FlawlessForce's Journal

FlawlessForce's Journal


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4 entries this month

To The Fuck Brains That Hacked My Account...

06:36 Apr 27 2007
Times Read: 571

Monday, April 23, 2007

To The Fuck Brains That Hacked My Account...

Current mood: irate

If you are unaware of what "phishing" is....it would be a good idea to read. "Phishing" is when you give out information to something false, and someone can hack into your account, overtake it, and practically steal your identity, and change your friends' perception of you, solely based on your Myspace page, and other web pages similar to it. Tom (The actual Myspace owner) was considerate enough to lock up my account, and let me change my password, to let me take back control of my page. I give Myspace my grattitude for that. Considering how much time, effort, and how many friends I have on my page, it would have been a sincere havok to create a new Myspace page, and attain the heights of glory that my current one, already has. lol I just wanted to make it clear that THIS IS MY PAGE, THIS IS REALLY SEAN TYPING, AND THE GENUINE FUCKTARDZ THAT THOUGHT THEY COULD HACK INTO MY ACCOUNT ARE NOW GONE...so it is safe to talk to me at your discretion...I would also strongly advise that you never give out any of your account information over the internet, or people that you do not know. I know that this is common sence, but it cannot be emphasized enough. People can fuck up your identity, or even stalk you, when getting ahold of your Myspace account or any other web account....SO PLEASE TAKE STRONG PRECAUTION. I was very fortunate this time, and am around to tell about it. It will NEVER happen again, as long as I have this Myspace page. I figured that I would dedicate this blog to be kind enough to give fair warning to all of my friends, and readers. PLEASE TAKE PRECAUTION...Thanks....Goddamn, that was so fucking corny, but you people get the point. lol...

2:05 PM - 1 Comments - 2




The Emo Song Remix...

20:32 Apr 17 2007
Times Read: 576

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Emo Song Remix...

Current mood: artistic

dear diary,

mood: apathetic

my life is spiraling downward. i couldn't get enough money to go to the Blood Red Romance and Suffocate Me Dry Concert. It sucks cause they play some of my favorite songs like 'Stab My Heart Because I Love You,' and 'Rip Apart My Soul,' and of course, 'Stabby Rip Stab Stab." and it doesn't help that i couldn't get my hair to do that flippy thing either, like that guy from that band could do, some days you know. . .

i'm an emo kid, non-conforming as can be

you'd be non-conforming to if u look just like me

i have paint on my nails and make-up on my face

i'm almost emo enough to start shaving my legs

'cause i feel real deep when i'm dressing in drag

i call it freedom of expression most just call me a f*g

'cause their dudes look like chicks, their chicks look like d*kes

'cause emo is one step below transvestite

stop my breathing and slit my throat

i must be emo

i don't jump around when i go to shows

i must be emo

i'm dark and sensitive with low self-esteem

the way i dress makes everyday feel like Hallowe'en

i have no real problems but i like to make believe

i stole my sister's mascara now i'm grounded for a week

sulking and writing poetry are my hobbies

i can't get through a Hawthorne Heights album without sobbing

girls keep breaking up with me, it' never any fun

they say they already have a p*ssy, they don't need another one

stop my breathing and slit my throat

i must be emo

i don't jump around when i go to shows

i must be emo

dye in my hair and polish on my toes

i must be emo

i play guitar and write suicide notes

i must be emo

my life is just a black abyss, you know, it's so dark. and it's suffocating me. grabbing ahold of me and tightening it's grip, tighter than a pair of my little sister's jeans . . . which look great on my by the way

when i get depressed i cut my wrists in every direction

hearing songs about getting dumped give me an erection

i write in a live journal and wear thick rimmed glasses

i told my friends i bleed black and cry during classes

i'm just a bad, cheap imitation of goth

you can read me "Catcher in the Rye," and watch me jack off

i wear skin tight clothes while hating my life

if i said i like girls i'd only be half right

i look like i'm dead and dress like a homo

i must be emo

screw XBOX i play old school Nintendo

i must be emo

i like to whine and hate my parentals

i must be emo

me and my friends all look like clones

i must be emo

my parents just don't get me you know. they think i'm gay just because they saw me kiss a guy. well, a couple of guys. but i mean, it's the 2000s. can't 2, or 4 dudes make-out with each other without being gay. i mean, chicks dig that kind of thing anyways. i don't know diary, sometimes i think you're the only one that gets me, you're my best friend. . . . i feel like tacos

hope you enjoy!!

and if you don't, i'm sorry : (




Riley and I....

04:21 Apr 11 2007
Times Read: 579

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Riley and I

Current mood: calm

Last night, I had been conversing with my fiance, Riley, on AIM. She was informing me about the end of year routines that we all attend, our Senior year of high school. Aside from our bickering of how to budget Prom, and her nightly lecture to address the obvious necessity to order my tuxedo as soon as possible, as well as acknowledging the state of our varied work days, she informed me how essential it was for me to attend her Rose Cutting ceremony for her emotional well-being. lol According to her, everyone there may childishly laugh at her sobbing, when I'd be there to confort her, as practically her tear napkin. lol She also wanted me to go with her to pick out a dress to wear for both her Rose Cutting ceremony, and her Graduation ceremony, which ofcourse, I will also be attending. In addition for her longing for my company, she asked me to decide the new layout for her Myspace page, from the selection she had chosen, in which I did in accordance to which I figured she'd be most happy with. lol. I then typed the next text in our conversation....

