So as long I remember I have always been fascinated by knives & sharp objects. I remember when I was about 5 years old. I managed to get a hold of a paring knife & me being a five year old child unsupervised, With a small green handled paring knife.
You can already imagine where this story can only go from here.
I guess my Mother was taking a nap at the time.
Allowing me to get into the knife cabinet in the kitchen.
For some reason I thought It would be very amusing to push a chair up to the refrigerator, So I could reach the freezer door. And then after doing that, I climbed up on the chair so the freezer door would be within reach.
At this point I remember taking the knife and sticking it in the seal of the freezer door & twisting it while sliding it in the freezer door seal to help me open it, As I jerked on the handle of the freezer door with my other hand &, while I was doing this. The freezer door popped open unexpectedly, Causing me to fall off the chair on to the kitchen floor landing flat on my back, As I watched the knife that was in my hands seconds ago flying up into the air. As it flipped over 2 and half times as I watched & then felt the point of it land & almost stick itself in my eyebrow about an inch above my right eye.
07:25 Sep 04 2014
Hey Drayton while you're at it why don't you tell us about that time, you stuck your nose in that doberman pinscher's doghouse. lol
07:52 Sep 04 2014
Shut up Deosil!
20:38 Sep 06 2014
Oh my. Talking to yourself again? And yet I still find you fascinating! :-)