Current mood: Ooo I'm so EXCITED! :D
Oh my god so many things have changed since I've last wrote on here. I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY!!! I am now with Chris and he is amazing. I've also learned to sorta take me femi side. He makes me feel so wonderful. We've said how we'd stay together through me going into the army. *big smiles* This is not the me I've been. I've been like this for a few weeks. It makes me smile. I can be my full self with him. That's rare. I'm a little confused on how I feel with him becaused he's the first guy I've been with since Randy. oooo.....kinda scary...cause I know Chris has been into serious drugs and well Randy passes away from Meth. I had a dream about him last night. I miss him.
I'm leaving into the army next Month on the 12th....scary, scary........bring it on.
Listening to the news....very disappointing.