JustinDupree's Journal

JustinDupree's Journal


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13 entries this month

09:59 Sep 30 2013
Times Read: 462

I guess I'll try and sleep. It's probably going to be a Borderlands 2 day tomorrow if anyone is interested. Just add me on psn.




07:41 Sep 30 2013
Times Read: 463

Anyone know any good horror movies? I've pretty much hit a dry spot with them. I like zombie movies and mostly anything horror related really. I'm open for suggestions.




06:43 Sep 30 2013
Times Read: 466

I'll be on psn if anyone wants to get ahold of me.




05:30 Sep 30 2013
Times Read: 471

I want to grab my wifi router toss it on the ground pull out an assult rifle and fire away till its dust. Maybe that will teach it to stop disconnecting me even after I've flushed the connections. Maybe its time for an upgrade.




All Gummed Up Inside Song From Adventure Time

02:57 Sep 30 2013
Times Read: 475

I can’t keep pushing this down

any deeper.

Why do I keep trying if I can’t



Every move Imma make is just another mistake

wonder what it would take because it feels like

there’s a hole inside my body,

like there’s a hole inside my heart.

It’s like this feeling is gonna consume me,

if I keep waiting for this thing to start.

Oh, I feel like I’m all gummed up inside.

It’s like I’m all gummed up inside.

It’s like I’m all gummed up inside.




00:58 Sep 30 2013
Times Read: 477

So I haven't slept in 24 hours and it sucks cause I'm tired. Tired and sad aren't good combos. Oh well. Off to watch Adventure Time...




00:57 Sep 30 2013
Times Read: 478

So I haven't slept in 24 hours and it sucks cause I'm tired. Tired and sad aren't good combos. Oh well. Off to watch Adventure Time...




02:58 Sep 29 2013
Times Read: 481

Guess I'm going to be lonely again tonight. Iron man movie marathon it is I suppose.




07:47 Sep 28 2013
Times Read: 485

So I'm wide awake and bored. That's like cookies with no milk. Neither should be allowed. On a more possitive note, I finished The Last of Us again today with new game plus and got all the collectibles. I was two upgrades away from getting all the weapons maxed but the stupid flame thrower prevented me from obtaining that trophy. Sad face. But I can't complain I love that game. Theres nothing good on tv and it's kinda chilly. I'm ranting I suppose. Just not in the mood to be alone but hey story of my life. Maybe I'll read. I guess. Add me on psn or something. I'll probably read for an hour and succumb to loneliness and fall asleep if I don't lose myself in my mental imaging. *sighs* Random ass post for a random ass night. Go me. I'm doing it right.




05:57 Sep 26 2013
Times Read: 492

Fuckin wifi...




04:47 Sep 26 2013
Times Read: 497

I finished The Last of Us earlier today. That game is awesome! I loved how they portrayed Ellie. I loved how they grew her character through out the game and the ending was pretty epic too. I really enjoyed playing it and honestly its one of my most enjoyed games from the ps3 this year. If you are thinking about getting this game buy arent sure if you will like it? Give it a try. Its an awesome experience. :)




08:08 Sep 15 2013
Times Read: 514

Oh yeah! I recently (last night) had a dream about my former best friend Adam. We were at Hogwarts and he was in Slytherin and I was in Gryffindor but we were trying to make the friendship work still. He had potions with me and we were sitting together and people thought we were weird as fuck as we were in different houses sitting together. So I look over at him and I'm like "Think we should curse Snape?" and he's like "Sure why not? I'll probably get away with it." so I was like "Fuck it." so I jelly leg cursed him when he called my name but he morphed into a huge ass snake and so Adam and I were dueling with him trying to disarm his fangs (wtf his fangs?!) and finally I managed to stun him and while Adam was trying to transfigure him back to a person Dobby shows up with tea and crumpets only he didn't have Dobbys voice he had Tiny Tina's from Borderlands 2's voice. And that's when Dream Me realized I was dreaming and was like "Real me hates tea but fuck it." so my former best friend and I ate crumpets and drank tea with a dead house elf wearing a One Direction shirt and talking about a crumpocalypse. It was possibly the second most fucked up dream I've ever had in terms of hilarity. That is all.



10:52 Sep 16 2013

Okay then. Interesting..


07:58 Sep 15 2013
Times Read: 516

That awkward moment when you write a journal about being alone and the last words you spoke to someone who loves you was "leave me alone".

Anyway, long time since I've been here last. Lots of stuff has happened and since I'm stuck being alone watching pokemon episodes I'll write a little bit about stuff here.

Had several deaths in my family. My great uncle and his mom died on the same day hours apart and I had to attend a double funeral. Then less then a week ago a friend of mine passed away after an auto accident. I once again broke my cardinal rule to never go to church because I went to her memorial at her local church. That's twice in a little over a year I haven't burst into flames for walking into a house of the "lord." On top of those things I haven't spoken to my sister in months because her bf pulled a knife on me and she sided with him. I've had multiple arguments with my brother over petty and stupid shit. I've gotten several new platinum trophies and what not on psn. Recently I've been playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope International. I'm only at 2% trophy wise on that one but then again the trophy list is time consuming and I've only clocked in about 8 hours total on this playthrough. For some reason my psn portable ID will not stay visible on my profile page. It keeps saying the page is broken or some shit even though I've copied and pasted the code exactly as the psn website has it. Oh yeah, I've been broken up and got back together with the girl of my dreams only it seems that after this past funeral things have been weird with us. I don't do death really well. Part of me wants to shut off from the world and distance myself from people and I know that isn't healthy. Especially with her considering she's my partner and all. So I tried my damnedest to keep things good between us but apparently I've failed at that. I have a hard time bouncing back after death so that probably has something to do with it. Fuck I don't know to be honest. It's hard and confusing and as much as I want things to be okay they aren't. Other then that I've been in decent health. No major illnesses or diseases. You can still find me on psn. Just click the broken image in my profile for my psn ID. It still seems to show my shit once clicked even if it doesn't show my shit normally. So that's life. Sucks but I work with it. I watched a couple of movies online tonight. Saw The Hangover III and This Is The End. This Is The End wasn't nearly as funny as I expected it to be but was still pretty funny and The Hangover III was kinda disappointing but still a solid 7. Alan reminds me of myself in the sense I believe his quirks are mostly his being misunderstood but what do I know. So that's that. Yup. Go me. Blah blee bloo and all that shiz. High fives all around fuck it.



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