This is all the poetry I need right now.
What a great day! My father is receiving his LAST treatment today. I spoke to him at length on Tuesday. His every day prayer is for a measure of quality time beyond this to spend with family and to live the life he believes he is called to live.
Even as sick as he has been (he has lung cancer), he has found time to work on art work for the Center's Gala. We will place it in our Silent Auction along with other donated work from artists, photographers, businesses and individuals. But how proud I'll be of those pieces signed by my father who gave of himself even as he faced deep fears and challenges.
Also, 2 more donors stepped forward today, a second and third tier level! I know in my heart that we are going to have a successful event and be able to buy lots and lots of food and still have enough to help with some financial emergencies in the community.
Thank you for praying for my parents this year. (For those of you new to my journal, mom and dad both were diagnosed at the same time with's was a recurrant breast cancer. She's had a radical mastectomy and chemo and is doing great now. She's just caring for dad and waiting til they can get back to normal.) It's been a tough year for us all, but prayers make such a difference and they have been my inspiration and teachers even in this. I am continually taken aback by this life, so blessed by friends, family and good people.
That is so wonderful. Your parents are such special people. I will keep up the prayers since they seem to be working out ok. I wish I could be there for the auction as I wouldn't mind owning some of that artwork myself:)
Very happy to read your parents are doing well. :)
Second Harvest for the New Orleans region is reporting a 61% increase in people asking for food. Most of the people we see in our food banks are new to us. Another quote was that hunger is increasingly becoming a problem for the middle class.
Funding is down. Hunger is up.
I know some of you remember our Chicken and Fish Fry. That was a wonderful success. It was a few years ago. This year, we're aiming a little higher. Because our Center has been serving the community for 20 years, we're celebrating with our first ever Gala in November. It's going to be a brunch at a local plantation. We'll have an incredible Silent Auction and entertainment by an amazing young girl who plays the fiddle like it's on fire. Our menu is scary good and I'm terribly excited.
If you're around my neck of the woods on November 15 and would like a ticket, they are reasonably priced at $40 per or $70 for a couple.
Most needed, however, are sponsorships. I have several levels...many come with complimentary tickets and signage for your business.
The event is named after Jesus' words to Peter..."Do you love me? Then feed my sheep." It has long been our Center's motto. Our sponsorships are named: Flock, Lamb, Ewe, Ram, and Shepherd. So far, I have many lambs, a couple of flock, one ewe, one ram, and no shepherd. If you or your business might have interest, please send me a message and I'll let you know how you can help.
Please pray for our event, our Center, and a community struggling with hunger. Thank you.
I am hoping the exchange rate on my prayers is still good. Let me know if you need any help with artsy type stuff. I know I still owe you that card and I will work on having it done in time for you to be able to use it to thank your donors for your event.
Sorry for the delay; I have had a hell of a lot of rl stuff to deal with unfortunately and it has left me with precious little energy for the worthwhile things in life.
I love you and I will certainly help to feed your sheep any way I can. If it makes Jesus happy as well, then it is just a nice bonus:)
It is a sad state of the world when we don't recognize basic nutrition as a human right- or even a moral imperative to feed our neighbors. I try to remember and pick up a few extra cans of food everytime I grocery shop and right there in the store is a big donations container so it doesn't get forgotten in my car nor is it another trip. Just a way to spend two or three dollars a trip to give someone else a meal.
Does your center employ such donation drive tactics?
Oh drives are our life blood!
21:04 Sep 25 2009
You have rounded off my week superbly.