DireConsequences's Journal

DireConsequences's Journal


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55 entries this month

15:56 Oct 31 2012
Times Read: 737

I don't know how I feel about people reading my journal on that last entry. It wasn't anything to cause drama and I sure as heck don't know the people other than reading their journals.


It weirds me out that I'm writing some of my most personal thoughts out on here and people can read it. Maybe I should rethink this whether I feel comfortable writing here or not.

Our electricity line is fixed finally. It's no longer literally tied to the house. It's secured now. Most of the morning, we've been without electric though. Aurora handled it pretty well considering we had no warning whatsoever.

And Halloween has been canceled until this Friday because of the weather.

At least that saves me from making the decision of keeping Aurora in.



19:35 Oct 31 2012

Oh the drama. Happy Halloween!

03:00 Nov 01 2012

Wow - I've never heard of that before: an area officially postponing a holiday and holding it on another date. Nice that it isn't cancelled altogether, though.

Good to hear the hydro line is fixed also - I bet you're happy about that. Going without power is definitely NOT fun.

04:33 Nov 01 2012

Most of the villages, towns, and cities around here had the trick-or-treating today. It was horrible weather. Misting rain, cold temperatures, and wind.

We did trick-or-treating with Aurora in my mom's house so we had enough "stations" for her to get from. She's not missing out on any candy.

I don't even know if she's going to want to go Friday. =] She got way too much already. LOL! She's happy though. She even got a couple of movies! You don't get that with normal trick-or-treating!

And yes, I am. Frustrated they didn't tell anyone they were going to leave us in the dark for a good bit this morning but happy it's done and over with.

This has been a problem since July 29th(?) when that nasty storm hit here and we were without power for a week. X_X Just now fixed. The guy was rather rude. When they wind came through, our lights would flicker annoyingly. *nods*

Happy Halloween!

21:59 Nov 01 2012

Well, I'm glad to hear she had a nice Halloween - and probably made out better in the long run (you certainly can't beat movies, lol).

Yeah, going without power sucks, especially out of the blue. You realize how much we take some of the basic things in life for granted when we suddenly must go without them for a while.


21:29 Oct 30 2012
Times Read: 747

I'm debating about blocking three accounts on here. That way, while I'm dealing with the past, I'm not sidetracked by a message from them. I don't know if it would help me or just start drama. Although, I don't care about my status so what does it matter if they block me back?

I'm getting off for a while and writing while offline. I'm keeping at it for now.

I don't know when I'll be checking back in but tomorrow I have to take Aurora trick or treating, possibly.




19:26 Oct 30 2012
Times Read: 750

My mom might take Aurora until Friday from tomorrow evening, as long as I take her candy home with me and Brett.

I think if she does that, it's time for a Tiffy to go to her daddy's side at the graveyard whether it's raining, snowing, whatever this storm brings.

The storm inside me is worse. I need perspective.

I need my daddy, damn it!

I'm going there for a long time needed confiding, screaming, crying, throwing a fit, among other things.

I can't keep this up and all I want are the people I can't obviously have hold me and tell me it's okay.

Brett's trying to comfort me but right now, I just don't feel like letting him close to me emotionally.

I need to find a way through this. I don't care if someone comes to check to make sure everything is alright. I need this.

I need to talk to my dad whether it's a one-sided conversation or not.

I think I'll have supper there too. Share with my daddy.




18:52 Oct 30 2012
Times Read: 752

How can I keep this up? I'm not even writing my memories out yet and I'm getting physically ill every day. I want to give up. I really do.

How mad would I be at myself if I did? How disappointed?

Thank God, J might not be coming up now for a weekend.

I survived the abuse, the hardest part... now I need to survive this process and the memories.

Lord, please give me strength. Please?




18:43 Oct 30 2012
Times Read: 753

It's hard to talk to friends and people I care about when it's all that I can think about.

I hate to say it but I think maybe he was right. I think I may have confused my feelings and I may not have loved him. He reminded me of J when talking to me a lot of the time. I let him get to me. I let him in my head.

God, I'm such a disappointment... if to no one else, myself for sure.

I feel like the memories are consuming me. At the moment, I honestly can't see the light at the end of this. I'm just hoping I can make it through this.

I didn't take the Melatonin last night and I'm regretting it. I had some of the most horrible nightmares I've had in a while.

Yesterday, during the day, I had a nightmare. It was dreadful.

He was chasing me around a small neighborhood and trying to kill me. It reminded me sort of like Jason or Micheal Myers. Anyways, I couldn't avoid him. I couldn't avoid trying to survive. Everywhere I made it to, he found me. He was coming for me.

He raped me.

He got off of me and I was paralyzed and couldn't move. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Then he looked down at me and said "You should thank me, I just healed you from your past."

I woke up immediately. I talked to Brett about it. I told him that I could picture him saying that to me and believing it in his own way. Brett agreed. I think that worries me even more. It's not just in my head!

I think I'm going to be sick.




05:10 Oct 30 2012
Times Read: 759

Book, workbook, notebook, pens, all of it is back in the bag and tied up again. Oddly, the bag is something that J got me one year for Christmas. Go figure that it comforts me that my things are in it. I think it might be due to the ties on it but I'm not sure.

It's time for me to calm back down, stop crying and go to bed in a bit.

The wind is horrid here. I'm terrified of losing power and being in the dark with my memories.

I've been eating comfort food as of late. Not healthy but it does make me feel a little bit better.

I let Brett read the first list I made on Self Esteem and Personal Power and he said that it's honest.

I don't think he knows what to think about it. I think I may have been a bit too honest. Although, is there such a thing with something like this?

He needs to know what is going on and that list was something I felt he needed to read. I think I may be sending them all to a person on here but I'm undecided at the moment.

I feel confused. I feel like a child at the moment. I feel vulnerable.

Tonight, I'm sleeping with my baby blanket. Literally.





04:28 Oct 30 2012
Times Read: 760

"And believe your dreams of me sinking

so far, below, you can't pull me up from here so don't try.


Leave it up to me. To burden you again.

This ones not your fault. Please forgive me.

Leave it up to me. To burden you again.

This ones not your fault. So forget, so forget, so forget me."

