1. Sometimes I sit at the computer with big headphones on so people won’t bother me as much.
2. The headphones thing worked better in college.
3. I’m trying to learn how to type properly.
4. It drives me insane when people use the wrong there, they’re, and their.
5. I feel the same about your and you’re.
6. I am terrified of fish. (alive ones)
7. I loved archery in Jr. High.
8. I was over 30 years old before I ate my first blueberry.
9. I miss living in western Washington.
10. I wanted to be a boy scout because they got to do all the “cool stuff”
11. I was in Sea Scouts and loved it.
12. I have a weird thing for journal books.
13. I like black licorice. (a lot)
14. Of the umpteen instruments I’ve played, I liked playing the trumpet and classical guitar the best.
15. Thistles are my favorite flower.
16. I prefer to grow “bulb” plants because they are harder to kill. (for me at least)
17. I hate the way lipstick and nail polish feel.
18. I have a secret “thing” for King Julian on Madagascar.
19. I’ve been to Mexico, Canada, The States, and Scotland.
20. I like purple and green.
21. If I had a house every wall would be painted a different color.
22. My wallet cries when I go to a book store.
23. I sleep with a stuffed polar bear.
24. When I moved here the back of my neck was pierced.
25. I wanted to live on a boat when I grew up.
1. Watching the news gives me nightmares.
2. I have purple hair. (never buy “Splat” )
3. I like to put ice in my milk.
4. My dog is named after a dog on a Canadian children’s show.
5. The dumbest stuff fascinates me.
6. I hate coffee but I love the smell of it.
7. The smell of bacon reminds my of my grandparents’ house.
8. My left foot is a whole shoe size bigger than my right foot.
9. My friend and I used to pretend to play catch (with nothing) across a fairly busy street to see how many cars would stop in an hour.
10. Number 9 is a great reason to loath mimes.
11. I’ve been using Photoshop to edit moles off of pictures of myself just because I can. It’s my “FreeCell” .
12. I gag when I walk in grass with bare feet. (dry sand as well)
13. I really don’t like snow but I almost like driving in it. (Sledding with seat belts!)
14. I once received purple electrical tape as a gift.
15. I have an affinity for post-it note papers and tabs.
16. I love working on cars.
17. There are currently only six known images of me with blonde hair in existence.
18. My cat has 3 feet.
19. I ate Haggis and it was good.
20. I like writing and telling stories.
21. A lot of the time I know a lot more than I let on.
22. I like to sew and be artsy fartsy in general.
23. I still say “When I grow up I’m gonna _____________.” an awful lot. (I’m sort of ‘old’ for that.)
24. I had a boyfriend who told me that I smelled like a diaper… as a compliment.
25. I ate flavored chap stick as a child and it wasn’t all that great.
Moire is trying to murder me. She has a cold I think and I'm just that "crappy worn out sick flu-esque..." I feel so crappy I don't even want to go lay down.
Aaaaah depression naps.
I don't think you want me around-it would be bad if you caught this. It bleeds you dry. I laid in bed shivering this afternoon debating which is grosser to throw up: pizza or strawberry yogurt. They kind of tied but I think pizza wins just a little bit because it is more "work". I also wondered why if I didn't shave my legs for a year I couldn't have pigtails on my calves. Aside from being inconvenient while trying to walk. Ya know?
There are times in a girl’s life where she realizes too late that something just isn’t a good idea… For me this tends to happen in the middle somewhere. First some back-story.
About a month ago I died my lovely red hair brown. Sort of a chocolate brown. I have a dresser next to my bed with a large mirror and every morning of that month I would wake up and when I sat up in bed I’d catch myself in the mirror out of the corner of my eye and jump, not recognizing myself. After a month of starting everyday with a minor heart attack, I tried to die my hair a similar lovely shade of red that it had been. *sigh* It didn’t work….
Last night in the wee hours at a drug store I was wandering about and happened to meander through the hair product aisle. Sometimes I notice things I’d have been better off not having noticed. This I believe happened last night. Hair dye. A “hair dye kit”. Purple. YES! Purple is a good idea. I like purple and here they have a kit! How cool is that?
I bought two kits on impulse. It was a good thing as there wasn’t enough “bleaching agent” in just one kit for my whole hair farm. That went okay. Dump this here, shake that there, plaster into hair, and gag for an hour while there is a sick bubbly melting sensation all over your head… Not to mention that the smell will make your eyes bleed.