grotesquous: Am I practically your social life these days? lol

Dark Sketch: yes

Isn't it awkward when the love of your life becomes your best friend, as well? We have been together for over five months now, and have been engaged for nearly four months. It seems already, that we've spent a life time together. With her being out of school early and working, and me being in college and working, it seems like the only time that we have available to spend, is with each other. She barely ever has any time to spend with other girl friends, or have those same gender congregations that girls seem to need while being in relationships. Most of her friends are straight, by the way, if any of you are thinking that I'm being perverse. lol Even and especially her female friends, which is quite stunning in today's society. lol She seems to be depressed, as most, about leaving her high school years behind, and seeing close friends deminish into her past, and uncertain about her future ahead. She depicts all of this quite nicely in her latest blog, "all grown up..." so I'm not going any further in depth, when you can lament her story, by reading it for yourself. The adventure ahead of us will be worth living for, though. I will be looking forward to the corruption of her very innocent mind, and exposing her to the night life, and party scene that college holds in store for her, and cherishing the next chapter of our youth, that we will embark on, together. On her side for personal ambition, she will continue to make a profession out of worrying about me, and conforming me to the concept of responsibility and maturity, lol Thus, compromising a loose balance for a "healthy relationship." To this point, we have had our ups and downs on may occasions, (in more ways than one. lol)....from our various routine arguements, putting each other in pain because of our vast differences, our frequent and constant struggles to conform quality communication with each other, our few close calls of ending it all....to our comedic make-ups, our first kiss on the lake, our first groping jobs in the movie theater, to the first time that we said we love each other, to me proposing to her, then re-proposing to he, for being such a dick at times....yet the most compassionate, and caring person, that she would ever admit to being with....(I don't care if you complain about my run-on sentences, it's my blog, fuck off if you don't like it. lol)....from the stuffed bear given to her at Valentine's Day, the prizes that I won for her at an over paid carnival....to me willingly hiding in her closet, having me at her house over night, when her parents went camping (use your imagination)....the abundance of jewelry and flowers that I've gotten her at random....and to make up for being a dick head, once more....and will many more times in the future....to the endless spending more than we should every weekend at nice restaurants and movies.....to her driving me home and staying at my house or with friends until 3am....to her falling asleep in my arms, watching television....to the conversations that we have together that you would typically discuss with your best friends, rather than your significant other....to the priceless expressions of envy that we can see in our friends faces, admiring the significance of our deep bond that we have for one another, that they too wish that they had....to me threatening to slaughter her stalking ex-boyfriends....to her telling me to have nothing to do with mine lol....to me giving up drugs, and letting her con me into wearing color at times....to her having a bit more confidence in herself, and actually being with another guy that she can trust with her heart....I would already consider us to be married. I, personally do not need some religious figure head's stamp of approval to prove my commitment to the love of my life, yet it is for our family's satisfactory benefits, and the sake of appeasing her that we will suffer one day, the perils of traditions with in laws with bountifully beautiful smiles on our faces. In continuane we will live a disastrous, yet happily married life, in a large house (eventually), with fifteen boys, fifteen girls, and a plantation of slaves, by the Mississippii River, with imports and imports of concubines from Utah to accompany me in erotic and house hold labor....lol Just kidding babe...(This is where my asshole side is revealed, just for shits and giggles, and to get a reaction out of her. lol) I love you cup cakes! : (o)....I took a random venture to The Cork Screw, here on Fried St. to get some White Wine......in continuance...and of most importance....Riley and I will live on together while seeing our friends fade behind us....Our bonds are all that hold us together in this life, and the love and unique companionship will hold us together until death departs us....in the immediate preasant however, I am looking forward to taking you to Prom, and spending the night in a nice hotel afterwards....we're going to be doing more than watching cable television obviously. lol I am feeling a bit tipsy right now as well so i will end thi blog...I love you babe, and I am very fortunate to be with you. As different as we are from each other, we are more than right from each other....because opposites attract, and good friends make excellent lovers =).....Thank you for being here with me at my side, babe, when I needed someone the most, and I am sure that you, too feel the same way....We have made a life time of memories behind us, making up memories, as we live now, and will sustain our sealment together for the many adventures ahead....





Updated Works

18:17 Apr 09 2007
Times Read: 583

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Defining Liberal Jew....A COnversation With A Close Friend....

[00:44] Chaos Savant: My dilemma is over

[00:44] Chaos Savant: yay!

[00:44] grotesquous: Mine, too, as though it appears....

[00:44] grotesquous: I had a lot of friends jump his case for me. lol....

[00:45] Chaos Savant: I just saw how happy Christine is and if she was brainwashed into happiness oh well.

[00:45] grotesquous: He went away....

[00:45] grotesquous: Oh....

[00:45] grotesquous: She converted?

[00:45] Chaos Savant: She has convictions and a path and is happy now.

[00:45] Chaos Savant: Not so much converted as recommited

[00:45] grotesquous: That's cool....

[00:46] grotesquous: As long as she found peace, not much else matters.

[00:46] Chaos Savant: If having a closer more religous life makes her happy all the power to her.

[00:46] Chaos Savant: Yup.

[00:46] grotesquous: right

[00:46] grotesquous: Did "Byron," ever message you back?