-Car Underwater




03:31 Oct 30 2012
Times Read: 761

So something upbeat. UC, the game Aurora and I play, is starting a new site. If you make a donation, you're included in the actual game. It's awesome how Acid is setting it up.

I'm thinking of donating a little bit to have Aurora, well her avatar, Princess Aurora, be included in the game!

I think Aurora would absolutely adore being in it and it being updated as she changes the outfits on UF.

I'm excited about the new site. It's costs $10 to be involved in the early release. I'm tempted. So tempted.

I'm more interested in getting Aurora in there instead of creating my own monster base. ^_^

UF is so supportive. I love the community and the owner cares about the members and what they have to say, obviously.

Oh and we've been having a good strike with raffles and whatnot on there lately. We've won like four items of our choosing and 10,000 Auro (the currency). I'm heading back over there.

The wind is vicious here. We're hoping we don't lose power. Everywhere has two hour delays. Aurora is too concerned with the howling wind and noises outside to sleep yet.

Oh and I'm tempted to start writing the entries about the past in a different section to keep them separate.




02:23 Oct 30 2012
Times Read: 764

I did this at Broadway and I wanted to put what's on the picture I drew of "myself" that's in quotations because it's a rather bad drawing. I wish I could scan it.

Anyways, here it goes.





























That's most of the things that were said to me all the time by J during the abuse and some of it even continued being said after. It's all written in capitals on my picture with no punctuation so I kept it the same.




02:01 Oct 30 2012
Times Read: 765

I've made it through one category of the lists. I made it through the Self Esteem and Personal Power.

Now all that's left to go is:


Your Body



Children and Parenting

Family of Origin

And then a writing exercise.

I think my whole life up until now I've been trying to cope.

Every time I picked up these books in the past few years, I had a different attitude about it.

I needed to get through it so I could say I'm okay. I accept it.

Well, I'll probably never accept it but I'm sure I can heal from it if I keep moving forward through the healing process although I know I'll be everywhere in the stages (probably visit some more than once) and I know I'll probably return to these books later in life.

The more I figure this out, how it's effected me, the more I hate D and J.

I'm opting to not put my lists in here. As I said before, I'm unsettled knowing that my exes can read my journal entries. I'm unsettled the one's wife could read these words.

I don't want anyone in my head.

It's bad enough I worry about the clown.




04:39 Oct 29 2012
Times Read: 774

I remember being on the floor of Courtney's kitchen and her telling me "Hell Tiffy, I'm blind and I'm making it work. You can deal with this too."

That was back in the beginning on 2008 and I can still remember her telling me that and that everything would be okay.

I miss her so badly. I need her.

I thought I saw her in our yard in the middle of the night walking and I just started breaking down.

I miss the closeness I had with people who I loved so much. It takes everything to talk to Brett and let him hold me through this.

I trust him and yet, I can't tell him certain things. Will I be able to admit them to myself? I'm scared to discover something I just can't accept in myself.

I'm going to take Melatonin once I calm down some from crying so much and get some sleep. I have to make sure Brett's up at 5 am.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to work on the lists in Taking Stock in the actual book but I can't promise anything about that to myself or others.




02:42 Oct 29 2012
Times Read: 779

That chapter in the workbook... what's so scary about it? A gray box on one page that makes me shake with fear, cry from shame, and terrified that everything never happened.

It's a box to name the abusers.

The chapter is about taking stock in how it has effected my life.

How could I not be terrified by it?

How can I openly admit even in a workbook that I know no one will read unless I hand it to them what I've done just to get by?

My screen name on here was even influenced by my past. That's why I'll never change it. Hiding from my memories and "boxing them up" to avoid them has had so many consequences and most of the them dire in their nature.

One action of myself to get back at my abuser was the main influence over my screen name. Revenge.

I'm not entirely sure if I'll keep writing in here about this or not.

I'm trying to do this where I'm most comfortable. Honestly, I feel safe on this site.

Although, I can't stand the thought of my ex reading this and messaging me at a point that is crucial for me to get through. Either of them.

I want those that care about me know what's with me and why I am the way I am. And heaven knows I would be inspired by reading another person who has been through something like this write. I've read some of the experiences of other but never in a journal on here in so many words.

It inspires me to know that this is possible. There's other people who have felt as hopeless as me and made it through.

I'm struggling. I honestly want to hurt. I want to feel that pain again just to be able to bottle it up and never acknowledge it again.

I don't even know how to prevent myself from doing such stupid things like dating a suspected rapist like I did in high school and yet, why was I so pissed at him? He drugged me. I wouldn't have remembered if something had happened.

I wanted to feel that pain again. I needed it. I went in the ward soon after that. Thank God.

I've drove recklessly wanting to die. I've cut so deeply that I bled in the school hallways clear to the bathroom and couldn't get it to stop. I've done things I should regret and I don't.

I blame myself and I know I shouldn't. I even blame myself for it stopping when I tried to kill her. It's what I knew.

My sexual tastes have evolved from my abuse. I know it and that scares me.

I'm trying. I feel like I can't do this and still I'm trying with everything I am. I feel like I'm losing my mind and can't tell people in my family what is going on.

I'm trying to go through the chapter in the book that coincides with the workbook chapters that I fear so much.

I've made it through the chapter before. I'm hoping that knowing that will help me face it again. I think I can do this but I doubt myself at every turn. It hurts so bad. I can't sleep. I've been puking for days at night. I've been drinking just to calm down some and now we're out of vodka so no worries there I guess.

I freaked on a guy who was talking to my daughter in Wal-mart about a week ago. He asked her for her hand. I flipped. My daughter told me to calm down that she was okay and he didn't hurt her.

I need to deal with this. It's tearing me apart from the inside. It seems like it's all I think about day and night. I'm washing dishes and thinking about that first kiss that was forced on me. I'm doing clothes and thinking about the underwear that had blood on them and the smell of it, I swear I can smell.

I'm scared I'm losing it.

And it upsets me that I made it through the past and yet, the memories... I feel like they're going to kill me if I face them or admit to them in they're entirety.

I'm going back to Uni and my book. I need this. I need to heal. But can I make it through this?



03:29 Oct 29 2012

Keep working that book.

