LOL Cute. :)
Thanks for the laugh sis.
Oh that was mean!! lol
WOOT HOOT for you!!
I know my family is one of those- and I do thank ya sis. I owe you dinner in Lexington- your pick of the place.
That's a good question, because I have never thought male and female were 'it', nothing more. I think it's more complicated... and even with merely male/female... there tons of different kinds of people, and I accept all the variations :) A female to me is a person that says that is who they are... and yes, that even includes people born as men that feel they are female, in my opinion.
I think there is still a lot to learn about genders, and that black and white couldn't be more off.
To me it is something I am trying to accept in myself. Still knowing that it does not make me less or more- it simply is. I agree with Heidi that there is no this ___ or that ___ I also believe it is an identifier for us. A way of finding where we belong. Some might follow traditional roles, or others might find new ways of expressing it while maintaining their own personal view.
Personally I have found that my gender means less and less the older I get.
Judged more on your looks, seen more as a care giver, maker of life. That is how I see women. As far as me- being female.... not that different then being male I would say.
I wonder if it is different for the women who do the "at home" mother (a job on its own) to raise the children? Hmmm..
Female sure is a tough word to define! Identity issues are rarely simple and many struggle with how they fit into the archetype. I can't even begin because I am afraid I'd rack my brain to come up with a comprehensive answer. There are so many things, and yet by listing them I am also afraid that it would suggest that those attributes, traits, etc were then seen as exclusive or predominately NOT male.
There is nothing we can or cannot be.
Men should be careful lest they cause women to weep, for God counts their tears.
The Talmud, a Jewish text
Being a woman to me means being there and caring and taking care of others, no matter the cost. But it doesn't mean doing it at any cost to myself anymore...
You know I had this long entry spilling my thoughts about another issue almost done.....hit a wrong button. DAMN LAPTOP!!
More *hugs*
Ahhh that sucks. To late to say anything about this but hope it worked out sis.
Um it happened YESTERDAY. Viewings are Thursday.
omg I really hope it's something you ate!!!!! Get better soon sis.
probably too much stinky
O,O I swear.... I did not think you would get sick or I would of stayed locked in my hole all alone. Swear.
:( Sorry.
I'm here when you're ready sis and I wish you a most wonderful 2009
Happy New Year Birdy!