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Off to D.C. today. Should be an interesting experience. I REALLY hope and pray that my knees hold out with all the walking. If you can spare a positive thought....send me one, please?
Going for a week. Cat and Rat...try not to get into too much trouble. And...I will have my cell if you are having Birdy withdrawls. :)
Wait... I want be around a computer till Friday... you best not update till then, dang it.
19:07 Apr 21 2008 Times Read: 816
It is a beautiful day outside. The grass is growing and the trees are getting leaves or have blossoms. flowers are everywhere. The sky is blue and the clouds scarce.
I am currently in a local library....trying to get some paperwork completed but having a hard time this entry can attest. I keep looking outside....wanting to be out in the sunshine and knowing that paperwork must prevail. Sigh.
Did I tell you that on Friday night a student told people in her speech that I was wonderful? No? Well she did!!! Will work on getting a copy of her speech to place bits and peices here. :)
I think it will not be as hard to get to work see....I think I will be moving to a different place....with no computer for a while. The guys who sat down accross from me.....smell. No way around that.
A full day of nothing....not even a shower. :) I read some, napped, watched tv, flipped through some magazines, talked on the phone. That is about it. Yeah me!!! Days like that do not happen very often in my life. It was enjoyable. But I sure will enjoy the shower in the morning. :)
It is always a good thing to know that there are people in your life with whom you work or have worked that have become friends. I have friends that I have worked with for many years (18) at the hospital. I have also come across new people in that time that have been added to the list. Some come and go at different times but are still within the circle I call friends. Tonight....I had dinner with 4 of them. 2 old ones and 2 new ones. Laughter and good conversation was had by all. Not to mention the decent food :)
Classes are almost at a close. The end of semester dash is about to commence. Then add in a week out of state. Shesh. I am tired just thinking of it.
It will be the first time I have worked in the summer for about 7 years. I have been spoiled. Not sure what I will be doing as even my bosses are not real sure yet either. I hope it is nothing too strenuous though.
My private practice is almost at a stand still. Part of me is ok with that, part is not.
Taxes completed. I get just enough back from federal to cover state and tax filing fees. Sigh. Breaking mostly even is better than paying, but still, I was hoping for more back.
The male I was dating at New Year's has resurfaced. A little over 3 months late. Some friends would like to rip pieces from him, others say enjoy his company and expect nothing, and still others say dump him and move on. Me? I have discovered that emotions in relationships are not as easily separated into white, black, good, bad, etc as I would like.
I have come so very far from the teenager with the destructive crush of long ago. The codependent college relationship that took so much out of me is long gone. The physical relationship that was my experimentation is barely a memory - I have a hard time even remembering his name. That brings me to I have learned so much about me in this one. And still learning.
Older folks in my community are dying and it brings the fact that my parents are getting to that age more to the forefront of my thoughts.
I have no idea what I would do or how I would react. I hope and pray it is a long time before I find out.
My closest friends are what keep me sane and between the ditches of my crooked path. I am glad they are able to keep me from "ditching" it.
And if you have made it to here, the only thing left to tell ice cream is THE BEST thing to have...ever.
If I may be so bold as to suggest a nice big bowl of Butter Pecan, with Chocolate syrup and whipped cream!
Eye strain
21:42 Apr 16 2008 Times Read: 907
Lately my eyes have taken to burning....badly. Mostly when I work on the computer for longer periods of time. I have eye drops but thought they were mostly for my allergies. I wonder if they would help this. Sigh....going to look for drops and to rest my eyes from a screen.
You know, I really hate gray hair on me. It makes me feel ...OLD. I know I earned every one of them over the years. I know that my Dad was completely gray by this age. I am a lot like my Dad.
Does NOT mean I have to like it.
Does mean I need to get my hair coloring appointment moved up if at all possible.
Don't feel bad, I have been going gray since I was 14, so I have to color my hair regularly to avoid all the silver in my hair. Which reminds me, I need to get mine done again too....
Yesterday the day started on the grounds of Camp Nelson Civil War battlefield at 9:00 am. By 3:00 pm. I was certified on firing a Civil War cannon, all positions but gunnery (the one in charge of the orders). In between 9 and 3 - I froze various parts of my anatomy off. It was in the 30's and the wind chill factor had to be in the teens. BRRRRRRRRR
It was however, good to see folks out of hibernation and getting ready for the reenactment season. The first reenactment on my schedule is not until June but others will be going on and I will be getting other things in the ready for my event in October.
Hot Damn sis you're going be awesome at Wildcat this year.
New Neighbors.........DANG IT!
03:03 Apr 10 2008 Times Read: 960
If you have ever lived in an apartment with thin walls, you will be able to relate to this.
I live in an apartment townhouse style. It is a long row of two story attached apartments....with very thin walls.
I have new neighbors. New YOUNG married neighbors. I bet this is the first apartment...and do not realize the thinness of walls.
They have their bed against the wall. They like to have sex around 2-3 am a LOT it seems. Sounds like they are jackhammering the wall. Talk about being startled out of your sleep. Then having to listen to them banging for several minutes.....(thank goodness it is just minutes) and then try to go back to sleep. Not easy.
I thought about banging the wall...that would be mean and they would know who did it.
I thought about leaving a note or telling the manager and asking him to tell them. HMMM
Envious someone is getting laid and pissed off that I have to get woken up to listen to it. Not exactly a good combo.llol
When Gina and I first moved in together we lived in rental townhouses much like you describe. We never actually met the people next door, but every 2 weeks - after payday - the couple would get good and drunk and start in to yelling at each other around 2:00 AM Saturday morning. As I said we never met them but we did learn that their names were "Stupid Bitch" and "Lying Bastard"!
