I've decided to add all my old diary entries back onto this site. It's actually given me the chance to read through many of them and realise how valuable they are to me as a reminder of my journey. I've become distracted by furthering myself in the material world and let my spiritual development fall by the wayside but I hope it's like riding a bike. I just need to find the groove again.
I've not been on for a while but I miss this site and regret deleting 4 years worth of astral projections and hag attacks. I have them all on paper, but there was something about sharing my experience online that seemed to drive my passion for it. I've found of late my interest has waned and I hope by starting my journal again that my love for the astral will be re-kindled.
3rd Dec 2013
I'm going to report any little thing that I consider even slightly weird. Hopefully I'll become more sensitive if I pay attention to the little things.
Tonight as soon as I got into bed my head was engulfed in black and I couldn't see a thing for a minuet. Then I saw and felt a shadow cloud moving about my head. I opened myself to it and invited it to feed off me in any way it wanted to. It stayed for a while then drifted away.
4th Dec 2013
Something came, very similar to last night but more intense. It was a lot stronger and was intent on playing about my brain. It's energy felt like purple larva flowing about my head. I really enjoyed it's presence and thanked it for being there. I've had this purple one before many times. I was sure that it was healing my brain possibly making me more open to spiritual experiences again. It's only subtle ones coming through the shadow clouds at the moment but that nice for now.