Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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16 entries this month

21:38 Dec 30 2011
Times Read: 1,338

Holy crap. I haven't eaten since I got up this morning.

Time for coffee and a couple of madeleines.




Belated holiday blah-blah.

21:32 Dec 30 2011
Times Read: 1,341

Okay...I'm a lil' late here, but hell...I haven't had internet access for 11 days.

My fave holiday commercial:

This lil' girl is workin' it! Too cute!




16:20 Dec 29 2011
Times Read: 1,355

Dead comp. Waiting for slow assed att to send out a new dsl thingy. Using my cell, which totally sucks!





04:17 Dec 18 2011
Times Read: 1,394

Well - this is the second Xmas where I can't do jack shit...no mailing out cards, buying gifts, having a holiday at my mom's or sister's...I'm actually getting use to doing nothing. As long as everyone is relatively healthy and content, it's a good holiday season!



19:55 Dec 18 2011

I can't do anything for christmas but make people fudge and cookies. I wanted to do more. :(


Yesterday...trying to keep my cruel bitch button OFF.

03:49 Dec 18 2011
Times Read: 1,399

I always feel a little bit guilty after ranting about Big Momma, as she is a nice person...not bitchy at all. But right when I feel bad about dissing her, she does something to piss me off all over again, and my apparent cruel streak resurfaces.

Yesterday, she did clean up the walk-in...and didn't do a bad job of it either. She was beginning to grate on our nerves though when she kept asking where stuff was (mops, cleansers, etc. If she had ever cleaned in the past, she'd know where to get everything)...In the end she was winded, but I think the fact that as the walk-in is very cold, it helped her. (She likes going inside of it a lot to hide). What makes me not like her is the fact that she knows what she has to do to get fit and healthy. She has doctors and good medical coverage, yet she does nothing to help herself. She constanly has a pity party. She always wants others to do shit for her, so that she doesn't have to budge. I usually ignore her when she ask me to do shit for her...

Anyway, after work - a short day - Stan - boss #1 - took us out to lunch. We went to a very nice Mexican restaurant on 'the island' - the town of Alameda, which is adjacent to Oakland, but like another world; ie no ghettos.

But - I jump ahead of myself. A group went in Stan's vehicle, and the rest of us went in Boss #2's car. We only had a short walk to the parking lot, and I and Boss #2 were walking ahead. The head cashier walked with Big Momma...who had to stop walking after a bit as she was winded from walking up a very short, very small incline to some steps. Then it took her forever to get down the steps. Then she complained about having to walk. I wanted to smack her upside the head and tell her that she needed to walk as much as possible, and stop eating 24/7, but I kept my mouth shut. The bitch in me then said 'Damn - if it takes her this long to walk a few feet, how is she going to cross the street to the lot before the light changes?'...It took a LONG time. Boss #2 and I rearranged stuff in the car, so she could fit in. She sat in the front seat, but couldn't use the seatbelt. The boss said that she'd make her car drag if she sat in the back - it's happened before.

The short drive to the restaurant went off without a hitch. My bitch button focused on the slow-witted dishwasher, Jay. None of us expected - or wanted - him around, but Boss #1, being a cool, inclusive guy, invited the slug. The boss was paying, after all.

He began to have second thoughts though when Jay wore his huge headphones at the table, humming and stuttering along to whatever music he was listening to. I wanted to shove a fork in his forehead. Dorsa - a really cool chick who works in the bistro - looked at me and said "Oh damn - I need tequila. This is going to be painful." Stan and I laughed. Boss #2 was fed up, and told Jay to turn off the music and remove the headphones. He turned off the music, but kept the headphones on, being short of a few cards in his deck. It also took him forever to order, and he kept asking for stuff that wasn't on the menu, and not Mexican...good grief.

A few here on VR know how much bad table manners irk the hell out of me. I was 'irked' three times, to put it mildly.

When the food arrive, I - and others - had to endure mildly annoying manners from Big Momma - who tried to eat elegantly, but kept dropping food down her shirt, on the table, floor, etc, with her messy fingers, heavy breathing and occasional smacking...bad table manners from Jay, whose face was almost in his plate - his headphones slipped once, into his plate. He wiped them off, put them back on, then stuck his face into his plate again; and surprisingly, there were really horrid table manners from the order guy, Brad. This guy was messy, reaching across my plate to take Dorsa's napkin, spitting bits of food back in his plate, and being a general pig. Of course, he was sitting right across from me. I wanted to shove a fork into his forehead too.

Stan - Boss #1 - had a look of disgust on his face, while glaring at Jay and Brad. He then told Dorsa and I that he wouldn't want to dine with a few at the table ever again...niiiice.



23:32 Dec 20 2011

I wouldn't have been able to eat. o.o


I need to keep on working, dammit!

04:54 Dec 16 2011
Times Read: 1,414

Tomorrow is the last day of work for me until January 23. If I don't get some work, I'll be up shit creek for February...

