Well, Some of you on here know my story or at least a part of it. Have you ever wanted something all your life?? Ever dream or thought about it coming true?? Well I can tell you whatever it may be DO NOT give up on the possibility of it happening. Because when you least expect it it will happen and catch you by surprise, blow you away, floor you but it will be worth it.
For instance take me I am 34 will be 35 in January and have always wanted to know that I make/have made someone proud. No one has ever told me that until yesterday. A very dear friend of mine who knows well who they are told me that. It was the most amazing, overwhelming feeling I have felt in a long time. It made cry because it ment so much to me. I will be posting their message here because those words will forever stay with me. She knows what she means to me and as I have told her many times;
Thanks for taking the time to talk to me and then to be my friend and reamain my friend when things were the worst for me and everyone else was turning their backs on me. I do hope that one day I am able to meet you in person and tell face to face that I love you like family because you are the family I chose for myself and to give you a hug and tell you Thank You!
And here is her very lovely and heart felt message.
I KNOW!! And thats why Im so excited.You are finally going to get a REAL Christmas.A HAPPY and peacful one with your baby.
I could be wrong,yes..but I doubt it because I feel this in my heart.Please think of me ,if only for a moment Christmas day,and know without a doubt that there is someone out here who's heart is absolutely joyous for you and Dakota.This to me is what Christmas is ALL about.I really hope you know how proud of you I am.I know we do not know one another in rl or anything,but its pretty amazing that sometimes we meet people online that..well,that we just care about for some reason.Genuinely.OR that we see them go through the adversities of life and end up shining light a bright star in the night sky.To me,you are simply...one of those people.
And me and my love will always be a constant in your life. The light that shines on your dark path, the source o inspirations for you and your dreams and the source of shelter and protection for you and your heart.
I welcomed you with open arms and held you safe and secure from harm.
I gave you my heart and though tattered and torn my unconditional love you won.
I gave you my trust that now doesn't come easy; and took you at your word.
I held you tight as on the wings of ecstasy we took flight. All of these things you selfishly claimed and all I asked for is that they all be returned. But that was too much for you to handle I see.
You took all of the things I offered you and made a mockery of them.
You played with them until you had sadistically turned them into something unrecognizable and you trew them at my feet.
I will pick them up and carry them safely until I can one day fix them.
As a result I will learn and grow just as I always do when left shattered into a million pieces.
And I will rise again from the ashes stronger than ever before.
I am soooooo freakin pissed right now. I never thought I'd say that I hate anyone or want them dead but I wish my ex and daughters dad was. I will never understand he thinks he can call himself a father. He has not "been " there for her from day one. Hell he didn't even want me to have her. He succeeded at putting her and I through pure hell. We are finally free and he gets awarded visitation every other weekend, one week in the summer the full weekend after Thanksgiving, and 4 hours Christmas Day; but he doesn't freaking want her. For example; the weekend before last hwas his weekend he didn;t get her, call her nothing I found out by sending him a text, this weekend is his weekend he isn't getting her. He didn't her the full wekend after Thanksgiving, nor did he get her for his week this summer. She blames me for it but it isn't my fault he doesn't want her. She has told her counselors, and psychiatrist when asked that her daddy not getting her and lying to her is what bothers her. I just want to know why he even freakin bothers at all.
yeah I have a waste of skin ex too, but ya know what... perhaps you should consider it a blessing that he doesn't see her. Do you really want someone like that around her? Maybe you'll get even luckier and he'll have an unfortunate accident ; )
It is hard on the lil ones though I do know this, they do not understand :( hugs
Okay so some of you on here know my story. Well, I recently had a conversion with my ex's ex. I was told she couldn't stand me but I never had the opportunity to talk to her to find out. Well, her daughter is my daughters half-sister. We found out that they both have the same diagnoses. Also found out that he was abuseive with her as well and that she suspects that like Dakota (my daughter) that Katelynn (her daughter) has been molested. She didn't know about him shooting the girls with a BB Gun and didn't know about them giving Dakota sleeping pills when she was there on the weekend. She in just the first few minutes of the conversation Thanked me for loving her daughter as my own and making sure she was taken care of. She said she never had to worry about Katie when I with him. He has said that Katie cannot come back to his house. So it will probably end up the same for Dakota. Well I will share more later.
Have you ever met someone and knew just from talking to them the first time that there was a special connection between you two? Someone who the more you find out about them the more you realize they are so right for you? Kinda like a hand in a glove or a perfect pair of jeans. The more you find out about them the deeper and harder you fall in love with them. You want them all the time, you think about them all the time, you dream and they are always there in your dreams. You can't imagine spending another day without them right there with you.
But how, how do make it happen without pushing too hard too soon and possibily losing them forever????????
I have struggled with my weight all my life pretty much. I have lost and gained and then lost only to gain it back. Well, I have news guys, In less than a month I have last 11 pounds. I am sooooo freakin happy right now. I can finally fit back into my favorite pair of jeans and they are actually stating to get loose.
I went to the doctor this morning and that is how I found out. She asked me what I was doing and I told her the truth. Just not eating as much and walking. You see everytime I have ever lost weight I have not changed or bought anything special. I just cut back on the amount I eat at each meal. And the walking, well, I live about a 1/4 mile from the main road so I wlak about a mile a day because that is where my daughter catches the school bus.
I am just so happy right now.
Congrats! *HUGS*
Congrats hun !!!!
Thank You guys, you are the best! I will keep you updated because I still a ways to go to get where I want to be.
yay this is awesome
Keep at it......it's tough ......but the benefits are what it's all about