We finally have a decent digital camera. It isn't top of the line, but it's better than any one I've ever had.
I'm still learning how to work with it, and I've only taken a few dozen shots so far, but I'm totally in love with it. I'll be filling up the Arts and Crafts room with it's fruits soon enough. :D
I'm so happy I could dance, and I just might! :D
It's been awhile since it's been this intense. It's been awhile since it was something more than day in and day out. It's been awhile since I have just let it be what it was. It's been even longer since, if ever, I accepted wild abandon as an option. It's going to be even longer if it all stops again, and I don't know if I can take that. Let there be abandon, but don't let it end stagnant. Stagnancy is a greater death than the one I face. Let's have no more of these deaths, I want to live awhile.
I don't like it when Life becomes scheduled around the things you do to "kill the time."
Aren't those supposed to be the things that you do when you DO NOT have anything else to do?
Since when did it become a thing that, what is really going on in the World around us becomes trivial, compared to the "psuedo worlds" we have created for ourselves?
I just have a difficult time believing that if all we divulge into our surroundings are ways to innovate detaching and distancing ourselves from them; we will be able to achieve anything other than being out of touch with a reality that will still be there.
This, of course, being only one perspective.
"Moderation in all things."
I do like that particular ideal. It seems to work fairly well, as it at least allows for a conciousness (on some level or another) for all of one's aspects/beings.
I'm sitting at home, the last home I ever had as a young adult. So many things are different here, and yet, so many things are the same.
Just outside the window, I can only make out the faint gleam of snow from the pitch black. Only the backporch light breaks the "Silent night" surrounding; unnoticed by the rest of the World.
What I miss, are the voices of the trees. Some years ago, a logging company came through this place and took all of the eldest from the land.
No, I don't hear their screams, but I do hear the lament of their brethren as they echo from my own heart. These were the trees that shared the sunrise with me everyday before I left here to strike off on my own.
I am caring for some family members, so I'm not free to wander the grounds as I used to do. Once upon a time, I would have spent endless hours wandering the woods, basking in the beauty around every corner.
As I was packing for the trip, I hated not having a good camera with which to capture the scenery.
For now, I am content with : the quiet voices murmuring lightly, the winds blowing outside, and the ticking of the clock along the mostly silent backdrop. It's good to be here for a time.
It is good to remember.
People are really good at that. It's become an art form on it's own..a survival skill; and nearly everyone (if not everyone) does it. I don't mean recently, it's been going on for a very long time.
I was having a conversation with a friend in which they stated, "I was born in the wrong time. I want to go back to the Dark Ages when people just were who they were."
(I lost respect for the education system my friend had been forced to gain their edcuation from in that very instant.)
Perhaps there was a time that Man acted as him/herself and that alone. Perhaps him/her applies exactly to that; as my mind can only wrap around it happening IF: we were adrogyneous. seeking no interest for companionship, and were able to provide completely for one's self with absolute autonomy from any other person.
(Although in the interest of fairness, there is no way I could have honestly explored all the possibilities.)
My friend was under the illusion that Modern Life is to blame, and I suppose I was under an illusion that his illusion WAS the illusion. What turned out being true was that depending on how far "back" you take modern; it HAS been the evolution of Man into a Society that is pretty much what caused this skillset to emerge.
(I swear this stuff makes sense to me when I read it back, so if it's difficult to follow, please let me know.)
How useful is the skillset? Plenty..that's why it's still around and well in use.
See, it's original useages, they were kind of functional and made sense. If the climate was rough, disease proliferated, new predators (or a competing species) emerged, there needed to be numbers to compensate.
On the same hand, if the climate and environment was proliferating and productive, numbers would naturally go up as well. Things were good, a species taking advantage of, or protecting against, any of these things is a pretty simple conclusion to draw.
(Once again, I could not have possibly thought of all of the possibilities here.)
Two sexes, gathering in small groups (packlike) in order to hunt and protect young, we are after all Animals too. It makes sense that we posess these instincts; they are key features to a method of survival.
(We also meshed a bunch of folks together who'd never had to alter their behavior for another excepting when exiting, conquering or defending territory before.)
Not alot of social interaction boundaries would have been set up in the very beginning. An understanding would have to be come to. There would have to be many trial and errors, and a great many things would probably go wrong.
Punishment would mostly likely be steep. Death, physical attack, or simply ostracism from the group which could mean death. The concept of obedience would be constructed from things such as these in the beginning, before Man broke Man.
Then these well educated packs would bear children, and these children would be taught quite early, obedience to these things. These things then being simple. Who eats first, what things are not theirs, listening to and following the directions of the one who eats first.
And the one who eats first would have well earned their favor, most likely having killed what they are eating first protecting the rest of them. This position would not I think, in the beginning, be given without deference to skill and proof of physical prowess. Maybe even a few shows of brute force.
Lessons would be learned, and taught through example, and then recanted tales, to those seeing fit to warn the next generation. These tales would be instrumental to reproductive success; and Nature LOVES a winner in that department in particular.