14:17 Oct 29 2012

I'm not really sure what to say except that I sincerely hope writing this book helps you overcome the terrible things you have felt inside for so long. I have been chatting with you here (off and on, granted) for quite a long time now and know you have been through things that no person should have to endure. I hope this will be your first step in defeating those demons.

And as for a stranger asking for your daugher's hand in Wal-Mart - I would have freaked, too!

16:33 Oct 29 2012

I'm not writing the book.

I have two books. They're called "The Courage to Heal" and the one is a workbook. There are a ton of exercises including creating safety, looking at the damage done because of it, writing/talking about the abuse, naming your abuser(s), and so much more.

I think it may be one of the few good things my last therapist did (Nancy). She ended up being more like a friend than a therapist when I know that's not what I needed and why I asked to be transferred to another therapist.

Although, over the years of trying to go through the book and workbook, I've filled almost a full subject in my three subject notebook. Poor thing has been beat up. As for the books, they're both duct taped so I can have them in public without fear of someone asking questions.

14:34 Oct 30 2012

My apologies - I must have misunderstood. But I still wish you the best with confronting everything in this way and hope it accomplishes what you are seeking.


04:17 Oct 28 2012
Times Read: 785

I feel exhausted, both mentality and physically. Doing this is more extreme than I ever thought. That basement is still there for the moment and I'm honestly debating about going there to confront the memories since I know I'll never confront D. I've seen him. He's talked to me. I've run scared. Once literally ran to my car.

Can I go in that basement? I don't know. I know it's not safe in that house anymore but to live with losing the chance to do so will effect me how much? It's something I've wanted to do since I was 17 and I'm 25.

If I wait until I'm ready, I may not be able to do it.

If I do it without being ready, it may cause more harm than good.

I'm terrified of making the wrong decision. I'm scared to do anything on these matters. Hell, my lists on ways of coping seem stupid to me, worthless, and insignificant. I know it's not true but that's how I FEEL.

I don't know how much I plan on working in my book or reading the other the next few days but I know there are three chapters I want to get through if I can handle it. I chickened out tonight. I can't do it. I'm backing off for the night. I'll reread the beginning of it again and see if I feel comfortable then tomorrow.

I'm tired of feeling this way. I can't be this unsure of myself and make decisions for this family. I don't feel right in doing it.

God, I just wnat to forget. Why can't I? Damn it, I'm so tired of reliving things in my dreams and having no way of fuckin stopping it.

I want it done, finished, completed. But if I rush through this or don't go at the right pace for myself, I'll be right back where I started.

I just feel so stupid. Ridiculous for this mattering THIS much to me. I feel like I should be over it already.

I need to sleep and don't know how to shut my brain down other than taking a sleeping med.

I'm out.




01:41 Oct 28 2012
Times Read: 788

Tomorrow I'm going to try a better outlook on things. I plan on getting a hot bubble bath, shaving my legs, and doing other girl stuff.

I plan on after that, getting the last four cabinets sorted through and everything I took out back in. I plan on painting that last dang wall, the cabinet, and the trim. I will probably do the tiles Monday or Tuesday. It depends on what's going on.

We FINALLY know when trick-or-treating is but there's been no announcement about the party. I can see it going over well with my stepdad if they don't have one after he donated so his baby girl could go to the holiday parties down there. O_O He scares me sometimes.

I still feel horrible. I'm trying to take charge. I think I figured out a couple of things that led to this "meltdown" and I use meltdown freely since I'm not quite sure what this is other than a setback.

The punches thrown.

The decision to wait on a job until Spring.

The waiting on the school program to call me.

The fears about her going to school.

The thoughts I have about a couple of people.

A visit that's happening in a couple of weeks.

That's not even all of what's on my mind. I can honestly say I've gotten better with Brett a bit. He stayed up with me the other night until about 2 or so talking with me. He tried to comfort me.

I got us a couple of games from Game Stop including Cooking Mama for Aurora since she loves to cook and it seems like she's going to be able to play it. However, being patient teaching her sometimes is a feat when she's being bratty lately. Papa has spoiled her rotten. She thinks she can get anything she wants and it will come at any time during the day.

I'm getting off of here though. I'm updating my Uni and working on TCTH some before I go to bed.

I don't know what else to say.





06:13 Oct 27 2012
Times Read: 789



17:37 Oct 25 2012
Times Read: 793

I feel like I just can't do this today. I'm a bundle of nerves just waiting to explode. What happened? I've been doing so well and now I want to curl up in the corner of the bed and cry.

I feel disappointed in myself. I know I'll have these days but I just feel overwhelmed. Completely overwhelmed.

I've been hiding away quite a bit on Uni, whether it be UniCreatures or UniFaction. If you need me, message me and I'll give you my screen name there.

I've just hit a brick wall it seems. I feel like I've gone completely back. I know that's not true.

I've been having "bad" moments as of late.

At least I can say that getting drunk was probably for the better since I know some of what's honestly on my mind.

I need to get through this.

I also wanted to just say that even though my stepdad opted out of the bone biopsy, he's now getting it. The other tests showed absolutely nothing to the doctor so they need to get that done to make sure there's no more. He gets it done next week.

And I don't think my pick up in anxiety is from that or at least not most of it.

I've been feeling this way for about four days now, maybe a little longer. But I just found out about my stepdad today.




18:09 Oct 23 2012
Times Read: 800

I ended up puking. Odd. I usually hold my alcohol fairly well.

I have a hangover.

Things are going SLOW for me today. I'm a slug.

And of course, I'm on my Uni. =] I loverly it. I can't wait for Project Starborn to be accessible. Even if I have to pay for it, I will. ^__^ I'm so looking forward to it.




04:33 Oct 23 2012
Times Read: 803

I think the vodka is getting the better of me. Like seriously. Yum. Brett just spiked my apple cider.

Nothing like me saying "I think I might puke. I need something to drink."

Him getting me apple cider.

Me joking about vodka in it.

Then he pours it into it.


I would say he's just trying to get into my pants. However, that would be rather easy for him. Plus, we already did that earlier in the bathroom.

Yep, right now... life is pretty good.

The hell with what upset me earlier. It's nothing to me. If I let that get to me then hell, I might as well give up now.

Heh, me give up. Yeah, right.

