The thing is - that my internet connection atm sucks my ass,
Y'all are lucky that I am on here so long.
*where is my bong?*
You know something VR people?
I found this site for a REASON - nothing happens by chance in my opinion and god knows (at least those that have known me here for a long time) that I have been an ASSHOLE at times.
Well, Qui-Gon wasn't esxactly the easiest Jedi Master to like or deal with if you get that one and like the SW universe. (To explain that, my daughter, becomethesea, compares me to Qui-Gon all the time - ask her why! I tend to buck the system and do what the force tells me to do - hey, at least I am real, eh?)
At any rate, I LOVE the people on VR more than any other site I have seen - including facebook, myspace, etc...
At least the people here are real...
I have been and will always be a VR supporter - no matter how long I go between log-ins, how long it takes me to write my thesis and all the rest of the bullshit of life.
VR is always here for me.
I love you guys - a lot.