I really hate the way you make me feel sometimes. I am often left feeling like a scolded child who has no sense of anything important.
I know you love me and we have a long history and would do anything for me. BUT.......this is getting worse and has GOT TO STOP.
I cannot take it anymore. Seriously. I have hit the end of the damn rope.
*It is not about anyone on VR. Just so you know. Nor is it about my fiancee.
04:57 Mar 11 2011
Damn I thought I found a hook-up for getting all the juicy VR drama. How dare you have a seperate life and mention it in your journal.
03:31 Mar 16 2011
You're right-she was a SERIOUS pain in the ass.
Just saying...lol
Enjoy your honeymoon sugar- you looked lovely.