Today I received an invitation to a friend's 16 year old son's baby shower. Seems that last spring he impregnated his 15 year old (then) girlfriend. I am glad that he is stepping up and supporting the child, but I have such mixed feelings about the whole situation. The soon to be mother, has serious mental health issues and has had no prenatal care. She has also denied being pregnant for at least six months of the pregnancy while she has had numerous boyfriends. I know from my job, that both she and my friend's son have been arrested for using illegal drugs after the child was conceived. I also know that both are using a LOT of alcohol and have throughout the pregnancy.
I just worry that the whole thing is going to be a mess for the baby and for the mother and the father. I am also very concerned that this will not be a healthy baby. I hope that both of these soon to be parents grow up in a hurry for the sake of this child if they do intend, as they say, to keep the child.
I am still undecided as to whether I will go to this baby shower. What do you take a 16 year old boy who may get two days a month with a baby? I guess some baby clothes or other baby accouterments.