Every one must have nemesis. There such lame ass bastards on VampyreRaider that I mus pick my own. I choose one who has a heart of pure evil, who shows contempt for all that is good and right, who like Master Vlad seeks to control the world, and who often fly under radar plotting in secret.
My choice as nemesis is the fookin poet and foolosopher Great Sire Little Flames. He represents best and the worst of what glorious VR has to offer. He writes of his wife's cooking meatloaf and he enjoying it, which is evidence alone of his black heart and demonic nature. Then there is the poem about the note on the door that slowly drives him insane. What is the fookin note? He never says and frankly now I have lost my fookin mind trying to decipher his fookin poetry.
He came to VR for fun and friends and seems actually found fun and friends where all I see is fookin mother fookers. That enough is evidence this man is evil incarnate and must be stopped by any means necessary.
I FOOKHUAYL am just the man for the job for I am fookin protector in addition to be out for hate, spite, revenge, rates, adds, and to find nice woman to read poetry to, listen to sexy music and fook.
Master Vlad says he will send me as leader of a second force called FOOKHUTHIEU in honor of my deceased brother. Force FOOKHUTHIEU mission is to keep the pressure upon the besieged covens and attack where necessary.
I embark on my journey today leaving Master Vlad in charge of the main force to pursue the primary mission. Will do my fookin mission according to Master Vlad's orders.
All you who sit on sidelines and too afraid to siege covens, you watch me FOOKHUAYL do this by myself apart from Master Vlad and see what a bunch of cowards and prissies you are. Me bwock and 1 and laugh at fookin covens as they have a fit.
See my latest video and need rates and adds. Add my fookin jorno too and I add your chitty jorno. Bwahhhahaaa! Achem.
My brother always remember his name FOOKHUTHIEU. Many say FOOKME, but no FOOKHUTHIEU was correct name given by elders. He was glorious and strong seeking rates,adds, and favor, cut down in his prime by deception, betrayal,and evil coven and Vampyre Raider system. I always remember his name and do not hesitate to say FOOKHUTHIEU when people disrespect his legacy or the cause of the ARMY OF DARKNESS and Master Vlad Vampirelord. So remember, no fook me, FOOKHUTHIEU. Give respect where it due. Also need rates, add, jorno, and favor. Watch out you fooker or me tickle you asho...
Now watch video baby cakes. Is good. Real fookin good.
My brother FOOKHUTHIEU was brutally murdered by Vampyreraider System and super bad Covens. In memory of my deceased brother I dedicate this poem to my Master.
To those who try to take me away
From the one I love and serve
I say remember
To those who cannot serve
And submit and glory
In all that He is
And will be
I say
To those
Who chose "friends"
Who disgrace themselves
By insulting my Master
I say
To those who
Will not lay down their arms
Kneel before Him
Give unto Him
All they own
And be His loving slave
With pride and devotion
I say