Give it a moment and ponder it, isn't it a beautiful and magical thing our Mind? That it took the ability to be merely what we are, add a dash of concious Memory, and we are able to transcend the limits of our body in what our "genetic memory" alone can do.
(I have gone so far into tangent now I fear, there is no going back.)
(I could stop here and debate if this is where the "evil of man" developed, when he developed his "conscience" and how we're all really just animals acting on desires in a preset construct.
I could say some other circular round table nonsense discussion as well. All I do want to say is,
I enjoy thinking about things that haven't been solved yet too, and I like seeing the ideas I have about them, and hearing the ones that you do to. :D)
BUT to finish out what I was saying, I'm NOT sure I like what the "being who we're not" has come to.
For me personally, because my experience is all I have to offer that I can call concrete to me; I don't mind deferring my Will from time to time for another. For the most part, I'm going to do what I want irregardless, if I'm willing to accept consequence..and if I'm not..well, then I suppose I need either find some way around the consequence, or not do it.
They are simple decisions we are making in Life; it's all the other people we involve in them that make everything such a serious, stressful mess.
I love this entry.Across the board.
Oh... How true indeed.
Thank you. :D
I fell asleep. :(
Everything I wanted right at my fingertips, day after day of waiting..and day after day of conciousness..and so just as relief is to come.
I fell asleep.
I didn't even get to kiss him goodbye, and now I won't see him until Sunday.
Insomnia robs me of so many things sometimes.
Waking up like this is the worst.
I couldn't be anymore insane right now.
Insane? Oh yes, I'll admit that wholeheartedly.
Who wouldn't be insane feeling like this?
Who in all this wide world is so very very strong
that it wouldn't break them?
First thing that hits me is the hate for anything that
woke me.
At least in sleep I don't have to face directly the
faces of my "torments."
That is overshadowed almost as instantly as it comes
by the racking "pain" that is Me.
This isn't just "physical" pain I suppose, although it
sure as hell feels physical.
I'm certain a portion of it is an overreaction to going without.
A mechanism involved to ensure survival; much like the other things that come.
I'm sure of the fact that I could be persuaded to do what needs to be done without all of those over elaborate "reactions."
If only I could reason with that unreasonable portion of my Self.
I don't want anyone to walk my Path. I'm having fun forging it for myself, and I wouldn't want anyone to rob themselves of that fun.
I take up experiences with the strangers I meet along the way. Sometimes they will walk beside me a time, and we bond as travelers. Sometimes our Paths go along the same general direction, and we get to know one another as friends.
Every now and again I trip on them, and find that we are both going to have to step over a bit, as we cannot occupy the same space.
I don't follow anyone, although from every now and again, something someone is doing along THEIR Path sparks my interest..and I wander that way to see what it is all about.
Curiousity, Chaos, and a love of Self Evolving Change; those are the inspirations that guide me along my way..and sometimes I'm stubborn and ignore all three.
What fun is there in predictability?
I love to learn, quick to passionate interest, capable of picking up things pretty quickly if I'm really inspired.
Of course, sometimes I poke along my Path..stray off course down a little trail..often to return and trudge along a-ways; disappointed that the berry bushes were under ripe and full of thorns.
Sometimes those trips are worth it..and I see a spectacular sunset, or even a bend in my Path I hadn't seen coming, (before I explored the other way for a new perspective.)
Yes, I think I'll keep the fun..greedy like that I guess. ;)
You've heard it before I'll bet..
Someone going through a hard time turns to the sky shaking an angry fist and says something like,
"What more can you do to me God?!? Why are you letting this happen to me?!?"
(Before you read anymore into this, please keep in mind that I am neither Christian NOR anti-Christian.)
Despite what the opening sounds like, this is not a theology discussion in-so-much as it is a relevance of perspective, (in regards to the entirety of who you are and how you relate to all aspects of yourself.)
Let me make this analogous, as well as literal, well..as literal as the example can be within THIS perspective.
We, as human beings, are comprised of copious organisms. Beyond the bacterium alone, there are worlds within worlds within us. Mitochondria and microbes, Archaea and microorganisms of every shape and size; we are made up of more than the pieces and parts of ourselves that we focus upon.
And the relevance begins there..
If God(s) (theoretical or otherwise) is(are) "within us all," and we are "created in his/her/their image," is it not possible he/she/they is(are) LITERALLY within us all? In-so-much as those very same microorganisms exist within (and comprise) us?
*Even if you differ in my choice of example, please follow with me here, the example itself may be irrelevant to your perspective..but the concept may be.*
What if God(s) conciousness of us existing exactly as our conciousness of all that makes up ourselves? What if that conciousness, while all knowing, wasn't always able to keep up with the demands of each portion of itself at the same time, because some portions and parts of itself were not doing as well as the others?
What if that meant, occasionally, just like us "God(s)" were focusing on the most needed or noticeable areas first? That perhaps he/she/they just didn't feel like "eating healthy" or "watching their weight?"
That's all very fantastical and stretched out as an example, but as a closing thought..
This all makes me wonder if all the little healthy cells in our body, when attacked to things like obesity related cancers and toxic exposure to various..well..toxins, raise their fists to the sky and curse us..ya know?