I have found my engagement ring.
I stumbled upon this guy sifting through TED talks waiting for Thanksgiving festivities and it's really brightened my day.
The surface as course runs thin; without the ever churning magma of SELF upthrusting and overturning virgin masses of psyche life ceases. The purely reactive nature of PERSONALITY overtakes the unassuming soul, since quieted now silenced.
It is not an equal balance but a weighted scale and without the added heft of realization and genuine effort/self propulsion PERSONALITY hurtles to the bottom flinging SELF completely from it's cradle into the cosmos and ultimately, oblivion.
It is not a symbiotic relationship but a tentative dance between the untouched maiden and predator. Without the other the dance ceases and both will fall. SELF keeps PERSONALITY on it's indefatigable feet and focused by sidling gracefully way at the last possible moment as fangs glance mere millimeters from milky skin and PERSONALITY'S veracious appetite imbues SELF with the vivacity that only self preservation can engender.
Moral of the story, keep the music bright boys and invest in some real soul-food!
01:17 Nov 27 2009
Definitely one of a kind :)