My iPad hates VR. I should have known that trying to write something long and coded would end ubruptly, me blinking at my home screen. My browser, of course, just crashed and took about an hours worth of work with it (if you've ever had to type a long bit on an iPad without a keyboard then you'll know how tedious that hour of tap-tapping was). I guess it's time to wake up my dinosaur computer.
Does anyone else have this problem? I'm using Chrome, perhaps (stupid) Safari would perform better with this site?
You know, I'd been gone for several years and I expected lots of people to have left and things to have changed when I came back but one thing did surprise me, the pictures. I recognize so many of the profile pictures here still of active users, the same as when I first joined about 5 years ago. Even some of the Kismets are the same. I don't know why that strikes me but, every time, it does.
*sigh* Don't put lemon juice on your face. Don't put baking soda on your face. Don't put Milk of Magnesia on your face. Don't put toothpaste on your face. Don't put undiluted* tea tree oil (or any other undiluted essential oil for that matter) on your face.
I just saved my friend from giving herself severe burns and destroying the acid mantle of her face for years. Seriously, don't let Pintrest dictate your skincare routine.
A facebook friend told her to mix 100% tea tree oil with lemon juice and baking soda, put the paste on her acne and to go sit in the sun until it set solid. The reason she said she accepted the advice was because "you use oil on your face all the time!" Jojoba oil is not the same as tea tree oil. Research is not the same as "are you sure?"
Unless you know what you're doing or are willing to put days into researching reputable, up to date, science-backed resources, then leave the DIY skincare remedies to those who do/are. "Natural" does not mean safe or better. It's just a marketing term. If you "don't have time" to research every ingredient then just go buy the stuff that is developed and, more importantly, tested to take care of exactly the problem you want to address. I'm not saying that diy remedies can't work, some are really great, but you have to research heavily first.
I remember using a shampoo that gave me chemical burns. Ever since then I've stayed away from citrus based soaps. The shampoo was made by herbal essences.
didn't see bicarb listed, thank frell.
that has 1001 uses and, many are bodily.
Huh. I guess I'll have to wait for this ad to pass before I can revamp my profile. That took me way too long to figure out. You got off lucky this time, creator's block, this time.
Aw, Acedia, I remember you! I forgot that my mark had boosted my level so much. I'll have to wait to reopen my mentorship but I'm very glad that it didn't get deleted. Now, I just have to decipher what the hell I was trying to say. The filigree is strong.
I don't know.
I'm not what I used to be, not far off but not the same, and now everything seems silly. I know I need to stretch out old muscles but first I have to clean house. I'm a born reminisce-r so just blindly tossing everything would be too tragic to bear but, oh jeez, reliving those old poses isn't much less painful. I haven't gotten very far. I don't know what I'd put in place of this ghost though. I've removed the obvious-pictures, mentions of LEdMD-but, for now, I'll leave the rest. I know it's served me well in the past but it feels like shrouding myself in a shed skin, uncomfortably tight. Maybe, I'll just talk to myself until something finds me.
I don't know.
Oooph. Reading words written by my 20 year-old self is painful. This overhaul is going to make all my cringe muscles sore in the morning.
12:45 Sep 23 2015
I have this problem on my mobile. Usually I copy paste because I know it'll log me out. If you paste it and press post fast, it should work. :)
Sorry it happened.
00:36 Oct 29 2015
firefox... oh dear, that means computers.
I HATE ipads, sorry. But there you go.
Too helpful.
Why not write the copy n paste, less waste.