Although, I was thinking of deleting my account on here after the premium runs out. Someone *looks in their direction* bought me a year long. I won't waste their money.

But then again, if I left... I would miss the people on here that I do talk to, my journal where I express most of what's on my mind, and the overall atmosphere of this site.

But gosh, I do get tired of some things.

You know what I realized tonight?

That I've always felt that the first person you have sex with in life, you have to love, even if they raped you. It's something you can never get back.

Maybe that's the huge reason why I could never get over D and that basement.

It's an idea. More than likely in the right direction.

I've always been one to believe in fairy tales.

I always wanted someone to rescue me from what was happening when I was little.

When it stopped, I wanted someone to rescue me from myself and my memories.

Now... now, I want someone to hold me and tell me I can trust them. I want them to tell me my worth is more than sexual. I want them to tell me that those two were in the wrong. I want them to love me even though I miss the past and the pain. I want them to just love me. I want to be comforted, cherished, and healed.

Yet, how can I get over anything if I've honestly thought in the back of my head, you're supposed to love that first person you have sex with?

Gosh, it's not just sex with me. Never. If you get in my pants, you mean something. I have some kind of feelings for you.

I say stop, no, get away and all that when my heart just isn't in it.

Yeah, well, recently it's been just sex once for me when I said no and someone kept going.

You may call it rape.

I call it satisfying that part of me so I can sleep at night.

I guess I'm pretty fucked up.

To the person I talked to tonight, I'm sorry I bailed on you. *snuggles into you* I just hope you know what you're getting into with me. I love you.

Now all I need to say is...

Titty pink.




I'm out now. One more cup of cider and I'm off to bed. Night.




19:09 Oct 22 2012
Times Read: 819

Really? Are you serious? Please tell me you are kidding me, right?

Oh well, I guess. I can't do anything about it so I might as well start getting over it.

Hmm. It just doesn't sit well with me at all. Not at all. Ignore it. Just ignore it and continue on. That's all.

Yep. That's it.

I'm a movin' on from that.

This is a message brought to you by frustration, irritation, and somewhat anger. Have a splendid day!




03:27 Oct 20 2012
Times Read: 832

So we took Aurora to a haunted house tonight. A real scary one at that!

She's awesome! My daughter is a real trooper!

♥ She loved it and wanted to go again. She got really scared in two places. Once she wanted to leave but I had her continue anyways since the only reason she wanted out was the pitch dark of the area. She was happy I made her go on.


I'm proud of my baby!

Tomorrow is the zoo. Next weekend we may do another haunted trail!

In the words of Aurora: "It's fun to get spooked!"



03:33 Oct 20 2012

awwww i took my 12yrold when she was 6 on a haunted tram ride and this was like splatter movie stuff like bodies being cut in half she cried the whole time lol i felt so bad and she stuck her head in my arm pit the whole time

04:18 Oct 20 2012

That's exactly what I was afraid of happening with Aurora. She's almost five years old. She's been begging me to take her on something spooky and scary. She handled this with real spunk. There were nine year old boys that chickened out. Their mom was picking on them about Aurora going and them staying behind.

It was fun though! She has a blast and is already fast asleep!


22:24 Oct 19 2012
Times Read: 833

Babe is dressed up in her silly monster costume, makeup done, and green/black tights finally on!

My makeup is done, wings to go with me and Brett's got a werewolf type thing going on.


I think we're ready to try out this outfit to the mazes and hayride. Later!




20:32 Oct 18 2012
Times Read: 840

Oh my gosh, the generosity of people on Uni always amazes me. SD, a person I just befriended, is giving Aurora five things off of our wishlist.

One from each of our categories:

500 or less

501 to 999

1000 to 2500

2501 to 5000

5001 to 10000

That's amazing to me. I've never really seen that type of giving on any site other than Uni.

This, this is why I love that Aurora likes it there. It's a great environment online for her to enjoy.

I love it too. There's always someone supportive and something to do on there.




20:21 Oct 18 2012
Times Read: 841

I'm so getting offline for most of the today. Aurora's gone, only until tomorrow. Brett will be home soon.

And so far, I've completed next to nothing around the house and outside. Although, I've had a productive day on Uni. Heh!

I'm out. I'm replying one more message and running away.

I've got clothes to do. I've got painting to get done. I've got dishes calling my name. Oh gosh, don't call my name! Shut up! I've got to tackle Aurora's room while she's not here.

There's more but yeah, I need to get on with it.

I'm getting myself a cup of tea, putting in a horror movie and moving my ass in the direction of productivity. =] Later!




18:51 Oct 18 2012
Times Read: 842

I know I shouldn't be thinking about breaking one of my daughter's DVDs but gosh, I'm so tired of it being on repeat all day.

I've been in a lousy mood today. My stomach is cramping. It's crappy. I just don't want to move.

I hate when I feel like this. And I think I'm pmsing. I think. I don't know. It's hard to tell sometimes with the IUD.

I'm debating about getting another one of those things when it's time. Five long years without any real worry. Five years without the pain of the cycles being so tremendous. It was worth it this last time... but can I really deal with two months of straight bleeding again?

Yes, yes I can. It's better than the pill or the shot.

I need to get something done today. I feel so horrible sitting on my butt. Later.



23:11 Oct 22 2012

You know there's patches you stick on your ass, too?

Like nicotine patches, I guess.



18:54 Oct 17 2012
Times Read: 849

"Sometimes I wish I would die under tragic circumstances while I'm still young so people will remember me for everything I could have been, instead of growing older and failing to live up to the expectations set for me."

The above is off of a post secret. I wanted to place the quote here because I do feel like that often enough for it to ring true to myself. I feel like a failure in so many ways right now.

I'm thinking of doing a post secret. I love looking at those books. I adore the thought the people who send them in put into the message they want to get across.

I honestly believe I would have a hard time deciding what to put on one. I have several things I want to convey. I don't know if that should have me worried or thinking I'm an interesting person.

But then again, I've never thought of myself as interesting. I'm rather boring in my eyes.




16:52 Oct 15 2012
Times Read: 862

Hi, you fat fuck.

I'm baby opps-a-daisy.

You lard ass, will you be my special friend?

