The top nine comments made by NBC sports commentators so far during the Summer
Olympics - that they would like to take back:
1. Weightlifting commentator: 'This is Gregorieva from Bulgaria. I saw her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing.'
2. Dressage commentator: 'This is really a lovely horse and I speak from personal experience since I once mounted her mother.'
3. Paul Hamm, Gymnast: 'I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father.'
4. Boxing Analyst: 'Sure there have been injuries, and even some deaths in boxing, but none of them really that serious.'
5. Softball announcer: 'If history repeats itself, I should think we can expect the same thing again.'
6. Basketball analyst: 'He dribbles a lot and the opposition doesn't like it. In fact you can see it all over their faces.'
7. At the rowing medal ceremony: 'Ah, isn't that nice, the wife of the IOC president is hugging the cox of the British crew.'
8. Soccer commentator: 'Julian Dicks is everywhere. It's like they've got eleven Dicks on the field.'
9. Tennis commentator: 'One of the reasons Andy is playing so well is that, before the final round, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them... Oh my God, what have I just said?'
I actually heard the weightlifting comment. We were sitting in a doctors waiting room when it was on and my partner and I almost wet ourselves laughing. lol.
That made me laugh. I appreciate that. =)
Those are hilarious! and I hadn't seen them before. The horse one is such a hoot LMAO!
lol cute.
Lord V walked in tonight and I was half turned away from him, looking at the messages on my laptop. I got up to say hello and jumped back when I hit something that crinkled.
He had a dozen red roses that he was handing me and I had bumped into them. When asked the reason...
"Just cause" With a big smile.
Does he have a brother?
Awwww that's lovely x
Listen...I'm gonna send my husband to him for a week, hopefully Lord V will depart some knowledge on him LOL.
I was wondering if he was going to offer classes
" just cause" if the most romantic reason to do anything , you lucky girl :)
Awww, how lovely! makes me feel like trading my husband in for a new model, but then I can't figure out what people would trade him for!
Hey Pai!!! I got a playmate for you. Her name is Maddie and she is about 7 years old (don't mind the white hair). She is a beagle/Dachshund mix. I'm not as good as Your mom, Morri, at taking pictures, but figured its time to give YOU a pen pal lol.
Hi Maddie! Boy she's got a cute face.
I just love those expressive eyes :)
*hugs puppy* Ahhh a pen pal that will not try and drown her. :)
So, time to tell you a story. Not one that guys will want to read….but it’s a story that I need to tell, to explain what I am going to attempt….and how I will need all your help and encouragement.
I started my periods when I was 11, they were always very heavy and the cramps would send me to bed for 3 out of the 5 days of it. Talk about a curse. When I was 16, my mother agreed with the doctor to put me on birth control, to help with the cramps, so I could actually function with the dreaded curse every month.
Fast forward 8 years, I am married to my first husband and we wish to start a family. I stop taking the birth control and we wait. After 4 years, while working at ADT, I begin bleeding. I think that my period has come two weeks early, but the cramps are incredible and the blood was just too much. I went from work directly to my OBGYN. I had a miscarriage. It was an eye opener and I never really processed that I had been pregnant. It made me look at my marriage and my husband closer. I decided, I didn’t want to bring a child up in a house where I was beaten and always walking on eggshells. It wasn’t long after that I left him.
All my life I have been overweight. Since I was about 14, I stopped being the trim, athletic person and started putting on weight, no matter what I did. Nutra-System, Phen-Phen, Jenny Craig, LA Weight loss, I tried them all. They worked for a bit, I would loose maybe 15 lbs, probably due to drinking all the water, but then I would stop. So, with the second husband, went to family doctor to talk about my weight. I was told that my thyroid was low or very close to borderline. It had been borderline since I was a teen. The doctor said he would put me on Thyroid medicine and that MIGHT help with my weight. He put me on a low dose…and never checked me again. Been on the same dose for going on 10 years now.