[00:46] Chaos Savant: Nope

[00:47] grotesquous: It turns out that he's good friends with my brother.

[00:47] grotesquous: lol hat figures

[00:47] grotesquous: So, what sort of changes did you see in her?

[00:48] Chaos Savant: Well for one she isn't pushing me away quite the opposite, and just a happiness I've never felt from her in the time I've known her.

[00:49] grotesquous: Wow....

[00:49] grotesquous: I'm happy for you.

[00:50] grotesquous: Is she going to try to convert you, too? lol

[00:50] Chaos Savant: Nah. her view won't ever be and If I do ever convert it won't be her sect of beliefs

[00:50] Chaos Savant: I'm always gonna be non-revelatory

[00:51] Chaos Savant: God teaches in parables, not direct word.

[00:51] grotesquous: It's good that religion works well for some....I could never be "happy," when ignorance is included.

[00:52] grotesquous: "God" lives within the minds and hearts of the individual

[00:53] Chaos Savant: Yet following the rules of metaphysical existentialism he has to exist

[00:53] Chaos Savant: Due to sheer mass of followers

[00:53] grotesquous: as relative to their own understanding of who God is, and their personal relationship, as they would define how "God" guides their lives.

[00:53] grotesquous: "God" is a personification of human morality

[00:54] grotesquous: Just as the Devil is personification for human indignity

[00:54] grotesquous: Humans always have to personify their emotions to draw more understanding from it, as a personal companion, it seems...

[00:55] grotesquous: The first religious beliefs was the worship of animals

[00:56] grotesquous: I'm more of a Nihilist and a Seanist, rather than an Existentialist...and I am perfectly comfortable with that.

[00:57] Chaos Savant: you have a cell and texting?

[00:57] grotesquous: Yeah

[00:57] Chaos Savant: Number now

[00:58] Chaos Savant: I'll forward you my beliefs so you can know them as well.

[00:58] grotesquous: 940-231-1781

[00:58] grotesquous: alright....

[00:58] grotesquous: I have a pretty good idea, but I don't like to judge or directly define people.

[01:02] Chaos Savant: Theres even more on my phone @.@

[01:02] Chaos Savant: Me and her text a lot

[01:02] grotesquous: I received all of your texts, dude....

[01:03] grotesquous: and I respect all of your beliefs...

[01:03] grotesquous: It sounds sort of something that a liberal Jewish person would believe. lol

[01:03] Chaos Savant: lol

[01:04] Chaos Savant: Wow I'm a liberal jew

[01:04] Chaos Savant: *snorts*

[01:05] grotesquous: You reject the new testament, believe in God, and that some of the Old Testament texts might be relative to God, but not necessarily divine....

[01:06] grotesquous: and that Jesus was nothing more than a good ethical teacher, but contributed to personal faith....

[01:06] Chaos Savant: And I work at a financial institution XD

[01:06] grotesquous: lol That too

[01:06] Chaos Savant: Wow I am so blogging this convo lol.

[01:07] grotesquous: What would be the interest in blogging this, except the fact that I referred to you as a liberal Jew, and you somewhat agree? lol

[01:08] Chaos Savant: I find it amusing

[01:08] grotesquous: We should perhaps use our intellect to escelate this to a more interesting conversation, so it will actually be worth reading. lol

[01:09] Chaos Savant: I get to play with Dreidels WOOT!!!!

[01:09] Chaos Savant: I just killed the intellect lol

[01:09] grotesquous: That's awesome! And yes you did, you stupid Jew!

[01:09] grotesquous: lol jk

[01:10] Chaos Savant: I dun remember where I learned it but some mystic jews use the dreidel as a sort of divining instrument.

[01:11] grotesquous: The Quballah?

[01:11] Chaos Savant: *shrugs* maybe you know more about religion and the various sects than I do.

[01:11] grotesquous: The Saphroth? (Jewish mystic tree of life)

[01:12] grotesquous: I've studiedJewish mysticism quite a bit, for biblical interests. lol

[01:12] grotesquous: Perhaps you should search The Talmud (teachings of the Rabbis), and find it in some Ribbinic writings.

[01:13] Chaos Savant: Lol yeah I'm good I think I stand a better chance of me as a Deist dating a Devout Christian, rather than as a Jew lol.

[01:14] grotesquous: Catholic Christian, or just a Christian?

[01:14] Chaos Savant: Christian not Catholic thats worse.

[01:15] Chaos Savant: Catholics woship Mary as well.

[01:15] grotesquous: I'm SOOOOO happy I'm marrying someone who's religious.....

[01:15] grotesquous: I know they do....

[01:16] Chaos Savant: Also I may consider myself jewish if them writings by dan brown about the ancient jews are true.

[01:16] grotesquous: I just have something against my significant other loving some ancient figure, that she'll never see in her life time, more than the love that we have for each other, and worshiping something that she isn't even for certain, exists.

[01:17] grotesquous: lol They're not, dude....The DaVinci Codee is more fiction than fact....

[01:17] Chaos Savant: Ah sex as worship. And as the highest form as well.

[01:17] grotesquous: It's Pseude history

[01:18] grotesquous: Angels and Demons is a very good book that he wrote though....

[01:18] Chaos Savant: I'd like to know if that was fictional because if it isn't jewish in origin I know there has to be some pagan basis for it.

