IcarusMoonsight's Journal

IcarusMoonsight's Journal


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8 entries this month


IQ Test

16:19 Oct 30 2007
Times Read: 632

I took a full fledged Intelligence Quotient Exam a few years back and scored at 160. This short test came reasonably close to that, though it was a bit liberal as my 160 came, like I said, a few years ago when my mind was markedly sharper and quicker than it is currently. Here is the result anyways for yucks and snoogans.

IQ Test Score




Would You Like to Take a Survey?

05:42 Oct 30 2007
Times Read: 640

The Perfect Adult Survey
The Basics
Name::Edward / Icarus
Age::I can buy liquor. Yes, even when carded. :p
Birthday::September 12th
Living Arrangments::Made
Where you go to School/Work::The evil place that holds my paycheck hostage every week.
Height::6' 1"
Hair and Eye Color::Hair: Light Brown - Bleaches slightly in summer Eyes: Dark brown. What can I say? I'm a shithead. :p
Your Favorite Things
Favorite T.V. Show::Many
Favorite Movie::More than TV Shows
Hot Actor or Actress::May West, Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman - I'm a fan of classic beauty. Shakira for the obvious reasons. :p
Favorite Band or Musician::The Beatles - Paul, John and George. Sorry, but Ringo can go to hell. lol
Favorite Colors::Grey, Purple, Green and Silver (shiney!!!) I detest gold. Yuck!
Favorite place to hang out::Where ever I happen to be at the time.
Favorite Holiday::Halloween - Samhain
Favorite Beer::I enjoy most I've had.
Favorite Sexual Position::I enjoy most I've done. :p
Favorite place to shop::Internet
Favorite type of Underwear?::Invisible, Intangible and otherwise not present.
A little more personal...
Are You in Love?:Oh yeah baby!
Is there someone you want but don't have?::In the past yes... they never panned out.
If you could see someone one last time, who would it be?::My Grandfather.
What would you say?::"What do ya know grandpa?"
Your Best Characteristic::Weird
Your Worst Characteristic::Slacker
Something you would change about yourself::I'm fine how I am thanks. :p
Something a Lot of People don't know about you::I don't dress weird and I have no body mods, tats or holes with trinkets in them. Though I love and appreciate the whole body mod thing. :)
Are you Self Concious?::I am self aware if that's what you're asking. :p
Do you like your Family?::A few members I like alot. Some I'm iffy about, but most no. Though I love them all for some odd reason.
In 5 years I see myself...::In a mirror? I guess. Maybe I don't get the question. Or a hologram if we have that tech in 5 years! Neat!
Do you want kids?::Yes and No
Is your life the way you thought it would be?::Yes and No
Biggest Accomplishment::The Merger
Are you Successful?:At most things, yes and usually on the first go. Though it's not always the case. The secret is to be tenacious and unrelenting if you want something.
Totally Random
Best friends::My Wife - Jennifer :x
Best Memory::Falling in love with my best friend. :D
Did you like Highschool?::Yeah, mostly because I didn't go and they didn't care.
Craziest thing you've ever done::Text box leaves insufficient space to explain.
Drunk?::Now? No. In the past... nearly constantly.
High?::See "Drunk?"
How would you describe yourself?::I am Jean Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise! Make it so number 2!
Do you make enough money?::For what I do yes. More money would = more options however.
What car do you drive?::98 Ford Escort ZX2 "Hot" Coupe - Basicly a Focus that doesn't suck balls.
Is there someone you hate?::Does the President and his Neo Con cohorts count?
What pets do you have?::We have a dalmatian plantation where all population can roam. :p
If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?::Rock Star/Free Speach-Thought Anti-Political Correctness Televangelist
Afraid of dying?::Not really. That's when the fun really begins. :)
Last time you laughed?::Everyday at least once.
Last time you cried?::Can't recall. But, I do. Last I remember is when Molly (our little dally girl) passed away. I have cried since then though.
Your Favorite type of weather::Clear and crisp nights and thunderstorms.
Someone you Miss::My father who lives in Reno NV.
Anyone on Myspace you want to hook up with?::Nope
Are your parents still married?::Nope
An Embarrasing Story::Head up your ass? Better call a plumber.
An Annoying Co-Worker::The time clock. The bastard torrments me each and every day!
Best Song right now::Weird Al's "White & Nerdy" Let's just say that I identify.
Do you smoke?::Yes
Ever had an online relationship?::Yes *nods tward wife*
Have you Ever had Cyber sex?::What is that? :p
Been to a Strip Club?::Yeah
Best sport to watch::Hockey!!!
Best sport to play::Used to be Hockey... now it's Wii-Sports lol
Do you play any instruments?::Guitar 6 and 12 string. Bass guitar. Dabble on keys and drums though I am better at programming synths and drum machines than actually playing.
The coolest Person you Know::I know of him not know him, but Eddie Izzard! The man is simply glorious. :)
Someone you look up to::Anyone significantly taller than me.
Someone who looks up to you::Anyone significantly shorter than me, I imagine.
Morning or Night Person?::We only come out at the night... for the sun is much too bright!
Anything you regret?::Can't say that I do.
Favorite quote or saying::"Only those whom attempt the absurd are capable of acheiving the impossible."
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Horoscope Horror