I am 37, twice divorced and with a man that I can truly love and respect. I wish to give him the ultimate gift, a child. He is an only child. The only child to carry on his father’s name. But I wish to have one too. So, I go to my doctor. The first female doctor that I have ever had. We talk and strike up a friendship. I explain about my weight, my thyroid and my desire for a child.
I know that I’m 37, I know I’m 100lbs overweight and with the MS, some say that I shouldn’t even attempt to have a child, considering that child will have a chance of having it passed down to them. But, I’m not diabetic, I have low blood pressure, my cholesterol is fine and no heart problems. I don’t eat a lot and I don’t eat a lot of sweets. I exercise at least 3 times a week. I am actually a healthy fat person, if there is such a thing.
She explains to me something very simple. The birth control, caused a hormonal imbalance. This caused the thyroid problem, causing my weight gain, hair loss, weak nails and flaky skin. But this also caused a hormonal problem, causing me to no longer ovulate. But there is hope. There is a pill called Clomid. It will kick start my ovulation. It isn’t too late.
But I need to loose some of the weight. So, I’m back to square one. The doctor stated that she will help me. She will increase my Thyroid pills, to help with the weight loss. Too bring my thyroid levels up from borderline, to above that and it will help me loose weight. But, I need to loose at least 30 lbs, prepare my body by getting lots of vitamins and to go through some tests to make sure that my ovaries are in working order.
But as I read my books from my birthday, I read of how it is to be pregnant, as one character feels the flutter of the babe in her belly. How another, looks down at the babe, suckling at her breast. I am in tears, believing that I may never have that ability, all because of a decision to help with the cramps, that has made my life difficult. I am of mixed emotion. Realizing, that I have endured being called fat and disgusting all my life, due to this decision. That I have had low self esteem because I thought it was a weakness within myself, that I wasn’t strong enough to loose weight.
I have been called defective, since I couldn’t produce a child, by not one husband but two. To find out, that it was always possible, that both of these things could be fixed so easily, is so frustrating and scary at the same time. I have been so fat, so obese for so long, that I don’t remember ever not being fat. Is it possible that all this time, it wasn’t my fault? Is it possible that I may have a child, finally? Is it possible, that I may have the family that I have always dreamed of? A man that loves me to distraction and a child to love and protect of our own?
I can only hope and pray and do my damnest to loose the weight. I know stressing over it, won’t help. No need to tell me that. But it hit me today, how my life has made a chance, simply to help a teen with her cramps….and now 22 years down the road, I am down to the last inning. They only give Clomid for 6 months. If you aren’t pregnant in 6 months, then you probably won’t get pregnant I am told.
So, going to wait. I’m going to get the new dosage from the doctor and see how I feel. She states I should start loosing weight, without doing anything, due to it increasing my metabolism. If it starts to work, I will go all out. Increase the exercise, take my vitamins and pills and eat even more healthy. Thirty pounds isn’t much in my eyes, but it is a goal. I will keep you all posted.
No matter the cause, wanting to have a baby and facing problems concieveing hurts. It may be a long road but you are a determined lady.
I wish you well my dear *hugs.*
I know that you can do this. Desire is certainly intent here.
Wow...all this strikes so many chords with me it's unreal. I'm due for blood tests this week about this very thing. I feel for you, I really do. I know what you're going through *hugs*
My prayers and best wishes are with you fully.
Hon I am with you 100%. I know I'm allll the way across the country but you always have me for support!! I'll send positive thoughts and support your way :)
The joy of having a child. ive been blessed with two. and now they are grown. i miss the little ones that i held and loved. but for all the roller coaster ride that it was. I would never trade it for all the money in the word. And heres hoping my sister, that you get the chance to ride in the front of it..will light a candle, will send yo and josh all the postive energy that I can....:)
*Clapping and cheering* You couldn't have said it better! You are exactly right in your thoughts and I will say that mine echoes yours.
