Goddessvampire99's Journal

Goddessvampire99's Journal


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1 entry this month

My lovely stay at the hospital

16:56 Nov 04 2011
Times Read: 512

Well in the beginning of the yr I have been having pain attacks it felt like gall bladder attacks but since i got mine out last yr i didn't think nothing of it i just thought it was my age and it came right around my time of the month. But in june eveything change i went to bed happy so i woke up at midnight in the worst pain in my life usually i can walk it off or sleep it off but i went on for hours finally at 4 i went to the er i couldn't take anymore of the pain so they did there tests and gave me a cat scan. So it came back i had a small stone in t here they told me it wasn't causing my pain so i said ok but i knew what it was so my doc gave me a whole bunch of heart tests they all came out normal but the pain kept coming and one thing about my docs they don't believe in pain meds so i went on with these attacks without pain meds and they last for hours there are days to where i didn't sleep or eat because of the pain. then i went to a gastro doc and had all there tests done and nothing came of them either and all the while the pain got worse so they did an ultra sound and nothing so i was about to give the fuck up i was telling you i was in such a depression i just wanted to leave this world but my friends and family kept me sane and living in this world. So a couple of weeks ago everything went wrong the weekend i was in pain and it didn't stop no matter what i did it went on for 2 days so on sunday i couldn't take it anymore i begged my mom to take me so told me they won't do nothing for me just to wait i was throwing up and crying which i never do when i am in pain so finally she gave in so i went in they took my blood and did tests even morphine didn't cut the pain so he came in and said well the pain might be in back and if you don't feel good tomorrow come back was like what the hell i told him i want a cat scan and i want it now damn it because i knew what it was so they did but he hd to wait until my pregancy test came back normal i told the damn nurse that i am not pregant damn it its been way to long for that to happen so another 3 hours go by they finally take me in and get it done so now i wait he goes to me you are staying the night you have a 6 mm stone blocking your duct and it was crystalized. so i go up to a room finally at 3 in the morning they kept giving me morphine i told them its not cutting it so they gave me some harder stuff that was wonderful i went to the bathroom and my urine was very brown i didn't know what from and the nurses wont tell me. so i slept most of the night with nice pain meds finally monday was a big blurr for me but i had the stone removeand the made the duct bigger so they can drain. so i go back into my room i look at my arms and now i have to iv's in my arms they told me i was bleeding heavily so they had to give me something to stop it i was like ok what now. but i finally got out of the hospital on wed. thank goodness

Now for the best part of it i went to my docs today when i first went to the er my liver tests where off the charts she never seen them so high and the asshole doc was going to let me go home with my tests so high i was pissed this morning if it wasn't for me being a real bitch and telling the doc what i wanted and what i knew what it was i would have been so fucked. but she told me i might be one of those people who will probably develop the stones if this happens again they will do it again or but a shunt inside my duc to help pass them how wonderful it is right i am still having some pain but not bad its like when it first started so i am praying i won't have to do this again.



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