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22 entries this month
20:30 May 31 2008
Times Read: 837
Tonight I am going with my Mom to a local play of her favorite all time story.....Cinderella.
My Mom never goes to things like this but she wanted to do so.....asked me to go with...and she bought the tickets. I look forward to sharing this with my Mom.
My Mom is old school and has been through a lot in her life -- including almost losing me as a baby.
I love her so much and I tell her often.
She has helped make me who I am today. Thanks Mom!!
Success Is??
23:10 May 28 2008
Times Read: 803
Success is often something I strive for in things I do - we all do. We want to succeed in life, work, relationships, competitions, etc. But what is success? Is it always defined as winning?
But what of the one who never wins but always tries? Is that person not also successful?
I have the following quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson pinned up on my wall at work. For me - this defines success very well.
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
And the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and
Endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better whether by a
Healthy child, a garden patch,
or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier
Because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
To those who read this, I wish you much success in your life.
23:03 May 28 2008
Times Read: 806
Here it is the end of May and it is chilly enough to have a jacket on in Southeastern KY. Geez - I thought summer was on it's way. GRR or should I say BRRR!
I have gotten to spend time with Nightgame the last two nights. All good. We chatted about paint colors and redecorating and what we would or would not chose on HGTV. We also just...were. In the quiet moments we were comfortable with ourselves and each other. That ---is a good good thing.
Nightgame has trouble saying no to the new Italian cheese bread from Little Ceasar's too:)
Tonight I get to spend time with old friends from a previous employment. We try to get together about once a month or every two months. Always good to see them and catch up on things.
04:12 May 28 2008
Times Read: 821
I actually found 5 threads to post to in the Forum. Yeah me!!!
Memorial Day19:26 May 23 2008
Times Read: 842
I am finally beginning to be able to keep food inside after eating something more than a popsicle. Yeah me! Just in time too – it is a holiday weekend – and a family reunion.
Family reunions – a time to see kin folk that you see only once a year – if you are lucky and do not see them at a funeral in between. It is also a time to remember those who have gone before: Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, parents, in laws, and even the odd out law. They are who have made us today. They have us our genes, traits, and freedoms we have now. It is important to remember and honor them. We need to remember where we come from, our roots.
My immediate family is gathering tonight for dinner. I am very lucky in that not only do I love my family – I LIKE my family. They have proven to be the most loyal, dependable, loveable, honest people in my life. No matter what they have been there to cheer me on, kick me in the butt, and pick me up when I fell.
This weekend is about family – past and present. Remember, honor and enjoy! Have a safe Memorial Day weekend VR!
19:11 May 23 2008
Times Read: 845
You know.....I had this long entry all written and even had a pic.....and when I saved it...it had TIMED OUT. GAH!!!!
03:59 May 22 2008
Times Read: 867
CNN made a visit to my hometown. I could not find the video but found a written exerpt/transcript of it.
I just ....shake my head...sometimes there is nothing else you can do, especially when speechless.
All right, let's turn now it's primary day. Let's have a look at someplace a little bit off the campaign trail. Stuck in the middle of hard times, there's little enthusiasm for today's primary in Clay County, Kentucky. CNN's Gary Tuchman reports.
GARY TUCHMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT, (voice over): Next door to a row of boarded up businesses is one of the more popular lunch spots in Clay County, in eastern Kentucky. The cigarette smoke at Pat's Snack Bar is often as thick as the burgers.
Do you come here for lunch a lot?
PAULINE CARTER, CLAY COUNTY RESIDENT: Oh, honey, I was raised here.
TUCHMAN: Nothing on the menu is more than $3.50, which for many customers here is a very good thing.
CARTER: We're bellow poverty, honey. I don't know how much lower we can go.
TUCHMAN: Clay County is the poorest county in the state of Kentucky and one of the poorest in the country. As this county gears up for the Kentucky presidential primary, there is a palpable lack of enthusiasm because the residents, including the mayor of Manchester, the city that's the county's seat, feel forgotten.
MAYOR CARMEN LEWIS, MANCHESTER, KENTUCKY: It's kind of like nobody cares. Nobody cares.
TUCHMAN: The mayor says most people here are unemployed or underemployed. Industry just does not want to move to this county in Appalachia. Per capita income is only about $9,700. Esther Curry's total income with federal assistance is $7,600 a year.
ESTHER CURRY, CLAY COUNTY RESIDENT: You kind of scared to vote for anybody really.
TUCHMAN: How come?
CURRY: Because they ain't never done anything for us yet.
TUCHMAN: Her comparison laughs off the consideration of voting.
JOHN JEWELL, CLAY COUNTY RESIDENT: It don't make no difference. That's why I won't vote. I never have.
TUCHMAN: Their nephew says he can't find (INAUDIBLE) afford the gas to try to find work.
