LadyChordewa's Journal

LadyChordewa's Journal


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13 entries this month


05:57 Apr 30 2008
Times Read: 896

I have finally finished checking all the Covens. I think i'm gonna wait until Monday, to start on the houses.

*Goes to find a cold drink and to relax*




Thank you.

17:43 Apr 29 2008
Times Read: 924

Last night, as my character was gleefully being shredded, a stranger came out of the darkness to give me a compliment and a needed boost.

”Well, whatever is "going on right now", I hope will pass soon, if it's something negative. You seem to me to be a good person... and my instincts are seldom wrong……and, anyone who truly knows me will tell you, I don't just toss out empty compliments or feign respect... I mean what I say, and I call 'em as I see 'em. You hang tough, regardless of what might be going on in your world right now... I have no doubt you've got countless friends and a support system to help you through anything that might come your way.

Thank you dear lady, for the words that I needed last night. You don’t know how much I appreciated them.

Then this morning, another stranger, that I highly respect on this site, messaged me out of the blue.

I've noticed that some people have been saying nasty things about you because of the work you do. I just want you to know that you are supported even though your job is tough and you'll hear a lot of complaining.

Besides, the ones who are bitching are the attention seekers. There will always be complainers and the best way to deal with them is is by ignoring them. They have no foundation for their arguments and deserve to be ignored. You're doing a great job. ^.^

Thanks hon. I needed to hear wise words this morning.




Harley update....

06:27 Apr 23 2008
Times Read: 988

For those of you, interested in an update about Harley. She has been lethargic, tired most the time, but this is what greeting me this morning.



13:08 Apr 23 2008

Awwww ♥

23:53 Apr 23 2008

Music to my ears :)

00:49 Apr 24 2008

My new favorite Youtube video!!

:) Very Happy for you sis.

04:27 Apr 24 2008

way to go harley! keep on barkin'

23:41 Apr 24 2008

Agreed! What a sweetheart!

23:38 Apr 25 2008

HAPPY puppy...lol



19:10 Apr 21 2008
Times Read: 1,000




Update on Harley

19:32 Apr 20 2008
Times Read: 1,015

She seems to be adjusting. I actually sat her down and told her what the doctor said. At this point her kidney's are 75% damaged and that she had anywhere from 2 months to another year to live, before the toxins in her blood killed her. Most people put their dogs down when they break their housebreaking, but I told her I understand and would work with her. I just asked her to do her best to wake me up, to put her out. Not sure if it was the conversation or things that the doc and i are trying but no messes for a week.

We have her on vitamins. Cranberry pills to help keep her urinary tract healthy. One specifically to help keep her healthy kidney tissue healthy. She is actually on Benedryl. Apparently the Mast Cell Tumor in her leg is leaking histamine, that is what is damaging her kidney. So we are trying to cut down on the histamine with Benedryl. We have her on a high protein dog food, add in some high protein canned food and she seems to be adjusting well. In a couple months, I'm going to add gastrix, its a food supplement that will help prevent stomach ulcers, as the toxins build it causes that, causing her to start to vomit her food up. Not there yet, but figured anything I can do to prevent it, will help.

She is not peeing inside anymore, she is very playful. Its wonderful to see.



21:59 Apr 20 2008

It's great to hear her being playful!! Great news!


Happy Birthday Hellsguardian!!

19:23 Apr 19 2008
Times Read: 1,033

A gift...To my Confidant, my Protector, my Best friend, My love...

For you..

I’m not sure how our friendship began

You walked with me when I was scared from the pain

and the little I knew of what I was going through

I knew I was in the care of love and friendship

I was a ward, now I am his best friend

Who would have known that things would come this far

I saw how scared I was and how I have gained strength from him

I saw his vulnerability and loved him all the more for showing me

I saw how the darkness enveloped him and then me on that faithful night

I strive to be the friend, the woman that he has never known

Honest, true and loyal to him above all others

I will carry the memory of our time together, for this life is not our time

But know that I love you Dark one, as only a best friend can.




Mind your own business because you don't have children

00:17 Apr 19 2008
Times Read: 1,056

I’m not going to go into how the meet with my sister in law went. I will just say, that Maddie and Harley were free in their own home and that it was a short visit. I will go on to say this. I know that it makes Parents angry to be critiqued on how to parent by those of us, like me, that has no children. Yet, with my background, as an EMT, Lifeguard and First Aid instructor and numerous babysitting from 13 into my adulthood, I believe I can tell you a bad mother from a good mother.

Here is a test I devised. With things that I have seen, heard and witnessed as my Sister in law brings up my nephew. It seems like common sense, but apparently, not all parents were given common sense. Some of the answers are things that I have done with my nephew, only to be screamed at, dressed down and told that I should “Mind my own business because you don’t have children.” Hence the title.

