Awwwwwww...Congrats! I am so happy for you!
a lovely present at this time of year :)
It is a beautiful ring sugar Congrats again :)
awww congrats
Will work on the photo tonight- send it to you in your PM. :)
Congrats!!! ♥
YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see the sparkly!
Congratulations!!! Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world.
Congratulations hun.
Well duh!! Like you have to ask. But both of you get your nails done and we do this right... I might even get out the lights. ;)
Just as soon as I can go a hour without hacking my lungs out.
And by the WAY... what happen to the "DONT tell a soul!" from last night ... I know I was on meds, ready to fall asleep on ya,,,, but I swear you told me that before we hung up.
:D Knew you could not keep it to yourself long, did you tell Donna yet?
Hell--- why am I asking you here? Picking up the phone girl
Congratulations, sugar!!
I am really happy for you- I know you love him, and I hope this is truly what you want, cause it sounds perfect!
Oh yippie!!!! We're gonna have a wedding!!!!!
I want to see Cat and Rat in big fluffy sea foam green dresses, with BIG hats...ROFLMAO
Or Turquoise
Or maybe cotton candy pink..
"Blush and Bashful. My colors are blush and bashful. One color is MUCH deeper than the other...."
The sanctuary looks like it's been hosed down with pepto bismal.....
*And I only say this, because I know if Khayman had gotten here first, SHE would have said it...LMAO*
Um.....are you trying to get a Birdy killed by a Rat and a Cat duo?? Grins....
Yep, Puppy is setting you up for an evil beating! congratulations sugar, as long as you're happy I'm thrilled for you both :)
*goes back to her journal to do something evil >:)
01:50 Dec 29 2010
Very cool! :D
02:32 Dec 29 2010
ooooooo SHINY!
No wonder birdie
02:43 Dec 29 2010
04:15 Dec 29 2010
16:34 Dec 31 2010
Ooooo lovely! =)
02:17 Jan 03 2011
ooooooo sparkley, sparkley! *paws screen*