I can walk, I can talk, I can even shit my pants.

Can you shit your pants?

Play time!

I love the doll on Demonic Toys, and the teddy bear. I want a teddy bear like that. *insert dreaming here*

Pop goes the fuckin' weasel! ♥




05:09 Oct 14 2012
Times Read: 875

I can't wait. =[ I think I'm driving myself crazy.

I've had a good day despite what I lost on the 13th. It's been good.

My stepdad stole Aurora and took her home. I can't say we started new traditions today but it has definitely been nice.

I'm sad though because you know what? The 13th is one of the few days I actually focus on who is worth my time and who obviously isn't. It makes me remember everyone I've lost since my dad. It's a day I remember him but others too. Today, I've been focusing on other things. I'm not quite sure if I'll regret it later on but I'm good right now.

By the way, to a certain someone, I wanted to say I had a weird rape dream and it included you. =\

Don't tie me up and leave me in a hotel room, ever while you go to get ice. =_=

Although, I'll probably let you tie me up if you like. ^_^

I think it's apparent I'm half asleep, huh?

All I gots to say is I love a few people in my life and some of them, I haven't even met in person (yet) and it doesn't mean my love for them is any less because of it. That's just a small technicality for now. =]

I'm getting to bed. I plan on painting tomorrow, among other things.




05:55 Oct 13 2012
Times Read: 881

Eight long years without you have seemed like torture. You were my best friend, daddy. I can honestly say, I'm glad I left that morning like you asked me to. But that doesn't mean it makes it any easier.

I love you daddy. I wish that so many things could have been changed. I wish that you could have met my daughter and spent a couple of years with her like you got with Tyler.

I miss you. I miss you more than anyone will ever know.

I plan on getting to a place where I know you would be proud of me... just for being myself. You believed in me even when no one else in the family and my friends did.

I plan on making myself proud because I know if I do, you would be proud of me too.

I don't know how to say the words I wanted to say then, when you died, or even now. I wish I did because they deserve to be spoken.

You were the strongest person I ever knew. I've met some who have amazed me with their strength because you know what, dad? They remind me of you.

You were too stubborn to die that Christmas Eve your lips turned blue. We got over seven more years with you.

How many more conversation did we get in?

How many more shared mornings?

Movies watched.

Words shared.

How much strawberry milk did you, me, and Nala Cat go through, daddy?

I love you. I won't apologize for missing you so much even though I know you would look down on it.

I just want to let you know, you are still loved.




03:39 Oct 13 2012
Times Read: 882

You know it's bad when you steal batteries from your sex toy for your book light.

I think we need to pick up more batteries. O_o




03:27 Oct 13 2012
Times Read: 883

Even though I felt horrible about getting sick today and in general... I sucked it up and got some cleaning done. When I got too chilled outside, I cuddled up on the chair by the warm furnace and read my book.

Brett made supper tonight. The steak stuff I usually make like my mom did when I was growing up. It was actually good. =] It didn't look so much like dog food this time or crap. It did last time he cooked it since I couldn't finish up that time.

I feel nauseous and whatnot but heck, I feel better than I did. Maybe he's right, I just need to sleep this off.

Well tomorrow I plan on waking up early to start tackling the kitchen and the porch.

I don't think I'll be going to the graveyard but I will be writing whether on here or my personal journal.

We're possibly craving our pumpkins tomorrow. Possibly.

We're debating about cookies or brains cupcakes.

My daughter wants to be like a zombie and eat some brains. She told me so! LMAO!

Ugh! I'm tired but thanks to my dreams, I would rather not sleep. I'm thinking of taking a sleep aid. I don't know.

I'm rating right now. =] Rate, rate, rate.

I've gotten over 30,000 things rated. =] I'm proud of that. I'm lame. O_O




16:40 Oct 12 2012
Times Read: 885

Son of a bitch. It was too good to last. I'm freakin' sick!

I woke up wheezing, chest tight, coughing. I took a drink only to start puking in a bucket. O_o

Ugh! I thought I would make it in the clear without sick again.

This sucks!




01:16 Oct 12 2012
Times Read: 892

The sink decided to put a halt to me getting my list completed. It decided to flood the kitchen quite a bit. O_o I'm irritated.

I got a lot done though. =] I'm happy with end result for the day.

I decided not to read "There will be Rainbows" right now since Aurora keeps interrupting me. I've started rereading my "Chicken Soup for the Romantic Soul" since I can read a story between interruptions.

I will get back into my routine of reading.

So I'm worried about the Halloween/October profile contest. I both love and hate this month.

I love this time of year. I love the festivities and the colors.

I hate it. This is when I lost my dad. This month. The memories. It all overwhelms me.

I'm sure that if I do this profile contest it's going to get emotional for me and fast.

I remember the Christmas profile contest I actually won. I had such pride in it. But the process of getting it that finished product was an emotional roller coaster for me.

Am I ready for that?




19:29 Oct 11 2012
Times Read: 898

Yum! I just made four pumpkin shaped pumpkin pancakes.

A total of 15 pancakes made from one batch. But yum, so good. I loved Aurora's idea. She had chocolate syrup with her pancakes and we made faces on the four that we're pumpkin shaped. She ate one before it could join it's family for pictures. LMAO!

I think I'm going to be able to do the profile contest after all... I'm just having to use webcam for most of my pictures to go with the text.

It's going to be a long process. Long! Oh well, I'll have fun.

Of course, it's got to be me. I'm going to write some of it this weekend.



19:52 Oct 11 2012

After reading this I wish I had breakfast. Pumpkins are awesome. :)

21:56 Oct 11 2012

Yes, yes, they are. I love this time of year. I love pumpkin everything. Yummy!

Oh and my daughter at the age of four is growing to love pumpkins even more. =] She's always been a fan. ♥


17:07 Oct 11 2012
Times Read: 901

I feel normal.

Like Tiffy normal!

Like myself!

I couldn't possibly be more happy than I am right now.

Why do I feel like myself? What brought this on?

I don't know. It's been so long since I've felt this dang good.

What's up with me?

Did I accidentally spike my own tea? LMAO! That would be something.

I must figure this out so I can have this "Tiffy" feeling more often. But as long as I feel it, I must enjoy it!