[01:18] grotesquous: Not necessarily sex, just the intangible bond and compassion that we have for each other, that should supercede above all else.

[01:18] Chaos Savant: I do agree Angels and Demons was a damn fine novel, though I recommend that people read the davinci code

[01:19] grotesquous: like Greek erotication. lol

[01:19] Chaos Savant: First

[01:19] grotesquous: There is pagan basis for it!

[01:19] Chaos Savant: Lol On those principles mentioned I would have to agree, what greater gift is there in this life than the bond of love and passion.

[01:20] grotesquous: You're familiar with the Gnostics, right? lol

[01:20] Chaos Savant: *shaky hand*

[01:21] grotesquous: He bases a lot of those extra "gospels" from works that the Greek Gnostics, and the Coptics wrote in the first century...

[01:21] grotesquous: 200 years before they even compiled the Christian bible!

[01:22] grotesquous: Anyway, Greeks and Romans were Pagan at this time, ofcourse....

[01:22] grotesquous: and there were essentially two philosophies....

[01:22] grotesquous: 1.) Salvation by grace alone....mostly for the uneducated....

[01:22] grotesquous: 2.) Salvation through knowledge and wisdom....

[01:23] Chaos Savant: I vote providence through your own balancing act and good will of your soul.

[01:23] grotesquous: The more you know, the more accountable you are....just like Protestantim teaches today, when people of faith have alleged religious experiences, and "God's will for people."

[01:24] grotesquous: But no! Being good enough isn't enough to get in!

[01:25] grotesquous: You have to accept and believe....because ofcourse, what you believe is more iportant than what you do, in the Christian faith....

[01:25] grotesquous: Anyway....

[01:25] Chaos Savant: I do believe in God wholeheartedly.

[01:26] grotesquous: While the new religion (Christianity) was overtaking European thought...these ancient Pagan religions retained some of their previous customs and beliefs, and adapted it to the new religion that they converted to....

[01:26] grotesquous: You can see that, with the Western influence in the Eastern world, today.

[01:27] Chaos Savant: yup

[01:27] grotesquous: They made it more suitable for their personal practices. That's why Christendom is so broad of a faith.

[01:28] grotesquous: The only monotheistic religion that worships three gods. lol

[01:28] grotesquous: Seems like pantheism

[01:28] Chaos Savant: Such as Worshipping on the sunday as opposed to the Sabbath which is the correct day. That was adapted for the sun worshippers correct?

[01:28] Chaos Savant: And it is Pantheism

[01:29] Chaos Savant: Multiple faces of the same deity.

[01:29] grotesquous: Or just for people who originally wanted their day off at the beginning of the week, rather than the end of it. lol

[01:29] grotesquous: Sunday worship is a Protestant practice, originally.

[01:29] Chaos Savant: ORLY?

[01:30] grotesquous: Catholicism originally had Saturday Mass....

[01:30] Chaos Savant: Nice.

[01:30] grotesquous: They adapted Sunday Mass too, because Protestantism became so large....

[01:31] grotesquous: then it evolved and adapted with societal customs, ofcourse....it's just the way of life....

[01:31] Chaos Savant: As any institution must do to survive.

[01:31] grotesquous: lol Namely organized religion. They're always re-organizing.

[01:34] Chaos Savant: And I can't really openly call myself a jew in my family lol Deist I can get away with. But not Jew nope I'm in a southern country family. It'd be like marryin' a black chick

[01:35] grotesquous: lol

[01:35] Chaos Savant: I can hear it now....

[01:35] Chaos Savant: Who the fuck brung that there nigger?

[01:35] grotesquous: That would typically be the same case in my family....

[01:36] grotesquous: but I'm very unique in my family, so I can actualy get away with having my own thoughts. lol

[01:36] Chaos Savant: I'm the different one in my family

[01:37] grotesquous: As long as I don't hate their beliefs, which I don't, I can believe anything I want.

[01:37] Chaos Savant: Ditto

[01:37] grotesquous: I am, too...

[01:37] Chaos Savant: And if ya do hate em do it quietly

[01:37] grotesquous: but I have enough ethics and communication skills to make them proud of me. lol

[01:37] grotesquous: exactly

[01:38] Chaos Savant: I'm not gifted to the same degree as your verbose self, while I do have some literary talent it is not in writing, It lies in comprehension and vocabulary

[01:39] Chaos Savant: Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Thanks goth man

Body: OK, I am bored with this as well. Have a nice day.

IN Christ,



In a small way, I am proud of you. You have made a quick transition of slander and judgment on my character, which I can respect, if presented with a willingness to understand and listen to each others backgrounds, from a point of peace, which you have faild to do, like an abusive girl friend that leaches off her significant other, and wants no personalization with him, except when he threatens to leave her. Previously from cynical religious radical that patronizes indepent thought, and holds true to the double standards of what one would define as ethical, or what one would believe brings them personally to a spiritual state of peace. Yet,we have circulated our varied views, and refuse to accept any of them. Thus we should simply respect our space, and kindly agree to disagree, which should not be the determining factor of whether one is an ethical person or not....or if one's personal beliefs determine their ultimate destination when they leave this world, when you infact, have not rendered any facts for me to believe that your ideals and beliefs are divine truth. I know that I am rambling, and my thoughts are slurred at this point, because I am currently focused on typing my philosophy paper of Plato's Cave, which you have inspired further content for me to write. lol You are also taking away time for me to talk to my fiance, so it is fitting that I block you from my page. Thank you for your time. I wish you the best in your future.

