I came home and there was the cutest little jackrabbit bunny out in the driveway hopping around trying to not to get ran over by my car. It made me feel better seeing this small animal hopping around so full of life while in total fear of my vehicles headlights. I would never run over a animal if I couldn't help it. I was driving by a park yesterday and a bird flew under my front bumper and it was kinda upsetting thinking I killed it. But totally not my fault if the thing decides to flap it little wings and end up dead under my tires. I'm sure birds know cars are dangerous. But I might go looking for this rabbit so I can take a picture. And patrol for the area for homeless people that have broke into the thing they are renovating behind my place. I will just tell them to leave the property, And not confront them with a baseball bat. And threaten take it upside thier skulls like I did last time.