16:50 Oct 11 2012
Times Read: 903

So the bathroom is completely cleaned, other than the top of the dryer where I sort clothes at most of the time. =]

I've probably got like four more loads of clothes to do today.

I've gotten most of the dishes done, talked with my mom about Aurora's Christmas and birthday lists, and made myself some delicious chai spice tea with canned milk in it so it doesn't kill my stomach.

My stepdad already had his tests done this morning. It took less than 45 minutes after he got in. I'm happy there was no problems doing them.

I'm also sort of happy and worried at the same time that he chose not to do the bone biopsy.

I guess I'm just worried they're going to miss something without that test being done. =[ I don't want to lose my stepdad.

Also found out the electric company should be out today or tomorrow. Dogs are going crazy so they might be here now.

If Aurora wasn't asleep, I would offer to make some coffee like usual. =] I'm nice like that, I guess. They're usually thankful.

I never got to the pancakes yet. She's not up. =_=

Wake up!

Nope, I'm letting her sleep. Maybe she'll feel better after the rest.

I hope to get the bathroom painted today... if Brett gets the sanding done for me on that one wall.

I want the green painted already and the tiles laid! Ugh! I'm tired of looking at the unfinished, unprimed wall opposite the toilet and the unfinished floor. It makes me feel... odd. Like I should just get it done whether I'm waiting on him or not. So what? A couple of asthma attacks and I would have that wall sanded! Ugh!

So my list continued:

-Make pancakes when Aurora gets up. She might want toast or something lighter. ^_^ Reason why I decided to wait.

-Wash the rest of the dishes.

-Finish the clothes.

-Sort clothes out in our bedroom on the floor.

-Of course, put clothes away. =_=

-Clean out the fridge and gather up dog food.

-Sort through the cabinets and throw out bad things. *Expired, moths got in, etc.*

-Read 40 more pages of There will be Rainbows.

-Paint my nails and Aurora's. Hopefully will be relaxing to me and uplifting to her. =]

-Deal with trash. =_=

-Scoop kitty litter.

-Change rat change. Give Patches some bread, a cracker, and other yummies to store! =]

-Clean fish tank.

-Put away groceries from yesterday's trip. Most things are away but not all of it.

-Clean the toilet! The last thing to do in the bathroom other than remodeling junk. So not looking forward to it. =_= So unwelcomed.

I am hoping I didn't forget anything. LONG LIST. I will conquer you, long list! I will!

It's almost noon. I can do this, for sure! I won't take no for an answer.

Although... I'm thinking of getting a bath after Brett gets home. A nice warm, relaxing bubble bath while I read those other 40 pages. ^_^ Sounds like a wonderful reward to me!

Now I'm off to get on with this.

Imma takin' you down list!




14:11 Oct 11 2012
Times Read: 906

Today is going to be productive for me...

Whether it wants to be or not!

I already have half the bathroom cleaned up and clothes in the washer started.

I think I'm going to have pumpkin pancakes for breakfast. Aurora's still asleep so I'll make sure her's stay warm.

I'm thinking about getting a ham out for tomorrow's supper. Yum. I've been craving potato soup.

I'm going to make some tea to kick my butt into gear this morning.

Lots to do today.

Lots to do.

And I...

I am going to get it done! ♥




23:30 Oct 10 2012
Times Read: 914

Yum! Pumpkin things!

I have a new favorite. Pumpkin spice bark. It's oh so yummy! ♥

I got two pumpkins today for $1.99 each which completely beats Aurora's for $4.99. They're smaller but Brett and I like them. =]

I got pumpkin pancake batter since everyone in this house is sick but me.

I got the things to make pumpkin spice cookies. *drools*

I also got Halloween sprinkles and black and orange frosting for cupcakes.

Oh and pumpkin cupcake holders and spider ones too... plus Halloween themed paper towels. =]

Since Aurora's sick... I got Pedialyte (sp?) and her a monkey cup to make her feel better. She does, of course, cause it's silly to drink out of a monkey's tail!

I'm happy. I got to go out to the stores by myself. =] I feel bad about Brett and Aurora. He missed class today. But oh well, there will be other trips to the store for Aurora.

Oh, oh, oh! I almost forgot the pumpkin spice marshmallows I found! I haven't tried them yet.

Haha! Yummy time of the month for sure!

I think on the 13th... instead of being down from missing my dad... I'm going to do something he couldn't really do with me because he was disabled.

I'm going to make cookies with my daughter and be grateful for the people I do still have. =] My daddy would have adored this little girl of mine. I know it.



12:00 Oct 11 2012

That sounds like a brilliant idea, love.


02:00 Oct 10 2012
Times Read: 926

Please do not message me again. Your message was deleted like I told you any would be a long time ago.

I only went to your journal to see what you had to say about the drama on here... like I was doing with everyone's journals on the matter.

I don't want to talk to you.

I don't care what you have to say.

My life does not involve you just like your life does not involve me by my own choice.

I'm done with you.

Message me from either account and I'll block both. It's pretty dang simple.

Have a nice life. =]




18:48 Oct 09 2012
Times Read: 932

Brett's sick. For once he actually caught what Aurora has and I only had it for a couple of days. I feel bad although relieved I don't have it anymore.

I'm debating about getting some chicken breasts out of the freezer and making chicken noodle soup for him and Aurora.

I could throw it in the slow cooker (after I cook the chicken breasts on the stove) and get other things done.

I know what I want.

I've been cleaning all day to try not to think about my dad. I'm good at the moment. It's fine.

Things will work out for me.

How far have I come in my anxiety and even my depression?

Gosh, I can drive by myself. I can go places with Aurora and without anyone. I can talk to people in public now. I can talk to most people on the telephone. I can even go a week without sex and not feel like I'm going crazy.

I still don't fully believe in myself but that will come with time. I'm sure of it.

I guess I should write about Brett and I, right. It's been forever since I've done journal entries like this. Almost two or three years actually.

Anyways, I asked Brett a little while ago to leave for a few days. I want perspective in myself, more than our relationship.

I know where we stand, kind of. We're stable. I guess punching him was the best thing I could have done even though I don't know why I did it. I knew it was him but didn't at certain points in the fight. I just can't explain it.

