These are my thoughts on the issue of racism. I want anyone who may read this post to know that it is not intended to down anyone. First of all, racism is the stupidest thing the people of earth ever came up with. Secondly, and this is very important, RACE DOES NOT EXIST!! Yes you heard me correctly, race does not exist. Race is simply something made up by people to explain differences in people. To prove that race does not exist, here are some facts that I learned in a college sociology class.
Fact 1: At some point in history every group of people has interbred with every other group of people so that there is no pure group that doesn't have other peoples blood in them.
Fact 2: A team of scientists tried to devide the world up into races baced on appearence, ethnic background, and other factors. These scientists gave up after they divided the people of the world into almost 1,000 races. This proves that you can't define people into different groups. There would be thousands of them.
Fact 3: This is just something to think about. The definition of a racist goes something like this: A person who descriminates agianst another person or group of persons because of the way they look, their religious background, or ethnic background. Adolf Hitler is considered a racist. However I disagree. Hitler wanted the "Arian" race to rule the world. First of all there is no Arian race, this is something he made up in his sick head. Secondly he defined the arian race as blonde haired blue eyed tall people. That is who he wanted to rule the world, and he killed other people because they didn't look like that. Of course i'm not denying that he killed Jewish persons because they were Jewish. As far as religious background you could consider him a racist. However, have you ever looked at Hitler. He wants tall blonde haired blue eyed people to rule the world, but he was short with black hair and brown eyes. HE WAS PREJUDOUS AGIANST PEOPLE WHO LOOKED LIKE HIM!!. He wanted a race to rule the world that he wasn't even a part of. This doesn't make him a racist. This makes him a psycotic *&$!**#^*@, you get the idea.
Anyway, these are just my thoughts on the stupididy that is racism. If you actually read all that I wrote I thank you for it. Have a good life and remember to be careful how you treat others.
We've got Who's on first, What's on second, and I Don't Know's on third.