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I will be 44 on Wed. It has sort of snuck up on me this year. I have been so focused on other things that time passed more quickly than I realized. But then I have discovered that the older I get the faster it passes.
oh please- do I have to fly down there and drive your ass up to DC myself? Just to keep you on the straight and narrow? I don THINK
GET yourself a first class ticket, SPLURGE on yourself some, and enjoy the ride- you earned it, you deserve it and you are DAMN well going to do
I'm with them :) & I can tell you for a fact that even if the boss is paying the ticket you can pay just for the upgrade part usually less than 100 bucks. 0-0
Got a call tonight from a friend. She and I have been friends 17 years now. I do not see her as often as I used to but we still stay in contact about once every couple months or so.
Tonight, she called, and became tearful about some stressors that are going on in her life. I listened and offered what comments I could. We have a time set for tomorrow to meet face to face to talk about things. She was tearful and I could tell that she was more hurt than anything right now. Knowing her, the anger will be next.
The whole point to this is that when friends have that connection, sharing what is going on makes things easier. Someone to listen and even though nothing can really be "fixed", it is someone who cares and will just let you vent.
Then after venting, get your mind off it by doing something together or changing the subject or giving you some good advice. Maybe even offering to help hide the bodies. Smiles.
I am very lucky to have friends in my life like that. I hope that I return the favor to them as well.
I could only wish to have those kind of female friends...
You are a lucky gal to have some many to choose from when you need someone to lean on.
Thank you Nightgame!!
01:36 Feb 28 2008 Times Read: 841
Yesterday was a tough day for me. I needed to keep from doing something, from giving in to an urge to do something that would only lead to more pain.
Thank you Nightgame...sis......for talking me through that time. It was much appreciated.
I think it was nothing and that is what friends are for, blah, blah. Well, to me it WAS something. We talked about nothing in particular but it was you taking the time to do so, once you knew what was going, on that counts.
That is true. It is what friends are for. The big and the little things. And I just wanted to thank you so others would know that you are a wonderful friend and I love you!
sugar you know I had fun who else is going to listen to me go on for a few hours about the silly shit I talk about all the time. Drown your sorrows in bullshit if liquor is out of the question, is my motto!
I have been nominated to attend the Business and Professional Women's Summit in Washington at the end of April. There were only 10 from the state nominated. Yea ME!!!
I got the go ahead today that my employer will pick up the tab! YEAH THEM!!
I went to DC when I was in high school. I still remember some of the places we went to. ..esp Arlington Cemetery and watching the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was very moving. I hope I have time to include another visit to it when I go.
I hope to go a day early and see some of the sights. I would like to see the Vietnam Wall as well.
I am excited.
Although I do NOT look forward to pushing my large size into a small airplane seat. Gah It has been....geez....probably a decade since I flew. But I AM excited.
Well damn, I saw washington and hoped it would be the west coast washington. Oh well. Congrats hon. Sounds like you are going to get a well deserved vacation.
And, as for the last one...when they lock you up with the nice men in there little white coats....THERE'S YOUR SIGN!
02:25 Feb 27 2008 Times Read: 873
02:18 Feb 27 2008 Times Read: 874
04:19 Feb 24 2008 Times Read: 884
I have spent two and a half solid days at home. It has been both good and bad.
I have rested and played online. I have cooked for myself and washed the dishes. I even did a little laundry.
I have not cleaned as everyone who knows me would like. As in ........dumping things. I am a pack rat. Get over it. I am also not a clean nut. Again..get over it.
I have also had time to think and consider some options. I have enjoyed not having to be so busy the last few days. It may drive me nuts in the long run, but for now, I like not having so many obligations. Perhaps that is my answer.
It would give me more time to concentrate on something very important to me.....ME!
I have also realized that there are some things I need to do before I can realize a dream or two. I need to get my arse in gear to do have the dreams, MY Dreams.
I have also been neglecting my creative side. I like making things....small projects granted....but I LIKE it. I need to get back into doing the projects. I have the materials already, I just need to do them.
