Kyriele's Journal

Kyriele's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


6 entries this month

Apologies Made Public

05:41 Aug 31 2010
Times Read: 631

The drama is as it always is. Nothing changes because nothing really changes.


My last journal post was written in anger. It named names. It was full of venom.

And....further to that...I really don't want to be one of the VR assholes that runs their mouths, tears people down, causes and stirs up shit.

And so...I apologize to the Covens who had that woman in their admin slots and most significantly to the CMs in the coven: Samael and AMurderOfSin.

Between people changing names, changing accounts, having multiple accounts, etc...it becomes very difficult to believe or trust anyone on here anymore.

I'll eat the proverbial crow and apologize to the CMs of the covens listed in the now dead journal entry.

It's too bad, however, that the punished and the abashed include everyone but the instigator.

This has been my one brush with VR dramatics and I've hated it. It's not in me to be vengeful, vindictive, spiteful, hateful ... takes up too much energy.

Back to my regularly scheduled succubal me.



06:37 Aug 31 2010

Hands you a Vicodin...

13:44 Aug 31 2010

I'm just a lowly 40s level guy but this comment in particular stood out:

"Between people changing names, changing accounts, having multiple accounts, etc...it becomes very difficult to believe or trust anyone on here anymore."

Emphasis mine. My recent brush with insanity (I won't even deign to call it 'drama') was marred in particular by multiple accounts being created by the one antagonist. That person has now 'left' and given his profile to someone else. I found/find it striking that more than one person has said "I don't believe it. I think it's a trap." That's just sad.

17:49 Aug 31 2010

Yeah, Justin. Cuz my little brush with this?? (felt more like being hit on the head to be honest...) resulted in the "antagonist" giving the account away...to someone who uses the same "terminologies". Now a handwriting analyst would say...hmmmm ... walks like the duck? Talks like the duck?? Writes like the duck??

00:17 Sep 01 2010

I thank you for your apology. I never thought ill of you and I hope that we may remain friends. Please, in the future if you have any problems with a member in my coven, PLEASE come and talk to me first.



17:28 Aug 30 2010
Times Read: 720




03:33 Aug 20 2010
Times Read: 735



Much Ado About Covens/Houses

18:58 Aug 07 2010
Times Read: 816

This diatribe is going to be very circular and make me sound like an ancient member:

I remember when I first arrived on VR. Everything and everyone was new. I studied all the covens and Houses and made application to The House of Umbrae Octo. I would have to be voted in as a member. Some members helped get my profile up to snuff and then came the induction day. I was a PROUD member of Umbrae Octo.

That meant that I participated in the favour earning thread. That meant that I participated in the forums. I proudly wore my House crest. If a VR member rated me low, I would NICELY ask them to re-rate or for what I could do to make my profile better. Automatic 10's?? Hell, no! 3's and 5's and 8's and all the numbers of the rainbow :)

I just rated every person on VR who is a member of a Society. You know what I noticed?? HUNDREDS upon HUNDREDS of members that have NEVER posted in their home. Hundreds that haven't even been online in 2010!

I know that most societies send out a welcome msg of some sort to new members. I know that each group has a set of rules for members to follow. I know that each group has a crest to display on your profile. So....where is societal pride?

Now this isn't just directed towards regular members in the society. I've seen people who hold titles who haven't been online in 6 or more months...or they, themselves, have paltry postings if any at all. Covens have proliferated into a haze of nothingness.

I see that the masters and assistants do not have a finger on the pulse of their members at all. And don't seem to mind that much at all. We have become numbers (ratings, head count, status level) and nothing more.

Although forcible inductions are part of life here... it would seem that the societies would at least force their members to adhere to the posted rules or get rid of them. What is so wrong about a level 87.02 that's drifting in the pond, no associations...when they do not participate and may not even have been on VR since 2007??

Why do we sire up and open up our own societies? Is it an ego thing now? I remember WAY fewer covens, and while most espoused: family, loyalty, being all vampy nicey nicey, adhering to VR TOS, etc...each group had its own identity: one for the poets/writers; one for the wiccans; one for the Satanists; one for pirates; Egyptian mythos; Norse mythos; etc, etc, etc

Now? It just seems to be an ego boost.

I have been trying to level to Sire since the Coven of Monomacy closed. I wanted to reunite our family. I wanted a place that was run under the tenets that status, placings, etc meant nothing without the fierce bonding that would keep a coven together. Trade? Nope...kicks. No participation? Mustn't like it here...and then we in turn don't like YOU here... Kick!

But as I finally attained that coveted 100.00...I saw exactly how bad a shape the societies are. Sires complaining that no matter what they try, they can't get the group active.

This is your VR home. When you come into your home, you say hello to the people inside....THEN you check msgs, mails, etc. Why does no one feel at home anymore? Is it because the older members are bored and the younger members feel disenfranchised? Or is it simply because Sires are parenting vampires without any attachments? Much like a woman giving birth to dozens of children she doesn't take care of?

