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21 entries this month
03:46 Mar 31 2008
Times Read: 782
Shesh. Lots of work to go back through pictures, resize, play with the photo program, save them, and finally get to upload them to the portfolio. BUT...got old and new ones up. Not just in this one...although most are here. I do have about 5 pictures each in two other accounts.
It did give me the chance to relive some memories. :)
This weekend - other than working online - has been pretty much wasted as far as work is concerned. Been such a lazy gal.
I did get to have dinner last night with VW at NG's house. One of many to come I am sure. It was the first time NG had cooked for us at her house. She had new comfy dinner chairs. Nice!!!
My First Block
17:59 Mar 29 2008
Times Read: 801
Here I am rating the portfolio's for the first time in ....well....ever almost. When I stamp a portfolio after giving a 10 on it. I got this comment that says the rate was taken but the comment was blocked. Hmm...ok.
So....I attempt to send a message to see what was going on. Again..........blocked.
So...I went over to the profile. Now I haven't rated profiles since.....gosh level 12 and I am now at 27. But I had rated this person.....that long ago. I had given her a 10 and a stamp.
See..I paid the premium to get to stamp. I hate to rate but when I do.....almost guaranteed it will be followed with a stamp.
It seems that she does not like stamps. But you know....other than this entry.....it will not cross my mind again that she has blocked me. She gets mentioned only becuase it is a first for me.
So EVILxFREAKx666 --- sticks tongue out at ya
and goes on about my business.
22:10 Mar 28 2008
Times Read: 811
Welcome Elemental
Your Status:
Pages Viewed:
Time Spent:
52.69 days
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62% of this level.
03:23 Mar 25 2008
Times Read: 827
Pat Benatar and Birdy are as One!!!03:25 Mar 24 2008
Times Read: 843
: - -
Birdy's Collage03:19 Mar 24 2008
Times Read: 844
Rat's Collage03:15 Mar 24 2008
Times Read: 845
Cat's Collage03:08 Mar 24 2008
Times Read: 848
Friendship that is as Strong as the Oak Tree21:03 Mar 22 2008
Times Read: 866

It has been a hard week for Cat, Rat and Birdy.
There are so many things that I could say about this week but there are some things that are private and should stay that way. There are also things that would mean nothing to anyone but me. But what I do want to talk about is friendship.
See Cat and Rat met more than twenty-five years ago. Rat was actually Cat’s sister’s best friend. They grew up together. They experienced many things together over those years. Same classes, teachers, classmates, conversations about boys, makeup, clothes, etc., the things that make up the teenage and young adult years. Then about 15 years ago, I came on the scene.
I saw a picture in the paper of a Sci – Fi group that had someone in it who looked a whole lot like ME. I wanted to know who she was….and I liked scifi so it was a two fold reason to call. The girl was Rat. Cat was in the picture as well but the one who looked like me was Rat. We have since changed somewhat in looks but then…..we could have been close sisters in our looks.
There were several people in that scifi group that have dwindled away over the years. But there are four of us that remain friends and three of the four who have become sisters of the heart. You guessed it…..Cat, Rat, and Birdy.
Over the years we have had innumerable good memories, a few fights, and lots of growth as individuals and as friends. This week was another entry into our story. Cat’s mother died on Tuesday and was buried on Friday. Cat was the first of us to lose a Mother and Father (who was deceased before I met them). She has gone to where none of us want to go and yet all of us must go.
In the instance of death, there is not much one can do except be there for those who have felt the loss the most. Do things for them to make the situation less chaotic and the mundane less stressful.
I saw the depth of friendship and love that had grown over the years as Rat took care of Cat and her sister. She was whom Cat called to go to the hospital and Rat went and stayed there for as long as she was needed. I was out of cell phone range until late in the afternoon and was not aware of what had happened for several hours afterwards.
By the time I got to Cat’s house, Rat had gotten things of the mundane sort under control. She had assisted Cat in cleaning house, herding the kids, getting photos out for the dvd and generally trying to keep the chaos to a minimum.
Over the next three days, I observed how the roots of a friendship go deep and strong, just like the mighty oak tree. It is those roots that allow the tree to bend in the wind and the storms and still stand tall when the storm is done. Friendship needs strong roots like that in order to weather the storms of life.
Every good friendship is like a tree with roots and branches that curve and bend; leaves that blossom and grow; times that the branches are bare of leaves but the tree remains…waiting for the blooms again. My tree with the Cat and Rat may not be as old as the tree Cat, Rat and Cat’s sister have, but it is just as strong. And I am so very thankful for that.