JASON CARPENTER, CLAY COUNTY RESIDENT: I don't feel like none of them are no good for real because, you know, it's just like a small town in America deal. You know, you see how we live and it's never going to change, no matter -- the only way that it's going to change for us is a poor man getting in as president and that's never going to happen.
TUCHMAN: None of the presidential candidates has campaigned here in Clay County. As a matter of fact, old-timers tell us they don't remember a presidential candidate ever coming here. Among the people we've talked to, there's a consensus that Washington is not overly concerned about them.
Election officials here expect a low turnout for the primary. It's a heavily Republican county, but we don't see a lot of excitement about John McCain. That's more than matched, though, by skepticism of the Democrats.
PAM NAPIER, OWNER, PAT'S SNACK BAR: I don't really know what I think about Obama. I don't. I'm kind of leery of him.
TUCHMAN: And regarding Hillary Clinton . . .
CARTER: It's Bible, a woman's place is in the home.
TUCHMAN: She has faith in the Bible, not a lot of faith that a new president will help improve life here.
Gary Tuchman, CNN, Clay County, Kentucky.
02:21 May 22 2008
Times Read: 878
Cold tomato juice and salty popcorn....about the only things that sound good to me right now. Oh...and popsicles.
Gotta talk to my Rat tonight :) Caught up on things with plans for dinner tomorrow night.
She is going to hunt down the Cat and see if she can make it to dinner as well.
My world is slowly righting itself.
05:38 May 21 2008
Times Read: 899
I am finally starting to feel almost human. I actually managed to set up for a few hours tonight. Still not good with food though.
For those who left me well wishes, thanks, nice to know you stopped in and wished me well.
For those who called, oh wait.... no one on here called.....well......never mind. I see, not even worth a phone call this week...uh huh...I see how it is. Me on my death bed....this is soooooo going to cost you both a damn fine steak for a Birdy. AND chocolate.....just as soon as my stomach gets good and settled. :)
20:59 May 19 2008
Times Read: 921
Sick..very sick yesterday and weak as a kitten today. Now have meds....will be going to sleep as soon as Mom brings some food.....first time eating since Saturday night. Now 4:00 on Monday.
FYI the BF did good in taking care of me. Kudos for not running when I was tossing up my stomach.
19:02 May 16 2008
Times Read: 934
I have a headache, cramps, backache, feet hurt, Mom just left (after some shopping) aprtment a mess, Bill is coming up and I want to curl up and go to sleep with drugs.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR biting/hitting someone might work well too.
20:23 May 12 2008
Times Read: 945
Had to bang on the wall at 2:48 am this morning. They had started HAMMERING something. I felt like ripping heads off.
I am soooooooo hunting down the manager.
Anywho.......am at work....bored......nothing really to do. Hoping I can just keep checking in from home instead of coming to the office like today............bored. Bored. Did I tell you I was bored?
By the way......I SUCK at trivia games. Was playing the Diet Pepsi one online. I think the most I ever got was 7 questions - and some of those were repeats that I learned the answer to from previous games. Sigh.
23:18 May 10 2008
Times Read: 963
Well after napping yesterday afternoon, and all the meds/shot kicking in last night.....I was awake until a bit after 3:30 and then up at 7 to pee (for the umpteenth time) then the alarm at 7:30...I went to work until 3:30. I did feel better but now...after a two hour nap......I feel MORE BETTER. lol yeah I know it is not a good English phrase....but sometimes....it is the only way to express it. :)
Off to drag the gals out of their caves...err um homes. Birdy feeling better....for now anyway. lol
23:59 May 09 2008
Times Read: 988
Whohooo I made Sevenn's journal....in a GOOD way.(along with VW)
Glad to aid in the general laughter of the world. :)
18:00 May 09 2008
Times Read: 1,007
So the Rat reads my sick entry and calls me.....and proceeds to put me on hold, actually she just lays the phone down and walks away to answer another line. Was there music to keep me entertained? No. There was her voice giving information on rental units. So...I laid down the phone answered my cell, read her journal, typed this.....and finally she comes back. :)
We chat for a bit..to catch up on the daily gossip and happenings. Old friends are such a good balm for the soul :)
16:23 May 09 2008
Times Read: 1,014
Dr appointment this morning. one shot and 2 scripts later I am back at home. I have decided to call in sick for tonight. I do not feel the need to drive, sit, be nice, and drive home.....all for about 4 hours (two of that drive time). All while sneezing, blowing my nose, wiping my watery eyes, and trying to stay awake from the meds.
My boss said I would be missed but it was up to me. I am staying home. It will be the first one I have missed in 4 years.
Sneeze......blow......sniffle...... somehow.....I am ok with that right at this moment.
03:22 May 08 2008
Times Read: 1,026
Gah....sneezing, throat tickling a bit, nose running, ears stopped up.. DAMN ALLERGIES. Just... DAMN.
Oh and by the way.....
