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I had a dream inside a dream. I woke up from one, dream and was in another. It threw me off but I could tell things, were backwards. I got up and looked around and saw, a Black Widow spider in its web, next to the bed, In the corner of the room. It was like a open closet with no doors, It didn't bother me. Just made wonder how it got there I left the room to make coffee or something like. I normally would in the real world, and then I walked back in the roon and noticed the spider was now on the other side now. I was distracted by something outside, and looked away. And then the spider had disappeared, but upon closer inspection. It was hiding inside the end of, a black PVC pipe this. I could only see her front legs and a little spider face looking at me from the safe space of the PVC pipe. Remind me not to take pseudoephedrine before bed anymore.