01:56 Mar 15 2008
Times Read: 889
I have been running short of cash lately and couldn't figure out why. So tonight I tallied. But before I give you the results...let me back up a bit.
July - I was hired into a new position at the same department. I got a raise....technically. I went from a 9 month contract at 43,000 to a 12 month contract at 48,700.
Then, after a couple of paychecks, I realized I was taking home about 200 less per month. A different tax bracket apparently.
Tonight - with gas prices going up and more travel, I realized that I am getting the short end of the stick on that raise.
Between all my payments and extras like gas and food, I am 240 per month SHORT! Sigh. No wonder I can not make ends meet. Gah.
I think things must get tighter and leaner around here for a while. My vehicle wll be paid off at the end of the year. That will help break even. But by then I may be too far behind.
So.......guess I best get my taxes done....ASAP.
That should pay for my yearlies - vehicle tax and so forth. IF I don't have to PAY taxes.
I am terrible with finances but there is no way around it. I have more going out than coming in.
Guess I might have to increase that second job after all. Sigh.....
Killing me tonight.
01:50 Mar 14 2008
Times Read: 905
A foot long chili dog with onions, onion rings, blue coconut slushie and chocolate chip cookies for supper at 8 p.m. will be the death of me tonight.
No need for a medical examiner to do his work. Just show them this journal entry.
13:10 Mar 12 2008
Times Read: 908
16:39 Mar 09 2008
Times Read: 930
I need a break.
I need a break from VR.
I need a break from online.
I need a break from people.
I need a break from ME.
22:32 Mar 07 2008
Times Read: 949
Sick very sick...stomach stuff.
Dinner and a movie with a Rat :)
04:12 Mar 05 2008
Times Read: 970
VW aka Rat, came down and we went to celebrate my birthday (which is tomorrow). NG aka Cat was supposed to come but got sick.
Rat and I think that she plans it as this is two years in a row she has missed my birthday dinner. (But get well soon!!)
Went to Mexican for dinner. Then saw Spiderwick Chronicles. It was a decent movie. No real blood, lots of action, fantasy critters, and a positive ending. I liked it a lot!! AND we were the only two in the theater so we could actually talk while watching.
Thanks Kay!
Spring Forward
04:22 Mar 04 2008
Times Read: 989
Well hell, time moves forward an hour this weekend. I Hate time changes. Esp the spring forward......it takes me a week to get used to it. :(
05:15 Mar 02 2008
Times Read: 1,006
Some days my arthritis aches so much more than others.
Today is one of them. My fingers are swollen,esp on my right hand. My knees ache...my right hip..left ankle....neck....
Dinner with the Parents
05:07 Mar 02 2008
Times Read: 1,007
Mom and Dad came over tonight for Mom's MRI. After, we went out to dinner.
Mom treated Dad and I. See my birthday is the 5th and his is the 15th. I tease him that I was his birthday present......just a little early. :)
I have been trying to spend more time with my parents lately. I can tell they are not as active and spry as they used to be. I guess that is to be expected. Dad will be 73 this year and Mom 70 in August.
I think we need to spend more time together, create those treasured memories. Family...and friends....nothing much more important than that.
04:39 Mar 02 2008
Times Read: 1,008
WHOHOOOOOOOOO Finally hit level 27...:)05:18 Mar 01 2008
Times Read: 966
Your Status: Necromancer (Level 27)
You have completed 30% of this level.
Pages Viewed Score: 28 x .30 = 8.4
Time Spent Score: 28 x .50 = 14
Ratings Score: 17 x .10 = 1.7
Posts Score: 19 x .10 = 1.9
Score: 26
Referral Points: 0
Referral Modifier: 1
Mark Bonus: 5%
Mark Modifier: 1.05
Total Score: 26
Ratings Score: 17 ( 4630 of 15416 or 30.03% )
05:12 Mar 01 2008
Times Read: 967
My Mom is having trouble with her shoulder. She has osteoarthritis which is quite painful for her. She has had to have cortisone shots in various joints over the last few years. She turns 70 in August so I guess it is part of it.
She is pretty darn active though I can tell that she is more careful and limiting of what she does....like driving. It hurts her shoulders to drive too far.
She goes for an MRI tomorrow evening. Hoping they ONLY find arthritis.
03:53 Mar 31 2008
How was the pasketti???
04:16 Mar 31 2008
17:59 Mar 31 2008
It was.. it was. The brownie lack something tho...
*rat runs from the bird*
12:44 Apr 01 2008
It was the first of many I too hope :) Glad you enjoyed it.
But why did you think we shouldn't waste the chocolate syrup and whipped cream? Don't you use them for brownie sundaes? *hides*