Elemental's Journal

Elemental's Journal


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13 entries this month


03:55 Oct 26 2009
Times Read: 710



03:51 Oct 26 2009
Times Read: 711

Just when I am climbing out......you attempt to pull me back.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr



12:17 Oct 26 2009

Hides the rope, nuh uh!

12:55 Oct 26 2009

NOO GIVE ME the rope.ok......I would prefer an elevator but...at least a ladder......:)

18:31 Oct 27 2009

When you do get out, pour some gas in the hole,and sit "it" on fire. Feel at peace as the fire warms you.

19:43 Nov 03 2009

I'll even provide the marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate...heeheehee


00:38 Oct 19 2009
Times Read: 727

Camp Wildcat is over for another year!! We were in mud up to our ankles on Thursday. It was misty rainy and cold on Friday during school day. But never enough rain to actually say it was raining....just misting.

We only wound up with about 60 kids but they had a blast going to all the different camps and demonstrations.

Saturday was cold with clouds that looked like they were going to burst wide open just any time. They never did.

Rat came out to take pics and wound up pitching in....just like old times. Thanks Sis! I bet you saw her journal already about it....and the great pics.

Sunday...cold but wonderfully sunny and blue sky.

The mud had dried up a bit and was walkable without squishing.

But with all that....people had a blast. It was safe and fun for all.

My prayer for a dry bubble was answered along with the positive results for reenactors and public.


I got to see old friends and people who I see once a year.....for the last several years... that have become friends.

It was a LOT of work and worry. But in the end...it is worth it.

And ....on a personal note....I managed to get through the event walking better and with only a severe back ache yesterday. Tylenol yesterday. Today......some pain patches for the knees but....feel the best (after an event) that I have in years. All those vitamins and minerals, Reiki, and chiropractor seem to be working. Almost have the energy to dance a jig on that.... almost.



00:46 Oct 19 2009

woo hoo glad the rain bubble worked sis. Get some rest and get warm ;)

12:47 Oct 19 2009

Mud up to your ankles is only really a problem if you are standing on your head *grins*.


04:07 Oct 15 2009
Times Read: 745

Rain rain go away

Come again.....next week some time.


Our event is this weekend. People are already camping on site. Giving darn snow....shoots evil looks at someone. Yeah you know who you are.

I need to do some typing and signage for the event still.

I am late on my liscenure. Luckiily there is a grace period but I need 13 more CEU's.

Midterms are Friday. I will be in the field so they have to be put in tomorrow and I still need to grade the papers.

I needed to get it down. Needed a break.

Break over.



12:45 Oct 15 2009

No experience in the world like sleeping in a canvas shelter-half in the rain while laying on wet straw.

Been there - Done that!

In those instances I am sorely tempted to join the Regiment of "Ramada Rangers"!

Good luck with your event! I'll pray for blue skies for you!

08:22 Oct 16 2009

Jeez when I think of the SCA events I spent holding up the tent roof to keep the rain from misting all over the place- shit-

I do not envy you that.

14:00 Oct 16 2009

Weather man says chance of rain is dropping down to 30% for Sat and partly cloudy on sunday, keep your fingers crossed I am!

15:38 Oct 18 2009

Hey! I saw that evil look. :P


16:36 Oct 13 2009
Times Read: 757

SOOOOOOOO much to do......SOOOO little time.



17:04 Oct 13 2009


01:18 Oct 15 2009

I'm crossing my fingers for some sunshine for ya.


03:38 Oct 13 2009
Times Read: 771

I think my elbow is going to be very very sore and possibly even the whole shoulder.

That is what putting cornmeal and pinto beans into individual bags each will do for you. Yes 900 baggies total.

Thank goodness one of the newer members came to help. She and I worked for three hours straight today. Shesh.

Reaches for the bengay.......and tylenol.



04:02 Oct 13 2009

Perhaps I could interest you in a fully automated FFS flexible packaging line for your cormeal and bean packing operation?

We offer several starting at around $180,000.00!

15:40 Oct 13 2009

Sure Bull......but please consider donating since we are a 501c3 organization. :)

Flies away laughing at Bull and the idea of a such a huge donation.