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: **BYRON**

Date: Apr 3, 2007 12:12 AM

Continue to blogg! I share the same message with the world. I proclaim it on my own page. Why would I be ashamed? The message is simple & universal. God became flesh into the world and was born in the person of Jesus Christ. Through his most precious blood God redeemed those whom would follow him & believe. Today the same saving grace is extended to you and all your readers. It is the age old story, but at the same time ever new. PAX CHRISTI

10:36 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, April 02, 2007

Conversation With The Stalking Religious Fenatic Continued...

Current mood: amused

The more that you type, the more I am blogging this for my mere amusement, which i sincerely appreciate your advertisement to the world for your continuing ignorance. You are now resorting once again, back to the comfort zone of "I am right, and everyone else is deceived, because my God and my ancient religious book tod me so." Such a waste of education, spent in some religious school, that reveals to you a narrow view, and one sided version of what you would deem to be intellegent. Your blind entrapment inside

your Organizational age old beliefs and willingness to believe it all, word for word, accredits grately to your obvious weakness in mind in character. I appreciate your crusade to slander my way of life, and use your hypocritical idealism to criticize my character, thinking that you know the measures of my will as an individual, which are very wrong. You have no clue who I am as a person, and if you wee to ask the people I am closest to, they would tell you, that I have good leadership skills, I'm rational, and a very good friend that doesn't change his personality or views every two years like most. Yet you continue to stalk me, and impose your view points on me, which I sincerely do not wish to hear. Now please make your peace, and leave me alone. I have more important affairs to attend to, as entertaining as you are to me, you are ultimately insignificant. Now go spread your ancient fables and fairy tales that care to listen to the weak minded willing to listen to you, and take your narrow point of views seriously, and leave. Thank you for your time. You gave my blog readers a cheap thrill to read, and have justified yourself to be every stereotypical religious flake, unwilling to leave people alone, when you claimed to withdraw yourself from me. Please do so, and flea from your perceived hedenism, that you believe is a weak society, filled with unfruitful infadels unwilling to to realize the truth of your man-made doctrinal precepts and continuing assault on the lives of those who wish to have nothing to do with your faith.

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: **BYRON**

Date: Apr 2, 2007 11:13 PM

Lol, dude you claim their is something's wrong with Protestantism, yet you maintain Catholics are wrong. You are admitting faith. If their were none all would be relative, and both would fall in error. Your truly the worst agnostic I have ever meet. It is not a matter of Catholic or protestant. It is a matter of you running from the inevitable, God.

Great ambitions, but who cares? Something more for you to boast about though you are nothing. Your focus is on the wrong things and the enemy has blinded you. That means little to you I know. You will die, and you will be infinitely cut off from the one you know is TRUE. It was much to important to be significant, which you will never achieve anyway. You are nobody to the world, you never will be. You are infinitely important to our Lord Jesus. Is that not all the significant one needs? I know you believe, your just to stuck on yourself (though I could not begin to know why).

Hey, my witness is that of honesty, not inching your ear. That approach does not work on a hard ego case. Your a weak boy with a big ego.

11:41 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

A Brief Conversation With A Stalking Religious Fundamentalist

Current mood: annoyed

A sixteen year old? Stud, I've made the Dean's Linsst in college, and I'm working towards a degree in Journalism and English. I have a fiance that I love very much, and we're looking to have our own place soon. I am not a Christian, nor will I ever be again. You have judged me falsely of my "religious beliefs," you have stereotyped me to a label that I do not claim, and you have contradicted every approach and substance to provide a good Christian witness. I believe that it is you that needs to mature in faith, and progress in communication skills. There are great flaws in Protestant faiths as well, but atleast the majority of them doesn't claim salvation comes through their organization alone. You're just as pathetic as any other religious flake that claims "absolute truth," with not much credibility of history, science, or anything else that can be used as a measuring rod to determine it's legitimacy. Keep your head in your ass, and don't even bother replying. I'm not going to waste anymore of my time with faith salesmen or holy men with a finite outlook on life, or an uneducated political agenda to convert or excommunicate the masses, based upon what lessons and teachings that derive from fairy tales, and you subscribe from idealist men, antagonizing the world, based on their version of God.

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: **BYRON**

Date: Apr 2, 2007 10:29 PM

You could not be more wrong in your chronology. Sounds like your a backsliding protestant (though perhaps you have reached the end of the slide). You defend the tents of their popular beliefs, then you turn around and deny the faith. How could they be in the right if it is all a lie anyway? A bit of a oxymoron a Mr. Agnostic. Sounds like your a little protestant school boy.

Here's what it boils down to. You think to much of yourself because you want to be significant in your own world. At the same time you get a kick out of being a little gothic pervert (which is long out of date), and calling yourself a "Christian" wouldn't equal out with your lifestyle. More importantly because you wouldn't be cool.

You have lots of growing up to do, I hope you get their. Your not 16 your 21 dude.

