Dear God,
I have attached a Google street map with this prayer request so that your aim on Ockham might be more accurate and perhaps the rest of the state might not have to wash away with him. I assume this is your intention since you forwarded no ark instructions.
Should he be undeservedly forgiven, please place the rainbow sign upon the nearest bunny butt. Thank you.
PS. I think the hail got his attention, but he's a tough cookie...I know you've already done frogs, but that was a pretty kicky plague. I think it might bring him round. If you could give me a little heads-up...I want to merchandise the "I survived the Ockham Plagues" tee shirt line! Kermit is onboard just in case and will perform a remake of his old theme just for Ockham called, "It ain't easy being mean."
LOL, I'll chip in for the shirts too! *runs to piggy bank*
I'll get you, Joli. And your little Sky-Douche, too. :|
I like that. :)
He always makes me smile.
Arbys is SO damn good! I want to get a franchise of it in my town:D Also, Ockhams truffles are very very very good. I was eating one just now.
I miss America. I so need to go back again.
You do need to come back, on the permanent. :)
But then I would be exposed to such things as sunlight and fresh air, and my skin would crisp into nothingness very quickly unless you filled a bathtub with moisturiser for me and blacked out the windows. My english skin is just not prepared for your daystar coverage:(
All things considered, you seemed to do pretty well last time, and if keeping a tub filled with fresh moisturizer is all the price I pay to have you here, I'd be getting the greatest deal in the history of bartering.
Aww, so you would be prepared to turn a part of your house into a kind of englishwomanarium? Do you think your country is able to take any more of my anomalous weather retardfield action though? I swear, after this roadtrip, I feel like some kind of natural disaster on two legs:P
If anything, having you here would be a shield against natural disaster. I'll note that the Douche in the Sky didn't move his hand against me until you had left; within an hour of your departure, he struck. Clearly, I am not safe without you :(
Are you saying that it is my responsibility as a human being to move to America in order to fend of all natural disasters that crop up when I am not present? I should ponder this. I wonder if I could get paid a retainer by the government for such a service. I am still quite stunned that it was only half an hour after I left that this all started.
It is indeed. With great power comes great responsibility, and movie cameos. I'm sure we can write some of those into your contract.
Hey, the deal is SO off if I end up getting a spiderman emo clause somewhere in there. Just because I am an all powerful weather warper does not mean I have to spend hours soliloquising about how nobody understands me.
We'll have to have emos in there somehow. You could probably arrange to have them hit by divine lightning, though. CRAWWWWWWLING INNNNN MY SKIIIIII- *thunder, silence*
This is acceptable to me. Have your people draw up the contracts:P
Consider it done. :)
So, here's the guy you all want to see. Lots of you have asked after him, wondering how well recovered he is since his accident last year. We were having a freezer put in at the Center, so he came along with me to work yesterday. Here he is mugging for the camera:
One of the workmen brought along his dog, Sunny. This is the meet n greet with a little posturing to see who's Alpha Male. Kinda looks like a couple of guys getting ready to armwrestle or pop wheelies in front of a girl, doesn't it?:
They frolicked like this the whole time.
A few kisses because new friends rock!
Dude...You're dog is so gay!
He's like, making out with that other dog dude...
That's gay. You know it is. He's gay. He's a gay dog. Wearing a neckerchief.
You're dog is gay and wearing a neckercheif while making out with another gay dog. could sell this...
He's not gay...he's British! :P
same thing right? Oh god don't take that seriously!!
Your dog is frikkin' cute!!
Uh-huh, and what exactly would be wrong if he was gay?? *raises and eyebrow with a hint of a smirk*
They're unbearably adorable Jo, don't let anyone tell you any different ;-)
It's great to see him happy again.
I'm sure you've given him a few more grey hairs thou :-P
he is gorgeous! i would love to have pictures like that of the cat and dog playing but when i take out the camera they stop.
Awww nice dog, is that the red/white tape they put round car wrecks ?
He is gay? No wonder she called him Meatball.
Remember the moive line of....
"Why do they call you meat?"
Either way he is looking all good.
I have to admit...this was surprising information.
Ha. People should always think about what those first few words are going to be - 'cause that's all some people are going to get :)
Talk about misquoted .. lol .. or rather, 'out of context'.
This is war! hehe
Oh no, don't tell me he has an ebil sister too lol
he looks hawt in a wig, though.
just sayin'.
oh yes it is! LMAO
an Emo girl? **Laughs**
[panics.. now what did I say about those fish??]
Dam I missed that!...I'm sure he will slip up again lol!
18:53 Mar 26 2009
That's hysterical.
20:47 Mar 26 2009
You're a mean one, Mrs Grinch,
You really are a heel,
You're as cuddly as a cactus,
You're as charming as an eel,
Mrs Griiiiinch!