I used to be an apartment manager for well some 20 years. I would often get complaints from residents about other residents having loud, wild, passionate, name calling sex. There was only one thing I could do about it. Call the people having sex and tell them to close their windows. Otherwise there really isn't much anyone can do.....except perhaps get a tape recorder. *lmfao*
The first place Jim and I lived in in Las Vegas was an apartment- we rented the place, then went to get some stuff- when we got back after the weekend, we found out the the manager had inadvertently locked a stray cat into the apartment. Suffice it to say, that after a weekend in there alone, the place REEKED. After living there for a few days, we discovered that the lady above us liked to vacuum.....a 3 AM in the morning...
I used to have the same problem with my downstairs neighbour. I called the police coz I heard this screaming etc, thought he was beating her up. Turns out they were role playing....he never mentioned it, nor did I, but it's been quiet ever since lol
I miss my tree
13:41 Apr 09 2008 Times Read: 978
I have looked at the same tree outside my bathroom window for almost 18 years now. The city came by......and trimmed it as they have done in the least that is what I thought when I left.
When I returned.....they had cut it ALL DOWN.
Gah.....some person somewhere had an assinine idea this week.
I severly would like to take a tree branch and clobber them...GRRRRRRRRRR!!
I woke up this morning with a small chuckle. Why? Becuase I rarely remember my dreams and the one I had this morning was just.....weird. So here goes.....
The trio - Rat, Cat, and I - were traveling around and stopped in a park. Apparently we had been traveling for a while and were in great need of a shower.
Well, in the park was a barn. One of those older kind with the doors opened on both ends and the stalls strewn with hay on the dirt floors. At the front of the barn to the right was an open area where they had a shower of sorts. More like two separate faucets of hot and cold that when pointed together made warm water.
We got this bright idea to take our showers there. I was going to go first and the Cat and Rat would guard the entrances. I had blue flip flops on to keep my feet relatively clean while showering.
For some reason, I decided to keep my panties on while showering. I guess I thought if someone DOES see me, I would not be completely nude.
So here I am getting ready to get under the water, when I realize I don't have soap. I look around and see a stall shelf with little trial size bottles of stuff. I am looking through it when Rat pokes her head in....."What you doing?" "Looking for soap. Got it" as I pick up the trial size bar and take off the wrapper.
Back under the water....just get my hair wet when the first horse and rider go riding through the barn. I back to the aisle.
I am thinking...WHERE were Cat and Rat? When Cat yells..."I couldn't stop him. The horse was moving too fast....and did you see the size of him?"
That is when I hear the sounds of a horse show in the background. The announcer telling the horses in the ring what to do,"Show us a run/walk. Aren't they some fine Tennessee Walkers?" The crowds cheering for their favorite horse and rider.
Suddenly, more horse and riders come stringing through. I keep my back to them, trying to get the shampoo rinsed out of my hair and eyes so that I can get out of the way of being seen.
Luckily so far none of the riders had looked right nor left...just rode through intent on getting to the ring on time.
The next riders changed that....there were two. One was slightly in front of the other as they came into the barn. They were almost out when the second rider happened to glance my way. "What the ?".....and the sound of laughter was left ringing in my ears as he rode on out.
But was that the end? NOOOOOO. For some unknown reason....Rat is suddenly escorting several people in a group through the barn. The people are dressed in clothes from the 1880's. Men in suits with a walking stick. Women in long dresses with the bustle in the back, carrying parasols.
To give Rat credit, I think she was trying to hurry them through and was between them and me. Again, they were almost through, when the woman in back spotted me.
"OH MY. Do my eyes decieve me? How SHOCKING! Does this person not have ANY shame?" As she comes closer.....with parasol open and bobbing at the indignity in her words.
Well....for some reason, that was the last straw. I turn around, hair and body soaking wet, nakid except for wet panties and blue flip flops. I stomp towards the woman, saying in a loud, menacing voice, "If you don't put those eyes back in your head and shut your mouth, I am going to pull them out of their sockets with my bare hands and make you eat them."
She stopped short, mouth working but no sound coming out, eyes huge.....then she turned and ran.
Rat stood over to the side....mouth open, eyes huge.....when I turned around and picked up a towel to dry off, I hear a loud crack of booming laughter.
That is when I woke up......chuckling and in need of my morning shower, minus the panties and blue flip flops. :)
Damn it if I could have slowed them down I'd have charged admission!
Simpler times and better shows
04:17 Apr 02 2008 Times Read: 1,060
I was watching tv tonight when an old two hour episode of Little House on the Prairie came on. I grew up with that show, just as Melissa Gilbert and the other children did on it.
I remembered laying in front of the tv....waiting for it to come on. It was the one show that even my parents watched with me.
Today I realize just how many values we have lost over the years. Progress is good in many ways...and yet so very bad in others.
I went onto Utube to find a clip about it and this one was from the very first episode. Ironically enough....Country Girls is the name of the clip. honor of Country gals everywhere - esp those of us in Kentucky.
Take a step back into childhood, put your feet up and remember simpler times and better shows.
19:48 Apr 25 2008
Have a wonderful time, any time the knees threaten to fold...just sit in the nearest bar lol
23:30 Apr 25 2008
I have two recommendations for you
ICE PACKS for after
TYLENOL before- tis easier to prevent pain than it is to stop it once it starts....wise words from my dad the dentist.
14:55 Apr 26 2008
:) You know me so well.... lol
22:26 Apr 27 2008
Have a fun and safe trip.