Again.....MY Likes, MY Dreams. is MY journal, guess that means it is all about ME.
I think that flattery from a guy who is persistent in wanting to get "nekkid with you" is the best tonic for a broken heart. Even if I don't get nekkid......the boost to the ego is great. :)
Class day. I have the same students in class from 10-5 on this day with a break for lunch. It is rather draining to keep them motivated and interested for that long. And these.....are adults. I have no idea how teachers do it 5 days a week with children. My hats are off to them!!!
Had to talk to a student after class. Tearful, depressed, etc. referred her to couseling. Bad part is that the only thing local is the comp care system. Not the best scenario, but they are better than nothing. Sigh....
I see so much potential in her. I could really work with her.....EXCEPT...I am her professor and thus can not be her counselor. No dual roles allowed.
Lunar moon tonight but the clouds are covering the moon. DARN IT!! Snow in the forecast. For once, I hope there is a LOT of it.
We also "switch sides" when we have an event that not enouh Rebs show up. I saw a few from our "other" unit...7th Alabama Infantry.
Plenty of bravery and honor to go around on both sides!
North To Alaska
04:54 Feb 19 2008 Times Read: 964
Got an email from a cousin tonight. She was talking about wanting to go to Alaska. One of my dreams. Got to thinking about going North to Alaska.....which brought the old Johnny Horton song to mind. This combines both. Some day, I really, really want to go to Alaska.
Oh you would love it, it is truly worth the trip! One of these days I want to road trip through northern Canada and drive to Alaska :D
That would be RAD! :P
How to Get a HUMAN on the phone!!!
04:27 Feb 19 2008 Times Read: 971
How to Instantly Get a Human When Calling Big Companies
Actually, it's probably a weekly occurrence for many of us. What am I talking about? That frustrating, wanna' throw the phone out the window feeling when you call a company and have to speak to robots for 5 minutes before you get to speak to a real person.
The other, just as frustrating alternative is when you have to press a sequence of buttons when prompted: 'press 3 for X, 4 for Y, 5 for Z' etc. Someone has taken the initiative to create a website called '' where you can find the 'secret' codes to be put through to a real human in the shortest time possible, sometimes instantly.
Many companies have this provision so that employees or field workers can get through to the front of the line. All the big companies are listed, from AAA to XM Radio, from to Walt Disney World. In some cases a direct line is provided that gets you right to a human, instantly!
You might want to print out the list, or at least keep it bookmarked on your computer.
Another session with dell.....about an hour this time. But so far things are working...course it has only been about 5 minutes. lol
Now, the cable is out. High winds have knocked it out. Made that call and "they are aware". Sigh.
Seems I stirred up too much dust last night and with the weather changes, I seem to be sneezing a lot this morning. Sure hope that allegra kicks in just any time now!!!
I have been feeling so much lately that there have been no words to really express or identify one from another. There have been a barrage of losses lately. Not just in death, loss can be the ending of something as well. There have been both in my life.
Loss makes you think, reevaluate your life and how the loss has changed it, mourn what was, what could have been, change or grow stagnant.
Relationships change over the years, sometimes people come and go, sometimes they stay but the closeness comes and goes. As they say, for a season or purpose. Sometimes they change without one person in the relationship even knowing it until the change is made and it is too late to repair or stop the change.
New ideas form, old ideas resurface. When the dust settles, I wonder where I will stand.
I pray that it is on the positive end of the changes. That I am stronger, more at ease with who and what I am. At peace with me. For if I am at peace with me...I think I can weather the changes to come easier.....or at least more positively.
Wow, this started out as a general entry and turned into philosophy 101.
Wolf Your decently independant, you don't mind being with a group or being by yourself. You are not afraid of people, but you are cautious of them. People are guilty until proven innocent.
You walk outside in the middle of a storm, stark naked and scream until you feel better...least that's what I would
How I celebrated
02:16 Feb 15 2008 Times Read: 1,009
I put on my red shirt and my new heart locket to match. Went to my meeting and afterwards....I stopped in Berea and treated myself to dinner at Pappaleno's.