19:57 May 06 2008
Times Read: 1,047
I am
100% Dixie. Is General Lee your grandfather?!
on BOTH tests. :)
19:47 May 06 2008
Times Read: 1,052
It is SUCH a pretty day outside and I am stuck inside this afternoon. GAH!!!
I wonder.....would I get any papers graded if I went to the park????? Sigh.....probably not.....back to grading.
Rules of Rural Kentucky
14:16 May 06 2008
Times Read: 1,067
Listen up City Slickers !
1. Pull your droopy pants up.
You look like an idiot.
2. Turn your cap right, your head isn't crooked.
3. Let's get this straight; it's called a 'dirt road.'
I drive a pickup truck because I want to.
No matter how slow you drive, you're going to get dust on your Lexus.
Drive it or get out of the way . ;
4. They are cattle. They're live steaks. That's why they smell funny to you. But they smell like money to us. Get over it. Don't like it?
Rt. 80 goes east and west, I-75 goes north and south. Pick one.
5. So you have a $60,000 car. We're impressed.
We have $150,000 corn pickers and hay balers
that are driven only 3 weeks a year.
6. So every person in Southern Kentucky waves.
It's called being friendly.
Try to understand the concept.
7. If that cell phone rings while an 8-point buck and 3 does are coming in, we WILL shoot it out of your hand.
You better hope you don't have it up to your ear at the time.
8. Yeah, we eat tater & gravy, beans & cornbread.
You really want sushi & caviar?
It's available, at the corner bait shop.
9. The 'Opener' refers to the first day of deer season. It's a religious holiday held the closest Saturday to the first of November.
10. We open doors for women.
That is applied to all women, regardless of age.
11. No, there's no 'vegetarian special' on the menu. Order steak.
Or you can order the Chef's Salad and pick off the 2 pounds of ham & turkey.
12. When we fill out a table, there are three main dishes: meats, vegetables, and breads.
We use three spices: salt, pepper, and ketchup.
Oh, yeah....
We don't care what you folks in Cincinnati call that stuff you eat... IT AIN'T REAL CHILI!!
13. You bring 'coke' into my house,
it better be brown, wet and served over ice.
14. You bring 'Mary Jane' into my house,
she better be cute, know how to shoot,
drive a truck, and have long hair.
15. College and High School Football is as important here as the Lakers and the Knicks,
and a dang site more fun to watch.
16. Yeah, we have golf courses.
But don't hit the water hazards -- it spooks the fish.
17. Colleges? We have them all over.
We have State Universities, Community Colleges, and Vo-techs.
They come outta there with an education
plus a love for God and country,
and they still wave at everybody when they come for the holidays.
18. We have a whole ton of folks in the
Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines.
So don't mess with us.
If you do, you will get whipped by the best.
19. Turn down that blasted car stereo!
That thumpity-thump crap ain't music,
We don't want to hear it anymore
than we want to see your boxers.
Refer back to #1.
20. 4 inches isn't a blizzard - it's a flurry. Drive like you got some sense in it, and DON'T take all our bread, milk, and bleach from the grocery stores. This ain't Alaska , worst case you may have to live a whole day without croissants.
The pickups with snow blades will have you out the next day.
Hope you enjoyed your stay :)
22:32 May 05 2008
Times Read: 1,078
I really like my chiropracter. He doesn't do the usual popping and cracking but uses some sort of machine that makes the sound of a staple gun but does not hurt at all.
Sometimes after I go, if there has been a readjustment of the "atlas", then I am usually wiped for a while and will need a nap. My body reacts badly at first but then -
......I feel better and walk better.
I do like that man. :)
DC Is a great place to visit
05:01 May 04 2008
Times Read: 1,099
But I sure am glad to be home!!! I put pictures in my portfolio about the places I saw. DC is truly an international city. Rarely did I speak to anyone born in the US or spoke English as a first language. Granted I was in the home of people who are from other countries, but even when out and about.....the same was true.
I had some good experiences and one bad one.
Good - I got to go into the Capitol and have my picture made with the Senate Minority Leader - Senator McConnell. I got to meet some really interesting people - and a wide variety of food was eaten. A lovely lady from the GOP committee took the KY delegation out to a local Irish Pub. The Summit was filled with great speakers and the opportunity to network across the nation.
The bad experience - I lost my cell phone in the cab on the way to the subway. I had made arrangements to meet my friend at a certain station, but had not said where or what time. I was unable to remember her cell number and was a bit lost as to what to do. She was out shopping somewhere. Finally used the pay phone and called the hospital we work in KY to get her cell number. Sigh.
We then drove all night to get home. I was up for 24 hours striaght. I haven't done that since college days and that was a LONG TIME AGO.
I now have a new cell, but the numbers I had on it were not written down anywhere else. Sigh again.
I have spent the last two days recovering from my trip.
Go see my portfolio. I hope you enjoy!!
20:34 May 31 2008
I hope you have a wonderful evening