Yeah, I hate to bash people that seem to be 'helping'... but problem here is, the guy doesn't seem to know enough about VR to offer any assistance to our site members. He's offering things we already offer right here. And with the paypal links to donate??? Maybe this is more of a money making venture, I dunno :(
I agree, Images! This is the comment I made upon his profile, and I know I shouldn't but these are my thoughts on the matter:
I find it funny that someone who has had their own profile suspended due to coding is offering a website trying to teach people HTML, when he has not bothered to read TOS, The VR Manual, nor is he any type of Cancer's staff. Kind of tooting your own horn there, aren't you?
i agree with your personal concerns.
VR has been set up with all the goodies that one needs to 'do up your pro and why the additional crap?
it's like having a site that sells butter....and having a person saying "hey, here's my butter too...but note it's special 'cos it's a shade or two darker.."
i do not agree with every technical idea put forth here, as hacking is a multi-functional, multi-platform-headed beastie...and not always will the IP addy change...meaning, that there are several ways to skin a cat, looking at cookies or not...but i digress. it just makes me look like a friend of yours with too much knowledge for her own good and too big of a mouth.
i will not be offended if you delete this reply, we are still friends aand i certainly laud you for speaking your thoughts.
Isn't this the same guy that sent you a message a few months back wanting into your coven to help with the help page? Wanting your password to your comcast so that he could edit the pages? Didn't he also ask for copies of the help pages you made?
Just asking. ;p
Borked, I am no Admin here but yes, I am aware that it was an XSS attempt w/o even being told.
Mayhap we could put up a bit someplace about securing your computer against such attempts, or do we already have this Ladychordewa?
Raziel did ask me to come to VR System Inc. He wanted to host the Profile Help page on that website. He stated he would be more than glad to help me set up the site....
The one that asked me for my password and guts, was someone petitioning my house, not Raziel.
Borked - if you noticed, I posted what was said, in quotes, as, this is what was stated by him or his site. So, I wasn't misunderstanding him, these are my interpretations of what he said. Its my I'm allowed to state them.
As for the xss protection, as Borked and Kontradiction are talking about, I know that at one time, there was a thread regarding it or on some ways to protect your computer. I don't see it anymore. Might be something to put in a member article.
I love talking to intelligent woman, Imagesinwords is one of them...
"Vampirism parallels HUMANITY. Feeding off each other is a very natural thing, and necessary for health. That's why solitary confinement in prison is punishment. People go crazy without human interaction."
My response...
"Exactly. How can you learn about yourself in this life, if you don't see someone's mistakes and make your own and see the reaction of others when you do? Its part of growing and maturing..."
we're recording and watching the Olympics.
how did you like the Opening Ceremony?
Oh my goodness. The opening Cerimony was amazing! I've taped the whole thing, with my jaw to the floor the whole time.
*blinks her eyes* Wow.
The dreams of thousands of American kids were born with this race.
We watched this race too...and screamed...and I'm SO glad we kicked the butts of the smack talkin' Frenchies. I can't believe how strong the anchor came up right at the end, it was amazing.
OMFG that race OWNED!!!
Dude.. is that French guy crying??
One of the problems that LordV and I have is the, "I don't know" syndrome. We are so use to pleasing other people, that is our decision on most things.
So, Sunday, as we are trying to figure out what to go with our steaks, we got in the same funk.
"what do you want with your steak?" I asked.
"I don't know," he says.
"Do you want Rice?"
"I don't know."
"Do you want Stove top?"
"I don't know."
"Do you want Lipton Noodles?"
"I don't know."
"Ok dear, you are going to have to make at least one decision in your life...."
"I did....I got you here, didn't I?"
Now how can you fight with that. LOL.
LOL you can't lol
thats sweet lol
LMAO cute.
lol, that's me and my man at dinner.
Thank the Bobs! I've always wanted to have a message for that. =]
Sure thing.. Rat doesn't mind being a guinea pig. Wait... I mean... oh well you know what I mean.
*rat smiles*
Anything for Lady C and my beloved site.
Nice work ladies
Wow...that is INCREDIBLE NEWS.