I am also dyslexic. I read the part about the dye “staining things” (duh. It is supposed to right?) My brain said, “Yes yes dye stains so be careful ok got it.” Then there was a part about Vaseline? My brain said “Look in the box?”, just extra noozles, “Hmmm maybe that’s what they’re calling those?” Vaseline is quickly forgotten.
Later when my hair, hands, an a third of my face are all stained bright purple… I read it again. “Put Vaseline on your ears and face to prevent staining. My brain wondered if it said that last time and decided to try using Bag Balm to “clean” the stains off. *scrub scrub scrub* Not working. L Read it again and notice the word PREVENT. *sigh and slumps shoulders*
Attempts at cleaning it off face:
Wash cloth and…
Water=2% satisfaction
Soap=2.6% satisfaction
Whitening toothpaste= 18% excited
Scouring soap… 63% “Ouch getting raw now”
Deep cleansing face scrub= 72% loosing hope…
Bag Balm= 34% feel better on now raw skin AND the birth of the next dumb idea.
Back to the Vaseline preventing stains… Time for Google. OH! Okay well Bag Balm is oily and all that too. I really don’t want to stain the tub… *dries out tub and quickly empties tin of Bag Balm and starts spreading it* The tub is cold and that makes the Bag Balm difficult to spread. Now for my next brilliant idea! *digs under sink* an unopened bottle of baby oil. Sure it’s nearly a decade old but it is still oily. It even had a squirty thinger in it to make it easier to make a bigger mess more efficiently. As I stand back to admire my work I hear a distinct mental click.
1. My hair is coated in impressively stainful purple goo.
2. The entire inside of my bathtub is coated with Bag Balm and or baby oil.
3. Things like this should only happen in bad porn films.
4. I have clean this all up…
5. I will be in the bathroom a very long time.
6. I hope I don’t slip and kill myself.
7. I’m grateful I’m the only one home and that there are only six pictures of my with blonde hair.
I will return to the dyes of my youth… Call to me Manic Panic!
Pictures and comments in portfolio. Might change them later. I wish an angel on the stairs would... yeah.
I'm selecting photos and shifting software. Begging up new software. (HA! In my dreams!)
I hate it when I forget to remove nametags. I went to a film class earlier today and just now I've escaped a conversation with some folks at the door from a church of someone or another I'm not familiar with and the whole time I'm standing there beating my brains wondering how these guys know my name. Dumbfounded? Impressed? "Freaked"? Sure but they let me in on it in the end. Sneaky buggers.
I worked out how to view them... Now I want one. It is time to print now though. *pouty face* My kitchen smells like burnt bacon grease. It's odd as I have neither. If anyone should read this and knows how to do it... Please tell me how to ditch the 4 extra browser bar things. My tech support guy quit and it's going down hill fast here. The other two guys won't tell me. They just laugh. I think they think I am joking. It would be nice if they think that and aren't just making fun of me.
I'm feeling smug just now. I did a couple things at the same time and I was productive while doing them. I've been meaning to pull and outline out of my purple journal book and stick it in my laptop. *Pa-Ping* (Being careful with the wand there.) It's in here. I spent a fine chunk or time alone today and I even sang. For some reason singing is nearly as private to me as my belly button. Maybe it is the "weird" that hangs in the air when I get caught. Akward stunned silences. I get enough of that speaking. *sigh* I should work on my profile. I should... I should blah blah blah. Next stop. Email.
Yes I'm talking about snow. It is cold, wet and messy. I hate it! Snow with it's pristine suffocating silent whiteness. Muffing sound and making my nose run. It is bad enough to have snow on the mountains and being completely surrounded! (They are only hills in the summer. ("Snow makes the mountain.") The mountains are like an unpassable wall almost half the year. It's like being stuck in a great big dish. Claustrophobic feelings of being fenced in on all sides both near and far. Why is this bothering me so much? I don't have anywhere to go or plans to do so. I guess it's just the idea. The feeling of being "trapped" and the inconvenience of it all. The funny part is that in the summer I'll be whining and moaning just as much about the heat. I won't be as annoyed but I do go through a "I feel so naked" phase every year. I'm not sure if it is the heat or the "Wow, you're SO white!" comments that irritate me more. One of these days I'll have to journal in a good mood eh?
I'm a mosquito now! Google craftastrophe... Oh WOW. As far as holidays go today is something of an anticlimax. No big parties. Not even guests. *sighs* Today I was given a roll of purple electrical tape as a gift. I don't even know where to begin. It is a pretty colour of purple though. ;)