it or not.

Amazing answers huh?



20:05 Aug 06 2008

amazing and very grown up attitudes. I am glad to see these young ones take a personal intrest in what goes on around them. i praise them most highly.

01:43 Aug 07 2008

Kehehehehe. We're awesome!

11:44 Aug 07 2008

Yes, amazing is the right word.

14:44 Aug 07 2008

Would not expect anything but from that group of fine young people. And at least one old old dragon. ;)

13:44 Aug 09 2008

There are some very smart cookies in our jar :)


01:43 Aug 04 2008
Times Read: 1,282

Everyone, please check your Profile Help page banners to see if they are working. I updated the page and forgot about all the banners out there. All of the banners out there will not link, due to me creating a whole new page and deleting the old.

Please update them with the new banner that can be found on the forum thread, or in the Coven page. Let it be known, if and when I update again, I will not change the page as I did this time. I totally forgot about all the banners that are linked.

Please accept my apologies in the problem caused by this recent update of the page.



02:28 Aug 04 2008

Heh, thanks for the heads up. When I checked the link I got, "You have tried to access a Coven to which you do not have access." ;)


02:00 Aug 03 2008
Times Read: 1,295

I sat here about a week ago, giggling with delight over the $100 gift certificate for Powells book store.

I used it to get about 25 books and one DVD. I finally have in my hands the rest of the Anita Blake Series so I can find out what is going on. I got some Nora Roberts trilogies that I have always enjoyed and just other books of similar likes..

The DVD I got, is called The Last Castle. Starring Robert Redford. For you military folks out there, you will appreciate it. It is of a 3 star general that went against an Executive Order and 8 men under his command died. This General (Redford) pleads Guilty and is taken to a military prison with a Prison Warden, as a clueless collector of war souviners, but with no military experience to his name. It gets interesting from there. It is highly recommended by myself.



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