Kerriggor's Journal


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4 entries this month


Day 4

06:21 Jun 13 2005
Times Read: 586

As we set sail on the Swit Return I am shone to my cabin by the captian Hunter (His real name isn't known by anyone on the boat). My cabin was a small little space no bigger than a small walk in closet with a small bed (if you could call it that) it was a little piece of wood about 3 feet in width that folds in half to make a table for my studies. I was thinking that (This is kind of cosy in a sick maniacal kind of way). I started to unpack my stuff (which isn't much) my clothes i put in the box under the bed thing and writeing utensles i left in the pack by the box of clothes.

When I was finally settled in with the closet. I decided to go topside and view the English Channel, and try to gain my sea legs. I turned slowly and found the door was closed and i knew i had not shut it nor did the captian shut it. This ment someone else has my type of stealth. Then I suddenly realized the scent hanging in the air. (The girl is here to) was all that ran through my mind at this time. "Oh well" is all I said to my self in a hushed tone "I'll find her later on." This time with no delays i went up the hall and went to the deck to take a look at the blue skies, feal the warm sun on my face, and smell the fresh sea air. As i aproach the deck the smell of that girl became stronger. i figured she might have been able to hide the whole way to the other side before getting caught well even I'm wrong sometimes. As I apear on deck everyone stops dead in their tracks and none move but a single girl who swings at one of the deck hands knocking him to the deck hard giving him a jolt back to reality. I thought to myself shes got good form in her attacks and she is to strong to be just human. This made me wonder. While I was thinking the other two deck hands grabbed her and wrestled her to the ground and pinned her to the deck and was about to bind her hands. This time I didn't wait I moved as fast as the wind this time helping the girl to her feet and knocking out the deck hand that was holding her to the planks. I helped her up and stopped myself from tearing the head off of the deck hand coming at me with a sword when someone yelled at the top of thier lungs "Stay your weapons" the deck hand immediatly dropped his sword and hit the planks with a hard thump bowing so low his nose touched the wood. I lood to see that the captian was redder than a pool of blood. This was somthing I would not want to see agian. Asking in a calm voice "What is going on here men." The only one that was still concious replied first saying that he found a stow away in the apple barrel and that she ran with the speed of the devil himself and that they were going to bind her so that they could have brought her to the captian. This caught the attention of the captian fast. "Is this the girl you say was in the apples" he asked in a voice reserved for young children. "Yes Sir" was the deck hands reply. At this time I stepped into the conversation "This is my niece that wanted to come with me on my journey to Translvania. I told her to stay with her mother but as i see she didn't do as i said." My glance at her proved more efective in this ruse than i thought it would. For when i looked at her she looked at her feet and said "Sorry" I looked back at the captian and he said in a harsh but sincitive way, "She does not have permision to be on my ship so she will have to work untill we reach the next harbor." My reply was a two word answer "Very Well." she of course moaned with unease. After that little bit of comotion i brought her to my closet/room and sat her on my bed and asked her "Why did you fallow me?" For this i think she decided to keep her mouth shut. For the rest of the day I lounged around on deck and saw many sea creatures skimming the serface of the water. And the girl however didnt like what she had to do! Her jobs were to scrub the galley floor and wash the deck with a hand brush that was a bit amuseing in a way. As night fell i noticed a ship keeping a steady pace with the ship. That was alittle anoying. I started looking for the captian and found him stareing at the vessel following us "I see you noticed the ship behind us." I was stunned by the statment the captian made. He knew why i had come to see him. "Has any one else noticed it yet?" I asked. His reply was "No. No one has." "Do you know how they are?" agin i asked. "No they have no flag or, ship name. But, they stay just that distance and I haven't seen a crew on the deck of that ship yet." he answered in a hushed tone. But his eyes gave him away he knew who they were and wasnt going to tell anyone plus, the stench of fear hung in the air comeing from him. By the time we finished our conversation it was dark. So i decided to take my leave with this new light on the subject. I returned to my bunk and found a sleeping child in my bed. No doubt worn out from the work she was given throughout the day. I slept on the floor next to the bed hey not all monsters are heartless.




