Not sure what to do next
Unknown is my future
Uncertain is my dreams
Never knowing which way to turn
Never knowing which way to breathe
Always hoping for something better
Always hoping that this feeling inside me
Will not disappear like before
Knowing that this time
This relationship
Could be different than all the others
Never sure what they are really feeling
Never sure what they are really thinking
Do I make them happy?
Do I make them smile?
Do I give them what they need?
Can I be what they need me to be?
Always questioning myself
Always wondering if I am good enough
For them
For myself
For what they are offering me
Do I even have anything to truly offer them
Other than a broken heart
Other than a bruised soul
Other than a load of baggage
That follows from other relationships before
What if I make another mistake?
What if I get hurt again?
What if I am not good enough for them?
What if I hurt them somehow?
Always doubting myself
Knowing my faults all too well
Seeing myself crumble
When ever I try to stand tall
But that is the way healing goes
At least I think that is how it goes
Soon I will be strong enough
To be good enough for them
For they only deserve the best
Because I love them
With all that I am
And all that I have left
And all that I will have in the future
I love them completely
For all time
And always
A miracle has happened
Something I never dreamed would happen to me
Between us both
We have created a new life
A tiny spark that will prove our love to the world
My joy nearly bubbles over
As I wait at home to tell you
But when I do get the chance
Your response isn't what I thought it would be
I never thought you could get that angry
I never thought you would make me cry
I never thought you would hurt me
I thought that this was something
That you would want too
Its too late now
Can't turn back the clock
Can't change what has happened
Though you swear it will never happen again
As I clean up the blood on my face
I want to believe you
I long to believe you
Things can go back to the way they were
This is what you tell me
This is what I believe
As I clean up the blood on my face
Maybe the baby will help make things better
At least that is what I am hoping for
As bruises start to form
Closing one eye to the world
Please let the baby help make things better
I whisper to the reflection in the mirror
As I wipe away the last bit of blood on my face
When I look into your eyes
I see something that makes me pause
That makes me wonder if there is hope for me yet
That makes me wonder if love has not forsaken me as I have believed
Maybe there is hope for me
Maybe with you I will finally find the peace I have been longing for
All my young life
When you take me into your arms
I feel the warmth that you have always offered me
A warmth that penatrates even the darkest parts of my soul
That hints at a world where I wouldn't have to be afraid
That hints at a world where I could truly be happy
Maybe you are the one for me
Maybe you are the one that can set me free
From my dark and lonely prison
When you kiss me oh so gently
I am amazed at the passion there
I am amazed at the hunger there
It scares me so much
I know that you could destroy me without even trying
My heart is so fragile from being put back together so many times
After so many had decided that it would be best to break it
But still your so very gentle with me
You have told me that you will never hurt me
But I have been told that before so many times by people who always break that promise
So far you haven't done anything like that to me
You know everything about my past
Maybe thats why your so gentle with me
Maybe your scared of breaking me
As I am so very scared of being broken again
But as we lay here together in each others arms
I can't help but wonder if this is meant to be
If this is what I have been looking for all my life
If this is my chance to be truly be happy
Then you kiss my forehead and hold me closer as you whisper your love to me
I feel happy and terrified at the same time after I hear your words
I look up at you and know you see it all in my eyes
Your arms tighten around me slowly
Letting me know that your still there
Yet the fear remains
And I wonder if it will ever leave me
Then I wonder if you will ever leave me
As tears slowly slide down my cheeks
You brush them away gently
And for the first time instead of running away
I let my heart run towards you
Hoping beyone hope that this will be different then all the other times
And I whisper through my tears
"I love you too"
tiny little footprints
left in my soul
of all those who have trampled
where no one should go
too many scars
that no one seems to notice
or even care about
but i am learning that this is how the world works
no matter what you do
your left behind in the dirt
while everyone else loves and becomes happy
your stuck in the dust
wishing to be happy
longing to be loved
knowing that it will never happen
no matter what you do
and all you have to show for your pain and troubles
are those tiny little footprints
left in your soul
To each their own
When it comes to fighting for survival
You have to learn to breath your own way
To think for yourself once again
To each their own
To be alone with yourself
And all of what you are thinking and feeling
Even when you should surround yourself with everyone who cares about you
To each their own
Why must you push me to be
Something that I am not ready to be right now
To each their own
Why won't you let me do this my way
Why must you force me to be cheerful when I don't feel that way
Let me do this my way before you push me even farther into my pit of depression
To each their own
Learn it
Live it
Or leave me be
Sweetest dreams
Never come true
They did once upon a time
When I thought that
You were true to me
Then that belief was destroyed
What else is new
When it came to you
I was always the last to know
I was your puppet
I was your pawn
I was your toy
The worse part is that
I let it happen
Never again though
My eyes are wide open now
And your not welcome here anymore
feeling trapped within my mind
unable to break free
of these chains that bind
always fighting the urge to flee
running around blind
screaming for help like a banshee
longing for a release
from this prison cell I call my head
trying to find my peace
I am filled with dread
wanting everthing to cease
walking around like the living dead
wondering if things will ever get better for me
wondering if I even care if they do or not
wishing someone would hear my plea
I am caught
I will never be free
everything I do is for naught
hear my words
hear my screams
someone come and help me please
Passions building to great heights
Hungering for sweet touches
Desiring for your hot mouth upon my skin
Needing to feel you near me
Needing to feel you in me
Unable to catch my breath
My heart beginning to race so fast
I feel my back arch upwards
As you torment my skin
With feather light touches
With soft kisses that barely touch my skin
I feel as if flames are dancing across my body
Enticing me to climb higher
Along the steps of pleasure
I feel a force building throughout my body
The flames burn bright in my heart
The hunger devours my soul
I begin to moan and whimper
As you run your nails over my skin
Ever so lightly
Ever so gently
Causing such enjoyment
Causing such torment
You continue with your teasing kisses
Everywhere you touch
Makes me burn brighter
Now I know that the flames will never die
As long as you are around
And how I want you to be around
I yearn for you
I long for you
I need you
Just don't stop what you are doing
Please don't stop
Don't stop
I need more
I need all of you
I need you to complete me
I will do whatever you want me to
All you need to do is ask
And it shall be done
No matter what you desire from me
Ask me
And it shall be done