..> Subject: Correction

Body: I previously referred to Galileo, being put to death, which I was wrong. My mind was in the wrong place. I meant to say Giovanni, which did the same research as Galileo. Galileo was arrested, and his work was censored, for the alleged threat that he posed. That only further attributes to their millenial campaign to silence all thatopened doors to new ideas, and imposed doubt on the legitimacy of the church. Instead of on their way to Sainthood, perhaps their rotting in the cheap end of Purgatory, (which is not a biblical concept, but I'm not really keeping count.)for their lack of righteous judgment. lol


----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Primative Homonid Chops Served As Raw CannibalMeat

Date: Apr 2, 2007 3:50 PM

It appears as though I have offended you, in some small way, which is not surprising. I commend you for your at length anlalysis of my response to your's, and going in depth, thinking you can patronize me, and try to prove God the Christian God, based on Bible verses. The ones who canonized the bible in the third century at Constantinople, would not have considered themselves to be Catholic. Cotholocism wasd not even the original Christian faith. The Greek Orthodox and ORIGINAL Roman Christians, the Coptics, and the Gnostics were around atleast two centuries previous to that. Galileo was put to death for proving that the Earth isn't the center of the universe. Throughout the many centuries, people have been hanged, tortured, and burned in your church organization, for either believing something differently from you do....namely in belief of the world not being flat, or it not being the center of the universe. lol You claim to be religiously knowledgable, and down size me? lol We haven't even began to engage in a theological discussion yet? Catholics are the most intellectually inferior sect in all of modern Christendom. The Pope has no authority at all. There is only one intercessor in the faith of Christianity, and that's Jesus Christ. The apocrypha has no place in the bible, and should not be deemed as divine scripture. In fact it makes you guilty of adding or taking away to the scripture, just as the book of Revelation warns you to do. What good is Jesus, if he's still on the cross anyway? Praying for dead people to pray for you, kissing rosary beads, depending on priests, doesn't seem to promote a personal relationship to God, to me, when Isaiah, clearly tells you to work out a personal relationship. Read Mark 7. and study it's connection to Isaiah 29. That will tell you what the Biblical God thinks about the futility of your traditions and doctrinal additives. I never have claimed to be a Pagan, nor am I, which there is absolutely nothing wrong with. Pagan was just a slur coined by the ancient Israelites, condemning every other belief but their own. Your faith kept Europe illiterate and in poverty for centuries. The greatest thing that ever happened for government was separation of Church and State. Religion had it's chance. All it brings is a back slide of societal regression, and a shunning of new ideas that doesn't include anything religious. Every holiday that you celebrate, had Pagan roots, that I REALLY do not care to go in depth about, because I get bored of my hobbies of making spectacles of religious finatics, like you, that believe that it's the solution to everyone's problems, and that everyone has problems because of their lack of belief in it. Even the Trinity, originally came from the practice of Witch Craft. lol I really believe that I'd be wasting my time in an enlightening conversation with you, because we'd only be arguing with our knowledge about the history of men, or criticism of beliefs, when I personally do not have one, because I haven't found absolute truth in ANY of them. How many times do we have to revise and retranslate the scripture, before it's accurately the "infallible word of God." Bibles are better off being burned. We could stone you, or sell you off into slavery, just like your God says that you deserve, for not apologizing for being human every day. lol The main point really, is though....you're taking a two thousand plus old faith way too seriously. Yeah, those evil and confused Pagans....I'm so glad that you came to your sences to worship a carpenter who lived two thousand years ago. With each passing generation, the further you will be from the origin of the faith, and the sooner it will eventually be forgotten. Christianity will eventually fade away like most superstitious Greek or Egytian mythologies. Have fun giving Jesus's turnm or burn card out, and converting hell bound "non-believers," out of fear of judgment, and guilt trip to keep them out of danger of being excommunicated from a dying belief. Don't even bother wasting your time, re-analyzing it. I believe that we both know our stances in life. You represent an age old superstition, based upon what you were raised with, and will never challenge, or adhere to to questioning in the faith, where there may be some glimmer of chance that you may truely have it wrong, just like the masses of "non-believers," that you claim to. I represent individuality, and independent thought. Morals keep you in a religious container, and not allow you to seek out the more abstract consepts in life. Ethics teaches you the right given thing to do in the right given time. Have fun isolating yourself in your age old superstition of the Easter Bunny, Santa, God , and the Tooth Fairy, and possibly when we clone Jesus, earth's original test-tube baby. lol, we can call it the Second Cumming, and everyone will shut the fuck up, and allow others to find their own peace, rather than religious radicals take a couple of invented, and adopted doctines from previous faiths they've crushed, and taken credit for, and brain wash the masses for their own amusement, and sustainment of power. Have fun, rambling and drowning in your eternal ignorance....go molest a Priest and stick your fist up his ass, or fulfill a Wiccan's dream, "Pope on a Rope!" lol I hope you find peace.

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: **BYRON**

Date: Apr 2, 2007 8:18 AM

You know, i have nothing but contempt and resentment for the history of the Catholic faith. They're full of deceit, and have no connection to the biblical God.

Really, who do you think canonized the very Bible you speak of? That's right, the Catholic Church 3rd century of the Nicene Council. It's a Catholic book! No scholar will debate that.

They're doctrine is nothing more than additives for control and corruption. I could write and endless book about their idolatries and adoptions of Pagan practices

Really like which ones, enlighten me? As a pagan yourself, which sacrament do you practice? Do you know a pagan? Which sacrament do they practice?

incorporated into their faith, then the killing of scientists and other beliefs that threatened their own, and the down cast of individuals for people that believe differently from them.

