Wow.....I get one blocked person.....I make a small journal entry with no names....and now I have two blocking me.
Well......ok then. Not like I even interact with many folks here...but hey....that is even two less that I will interact with.
Shrugs.....their loss. I am good to get to know.
I am blocked by someone......imagine that.
He apparently gave me a 1 too....
I went to peek.....I left. It wasn't worth the effort.
And whomever it is must think I care. Snorts and flies away.....
21:22 Apr 11 2011
LOL, oh wow, guess everyone that is worth anything on here is getting blocked and ranted at. Of well shits there luck.
00:19 Apr 12 2011
Welcome to VR trash. Pull your trailer up to mine sis- I will start the moonshine cooking. ;)
22:50 Apr 12 2011
Ya know they are just doing it to stir the pot and show us how powerful their lil button is on our status and rating. Bravo for them and their attention seeking attitude.
23:17 Apr 12 2011
I'll bring the BBQ pork sammiches and slaw, ladies. Long as there is room up in there for another double wide.
03:16 Apr 13 2011
Lots of room on my country farm....double wides galore....with shared pits for bonfires and BBQs. Washtubs filled with beer and diet pepsi. Dogs on the porch sleeping, while rabbits and squirrels rule the yard. So come on ladies.......join in. We will watch the show and let someone else stir the pots.
21:55 Apr 27 2011
giggles, it's wild ain't it?