We're on the road about two hours still from home. I am recharged and refreshed. This is why vacations are so important. We spoiled one another and spent so much time together. Yesterday we drove to Cherokee NC along the scenic route and saw one waterfall after another...everywhere we looked.
We learned why they are called the Smoky mountains. Mists were pouring off the mountains in spectacular clouds that wound up on gusts across the sky. The mountain river was swelling in its bank and the road followed alongside so we could see it charging along in white frothy rapids.
We met nice people in Cherokee and I bought a beautiful dough bowl carved from poplar made locally by a man names Ken Smith. It's beautiful and so smooth that my fingers can't stop touching it. Stabb made me promise it's not just for looks, so bread-making, here I come!
I'm going to miss the quiet cabin. We needed this down time to snuggle, hike around, and let time go as slowly as it likes. I'm one happy lady. If you aimed a satellite my way, I'd be easy to find for the happy glow. I'm so grateful to have such a beautiful person in my life.
00:56 Nov 30 2011