Who is to blame? Can it be fixed?



20:17 Aug 07 2010

I am always a loyal member to any coven that I join. It's just that these days coven masters care about themselves these days. They are getting desperate to find good members.

When I first came to VR I didn't know much about anything really. Then this cool CM, took me in and well, lol, you know the rest of that story. :)

After having some disloyalty I realized that mabey one day I shoulc open a coven ... my reasons, sound a little like yours...

What I can't stand about VR is all the drama. Here I was being loyal, proud and a post monster and drama got me killed, lol.

The thing is that no matter what I just want to prove people wrong and post, post, post, post... etc

I want to help out with the coven's that I am in and make life easyer.

Even if I was sent to purgatory for some reason, I would only post untill I hit sire, lol. I would be a very porud member.

My quote for VR that I follow, "It is better to reign in hell , than to serve in heaven."

On another note, sometimes there are ACM's who annoy me because they don't do anything. I think a CM should choose who an ACM is based on hard work and experience. It just annoys me to see me with so many posts and an ACM with like, 4, lol. ... and then members that the ACM inducts who don't post at all. xD funny.......

20:19 Aug 07 2010

sorry for any spelling error's. *should

02:21 Aug 08 2010

Although I have only been on the site a little over a year now i have noticed this too, There are to many chiefs and not enough Indians around here. I can recall even a year ago there was just a few covens and houses and they all had there own theme and people took pride in thier coven, but now it is nothing more than a highschool popularity contest..I don't think the problem can be fixed...i think that f someone profile is not active in over a year then it should be deleted regardless if they have paid for the account or not, perhaps this will help clean up the site. Also I think jsut because a person reaches sire doesn't automiatcally mean they can open a coven..I think there should be a one year period after making sire to open a coven this way the person has time to really grow and learn about the site and the people who sign up. Well there is my two cents on the subject.

06:11 Aug 08 2010

When the Society system was first introduced... I was all for anyone and everyone learning new things and meeting new people as we should do on VR

Now all of these days it seems like everyone is out to one up another coven......and compete like some sort of Trashy daily soap....Which I don't like (like you sweetie)

I was first inducted Into Umbrae Octo when Jason was house master.......then I went into Coven of Obscure Quietus..Then into Daire's house then into One of the worst covens I was in for 2 weeks then kicked out of for something that I believed in........went into Nocturnal for a while Then into Stone Guardians then when they disbanded for a while I went into my Current and forever home Immortal Sin

Now out of the houses and covens The ones that I have been in are all different in their own ways and being in a alliance with Umbrae which was my first home.........it has made me realize that certain covens and houses are not out to compete and are out just to have a good time and learn about different things

Now who is to blame??? I have my opinion as well as everyone else.......I fully believe it all depends on the Master of the House or Coven....and the members who choose to participate or not...

I don't know if it can be fixed

07:10 Aug 09 2010

Still here...


18:10 Aug 09 2010

As just a baby "Raver" I have noticed the house/coven members who haven't logged in in ages issue myself. If I understand correctly though, those members, regardless of their activity level, still provide points for their society, correct? So I would imagine masters/mistresses are loathe to eject them since, even as corpses, they're valuable.

Perhaps Cancer could set up a timer so that any member on the site who was inactive for more than X amount of time (say 3 months) was ejected from their society. That way, everyone would have to contend equally with losing members through inactivity. This would remove the incentive to keep these people AND it would make clear which societies had active engaged members and help members within a house know with whom they should make an effort to interact.

What is more, Cancer could then also set up another timer that made a profile that had been essentially abandoned for more than Y time (say 6 months) visible but not one you could rate or induct or anything else.

I don't know - just some of my uneducated thoughts on the matter.

02:22 Aug 10 2010

Thanks for all comments and please keep them coming. I guess the meat of the question is this: we have a LOT of inactive members in the societies. Sure, some haven't been on the site. But MANY more are active VR members, but not active at ALL in their coven. Why is this? Is there anything the masters can do to increase your participation? Or are you just not interested in the coven. Do you resent your induction?

20:36 Aug 10 2010

I think sometimes people just get a case of the real lifes (RLs). I think also sometimes people don't care about posting in the covens, they just joined because vamps were "cool". Being here over a year myself, I've been in I believe 3 different houses/covens? Maybe 4? I chose to stay with my friends for the most part when they moved or opened their own coven.

I think sometimes things can get "click-ey" like high school, but that's only because those are the people that have been around and talked to each other the longest. There are some issues between some covens and some people just "harvest" members so to speak.

I think members that haven't logged in for a while should be discarded, but that is the CM's responsibility. The VR rules state that inactive accounts will be deleted, but after a certain period of time. I would think that if the member is inactive, and not earning favors, why not cast them out, unless the CM knows a legit reason they are not here.

ok...I think I'm done. :)


Ratings Whore

16:38 Aug 02 2010
Times Read: 840

Just need to blow off some fucking steam on this and a few other issues that have been pissing this succubus off.

