FallenAngel77's Journal

FallenAngel77's Journal


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My existence

02:46 Jan 31 2011
Times Read: 459

Tail twitching as I lay in the tree, listening to the forest sounds, restless and antsy. Giving up the pretense of calm and serene, I rake my claws down the branch before dropping and shifting as I hit the earth. Red hair to the ground, green cat-like eyes, feathers replaced by bat wings. Thank the gods for natural form. Although lately, my panther form is becoming more comfortable, not a good sign. Shaking my head, I walk off through the woods to the small town that knows me well, keeping my secrets as I keep them safe and with revenue. Hearing a sound behind me, I face it baring my teeth and growling, not wanting another confrontation this night. Raising an eyebrow, I realize it is one of my father’s lackeys. No doubt wondering that they all wonder, why do I choose to remain in the mortal world, why do I remain around humans, searching when I have Hell and its people waiting for me? Anymore I do not even know except Hell holds no beauty for me anymore, no joy, no sorrow, nothing. It is just there. Sighing heavily, I keep walking, ignoring the stupid lower class demon, debating on whether or not to send him back to Hell and my father, sans hands and feet. Smiling cruelly, chuckling to myself, I turn around to call him to me. “Demon, come close, we need to talk. In all the time you have been watching me, have I done anything different from my usual routine? Do you not get tired of watching a boring Demoness? Surely, there are other females in Hell who would hold more sport? I am looking for and waiting for my twin b/c he still has not awakened. I do astral travel to see if anyone’s energy is off kilter, b/c that is where something else will reside. Go home, and tell my father that there is nothing to report, or whatever you morons tell him. Oh yes, and one more thing…..” reaching over, snagging his body & severing all his appendages, shoving them down his throat, “tell my father he can see me well enough from his throne, quit sending pathetic watchers who can no more protect themselves, let alone me. I am a warrior; I am my mothers’ daughter after all. I am a Panther.” Saying a few words, I send him back, cursing the ineptitude of those who try to think they are good enough. Have they not looked at the mates my siblings have chosen? Why would my twin and I be any different? I have found my human host, now I only wait for him to choose his again so that we may once more be whole. Nevertheless, where to find him is the question, no mortal has given me the reading I need to find him and trace. Sending warmth and love to my sister-in-arms, I let her know all is well as I know she feels my sorrow as well. Somewhat funny, the Nexus and the last-born daughter of Lilith are protectors of each other. Fate is not without a sense of irony and humor. Spying the town, the haven I have to call home the past few centuries, happy they are willing to overlook my birth to help protect me as I have protected them for generations, knowing I have knowledge freely shared and their own personal witch for when they have need. Smiling as I recall when I first showed up and the elders got together to decide what to do with me. I was obviously a vampire, yet though gravely injured and in need, never attacked them for sustenance. Something about their demeanor stopped me, they were not running for pitchforks and stakes as so many other places had done. One day, I would find the hunter that I fought and we would end it, for he was the only adversary I have faced in the millennia since my coming to Earth that has come close to matching me. Lighter in my step heading home now, I call out softly to the animals, looking at the newborns they have, wistful that I may never experience that until……………..Growling lightly, I forget that train of thought. There is no point in wishing for something that will never happen, for I plan never to take a mate, beyond my twin. He is the only male I want, but we cannot have children together. Thankful to the gods again for the difference btwn humans and demons, I call to the sky, screaming in anguish for the one I need, the one who will help clear my mind and heart enough to allow my soul to rest peacefully as I have never been able to do in the time since my existence. The curse my mother put on me for ruining her ability to carry children again. However, that is unimportant anymore, everything seeming pointless as I wander the plains/planes of the worlds, pondering why Luecrem has not risen yet. I savor the feel of the warm, wet sand btwn my toes, as I cannot do in my home for fire tends to dry everything out, the moonlight beautiful tonight as I gaze out over the mountains leading to the river, smiling at the wolves that have chosen the woods as their homes. Beautiful wolves they are too. Growling in greeting, I brush my fingers over the trees and plants, shivering. Looking over my shoulder towards Ireland, I pause to think about the castle I own there, and when I will have the chance to go again. Until I find the hunter, I dare not take him anywhere near my sanctuary. Here is one thing, but there where my power is strongest, if he were to find out, it would not bode well for my servants. Yawning w/dawn approaching, I take wing to my home, smiling at my servant there, a young orphan boy from Egypt. Kissing him on the forehead and hugging him close, I send him on his chores. Turning towards my room in the cellar, I take one last look over my domain. A deep breath even though there is no need for me to breathe, I catch the barest hint of something…other, before sleep overcomes me, not realizing how much energy I have expended w/o enough feeding. Closing my eyes, expanding my senses, I get lightheaded. Promising myself tomorrow night, I head towards my bed, falling into my sleep, dreaming again, but not of my twin, instead that of a beautiful child, eyes a dark turquoise green, hair of a blood-red black, and just beyond my grasp, a feeling of absolute love and peace. Enough of me in the child to know I am his mother, but why is my mother tormenting me w/what she knows I will be unable to have? Weeping in anger, I fall asleep, arms as if I was actually with a babe in my arms and the lightest brush against my face of peace and absolution. As if it was done in love and trust.



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