Mai and I went to the school's bookstore and picked up applications, as they will be back open for business on Jan 3rd. (They are independent of the school). If I'm lucky, I'll get two weeks of work from them, stocking and stuff. (I don't want to be a cashier there - I just want/need something easy - lol)!

Keeping my fingers - and toes - crossed!



00:24 Dec 17 2011

I gotcha in my hopes, prayers and wishes that you find what you want. *big hugs*



Big Momma Must Die!

04:22 Dec 16 2011
Times Read: 1,425

Oh my God...please give me the strength not to stab Big Momma 100 times with a dull knife...!!! (And keep others from not wanting to kill her either).

Yes - I've complained about her several times here in my journal. This week with Big Momma has taken it's toll though:

* On Tuesday, while cashing out her till while standing up, she starts to nod off. Nevermind that we have a small office that she could have gone into, to do her stuff (too lazy to get her keys...or did she lose them...again)? Anyway, I'm filling the rolling chip racks while I'm watching her. Boss number two and two student workers are also present. I am not exaggerating when I say that Big Momma laid her head down inside of one of the shelves, and went to sleep...she was still standing, face down in her till...snoring.

* On Wednesday I was in the office getting deposits finished for my boss to take over to the cashier's office. While I'm going about my business, Big Momma is balancing out. She usually takes over an hour when it should be done in 15 - 20 minutes...anyway, she started nodding off again...with potato chips in her gaping mouth. A woman from the dean's office was in the office talking with the boss. She couldn't believe what she was witnessing, so she took out her iPhone and began to video record Big Momma. Big Momma remains clueless, as usual. I'm sure that she will be in a big shock if/when her ass gets canned.

* Today - Thursday - took the cake. As it was a slow day - the last day open for the school - only Big Momma and I were cashiering. She took two long restroom breaks, a 50 minute break that was suppose to be for 30 minutes, a 30 minute break for a 15 minute one (eating the whole time), etc. She was told by the bosses that she'd close out early, to help others start with the cleaning. Apparently, she didn't like that idea, as that's when she went over to the salad area to 'straighten out'. I told her that I just fixed everything over there, but she insisted that more needed to be done...I guess she really meant that she needed to nod off more behind the salad line instead of her station...wow.

Anyway, after she loitered about the salads and sanwiches for an hour, she decided to have lunch. (That was the 30 minute break). After that, she tried to hide in the walk-in fridge, but both bosses found her and made her leave. She then fucked around doing nothing until it was time for her to balance out. Great...another hour or so of time.

When I was finally able to close out and balance, SHE WAS STILL COUNTING HER GODDAMN MONEY! Then, she thought that she could leave...NOT! The bosses are sick of her shit. They told her that although it was time for her to leave, she owed them time for the extra long breaks, and she needed to stick around and do some cleaning, like the rest of us...yipee!

but...of course this didn't quite work out, as she could barely do anything, but screw around at her station and do a half-assed cleaning job there.

Por is scrubbing down countertops...Big Momma is leaning againt a wall nodding off. Mai is cleaning out the smaller fridge...Big Momma is watching her. I'm digging goop from the cocoa machine...Big Momma is scratching her ass.

Boss #2 has had it with her. She told me that Big Momma is in for a big surprise tomorrow morning, as she will assign her the task of cleaning the whole walk in fridge BY HERSELF.

She stated that it was no longer her concern that Big Momma is so fat that she can't/won't do what the job requires. She needs to take responsibility for her eating habits and her health.

I mentioned that Big Momma might call in sick tomorrow to keep from doing anything. The boss replied with "More fodder to get rid of her...I'm tired of babysitting and helping her all of the time!"

Wow. We'll see what happens!



04:29 Dec 16 2011

Big Momma needs a kick in the head.

Holy Jeebus.

04:31 Dec 16 2011

Put away the knife. Wait until she gets the task of cleaning the walk in freezer. ;p

00:23 Dec 17 2011

Hey, if they don't fire her early enough for ya......consider just locking her inside the fridge if it's big enough lol.

Just lock the door and walk away lmao.

Seriously, I don't ever hope for people to lose their jobs....but she doesn't deserve one.



04:41 Dec 15 2011
Times Read: 1,431



00:16 Dec 17 2011



I'm done with school!!!

03:47 Dec 14 2011
Times Read: 1,450

I'm done with my studies now! I've decided not to wait for a hospital rotation in the spring, which was iffy at best. My average score for the course is 93.52. I should be receiving my pharmacy technician certificate in the mail in a few days. I still have to get registered in my state, and take the dreaded state exam though!



12:57 Dec 14 2011

COngrats - and you will do FABULOUSLY on the exam. :)

15:47 Dec 14 2011

Woohoo!!! Congratulations lady! ♥

17:08 Dec 14 2011

Way to go!! :)

21:11 Dec 14 2011

That's terrific! I always knew you would ace it!

02:57 Dec 15 2011


04:21 Dec 15 2011

You got this!