21:02 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 649

I was born very early in the AM on September 12th. This places me in the sign of Virgo. I am a very bad Virgo. I'll try and explain.

I'm not neat or tidy. I don't have a fascination with order nor am I devoted to the planning of anything. I am however, practical, in a sense. Also I enjoy spending time at home. Nearly everything else is counter to the Virgo path set to me at birth. :)

I had an English teacher in Jr. High school that prided herself on the fact that after knowing her students for a semester she could peg each ones astrological sign and she has never missed once... Until me at least. Her first guess was Gemini, and I can see where she got that with my kinda being two people, runs with the twins vibe of the Gemini very well. You'd think she'd get it on the next one, never having missed before, but no! Faltered again with a guess of Leo. Pwned after stabbing at Scorpio, and finally gave up after guessing Aries. She looked dumbfounded when I responded to her "What the hell are you then?" with "A Virgo." She is the one that gave me the line, "You are a very bad Virgo. I would have guessed that last."

So there you have it... my horoscope horror of being a VERY bad Virgo! lmao




Jung Personality - Word Choice Short Exam

19:06 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 650

INFJ - "Author". Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. Complex personality. 1.5% of total population.
Free Jung Word Choice Test (similar to MBTI)
personality tests by similarminds.com




Left Brained or Right Brained?

18:59 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 651

Brain Lateralization Test Results
Right Brain (24%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (18.8%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain
Are You Right or Left Brained?(word pair test)
personality tests by similarminds.com

Left brain dominant individuals are more orderly, literal, articulate, and to the point. They are good at understanding directions and anything that is explicit and logical. They can have trouble comprehending emotions and abstract concepts, they can feel lost when things are not clear, doubting anything that is not stated and proven.

Right brain dominant individuals are more visual and intuitive. They are better at summarizing multiple points, picking up on what's not said, visualizing things, and making things up. They can lack attention to detail, directness, organization, and the ability to explain their ideas verbally, leaving them unable to communicate effectively.

Overall you appear to have fairly Equal Hemispheres


According to Darwinian theory, optimal evolution takes place with random variation and selective retention. The evolution savvy individual will try many different approaches when faced with a problem and select the best of those approaches. Many historical intellectuals have confessed their advantage was simply considering/exploring/trying more approaches than others. The left brain dominant type suffers from limited approaches, narrow-mindedness. The right brain dominant type suffers from too many approaches, scatterbrained. To maintain balanced hemispheres, you need to exercise both variability and selection. Just as a company will have more chance of finding a great candidate by increasing their applicant pool, an individual who considers a wider set of options is more likely to make quality decisions.




Which Leader Are You?

18:52 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 650




What Classic Movie Are You?

18:22 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 651




Personality Quiz Results from: simularminds.com

18:13 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 652

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||| 50%
Stability |||||||||||||| 60%
Orderliness |||||||||| 40%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 50%
Interdependence |||||||||| 36%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Mystical |||||||||||||||| 70%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Religious || 10%
Hedonism |||||||||||||| 60%
Materialism |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 50%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 43%
Self absorbed |||||||||||| 50%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 70%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 43%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Avoidant |||||| 30%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Wealth || 10%
Dependency |||||||||||| 50%
Change averse |||||| 23%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Individuality |||||||||||| 50%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Physical Fitness |||||| 24%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 56%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 70%
Vanity |||||||||||||||| 63%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Indie |||||||||||||||||| 73%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were medium which suggests you are moderately talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting.

trait snapshot:

messy, tough, disorganized, fearless, not rule conscious, likes the unknown, rarely worries, rash, attracted to the counter culture, rarely irritated, positive, resilient, abstract, not a perfectionist, risk taker, strange, weird, self reliant, leisurely, dangerous, anti-authority, trusting, optimistic, positive, thrill seeker, likes bizarre things, sarcastic



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