holy mother earth. Can you beleive how much of a parasite they are on the earth??
De-forestation. Carbon emissions. Land fills. Strip mining. Oil drilling.
That is just the tip of the iceberg. Oh, and speaking of icebergs...just look at how global warming is effecting them!
At some point, the earth is going to purge itself of the parasite unless the parasite becomes less of a burden. I'm not advocating that we all stop using modern technology and go live in the woods. What I will say is that the humans need to smarten up. They need to do less damage to their enviroment. They need, to be better stewards of the land.
Every culture around the world has a creation story. In that story, man was put here to tend to the land. In the bible he was put here to be the master gardner in the garden of eden. In Islam, man was created from clay and thus making him part of nature...not seperate from it. In the earliest of Sumarian text, man was "grown from the ground". On of the gods drove his pick axe into the soil and planted a seed like corn and grew man up from it.
All of these creation stories and many, many more tie man to the earth. Having man rise from or molded from the earth. With this in mind, it is not illogical for one to draw the conclusion that they are tied closely to the earth and should protect the earth and respect the earth from which they came.
But they don't.
De-forestation. Carbon emissions. Land fills. Strip mining. Oil drilling.
A Parasite. Destroying and murdering the very earth from which they were born of.