22:24 Dec 10 2011
Times Read: 1,469

I watched the lunar eclipse from my bedroom window this morning. It was beautiful.



22:43 Dec 10 2011

I didn't even know about it until I saw a news article this morning. I imagine it was amazing.

00:37 Dec 11 2011

I thought it was gonna be at night for here. I wish I could have seen it. Dammit lol. YOU LUCKY DUCK!!! lol. :P


02:06 Dec 05 2011
Times Read: 1,506

Crazy and funny stuff has happened at work, but so much went on that I forgot much of it.

What's been on my mind is the incident regarding a culinary student who was murdered by his off and on girlfriend...

From what I've learned, the girlfriend - the mother of his baby daughter - stabbed him multiple times in the chest and stomach. After she killed him, she called the cops.

I couldn't recall who the student was until someone found his profile on Facebook. The only thing he had up was a picture of himself with a huge grin on his face, holding his newborn daughter. And the only person he had as a contact was his girlfriend...

He was 28 years old. The gitlfriend is only 20.




12:22 Dec 05 2011


17:48 Dec 05 2011


22:24 Dec 05 2011

That's too bad. Really sad,

00:10 Dec 09 2011

...really messed up.


Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.

05:43 Dec 03 2011
Times Read: 1,526

I was reading through various topics in the Forum, and came across an interesting one

discussing Beauty discrimination.

My reply:

Beauty Discrimination

Posted: 00:37:39 - Dec 03 2011

Times viewed: 1

Attractive men and women get along better in life overall than plain or unattractive people. Studies have proven this. While it is unfair, it is the way things are, and it sucks.

I've been on both spectrums. I was plain and mostly ignored until I grew into some attractiveness when I hit my early twenties (plus, the 'coke bottom' glasses were replaced by contacts). Suddenly, I was escorted into the coolest clubs without having to wait in long lines, party with cool bands, do a teeny bit of modeling, get discounted or free stuff when stuff wasn't on sale, get the good tables at restaurants, get out of tickets, blah blah blah. The whole time this 'great stuff' was going on in my young life, I knew that I was coasting on my looks.

Personally - I've always been attracted towards intelligent, artistic types...no matter how beautiful or ugly. Even though I was considered one of the 'beautiful people' I never picked my friends based on their looks.

As a matter of fact - many of those vapid, conceited beautiful people made me sick...lol. Funny how many of them are no longer in my life.



05:53 Dec 03 2011

Ehhhh, sounds kinda iffy to me...just sayin'.

13:27 Dec 03 2011

I agree with your title. Personally, I try never to use the word 'ugly' in describing something or someone. I may say it, that, he, she is or they are 'unattractive to me' because that is my personal opinion. But it may not hold true for the next person. Yes, the standard of beauty can be defined and promoted by society and most people shape their opinions based on the standard set by the masses. The thought process is that the majority can't be wrong! Although difficult, you can retrain your brain for individual thought and then stay true to your own belief. Maybe in the end whether you want it to happen or not, you may just change the way someone else sees things. I like to think in the tale of Beauty & The Beast, the beast never transformed...the way we saw him did!

03:59 Dec 09 2011

I'm with you on this one. Been on both ends. I'll never forget hearing for the first time, this guy tell me "You're cute and you don't even know it. You're gonna break some hearts." I let that go to my head for awhile but managed to get my act together before I became a class A prick.



04:52 Dec 03 2011
Times Read: 1,533

Aaaah...nothing screams GHETTO like two gang chicks clawing at each other inside of a Food Max.



04:57 Dec 03 2011


07:37 Dec 03 2011


00:08 Dec 09 2011



Ready, set - GO!

17:40 Dec 02 2011
Times Read: 1,540

Finishing my coffee and bran muffin. I'll need the energy, as I will have a busy errand/chore day...

If I get everything done - and if I still have electricity - I'll log on tonight.

I kinda' miss not being here.



19:45 Dec 02 2011

Here's wishing you a happy visit to VR and worth spending your electricity on!


Crappy weather.

05:51 Dec 02 2011
Times Read: 1,551

We had a 'wind storm' yesterday - it lasted from the afternoon until late into the night. Broken trees, branches, roof pieces, downed power lines, and a general mess everywhere...

Last night, as I was about to log into VR, I hear a loud BOOM, then the power went out. It was only out for two hours, and I was done with most of the stuff I needed to do that required light, so it was no big deal. I took a shower and went to bed early...something that I should do more often!



06:18 Dec 02 2011

Got a little of that wind down south too.


Priest of the Month.

05:09 Dec 02 2011
Times Read: 1,556

December 2011


For Christmas, you get a priest and a few of his friends.



06:46 Dec 02 2011

Where's the sign up list?

I know what I want for the holidays!



15:40 Dec 03 2011

Wait, is it me or are then getting younger? Are my eyes getting older?

01:50 Dec 05 2011

Hell...they're all young to me - lol!

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