03:35 Oct 13 2009
Times Read: 772

My totals for a MONTH are:

Total Visits: 1338

Total Time: 12 hours, 22 minutes, 20 seconds.

Getting nowhere fast it seems....grins and flies off.




04:12 Oct 11 2009
Times Read: 792

My living room is beginning to look like a store room. New trash can lids to be stenciled - 100 snack bags of pinto beans (need 350 more) 130 bags of corn meal (need 320 more) and 91 wrapped and tied with string peppermint sticks for the Ladies Tea.

My shoulders ache and fingers are beginning to get a wee bit sore. And still so much work today before Wednesday.

I can do this....me and caffeine.....and maybe some bengay and alcohol later.



04:55 Oct 11 2009

*hands over bottle of rum* No time like the present!

09:48 Oct 11 2009

maybe you should have another massage AFTER this little to-do

20:55 Oct 11 2009

Alot of alcohol !

21:21 Oct 11 2009

You have way to much to do to cook me beans. :)

01:33 Oct 12 2009

At least the firewood and bales of straw aren't in your living roo as well!


00:22 Oct 09 2009
Times Read: 812

I had a massage tonight. the first in a couple of years.




00:41 Oct 09 2009

I am picturing a really big smile on your face ;)

03:35 Oct 09 2009

Was it from a tall muscular blond Swedish guy namned Sven?

03:55 Oct 09 2009

LOL bull.....I WISH.......

it was a short dark haired married middle aged female instead. But it still made me feel good!!

20:52 Oct 09 2009

I am SO wit you on dat one sugar- every two weeks for me....but you guys know how I work...lol


14:57 Oct 07 2009
Times Read: 823

Migraines SUCK. I have woken with one for the last two days. So far meds have helped but they are still there...lurking...waiting for a chink in the meds to open so they can come blaring through to chisel away at my brain again.



00:07 Oct 08 2009

:( Hope it get better sis.


A weekend with the parents....

01:13 Oct 06 2009
Times Read: 834

I had a really good weekend with my parents. My Mom and I started Saturday morning off with an area Homemaker's conference. It was ok - I was among the youngest there but it was reaffirming that even as I grow older I can be a productive woman.

These women are talented, creative, hardworking women who are active in their home, community, and state. It was pretty amazing what all they had their fingers in....and still had time to make all these wonderful handmade crafts.

Later that evening, Mom, Dad, and I went to a local church fish fry for the community. It was a church that I went to as a child for Vacation Bible School during the summers. I knew most everyone there. People I had not seen in a long time. Lots of hugs and smiles abounded.

After eating, the church had a singing group for our enjoyment. They sang old time hymns and did a wonderful job. The guy who sang bass....just wow.

Looking around the church during the singing (we were on the back row) I realized that this was my roots. This community and its openness to others. The friendliness and goodwill for others.

Yes in a small neighborhood, there is very little privacy but in the long run, that can be a good thing. Well if you are not trying to hide something that is.

People know when you are sick or falling on hard times and offer food or aid. And they are always willing to put you on the prayer list.

Sunday morning, I went with Mom to church (Dad goes to a different one). This is the church I grew up in and am a member of. Anyway, I went to tape Mom's Sunday school class putting on a play.

The play was about Noah's Ark. My Mom worked so hard on this. She worked for months on the play, getting the animals, making the stage, making the ark, finding the right music. She was a teacher for 33 years. And was wonderful at it. This is why..she works to make it perfect and fun for the kids while still being educational.

Anyway..the play was about 30 minutes and was really neat. There were about 20 kids involved in it. She was rather relieved when it was over though as she does not like to be in front of adults. Kids are a breeze but she doesn't like to speak to adults.

I find the older I get....the more amazing my Mom has been in her life. But back to my point....

This weekend was truly what small towns in the South are all about. And I loved it.

I also realized.......I missed this. I need to work toward more of these kinds of weekends.

Weekends filled with family and friends having fun and sharing life.




22:32 Oct 01 2009
Times Read: 865

Emotions are a funny thing, aren't they? There are things that will make us laugh one time and cry the next. Things that make us angry, sad, joyful, and afraid.Things that give us hope and others that take that hope away.

We show emotions in words, voice tone, actions, facial expressions, eye contact, and body language.