Day 3

07:15 Jun 03 2005
Times Read: 598

This morning i woke to the maid beating on my door screeming "Mister Mister your going to miss your boat if you don't wake!!!" As i crawl out of my bed i put my clothes on. As I put my clothes on I realized my clothes were cleaned. This i was thankful for the maid cleaning my stuff. When i finally open the door a girl of maybe 13 stood there with light brown hair about chest high on me with light blue eyes and fair skin. I found out she was not the maid. She looks up into my eyes asking with those inocent eye "Why leave your a hero now? You will be able to get anything you want here. Please stay?" With great regret i tell her "I must leave because, I don't belong here." I move past her with grace seldomn seen in humans. This i know she noticed for she moved with the same grace into my path halfway down the stairs and spoke with a very forceful tone "Take me with you." My reply was simple to say "NO!!" This time I did not move with grace I brushed past her with enough force to knock her down to the floor but, she kept her balance and followed me to the ship. The ship

"SWIFT RETURN" was the one i was looking for on the docks. I found it with great ease for the sails were a dark blood colour and a midnight black hull. Thinking (This is the ship i sail on) Knowing in my heart that this journey will be a long one. I walk to the ship and stop several feet from the boarding plank looking behind me the girl was gone. "Good, she left me finally." muttering to my self. I board with new hopes of a peace ful journey across the Enlish Channel.




Day 2

09:46 Jun 02 2005
Times Read: 601

As i enter the town of Hastings i feel an evil pressence coming from the church. Deciding to check it out. i walk to the church. As i walk to the doors i smell an awful stench coming from within. I realize with great reluctance it's the Smell of blood. I push the mighty doors open the stench of the rotting corpses hits my senses like a hammer to the head. As i recalled i passed out from the smell of rotten flesh. When i awoke it was late afternoon and night almost here, but i soon realized i saw no one in town all day. I soon began to wonder what was the nature of the evil lurking within the churches halls. As this runs through my mind i decide to remove my clothes and all belongings and search the interiors of the building. I search the halls of the church and find nothing of importance. As i return to the citadel i smell the air and find the stench of a Vampire. i turn to the doors with lighting speed to see a Vamp standing with a fiendish smirk on his overly confident face. I see he doesn't know of my secret yet. He looks up from his boots and says "Well well well I have a new toy to play with tonight. Will you join me for dinner later."

I respond by spirting on the ground and bareing my razorsharp fangs and begin to transform to my real form. The werewolf inside begins to tear through the soft outside flesh of my body. This cought the vamp off gaurd and gave me the advantage. As i rush forward with supernatural speed the vamp jumps to the right barely missing my fangs but alas my dagger like claws left a gapping hole in his side. "Your a bloody LYCAN!!!" he whimpered as he hit the floor but i know vamps well I didn't give him a chance to recover from the suprise "YOU DIE NOW VAMP" I growled as i plunged my claws and fangs into his heart and neck. With him dieing on the floor of a church he said with his gugled last undead breath "My brotheren will avenge my death damn wolf." As he lay i slowly reform my human outlook and begin dressing. i walk to the closest inn and find people cowering inside under the tables. I ask "Do any of you know what i do?" None answered but a single child "Did you kill Count Chistopher?" "Yes little one i did." "Why do you ask?" I replied to the blonde child. When i said this people started congratulating me and putting ale in my hands. After i calm every one down i ask if i could stay the night and catch a boat to France the next day. I am finaly able to sleep with no worries to night




Day 1

21:19 Jun 01 2005
Times Read: 604

As I start my journy to find my father Vladamir Dracula. i leave london on horse back to the port town of Hastings so i may barter my passage on a boat to France.



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