Have i caught your eye? How nice, now listen up. Throughout time, all witches, and other supernatural creatures have bonded closely. Witches have harbored vampyres, helped werewolves through injuries, cleansed the energy of humans, and cleared and helped all sorts of nature dieties. In return, nature has provied the things needed for helping werewolves, and werewolves helped with the cleansing of humans. It is all a rigid, teetering, unstable give and take. What is your view on allowing a witch to join a coven? I mean, talk about a trump card, let me just make some poison or summon a demon to fight your enemy. Joking, we wouldnt do that. A witch in a coven, alliance or house would mostly be there to help. Me, personally? I would enjoy the family like experienceand be overjoyed. I would be the scholar of the vampyres, and help them with strategies in battle, whatever is needed. In return, i simply think it would just be amazing to be apart of one.
08:00 Jun 20 2017
i would enjoy having you in my coven immensely
13:15 Jun 20 2017
Sippa's coven would indeed be a good choice ... unless you are allergic dragon slobber :p