Tell me which scientist was murdered under a direct pontifical order. Who have Catholics downcast? Martin Luther? Rightly so, his personal revolution resulted in burning our Churches & the killing of our religious by his followers in Germany. Then his anti-Semitic writing "The Jews and their Lies" resulted in further anti-Semitism and bloodshed. He also eliminated the sacred books of James, Jude, Hebrews & The Apocalypse (Revelations) because they spoke contrary of what he wished to believe. You can find this information anywhere, it is widely available.

People like you, are the reason why people turn from the incoherent God of the bible. The vast majority of you have not been exposed to anything outside of what you believe in, or are what taught to believe in, and merely accept it out of finite consciousness, and live the man-made lie that's an ancient religious paradox, invented thousands of years ago.

No, fundamentalism is...

I was not raised Catholic but fundamentalist. I studied systematic theology at a protestant college. I am very familiar with most of the common doctrines of the many different beliefs of Protestantism. On the same token many protestants are very much traditionalist as they know nearly nothing about the Catholic faith asides misguided stereotypes of an age old 15th century doctrinal war.

Man made? Than you can just as well say the Bible is man made since the Church existed only in verbal tradition for 3 hundred years before the canonization of Sacred Scripture. Even then availability was very limited, not having the printing press.

2Th 3:6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which they received of us.

and whether or not Jay wants or wants not to be my fried, I respect him for being a reasoning person.

He is a good man, I am sure Jay would appreciate that. Which reason do you refer to though?

I believe that you should have the courtesy to pull the log out of your own eye, before you remove the plank out of your neighbor's eye, and be quick to listen, and slow to speak, as well as judge not, lest though be judged.

According to the scripture above (2 Thes 3:6) I should withdraw from you as you are a disorderly person. That implies a certain amount of judgment doesn't it, to consider you disorderly I must make a judgment.

Mat 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but the corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

Mat 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Mat 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Mat 7:20 Therefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

As Mathew say's, "By their fruits you shall know them."

or a divine appointment to "save my soul."

No, you obviously got it all figured out.

Mat 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before the swine, lest haply they trample them under their feet, and turn and rend you.

I'm sure that your God would expect that from you, as a Christian

I am just pointing out the obvious, and in vain were you spoken to! You seem to be able to unwittingly justify yourself.

Thanks for enlightening me with your poor education in religion. Maybe if I go get a chain wallet, an old Marilyn Manson CD (like your song), and a dog collar to wear, I can have the same experience of enlighten stupidity.

Have a nice eternity,


----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Primative Homonid Chops Served As Raw CannibalMeat

Date: Apr 2, 2007 1:46 AM

You know, i have nothing but contempt and resentment for the history of the Catholic faith. They're full of deceit, and have no connection to the biblical God. They're doctrine is nothing more than additives for control and corruption. I could write and endless book about their idolatries and adoptions of Pagan practices incorporated into their faith, then the killing of scientists and other beliefs that threatened their own, and the down cast of individuals for people that believe differently from them. People like you, are the reason why people turn from the incoherent God of the bible. The vast majority of you have not been exposed to anything outside of what you believe in, or are what taught to believe in, and merely accept it out of finite consciousness, and live the man-made lie that's an ancient religious paradox, invented thousands of years ago. Yes, I do remember you....and whether or not Jay wants or wants not to be my fried, I respect him for being a reasoning person. Now, you contacted me on Myspace, and judged me, based on an internet home page. I believe that you should have the courtesy to pull the log out of your own eye, before you remove the plank out of your neighbor's eye, and be quick to listen, and slow to speak, as well as judge not, lest though be judged. I know that you read my sent mail, and haven't responded. You might gain my respect by replying to the messages that I send you....perhaps even a friend.....or a divine appointment to "save my soul." lol But atleast have the courtesy to talk to someone, when you engage in discussion, I'm sure that your God would expect that from you, as a Christian...as a man with an earthly neighbor, willing to listen to what you have to say....

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: **BYRON**

Date: Apr 2, 2007 12:46 AM


Good to see you are living a nice conscience free life. You may not remember me. I meet with you one time when I was out with Rev. Bartlett.

I am actually a very ethical person, filled with much compassion for those that I love. If you got to know me better, you would understand that

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: **BYRON**

Date: Apr 2, 2007 12:46 AM


Good to see you are living a nice conscience free life. You may not remember me. I meet with you one time when I was out with Rev. Bartlett.

You have no clue who I am, so you have no right, judging me. How did you even find my page? lol I never even gave you my last name.

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: **BYRON**

Date: Apr 2, 2007 12:46 AM


Good to see you are living a nice conscience free life. You may not remember me. I meet with you one time when I was out with Rev. Bartlett.

10:56 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

When The Storm Sees The Passion Fade....

