Ever feel like you got hit by a mack truck and wondered how it happened. That was my weekend. I was in alot of pain but I had a guest over. He actually survived the mormons I feed, to drs to roommate being angry for no real reason. To a doll project day.
I was amazed he did not get afraid of it. Any of it. He met evelyn and she talked with him. He barely said boo hiss but he got here and left.
Yeaah so he survived all of that. I am not sure what to make of him and really what he wants. Just know he wanted to get to know me better.
Ever have one of those days where you should have stayed in bed and not moved and listened asmrs all day? Yeah my day did not go like that. A friend I have not heard from in months apparently has gotten hit by a car and also does not remember her own kids somehow she can remember stuff we did and my animals. Oddly enough her family did not tell me nor did they contact me about it. So she would have been an inlaw Jason's mom. Yep I started dating and bammmmmmmmmmmmm Jason comes into my life again. I spoke to the mother only and she wondered why we were not married Jason and I? I told her we have had a few things like one time he got hurt like she did.
Another time he lost his mind and cheated on me. another time he lost his memory. Yep had a brain scan done and something happened where he did not remember like we did. She asked why she should trust him? I said for he is your eldest and loves you. shezzzzzzzzzzzz.It is not like he is going to cheat on her.. His mother for god's sake. Anyways she is trying to get out and about and wants to visit how much do I want to bet that someone will be with her.
Not holding my breathe but the drama just begun again.
On a side note. a house is up for sale. I am like yes please. The house is gorgeous and next to my best friend so why would I not oggle? The house went on sale a day ago. MMMMM who is going to get that house? lol
Well I find solace in gardening. I see that now. I dislike the sun but I do it early in the morning and I am getting vitamin b d or c in my body. Skin is sort of tanning which is odd. For I turn red normally.
Osiris has been playing with frogs at the pond. I seem to be satisfaction in some kind of way. I like the garden for it clears my mind and my heart is thinking. It is like my optimism comes out of no where. Odd I am not a sun or morning person.
In recent years I’ve discovered a love of gardening. I was just noticing this morning my bathroom window sill has 5, maybe 6, plants on it.