However, the few days separation I'm hoping for is more for myself. Just like me wanting to get a job... that's more for Aurora and I than him and our relationship.

I want to prove to myself that if him and I end, I can do this. All of this.

I clean, I cook, I take care of my daughter, I exercise, I take care of our animals, and the process repeats.

I like going out by myself or with Aurora now. That's a far, far way from where I was so long ago.

I was reading so many of my journal entries from years ago... about three to be exact. I'm not that filled with hatred now. I'm not filled with anger. I'm becoming myself again.

I miss talking with E. I care about her. I feel silly really at times. I said all of those things in anger and I care about the woman my hubs was going to leave me for. How can that be?

I'm a Tiffy. Plain and simple. I'm me. I can't change who I care for and who I don't.

Then there's T. I haven't seen him in over six years and I still love him. Reality check, please?

Then there's people that I used to care for and now don't. I just don't understand that. I don't care about C. I don't mind that we can't manage to find N to play D&D. And honestly I just don't care about the other one either.

It's weird.

Oh but I do care about C's children. I miss those boys like crazy. =[

However, I think it's for the best that I just seems to be moving on. Brett and I have talked about things. If we ever involve another in our relationship that number one rules stands true: Who ever is in the relationships in the beginning, are in the end.

I guess that might be what saved us. That's one thing we promised each other before the first threesome we ever had with N.

Although, I guess a woman is a different story since he doesn't mind at all. He encourages me on this one with one person. I can't resent him for it since he knows what I'm thinking... but I get frustrated since I have a bunch of thoughts and emotions I need to sort out first.

I never thought when I went to meet Brett in Nashville that all of this would come. I never saw it. I don't think I could have avoided it if I wanted to.

But now is the time for me to think about myself and my child. I'm selfish like that I guess. If Brett and I were to end, I'm not depending on my mom to pull me through it.

I want the job, the security of knowing I can do this without him, and to find myself for us in a weird sense.

I think that if I know I can handle all this without him, it will make me feel more comfortable being with him.

We'll have some fights, I'm sure. But nothing will phase me like it does now if I know I have nothing to be afraid of.

Right now, I'm terrified. If we ended tomorrow, I would have no way to support Aurora and myself. I would have no way of knowing I could handle myself. I have no way of knowing I wouldn't have a relapse or my nightmares get worse.

I want that security of knowing that even if he's gone for a few days, I can handle this.

If I know that, I'll know if we would ever end, I could take it day by day and do it by myself.

I don't know if that makes sense to anyone other than myself and Brett when I explained myself.

I want to love myself again and you know what? I'm starting to. =] I'm starting to care about myself again. I'm starting to plan for the future. I'm starting to want to face my past for sure.

I'm wanting this to happen.



11:53 Oct 11 2012

I am so, so proud of you.

Words cannot describe.

The struggles, the anxiety and the pain.. you will always carry them with you, sweetheart. They will always remind you, quietly and calmly, of how far you've come.

It gets easier - it doesn't disappear completely, but it is there to remind you who you are. Who you have been, and who you're going to be.

Love that part of yourself.

You'll be able to control it soon enough :)


03:44 Oct 09 2012
Times Read: 937

I could never run!

I never had a chance!





02:10 Oct 09 2012
Times Read: 938




05:26 Oct 08 2012
Times Read: 941



01:52 Oct 08 2012
Times Read: 943

Bless her. Aurora knows my dad died a long time ago. It'll be eight years on the 13th. It doesn't seem like a year has passed with this pain and grief I carry.

We're both sick. I got chilled while putting groceries away in the kitchen that we bought yesterday. Well, I went to cuddle up in my daddy's blanket. Aurora stole it. I told her, "Give it back, Aurora Bliss. That's my dad's blanket. Please."

I explained to her it wasn't nice to take it from my chair when I was going to use it.

She told me, "It's your daddy's blanket, your daddy's dead. He doesn't need a blanket. He's dead. Your daddy would share the blanket. You need to share mommy cause your daddy's dead."

I was about to scream shut up. Seriously.

I closed my eyes. Blocked everything out like I did when I was little and situations were happening. I breathed.

I paused Dora. I told her to come to me.

This came next.

"Yes, Aurora, my daddy is dead. I miss my daddy a lot. It's not nice to say over and over to someone missing somebody else that they are dead. It's not nice at all. It made mommy upset. You're not in trouble. Please just don't do it again."

"You miss your daddy very much?"

"Yes honey, I miss him a ton."

"It's okay mommy. Hey, you have your glasses on so you can see me well!"

*laughs* "Yes, can I get a hug?"

"Yes, mommy. It'll fix your broken heart."

I love my daughter. I can't believe I got so upset. Hearing her say it over and over again reminds me of my own thoughts when I really need to have a conversation with my dad.

"Your dad's dead. He's dead. You don't have him in your life cause he's dead."

Thanks mind!

I'm extremely glad I didn't scream shut up at Aurora. I never have and I don't ever plan on losing my temper like that.

I've yelled at her for running off over the hill to a neighbor's yard, for locking me outside, for hurting the cat, and turning the stove on.

But I've never, ever screamed at her. Never.




05:44 Oct 05 2012
Times Read: 962

Anybody who has to do Christmas shopping for a child, K-Mart is having an awesome sale. It's 50% off all clearance toys.


I just saved $116 on a buggy load of things. I spent a total of $134. I was telling people in the parking lot and whatnot. Mothers who had small children. I even told a couple of my friends on facebook who have children.

This sale was happening like 4 hours away and here too. So I would just call and make sure before you go.




06:02 Oct 05 2012

That is a great deal damn ! I will have to check out our local store.

06:12 Oct 05 2012

That's why I posted again about the sale in a separate entry. It's definitely worth a look for parents, grandparents, and other people looking for birthday gifts and whatnot for kids.

I was so happy. It's awesome and such a surprise to actually save money like that on TOYS. O_o Like seriously. I'm not used to it unless it's on Black Friday or something similar.


05:34 Oct 05 2012
Times Read: 964

Today has been more than productive.

Aurora and I walked down to the post office. Long walk for her since she hasn't been past the other end of our dirt road. For me too with my breathing.

We got the mail, stopped at the little store, and headed back home.