1. You are babysitting a 6 month old boy in the morning. The mother tells you when he wakes up, to give him 2 ounces of breast milk and if he fidgets, to give him 1 more ounce of formula. So she left, the baby woke. After 4 ounces, 2 ounces of breast milk and 2 of formula and attempting to burp him, he is still fussy. Do you?

a.) Ignore him.

b.) Give him another 2 ounces of formula.

c.) Feed him a bottle of stuff for baby gas.

d.) Allow him to cry until he makes himself sick.

2. You have a fenced back yard, with 4 dogs. A 90lb lab, a 60lb lab, a 30 lb mix breed and a 3 month old lab puppy are in the backyard. Also in the back yard is a deck with a foot drop on two sides, one side is against the fence the other steps down to concrete. On top of this deck is deck chairs and a kiddy pool with about a half a foot of water in it. Your 2 year old child, wants to go and play in the backyard. Do you?

a.) Wave him to go ahead and play, continuing to play on the computer.

b.) Continue cooking dinner, not knowing where he is.

c.) Sit with him, down on the deck, watching the dogs and him as he plays.

d.) Continue to fold laundry, “he is safe in his own backyard.”

3. Time to eat. Two year old boy is placed in a booster seat with a tray attached in front for his food. Food is placed on his tray. Do you?

a.) Set him in front of the TV and continue to clean the house.

b.) Set him at the table and ignore him.

c.) Allow him to climb out and eat as he runs around with the dogs chasing him.

d.) Sit with him and encourage him to eat and drink everything.

4. Your 3 year old is having a temper tantrum, because he isn’t getting his way, in your home. Do you?

a.) Ignore him, but make sure he won’t hurt himself.

b.) Offer him food.

c.) Give in and give him what he wants to touch.

5. You place your 3 year old in their child seat and before you can strap them down, they turn around and climb up into the back window, laying down. You ask them twice to get down and in their seat and are told a resounding, “NO!” You snatch the child down and put them in their seat and begin strapping them down, the whole time, the child is screaming bloody murder. Do you?

a.) Ignore him

b.) Distract him with toys.

c.) Let him go.

d.) Or as he is screaming pop jelly beans into his mouth.

These are situations I was placed in while taking care of my nephew. These are the different ways that I saw her handle the situations, except one, the one that I would consider acceptable. There are more situations I can give you, but truly as one friend told me, I should call child services.

What do you think? If you want to know more about the situations, just ask. If you want to know what I did in the situations, or what I thought the answers should be, just ask. After all, I don’t have children, so apparently I don’t count.



01:14 Apr 19 2008

Thus are the people that incite violence in me.

01:59 Apr 19 2008

Like I said earlier...why is it that people who want children have to go thru tests and evaluations and such to adopt, but any old moron can go popping out a kid. Sucks.

02:08 Apr 19 2008


02:51 Apr 19 2008

The people without common sense and have children are lower on the scale of credibility, that others that have common sense and do not have kids. And in my opinion you have more credibility than either.

04:14 Apr 19 2008

As for why I didn't call child services, several reasons. These were strung out things that I have experienced in short intervals over the years. If I felt that the child was in true danger or truly being neglected in every sense of the word, I wouldn't hesitate to call child services. I am simply pointing out that she does things that I don't agree with, how I might handle things differently. Am I wrong not to call?? I might be, but I might be seeing her at extreme circumstances, or not understand the background of the situation. I am seeing the surface and at times, it just doesn't sit right with me.


For Vampirewitch....You asked....

19:38 Apr 16 2008
Times Read: 1,097

Those of you who are avid readers of my journal will remember last year, I allowed my dogs to be watched by my sister in law. My August GRRR section will renew your memory of the outcome of that, start at the bottom entry and then go up.

Anyways, over the past couple of months, LordV and I have felt like we were being stalked, as things would magically appear on our doorstep, from my sister in law. Apparently she got the address from my family and did a google map to find us. Well, she called to ask if I wanted to see my nephew and part of me says YES!!!! The other part of me isn't ready to deal with her.

Harley my other dog is in Renal Failure, I'm sure she would enjoy the company of an active child as she likes children but I don't want to force Maddie to have to deal with a child she doesn't like and a woman that didn't care for her during her time of need.

I guess I can put Maddie up in our bedroom but this is her house and she should feel confident and comfortable here.

Yeah, I'm thinking of my dogs feelings....sue me.

I don't want my nephew to thing that I don't love him. I want him to feel as if he can come and visit with us anytime. I don't have to like his parents, sister in law who is so out of it and I won't even go into how my brother treated me when I was there.

Now, to tiptoe around my sister in law and have some fun with my nephew.