Not a better choice..she is such a wonderful person!
*trots off to put up Thread in UO Forum*
Friggn' SWEET! You'll make a great Dominar!
Well fun times last night. After I got finished teaching the swim lessons, I got out to go to the bathroom, before I headed home. But I hit a patch of standing water and down I went. I would have been fine, except I was close enough to the brick wall that they had in front of the door to the ladies room, to catch my head on the corner.
So basically I slipped fell and on my way down, I hit the corner of the brick wall and slide down it, slicing my head open. I didn't loose consciousness and wasn't dizzy, just my head hurt. So, I put my hand over it. Someone asked me if I was ok, I said yes and went to get up. When I pulled my hand away from my head, the girl helping me saw blood on my hand and started yelling, "Put your hand back on it, put your hand back on it!!! GET ME SOME GLOVES!!"
Whoo that looks painful...but at least you only have to stink for 24 hours ;-)
But what's weird is, we have the same name :-)
Oh honey......I am so glad that you are all right.
And I was an EMT too for a few years...I would've clipped away at those "kids" in the same way.
Maybe this is a chance for you to work with your Boss to make the pool a much safer place, meaning, a better response to injuries/emergencies?
Could I have that oxygen...feeling a bit dizzy looking into the gaping hole to your brain!!! Ow, dammit. Sympathetic pain receptors are alert and functioning...pass the vicodin.
J I hope you dont mind but I had to send this to my boss....we got a big kick out of the kids trying to help lol.
*hugs* kisses your boo boo... give em hell girlfriend!
Ohhh nasty, feel better soon x
I'm very glad you were not hurt more seriously. Perhaps there is some way to make that area less prone to slipping? That close to a brick wall would be dangerous for anyone.
glad you are ok hun.
I have a bunch of amazing people in my coven. I will give you a glimpse. One of my 14 year old members posed the following question to the coven, in our coven threads.
”What attributes would you say a person needs to be a guardian? What is your definition of one? Would you strive to be one under your definition?”
We got some awesome answers.
amazing and very grown up attitudes. I am glad to see these young ones take a personal intrest in what goes on around them. i praise them most highly.
Kehehehehe. We're awesome!
Yes, amazing is the right word.
Would not expect anything but from that group of fine young people. And at least one old old dragon. ;)
There are some very smart cookies in our jar :)
I sat here about a week ago, giggling with delight over the $100 gift certificate for Powells book store.
I used it to get about 25 books and one DVD. I finally have in my hands the rest of the Anita Blake Series so I can find out what is going on. I got some Nora Roberts trilogies that I have always enjoyed and just other books of similar likes..
The DVD I got, is called The Last Castle. Starring Robert Redford. For you military folks out there, you will appreciate it. It is of a 3 star general that went against an Executive Order and 8 men under his command died. This General (Redford) pleads Guilty and is taken to a military prison with a Prison Warden, as a clueless collector of war souviners, but with no military experience to his name. It gets interesting from there. It is highly recommended by myself.
00:30 Aug 29 2008
ROFL. My stomach!!! Thats the funniest thing I've seen all day!!!
00:30 Aug 29 2008
First one is good, but the second one you can tell its not her. Duh!
00:34 Aug 29 2008
00:34 Aug 29 2008
wow, hehe
00:41 Aug 29 2008
I just pointed out to you because I thought it looked a little strange ;)
00:57 Aug 29 2008
lmao,,,,, boy am I glad that I haven't seen that one yet. Come on give me a break at least learn how to do the image properly.
01:06 Aug 29 2008
06:06 Aug 29 2008
The first pic's a pretty good attempt at photoshopping, but the second one...sheesh. Even if she had gotten Pammy's eye out of it, her face has the exact same expression on both pics! Normal people move their faces...
14:20 Aug 29 2008
22:04 Aug 30 2008
That's funny..but I am sure TL would be looking for a hookah pipe after finding that in his arms!
22:54 Oct 12 2008
lmao i thought is this as funny