I haven't had the easiest year and have been doing my best to find the good in the bad. I lost my dad a few months ago and had a pretty rough breakup with a guy I was deeply in love with. He and I have at least worked things out to the point where we can talk and still enjoy each other's company, but I miss him still and the bond we had. I missed not hearing my dad laugh at Christmas dinner today, and I missed giving him a hug as he leaves my house. I wasn't always very close to my dad but truly valued every day with him before I lost him and wish he hadn't left when I was young. I spent years being pointlessly angry with him, and wish I hadn't. I wish I could make up for lost time but that's impossible. I guess all I can do is hope he knew I love him and forgive him. I know I'm just rambling on and probably don't make any sense but I felt like I needed to vent just a bit.
I sit here by the fire, drinking coffee and thinking how much I really don't want to go to work but I must. I know I have unread messages and will get to them as soon as I can. It's very icy and snowy so I should get going because the driving is going to be very slow.
We are having the same weather here where i am at to. Safe travels
Thank you. It was freezing.
00:29 Dec 26 2022
I’m so sorry for your loss.
00:33 Dec 26 2022
Thank you.