19:58 Apr 16 2008

Aww. If he isn't the cutest thing...

I agree LadyC, I think it's good to make the best situation out of it.

Best wishes. *hugs*

23:10 Apr 16 2008

Take care of the doggy. :) Sorry- I like animals better then kids. Just me.

*leaves a cookie*

23:11 Apr 16 2008

...and what a cute nephew he is!

23:21 Apr 16 2008

D'awwww. Adorable =]

23:44 Apr 16 2008

He is precious! give him squeezies for me :)

00:44 Apr 17 2008

I hope Maddie bites her ankles.

02:04 Apr 18 2008

He looks like a handfull :) He might give Adam a run for his money. lol Maddie deserves to be comfortable but I think if she was secure in your room and away from your sister in law, she'd be more comfortable knowing she was not around her. *Maddie that is, who cares if the in law is nervous*


Why Thank you UtahVamp

20:43 Apr 15 2008
Times Read: 1,114

On 19:13:23 Apr 15 2008 (-0 GMT) UTAHVAMP wrote:

Hey I wanted to say thankyou for the awsome help page!! I was lookging it over and was able to make some coold changes to my page, Its still a work in progress, but very nice. You guys are awsome for setting up this type of assitance. Take care be safe.

On 19:30:53 Apr 15 2008 (-0 GMT) LadyChordewa wrote:

Thank you, I appreciate hearing that it is helpful. I will be updating it soon to make it more user friendly.


It was very helpful I added the link to my page, I hope anyone who visits my page and likes it will visit your help page, I had been looking for a way to figure out how to alter my page, and stumbled across your help page its sweet, again thank you and take care.



21:46 Apr 15 2008

W00t! How did we live without the help page? I look at it a least once a day Lol.

21:56 Feb 09 2009

Oh I really need to look at more things other than the forum or profiles lol!



17:11 Apr 13 2008
Times Read: 1,144

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting a family from VR.

Silverbow, her husband Khornesone and her daughter Wolfbite (that is in my coven) and her brother Iaelan.

They have moved cross country from Maryland to Washington and we have become close due to a mutual friend on here, Hellsguardian69. It was wonderful meeting the family and giving them hugs. They are exactly like they are online. They came and visited, meeting my dogs, LordVlkodlak and I. We sat and talked, watched Jeff Dunham, went to get Chinese and then Stone Cold Creamery for ice cream. We then came back to the house, the adults played Skip-bo, as Iaelan played our Gamecube and Wolfbite read the book, Twilight. No, pictures weren’t taken this time, we intend to meet again soon and we will take some them.

It was nice to finally meet another person from VR. I have met several others, but this is the first woman that I met. I don’t trust easily, been burned by too many women online to trust. I learned the hard way, that this is just fantasy online. That I can’t live my life online. I have a good balance right now, with LordVlkodlak in my real life and my coven online. Still, I don’t trust people online until I meet them. It’s too easy to hide things, lie and not be totally honest with yourself and others online. On the first server I was on, my reputation was trashed due to high school bullshit, as someone didn’t like me talking to this guy, even though I was married. The next, the co owner of the room we had, felt I didn’t want to be there due to me having new “so called” friends. So, she stripped me of my powers and basically stopped talking to me. The new “so called” friends, turned their back on me, when I proved one of them to be a liar. So, I came here to VR. I was taken into a coven, who’s Mistress accused me of trying to take over her coven, putting a chink in my reputation yet again. Went to another coven, went to a house and when I became Sire, I left the house to make my coven. On VR, I have had one woman that was jealous of the guys I spoke too and use to try to guilt trip them, for talking to me. They eventually stopped talking to her due to this, she blames me, Oh well. I have had women jealous of the best friends I claim on here, namely LordVlkodlak and Hellsguardian69. Tearing into me, due to the fact that they could never take my “position” as confidant and best friend to them. So, you see why I don’t trust women online??? Do you blame me? Nothing personal to any of the women on here, but until I meet you in person, I will not trust you. Just how I am.

Yes Silverbow, we are ok now. I do trust you as I have read you, found you to be the exact same person you are online. I hope our relationship will blossom, since I am not one to have “girlfriends” and it would be nice to have one in my life.



17:52 Apr 13 2008

I'm glad you had a good time meeting up with new friends.

18:31 Apr 13 2008

It's so weird to me that so many women are such bitches. I know its all about socialization, but still, its often quite unpleasant. I'm happy you found a woman friend. =)


Thing to deal with...

22:15 Apr 11 2008
Times Read: 1,174

Lately, my dog LadyHarlequinn or Harley, as we call her, has been having trouble. Harley is my 10 year old, AKC Yellow lab.

