LadyButterfly's Journal

LadyButterfly's Journal


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I love this song. The lonely by Christina Perri

21:56 Nov 17 2011
Times Read: 512

2 a.m., where do I begin?

Crying off my face again

The silent sounds of loneliness

Wants to follow me to bed

I'm a ghost of a girl that I want to be most

I'm the shell of a girl that I used to know well

Dancing slowly in an empty room

Can the lonely take the place of you?

I sing myself a quiet lullaby

Let you go and let the lonely in to take my heart again

Too afraid to go inside

For the pain of one more loveless night

But the loneliness will stay with me

And hold me 'til I fall asleep

I'm a ghost of a girl that I want to be most

I'm the shell of a girl that I used to know well

Dancing slowly in an empty room

Can the lonely take the place of you?

I sing myself a quiet lullaby

Let you go and let the lonely in to take my heart again

Broken pieces of

A barely breathing story

Where there once was love

Now there's only me and the lonely

Dancing slowly in an empty room

Can the lonely take the place of you?

I sing myself a quiet lullaby

Let you go and let the lonely in to take my heart again




Coz I'm editing yesterdays box things I missed yesterday in my hasty post. Read bottom up for each bit.

22:41 Nov 08 2011
Times Read: 518

AltairIbnLaAhad: We might hear Katies brain implode

Requiem: Katie, you DIRTY DIRTY girl!

AltairIbnLaAhad: If we're really quiet

Requiem: And, frighteningly enough ... hand puppets.

Requiem: And cats.

AltairIbnLaAhad: She's thinking about me and Christian Bale ;)

Lullaby: don't know anymore

Lullaby:I just

Lullaby: In more ways than one! x_X

Requiem: Stymied, Aunteh kateh?


AltairIbnLaAhad: Aiiir ohmygod

Requiem: hah

Lullaby: ... Wat.

Requiem: "Climb me, fan of my fans."

AltairIbnLaAhad: 'Maybe Christian Bale wouldn't push it.. If the chance presented itself ' Wouldn't push it? I really hope he doesn't just stand there..

AltairIbnLaAhad: Brain what even did you write there

Requiem: That one kind of hurt.

AltairIbnLaAhad: NO

AltairIbnLaAhad: OHMYGOD

AltairIbnLaAhad: Wowowowowow Req haha!

AltairIbnLaAhad: Y'know

AltairIbnLaAhad: Maybe Christian Bale wouldn't push it.. If the chance presented itself

Requiem: my brainm

Requiem:to wash

Requiem:I need

Requiem: WOW I just had an image of katie running you like a hand puppet

AltairIbnLaAhad:Okay okay

Lullaby: Dear lord xD

AltairIbnLaAhad:Aslong as it doesn't go up my arse its fine

AltairIbnLaAhad: Bwahah its better than me telling you I'd have his babies?


Requiem: armpit?

Lullaby: Where do I stick my hand? o.o

Requiem: She said, "even Christian Bale would be pushing it."

Requiem: Katie, is she running a fever? Quick! Check!

Lullaby: Nooooo

AltairIbnLaAhad: I like older men but not as old as Sean Connery even Christian Bale would be pushing it..

AltairIbnLaAhad: Mature men are better

AltairIbnLaAhad:Yes because Christian Bale over rules my basic living needs.

Requiem: Ok. Just sorting your priorities.

AltairIbnLaAhad:Eating Bale

Lullaby: Batman banana popsicle!

Lullaby: I'm hungry now. o.o

Requiem: what? banana popsicle or eating the Bale-boi?

AltairIbnLaAhad: Ooooh that sounds like a good idea!

Requiem: And the world .... balances.

AltairIbnLaAhad: Maybe I can join the rest of my facebook list and write an incomphrensible status in a strange lanquaqe

Lullaby: Banana popsicle!

Requiem: Now you can go eat Christian. :)

AltairIbnLaAhad: Hey hey

AltairIbnLaAhad:-dies in a hole-





21:21 Nov 02 2011
Times Read: 532

What is a hero?

'1. A man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

2. A person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal: He was a local hero when he saved the drowning child.'

Heroes, someone who does something incredible, someone who does something noble. Someone who does something that people credit him for. For example for a lot of people Soldiers and fire-fighters etc are classed as a form of Heroes. I find them heroes to but I have a different idea on the term hero or maybe its a popular believe but its just what I believe agree or disagree at your own will I suppose.

Some children myself included when they were growing up wanted to be a hero, or a superhero. At one point some of us atleast wanted to be like Superman or Batman. Do we want to be heroes because they fufill our childish needs for attention? Because we don't grow up wanting to be Batman when we're 24 do we? (Well I do but regardless) Do we put those wants aside or are they hidden away inside a part of our brain and we all secretly want to be a hero to someone, do something heroic and be acclaimed for it?

Its just something I was thinking about, when I was younger I sort of wanted to be like a cross between Batgirl and Wonder woman. But now days my idea of a hero is like Batman. Someone who doesn't need flashy powers and super strength. He can win fights with strength (which isn't otherworldly or unnatural) he is intelligent and although he isn't always right he seems to always do the right thing. Isn't that what a hero is being about, doing the right thing always? Someone who always knows what to do in the heat of the moment who comes in and saves the day. Batman is easier to believe in to know people can be like him, Superman for me will be less believable as a hero because he has all these powers that technically don't exist. They are just Stories

Sometimes I would like to think that I would like to be a hero to be the one people look up to and respect for my actions. But on the other hand I like being just plain old me with no attention. Other times I just like being Batman :)



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