Some of us are trained to interpret those things to help others express emotions. Some could be shown the emotion in it's extreme and still not get it.

Some of us wear our emotions out there for all to see, others will show them only to those they trust, still others will hold them inside and not show anyone.

But we all have them.

I was told just yesterday that I do not really show my emotions. Which was interesting for me to hear because I feel like they are are easily readable sometimes. Then I thought - well since I am trained to NOT share when in a client situation, perhaps it has strayed over into my private life.

So, I asked a long time friend. Do I show my emotions much? Her response, "No, you are an only child who is a product of (insert my Mom and Dad's names here). You have never really shown them"

Well...that was a wake up. I mean I know I hold anger in a lot but I do eventually express it...in a calmer manner. Perhaps I should just let it go.

Then I think....geez....if I do let it go...I may not have anyone in my life cause they will be so shocked and mad at me they may lock me away and toss the key.

Of course that is completely irrational but still...it runs through my head.

The flip side is...do people know how much I care about them? Am I not showing that either? I WANT them to know that I love them.

Then I think.....well those who truly know me and care enough to look....will see my emotions. And if they don't care enough to look, I do not need them in my world anyway.

But that is not fair to them. They may not be able to read, I may not be showing, or they could misinterpret. All communication errors I teach about.

So therapist - heal thyself.

Look out world...I am going to work on showing my emotions more openly to those in my private life. Show my passions - the anger, the fear, the hate, the disappointment, the frustration, the loneliness, the joy and above all...the love.



23:19 Oct 01 2009

It's a hard wake up call to see isn't it? Still it is up to us to lead with our own example. And sometimes- the best word for that is it "sucks".

23:24 Oct 01 2009

Oh hell....

*stocks up on chocolate*

23:31 Oct 01 2009

lots and lots of chocolate and diet pepsi :)

You don't wear your emotions on your sleeve but you do show them in small ways at first, you have to be really relaxed with someone to be full blast.

02:06 Oct 02 2009

It has always ammazed me how people expect me to be irreverent, funny, angry, bitchy, etc, but the minute I let down my guard and cry, all hell breaks loose, and people back away like I have the plague. I know how it goes sugar, but I also remember a face in a door window smiling at me on my first vist to Kentucky, and how that same person hugged the STUFFING outta me...lol

Your training has served you well, and may well have leaked over into your private life, and compounded your upbringing. But it also makes you a wonderful balancer to those of us who fly off the handle sometimes right Rat?

02:01 Oct 04 2009

You know I used to NEVER show emotion. Hell I was so worried about showing "wrong" feelings I got to the point that I suppressed my feelings so much that I didn't even realize I HAD feelings.

Then I had my little "melt down". I was talking with a psychologist who asked me to describe my feelings...I told him I didn't have any...And he, Bless Him...Did exactly what I needed him to do...He went ballistic on me. He said "BULLSHIT! Who the F&^% do you think you are that you have no feelings?"

I guess what I am saying is, please work on expressing your emotions to others. It isn't pretty if you keep them all inside. Eventually they will come out, and it may not be pretty when they do!

16:44 Oct 05 2009

*points at KCRC's comment*

words of wisdom...

21:44 Oct 06 2009

*reads puppy comment*

OH you didn't!

*finger in air, shoulder moving*


17:36 Oct 01 2009
Times Read: 877

I hate cleaning house.......it just gets dirty again almost immediately. So what is the point?

I know.....a CLEAN house. But you know...I think it is also the definition of insanity......doing it over and over and over and over....the same damn thing...over and over and over..

Do you get that I hate it yet?

Thus as of today, every other Monday..the cleaning lady comes!!!

Damn Happy Dance!!!!



19:07 Oct 01 2009

I would LOVE to be able to a) clean house b) have a cleaning lady do it but c) I still have shit in boxes EVERYWHERE so d) what's the point?

hey, wait...I have an excuse not to clean.....


20:21 Oct 01 2009

Bitch.... Not you Puppy..Birdy. :P Oh well- that is what I have weekends for. 20 mins cleaning...one hour rest.

22:31 Oct 01 2009

With 2 kids in the house.... HELP! The cleaning and laundry are breeding here!

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