My parents sent me the only actual card I received and they got the only one I sent.
Talked to my friend DSBM on the phone. She is dead dog (country saying here) sick and yet she called to make sure I was ok.
I recieved some V-Day stamps from folks on VR.
It was a sunny day. I am safe and my family and friends are safe and mostly healthy.
Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!
Ohh this is never a bad thing as long as you communicate your intent.. I love friends with benefits.. *giggles wickedly* No strings, commitments.. or expectations needed.. just pure pleasure~
am I ALWAYS going to be carrying ya'lls asses around?
One of my well remembered students has died
13:28 Feb 08 2008 Times Read: 1,061
It is with sadness I report the passing of Jerry Ritchie, HCTC Graduate, former President of the Student Government Association and 2004 recipient of the President’s Award and the Distinguished Scholars Award for the Associate of Applied Science Degree, as well as serving as the Commencement Speaker for the 2004 graduation class. In 2005 he was a Distinguished Scholar for the Associate of Arts Degree. Jerry was also a member of Phi Theta Kappa and the Human Services and Social Work Association. He transferred and graduated from the Social Work Program at EKU through the University Center of the Mountains and was to complete the Master of Social Work Program through UK in May of 2008.
He worked SOOO hard to get his degree. You see he was a severe diabetic and legally blind. He had been deemed disabled but wanted something better for himself. He did his college degree with reader's, text's on tape, and verbally telling other's what to type on his papers. Now THAT is determination! He was in his late 30's. I am very sad about his passing.
I assume he passed due to complications from his diabetes?
It is an insideous condition and requires constant attention to avoid complications..When I see this I can only think "There, but for the grace of Go, go I".
I am glad you were able to touch his life and play a part in his accomplishments.
Thank you both. He did indeed die of a diabetic coma. He was found in one and never recovered.
04:21 Feb 07 2008 Times Read: 1,083
I will NOT vote for anyone who will not say the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States. If they will not do that, they do not deserve to lead the country for which the flag represents.
Yes one of the candidates is of whom I speak. You figure it out. When you watch ....who puts their hand over their heart? Who says the words?
I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
The original Pledge of Allegiance, as written by Fr. Francis Bellamy in 1892. It was good enough for this Baptist Minister - and it's good enough for me. =)
So, I took the test that is floating around on who is your Candidate in the 2008 Presidential election. Apparently, I like none of them. :)
Hillary was the highest at 34 on down to Huckaby at 9.
I swear, WHEN will someone with good sense, loyal Americanism, strong values, and clean record, ever run for president? I am so tired of the wishy washy politicians that are in place.
When this country was founded, it was an HONOR to serve in Congress or public office. They held jobs outside of politics. There was no such thing as "I want to be a politician and get PAID for it" No wonder the majority of people in politics will not STAND regardless.....they have come to depend on it as their livelihood instead of their duty.
You Are The Federation, You prefer to be alone and learn. You enjoy helping people and know how to talk things up. You would help people into the spotlight before yourself
But I must say that the guy from the Dell help line... was nice. He spoke good English, was polite and when it was clear that the things he wanted me to do were not working, he took my info to send me the disks to do it manually. Even gave me his extension to call back when I got the disks to aid in the installation process. He lives in the Philippines and is 24. I could be his momma. :( He even said God Bless..:)
Anyway....have to redo Windows when I get the disks. Have some malware that has taken root. GRRR Even with the security I have, it got in. Sigh......
ANYWAY - Saved all my pictures and documents. Will lose the other stuff but I have disks for some of them and some I will have to reborrow.
See? Meeper knows what I am talking about. And trust me- when you call back and leave a message for them to call you back....they don't. Its just a trick... a plot to rule the world.. I tell ya.
22:13 Feb 29 2008
Happy Birthday Birdy, and guess what? You are still gorgeous! Love from your Wolfy!
22:59 Feb 29 2008
AWWWWWWW thanks wolfie :)
20:50 Mar 01 2008
*playing with your present* Ah sugar you just get better with age, remember that.
*it's what you reassured me on mine* 0-0