This poem is so hard to find and even harder to keep by the looks of it, so I am putting it here so I never lose it again:)
If you ever own an ocelot,
You'll find that it gets lost a lot
And causes endless trouble when you
try to seek it out.
It hides in closets, sinks and drawers,
Beneath the stairs, behind the doors--Or
even in a coffeepot, emerging from the spout!
Before you buy an ocelot,
Remember it'll cost a lot
To buy the types of food that every
ocelot demands.
If you don't get him steaks and chops
And apple pies and lemon drops,
You're sure to have a most unhappy creature
on your hands.
When he's not fed, an ocelot
Gets hungry, mean and cross a lot
And doesn't do a single thing but sulk
and pout and fret
But when you feed your ocelot
(He sure likes applesauce a lot!)
You'll find he makes a most delightful,
happy little pet.
Misspelled book title ftw!
*Jo, give me a call/email if you see this in the next few days.
I need some more motivation so that I can muster up enough energy to collect enough favour for the Ockham trading card game, but right now I have so much other crap going on in my life. I am considering getting a PA to do all the profile visiting instead:P
Did I ever mention I really fucking hate the coven system?
I do.