Two years ago she was diagnosed with a Mast Cell Tumor on her front leg. They couldn’t remove it, due to it being linear and engrossed into a lot of her muscle and tendons on that leg. So, I was given several choices. Radiation and Chemo, take the leg, or put her down. Due to her Hip dysplasia, I felt it would be cruel to take her leg. Radiation and Chemo, was too expensive and I couldn’t bare to put her down. I was told these options, as Harley laid in a cage, during recovery from the biopsy. I looked down at Harley and asked her, “what do you want?” She got up and walked to me, surprising the hell out of the doctor.

I took Harley home and within days, she was walking with no trouble and back to her normal self. I guess I had my answer. The doctor warned me, that eventually if hit or bumped, the Mast Cell Tumor would leak into her system and he expected it to be within a couple months. That was over 2 years ago.

Lately, Harley has been having accidents in the house and drinking an excessive amount of water. First, urinalysis turned out that she had a UTI and we were given antibiotics. Within days of being off the antibiotics, she reverted to her accidents and drinking habits. I took in another urinalysis and waited for the test results. After several days, I finally called and got a tech, who said something about high protein and the urine just not looking right. He said that it looked like the doc wanted one more urine sample to check on one more thing.

So, I walked behind Harley again this morning, with a pie pan, to shove under her when she squatted. I dropped off the urine and tried to explain what the doctor wanted. The receptionist went back and asked the doctor, the doctor came out and asked to speak to me.

“The Mast Cell Tumor has leaked, possibly into her kidney’s. She has a very high protein content, indicating the kidney’s aren’t filtering correctly. She might have a tumor in her kidney’s, but she is in the beginning stages of renal failure.”

It took a second to hit me what she was saying. She was telling me that Harley is dying. Her kidney’s are shutting down and eventually that in itself will poison her. Dogs generally don’t get dialysis. So, it hit me. I will have to put Harley down soon, within a couple of months.

I sit here crying, as I'm having to deal with loosing the one person that has been with me through everything, both marriages, the abuse, the moves, the MS....the one person that has loved me unconditionally since the beginning. I call her a person, due to anyone that has a close relationship with animals, can tell when you are dealing with a personality or just a simple entity. It’s a wonderful thing to be loved unconditionally by someone that can’t do anything but show how happy they are to see you, to cuddle with you, to let you have a shoulder to cry on.

I sit here and do the what if game…What if I hadn’t moved to WV? What if I had taken her leg when they suggested it? What if I had gotten the chemo and radiation?

I know these thoughts are crazy, but its part of my dealing. These dogs are my responsibility and their well being is in my hands, its natural for me to feel as if I failed her in some way. I’m just dealing.



22:57 Apr 12 2008

Dogs really are man's best friend. I'm truly sorry for the heartache you are going through.

17:24 Apr 13 2008

You are and have been doing exactly what you should. You listen to your dogs, and you include them in the choice. Don't worry over should/could be- life is in the now, so love and honor her in the way she wants- by just being you :)

21:01 Apr 13 2008

I'm sorry sugar- I know how painful it is to lose someone that is so close to you- even if they are animals- some people just don't get it-

Mine was 2 cats, that Jim and I had had almost since we moved to CA. We lost them a few years ago, and I was destroyed. But you treasure the time you did have with them, the good you both did for each other, and remember the love.


Thank you Cinnamon

04:25 Apr 11 2008
Times Read: 1,189

I am honored. Thank you hon. Go see Cinnamon’s journal




Thanks Mimiminx!!!!

04:36 Apr 04 2008
Times Read: 1,225

My first attaboy. Thank you hon.

Sent Cancer the following message though you might want a copy considering it was about you lol :)

Cheers LadyChordewa

Message To: Cancer

Hi Cancer

just a quick message to tell you that LadyChordewa is a credit to VR :)

She suspended my profile, not sure why, think it was because the tables at the right hand side were at the bottom.... anyway thats irrelevant as I must have been unconsciously breaking VR rules (bold me :) and she offered her help because I'm computer illiterate and had it up and running for me again in no time.

She was pleasant, courteous, helpful and extremely efficient, which is everything that VR admin should be and I'm sure you agree.

I just wanted you to know that and how much I appreciated her kindness and help.

She can suspend my profile anytime :) That was a joke I not that rebellious lol

She's a gem

So much for a short message eh?





07:28 Apr 04 2008

Sure he will get use to seeing these kind of messages about you. Good job sis. :)

11:42 Apr 04 2008

Way to go!!

08:30 Apr 06 2008

That's my girl...the best of the best, and true to her form as always...

And I'm proud of you too...

06:35 Apr 11 2008

*Looks twice to check*....that makes a refreshing change, I hope you were sitting down when you read it ? lol

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