By the time the sun was out I was to busy to take any. And that is a wonderful pic. No wonder your teacher liked your show. :)
Great pic, almost as if I can smell and feel the freshness.
Snowed here too- imagine coming down off a mountain from work at 1 am and driving thorugh
While I hate driving in snow I have to admit I love the trees and woods in their winter covering. Good work
It sure is pretty.... but evil nontheless :)
I'm glad your feeling better....and clean lol
I wonder what that stink was coming from the south.
This weekend, the worship team paid homage to the hardest working woman in the world … Mom. Northland’s own Patti Harshey sang “The Mom Song,” a light-hearted ditty describing everything Mom says in a 24-hour period. Set to the “William Tell Overture” and played by Tim Tracey and Susan Eissele, this song served as a perfect segue into Dr. Hunter’s sermon on “Mother’s Nature (Mother’s Job Description).” (Lyrics by Anita Renfroe.)
This is really pretty neat. She does a good job of singing it - not sure I could wrap my tongue around words that fast. And I think she was channeling my Mom's
Tell me about it, I'm drowning in mucus here.....I'm steaming so much in my room the wall paper is in danger of coming down.
Hell, I don't even want that's sick !
I hope you get better soon sis. We missed you last night and I so wish you'd have been there to see what I got Rat mixed up with :)
Thank goodness for VR with our user names :P
Ready for this? I get nothing with my name- but several with Vampirewitch39.
lol It's a game you see- now you have too try and firgure it out. " Are you related to wicca or witchcraft ,,,,ok you are fucked on that one. lol I haven't a clue. :)
Nope it blew my mind too and I read it 5 times but the posts after the first were too good to shut it down. *shrugs*
O.o not meds.
*hugs* take care of yourself! That just sounds soo :(
O.O Gosh sis- I am soooo glad you did go to the Dr. Get better soon!
Shoot sis I'm sorry it's this bad but glad you made it to the doctor! Sleep it off as much as possible
Rest well, having your ears syringed does'nt hurt, just an odd sensation, but they wont do that till the infection has totally cleared.
If you need to have it done, you can buy something at the chemist to soften the ear wax first, much better that way.
Hope you gt to feeling better soon hun. Take your time and get some rest.
I don't want to mention this, but your infection seems to be so out of control that even your text has taken on a yellowish sputum color. I hope the antibiotics clear it up pretty soon. I'm a bit worried that I may have touched something in here, so I'm off to bathe in hand sanitizer :P
Oh god, my tongue! My mouth was open! *runs for the door*
Good morning. Hope you are recovered from the holiday.
I had a miserable night. It seems I have a sinus infection. I can't hear out of my left ear hardly and my right is closing up too. Dang it all. I do not think I am infectious as I do not feel really bad.......just can't hear and all stopped up.
and I have no idea what was up last night but I was up about every 30-45 min going to PEE and lots of it
I do seem to have pulled something in my low left of my hip.....absolutely killing me. Have a heat thing on it but I am thinking ice would be better but dang it is cold out.
My early morning meeting was cancelled. She called just when I was getting ready to leave. conference call scheduled for in the moring in stead.
Way more than you ever wanted to know eh?
Sounds like the infection is litterally going through you....hope you feel better soon.
Ok- you get the brownies. ;)
Your specialty, Pisces, is emotions, maybe even more so than sentimental Cancer. You're comfortable sniffling and dabbing at your eyes during a sad movie (or a commercial, for that matter) and rather - no, extremely - proud of your ability to sense what's wrong with a loved one before they even realize it themselves. So what makes you most irritated is when someone tells you you're being "overly emotional." After all, in your eyes (which is what matters), can you ever be too emotional?
I do cry at commercial's dang it all....O.0
20:57 Dec 17 2008
Listen to your body, it knows what is best for it. If that means going to bed at 8 at night and getting an extra dose of beauty sleep- then do it. I hope you get to feeling better :)
22:23 Dec 17 2008
I'm happy you finally got some rest sis :)