I put my rating scale on my profile. You do not automatically deserve a 10...EVER! That's like passing you out a test in school and just marking 100% if all you did was put your name on it.

I don't mind being asked why I rated a certain score. Did you have a great profile but with broken pic links on it? Can you spell? Hell..can you SEE?? When you write a word incorrectly, little red squiggly lines appear. I don't care about juggalese....I can at least read what you're saying. But I came across a profile that listed places she wanted to go as: mixco and sammon

I got Mexico...but where the FUCK is sammon?? Is it the fish spelled wrong??

Being told that it is unfair to rate a profile on content, or level of the user, or spelling, etc is complete bullshit.

Introduce yourself! That's what the profile is for! Wanna know? Just ask!

Just ask WHAT? There is NO basis for a conversation!

Are you pregnant?

(You're a douche..I'm a guy)

Didn't know that. Doesn't list gender or anything on your profile. Do you go to gay bars?

(You're a douche...I'm straight!)

Didn't know that. No pictures, no description to draw from. Do you like country and western??

(You're a douche! I'm a metal head)

Didn't know that. No lists of likes and dislikes.

See what I'm getting at? But a 10? Fuck!

Next part of the rant: so these douchebags do one of two things: either rate a 1 and BLOCK your ass (even if the rating you gave them was an 8!) without speaking to you (and yes..you know who you are TASHA!) orrrrrrrrr they email you and ask you nicely WHY you rated them low and then argue with you when you explain! (And yes..you know who you are as well!)

One person, I explained ever so nicely that content was great...gave it a 9...but that I couldn't read it because of white font on a cream background..had to highlight through the profile. So she argued about liking her profile. It's great you like it! I just couldn't FUCKING READ IT! To make matters worse?? That's the mixco sammon person. I copied her profile out and corrected all the spelling I could...some shit I couldn't even figure out what she was talking about.

And still?? Argued about a 9. Then downrated me.

I'll have been on the Rave for 2 yrs come October. When I was a low status member, I wouldn't have thought about arguing with someone higher...especially if I wanted something. Respect is shot here. So fuck it!

I should just not bother READING your profiles anymore. I'll just skip down and 10 everyone. That's fair, right?

You with your bullshit, empty profiles deserve a 10 as much as someone who has spent HOURS developing and maintaining a profile. That's fair....right?

Seriously. Grow the fuck up! I'm rating your profile...NOT YOU! If you want to know why you were rated something? Ask..don't block..don't downrate...just ASK! Take constructive criticism. Remember that it's just one person's opinion.

And don't let the stupid members who rate everything a "10"! PERFECT!! Well thought out! Gave me a sense of who you are! Great job!...make you think that EVERYONE just ADORES your empty or lacking or fucked up profile.

Some of us actually READ them!



17:07 Aug 02 2010

bravo!! and ditto!!!

are you pregnant? :)

17:57 Aug 02 2010

That's my lil' succubus ;)

10:39 Aug 03 2010


20:52 Aug 06 2010

i always believe the ratings thing is up to the individual. i personally don't care what someone rates my profile because i'm not here for that. but if someone's profile is rated honestly by someone who cares enough to look at it (since most people don't anyways), then the person who is being rated shouldn't worry about it.

perhaps the effect someone garnered from your rating is that you obviously have some intelligence. sometimes people can't handle that sort of thing, but that's there problem.

nice to see there is still people of substance around.

20:34 Aug 07 2010

LMAO! I would never argue with a higher level because there just isn't any point to do so. I always re-rate things and when someone gives me less then a 10 I do ask nicly.

Its not that I really care if I got a ten, but how I can make my profile better would probably help me. The other day a guy rated me a one. I asked why and he said rude things, then blocked me.

So I wrote a journal entry about his journal, saying I was porud to be blocked because he blocks ACM's and I am not one, or that he doesn't know how to write a paragraph.

He wrote that I was stupid, lol.

Then later on I found out that he was only after members on the coven that I'm in. Some people... can be so stupid, that its funny. It just really is funny.

03:14 Aug 08 2010

I'm behind 100% percent step of the way Ky :-)

18:46 Aug 30 2010

lol argued over a 9?

how immature


The Road to Sire

04:57 Aug 02 2010
Times Read: 854

Yay! It's finally done! I am officially in the Sisters of the Sirehoods :)

On August 1, 2010 I became the first person in my family to graduate from VR and attain Sire! Or is that only for accredited universities.

I can now put it down on my job applications...and brag about it at my local watering hole..reflecting on my glory days and all :)

Do men find a succubus with power sexy?? Laugh



05:02 Aug 02 2010

Nothing but trouble I tell ya :P

06:13 Aug 02 2010

WOO!!! Yay and men do find a succubus with power sexy

20:36 Aug 07 2010

wooo yeah! congrats on making sire!

07:01 Aug 08 2010

Welcome to the club! ::hands you a Jell-o mold that looks like Cancer:: So happy to have you join our ranks. :)

23:17 Aug 08 2010

Well done congratulations

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