Current mood: depressed

At a certain point in nearly every serious relationship, the bond that you once had with your beloved, seems to deteriorate over time, and your interest for each other unfortunately wanes, leaving them individually cemented in depression. You ramenise about former times in previous months that adventures were abundant, and you begin to believe that you have conquered the cycle, of when time begins to fade, and just as life begins and ends, so does the bond that you have with your beloved, slowly come to pass, leaving you in the dark for months, and even years to come, before life seeds you with someone new, to begin once more. I plan to be with my much loved fiance for the rest of my life, and I am certain that brings a smile to her face, just by reading this. I love you, babe. However, you begin to question the cycle that your relationship is currently in. We have had many great times together, and we already have plans for many more adventures to come. It seems though, as of late, the cycle of decline has renewed. Babe, your frequent mood swings depress me. We plan to do so many things together, and it ends up being a disappointment. It depresses me that you are either sick or tired for many weeks, and it seems like we have nothing to ever say to each other, which once again, depresses me greatly, like a splinter in my heart that can't be removed. Are we growing tired of each other or growing apart, babe? We're very affectionate with each other, and being without you would feel like half of me has fallen to the grave. Yes, I seem to be moping and complaining, and serious relationships are in constant struggle. However, along with these whining complaints, is merely a consern and desire to strengthen our relationship to it's greatest potential. It sickens me, and makes me internally sick, having the thoughts of us waning apart, or possibly us not being together at all. I do not want something as great as we have built together crumble like most great things seem to do, after years to build, and moments to ruin. We are so different from each other, babe, and that's the adventure and mystery that continues to drive this relationship. I was never the one that intended to EVER marry, and with your continuous disappointnents in relationships that you have had in the past, placing us together, being together, and staying together, despite all of our doubts, all of our conflicts, all of our broken promises, and our diminishing commitments, is the greatest success story that I can think of out of all of our friends, or even in my entire life. I love you, and I want to make this work between us, like we have been doing all along. I've seen how people looking for love, or have lost love envy us, and our devotion together, which makes me sidistically proud. lol You were my missing piece that was not with me throughout all of the years that I needed you, and the love that I never seeked, but desired and found. You have helped me to become a better person in my life, babe, and I have equally been there for you. Let's finish what we began. I love you, and NOTHING will EVER change that. Let's defy the cycle and build up, unlike every other failed or failing relationships have done in the past and preasant. We have something way too special to neglect, our desire and commitment will bring fulfillment, and ourdreams reality. Life is so much better being with you babe, and we deserve each other. Goddamn, there's no conclusion here. lol But, we took a risk, building this relationship, which began from NOTHING I NEVER saw myself coming this far with you. At times, I ponder if it was miraculous, because events have occured several times, to see to it, that we haven't ended. I can only try to make this a success story that has no end, and hope that you believe and know that we can and will work together to do the same. I love you.

10:17 AM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Monday, January 22, 2007

Letter Of The Lost Lovers.....

To My Most Beloved, Riley....

I have felt an unbarable contempt for my actions and misplaced judgments of you, these past few nights. I have wrongly accused you of a lack of passion, and an absence of sincere love, that I did not believe to be in you, as to the same ammount of compassion that I share for you. I saw the distress in your motions, and the doubts in your tears that fell, when you believed me to be saying that you were a disappointment to me. I was wrong, and I deserve to dig my own grave, because of it. I thought that you had lost desire for me, when I only refused to listen to you...yet, you were confused when I confronted you...and did not know what to say, because you felot as if nothing was wrong. I'm just going to have to learn to be a bit more sencitive to your random mood swings, aren't I? lol I felt wrong to pressure you into interaction last night, when I realized what the trechorous consequences they could have been, this afternoon. We need to make it together babe, failure can't be an option for us, as long as we are together, and we have had a good track record to date. I just wonder if tear shed automatically puts you in erotic mood transformations, everytime that I impose them on you. I apologize to you for being mentally abusive to you, my red hot joy queen! lol It was not what I intended. I want us to understand each other more, and not shed tears at our doubts. If there is a question ofr a consern that arises in your mind, or a doubt in your heart, I want to be the first to know about it babe, so we can do whatever it takes to adjust it, and strengthen our commitment to each other. You might think that I seem to be obsesive, which is the thoughts that are overtaking me at the moment....but I just think that you are worth keeping around for a while, and I did not mean to be so hateful towards you. Everything seems to be well with us, at the moment, but you do deserve an apology. It was not right of me to make you cry, because of the doubts that I held in my mind for our compatability and desire for each other. I only hope that you can forgive me...you won't see me make too many apologies in my life, babe lol, but my actions toward you as of late, deserve you one. To say love, is cowardice, when you can't express in action, how you feel, mentally and emotionally. I hope that I made you feel very special, holding you in my arms in the movie theatre on Friday night, and staying up with you most of the night, over the phone, when you thought that there was a burglar in your house. lol I want to be there for you babe....and I never intend to make you cry, when I do....I just express emotion, which I choose to keep from you, and it happens. It saddens me when you cry, and makes me feel like I'm the biggest piece of shit throughout all of existance. I love you sweet cream, and I'm going to marry you. You mean more than anything to me, and make life more livable for me. I'm a greedy son of a bitch with my life, and you're my top priority. And purposefully boring you, and myself by typing endlessly with no close. lol Life would die, b efore I let you go, unless you asked me too. I didn't experience the meaning of true love, or have ever felt what happiness was, until I thought about the priveledge of being with you every morning...You haunt my sleep, lecturing me about how to live an ethical life, or spontaneously leap into my conscience, when I am tempted to do habits of mine that bring tears to you. I love the fact that I am with you babe, and I hope that i exit this life, being with you....I can only hope that you wish the same....

9:48 PM - 3 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove



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