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9 entries this month
02:40 Jul 23 2008
Times Read: 752
Let my world take notice - I have started letting go.
02:37 Jul 23 2008
Times Read: 753
Bah! I had the screen door open to carry things in and out today and now, now I have a freaking FLY!!!
Birdy vs the Nut
18:36 Jul 21 2008
Times Read: 771
I had this urge for something I had not had in a long time. I purchased the object and brought it home.
It sat on the table - watching me as I passed it for a couple of days. Today I decided to tackle it.
I unwrapped it slowly, in anticipation of it, hoping it would be as I remembered it.
Then, I drew out the skewer and....as bad as I hated to, I poked it in the eye and watched its fluid run out, cloudy but clear.
Then I began to pound and pound and pound - to no avail. I finally went to get my hammer. Still no progress...so then, I took it outside.
I determined that it was NOT going to get the best of me. After all, I had BOUGHT it and it was MINE!!
So, laying it on the concrete step, I eyed it meanly. Hammer in hand again, Pound, pound, POUND! FINALLY it opened.
YEah ME!!
Then I realized I had to pry it's meat from the hard hull. Gah.
I have discovered....fresh coconut is NOT WORTH THE EFFORT!!!! Bagged is just fine from now on!!!
02:44 Jul 21 2008
Times Read: 773
03:55 Jul 17 2008
Times Read: 786
Perhaps it is a girl thing, but I do think there are few situations in which a pint of ice cream doesn't make things look better. Tonight the pint was strawberry from Haagen-Dazs and it was GOOD!!!!
02:49 Jul 12 2008
Times Read: 818
I was raised that if I had nothing nice to say, not to say anything.
Thus---no journal entries for a while.
03:46 Jul 06 2008
Times Read: 843
A Woman's Tears
"Why are you crying?" he asked his mom.
"Because I'm a woman" she told him.
"I don't understand," he said.
His mom just hugged him and said,
"And you never will"..........
Later the little boy asked his father,
"Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
"All women cry for no reason"
was all his dad could say........
The little boy grew up and became a man,
still wondering why women cry...
Finally he put in a call to GOD;
when GOD got on the phone, the man said,
"GOD, why do women cry so easily?"
GOD said.......
"When I made woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough
to carry the weight of the world;
yet, gentle enough to give comfort....
I gave her an inner strength to endure
childbirth and the rejection that many times
comes from her children......
I gave her a hardness that allows her
to keep going when everyone else gives up
and take care of her family through
sickness and fatigue without complaining......
I gave her the sensitivity to love her
children under any and all circumstances,
even when her child has hurt them very badly......
This same sensitivity helps her to
make a child's boo-boo feel better and shares
in their teenagers anxieties and fears.......
I gave her strength to carry her
husband through his faults
and fashioned her from his rib
to protect his heart.....
I gave her wisdom to know that
a good husband never hurts his
wife, but sometimes tests her strengths
and her resolve to stand
beside him unfalteringly....
I gave her a tear to shed,
It's hers exclusively to use whenever it
is needed. It's her only weakness....
It's a tear for mankind....................
- author unknown -
It is true, sometimes, we just need to cry.......
04:59 Jul 03 2008
Times Read: 869
Today is my 2nd anniversary on VR. I would have never thought I would have lasted on here this long. I have a tendency to start projects and not finish them (except for work projects). But I have stayed with this for 2 years.
I have journaled, chatted, rated others' work, created layouts, posted pieces of me. Just pieces. I could never post all that I am here. No one could. But I have also seen glimpses of others. Good, bad, neurotic, dramatic, passive, and aggressive...I could go on but you get the drift.
As I have approached my 2 year mark, I have taken a break from most of VR. Things have seemed more important elsewhere in my life.
Things I read here are often negative. I do not need to add that into my life. I have enough of my own.
There have been many positives in my time here. Intelligent conversation, laughter, thoughtfullness, creativity, information, and a few folks who it would be fun to meet in person.
All in all.....I have discovered (again) that my experiences are largely due to my attitude, involvement, and perception. I can make VR as much fun or as awful as I want to make it. Other's can only influence that if I let them.
Sounds like a good lesson to take into real life.
Happy 2nd anniversary to ME and my time on VR!!!
13:16 Jul 01 2008
Times Read: 892
Here lately, if it were not for reading journals of some friends, I would have no interest in logging in at all.
03:21 Jul 25 2008
Hey...whadda ya mean by that?
13:06 Jul 25 2008
20:24 Jul 26 2008
I got it...lol
bout time you let it wander at will...many will celebrate...lol