She broke into our house for us to get in. We accidentally locked the door. The window I had left unlocked in the bathroom yesterday was locked. So I had to put her in the small window in the kitchen, help her off the counter since that's all the further I could fit, and explain to her to open the door for mommy and her gummy fish. =]

When Brett got home, we all left. We went to the bank and then dropped him off back at school.

Aurora and I, however, went to Dollar Tree and the Party Center until it was time to get her hair cut. Oh gosh, her hair. She cut it a few days ago. Clear back to her right ear. I didn't take pictures this time but I'll be sure to get some of her new haircut (now that it's fixed). It's sassy!

By the time that was done with, we went back, got Brett and went to eat. Over an hour of Aurora playing at Burger King, we left to pay bills.

I sent Aurora through the mall with Brett to pay them while I hit up K-Mart's sale. Oh my gosh! Fifty perfect off all clearance toys! I got a buggy full of things, 25 items in all for $139. I paid twice that last year for her Christmas stuff alone.

I have everything bought for her birthday now, other than goody bags to be put together for the kids that come, the decorations, etc. And I have now started on Christmas things.

I saved $116 on the items I bought today. It wasn't stupid little things either. I got Dora, Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony, etc. The stuff Aurora's really into and most girls her age are too.

It was really something for me to have Brett go and look everything over, bought and packed in the car without Aurora seeing.

We then went to a couple of stores after, got Brett tobacco and a new roller, and went to McDonalds for a bit.

I'm exhausted. Tired beyond comprehension. I have a tons of places to apply to for a job. I'm excited. I can't wait for this weekend when I go and apply and spend time alone.

I also can't wait until Black Friday. If I'm not working by then, I'll definitely be at the stores after the best deal. =]

I can only spend so much on Aurora for her birthday and Christmas this year. It's not like she's hurting for toys or things to do. She gets everything she wants unless it's out of her age group for sure. But I want to make our money count for the most. I'm positive I did that today.

Oh and Frankie, unless I get a job, your Christmas gift will probably be a little bit late. =] I wanted to make sure to let you know that.

Since we've gotten home, Brett and I have talked. Like seriously talked about our relationship and some of the things in the past we need to discuss later on.

I'm happy with the conversation. It's definitely getting better between us. I'm just hoping that we keep moving forward and don't go back a mile or two again.

I love him. That's what I know.

As I told him, if I doubted for one moment whether I was in love with him or not, I would have ended things right there. I'm utterly taken with him.

I just wish I knew he cares.



05:44 Oct 05 2012

I love the dollar tree


01:59 Oct 05 2012
Times Read: 965

"We could take our heads off,

stay in bed and just make love that's all.

Just stay with me now."






04:56 Oct 04 2012
Times Read: 970



04:50 Oct 04 2012
Times Read: 971

I miss my daddy. Badly.

This time tomorrow, I'm more than likely going to be watching black and white war movies.

After paying bills tomorrow or the next day, I'm getting new headphones and a collection of either Vietnam war movies or WWII. Probably WWII ones since those are what I watched most with my daddy.

I'm a bundle of mixed up emotions right now.


I miss my dad. The anniversary of his death is coming up.

I miss Courtney. She was the one person I wanted to see and visited on the 13th of this month.

Brett and I are bumping heads about odds and ends.

My uncle and stepdad are currently tearing down my Grandmother's house. The one thing I've always wanted to do since I was about 11, when everything had stopped for a little while and I started self harming was face the basement in that house where I was raped. I tried several times but only lost it and ended up making things seem worse to handle. I'm losing my chance to face that basement with the old stained mattress, the exposed pipes, the smell of earth, and the memories of him. I'm losing it. I feel like I'm losing the grasp I have on myself. God, I feel like I'm losing a part of me and don't understand why. I'm having mixed emotions about this and I don't understand where they're all coming from.

The whole thing with my mother saying that to me about T.

My feelings for a certain woman. I'm so confused. I know what I feel but at times, I don't want to feel it. It's not that I don't want to feel it towards her, it's that I don't want to feel it at all. I feel that I'm less than what she deserves. All my scars, my quirks, my memories, my flashbacks, the year and a half sexual abuse from a girl that was a little older than me. How do I get past that and feel okay with my emotions towards another woman? How?

I just want my daddy. I'm planning on going to the graveyard by myself this month. I don't care if it's the 13th, before it, or after. I just need a long conversation where I feel close to my dad and comforted. I need it. Really need it.

I'm proud of myself and surprised. I haven't relapsed in such a long time now and god, I can't believe I haven't in the past couple of months.

I don't know how to explain that. I'm overwhelmed, I guess. My thoughts race so much. I'm tired of not being able to grasp things.

This weekend... I'm going to McDonalds. I'm going by myself. I'm going to coupon, rate the database, send pictures to a special person, and be by myself.

I need to sort through some thoughts. I need to sort through some things. I can't do that with Brett and Aurora consistently around. I feel like I'm transparent. I feel like my daughter is going to hate me later in life because of who I am and that I'm not strong enough.

I feel like a failure.

The hell with my anxiety. I need out. I need away. I need someone to hold me and tell me everything's going to be okay. I need something.

I think I'm breaking.




23:31 Oct 03 2012
Times Read: 977

"So tell me darling, do you wish we'd fall in love?

All the time. All the time."




18:51 Oct 03 2012
Times Read: 983

Having this addiction to you can't be good/healthy. I logged to tell you of pictures for you and hoped to see a message from you.

=] I'm pathetic. I think I have it for you badly. And I hope you don't mind and the feeling is mutual. Otherwise, I'll feel rather silly.

I'm going to get back to work on this living room, do a set of dishes, and get my sexual frustration out on the Wii.

Sounds like a good plan. I'm just be sore. =] Hopefully a good kind of sore.




03:10 Oct 03 2012
Times Read: 996

My mother just so happens to think that having a boyfriend on the side of Brett was the worse thing ever. She expected that out of Jessica but not me. What the fuck? Maybe you should kind of know about the threesomes I've had with Brett and other guys, having sex with another guy with Brett watching and enjoying it, and fucking myself until I bleed with toys. Yeah, thank a certain someone for that. A year and a half of being molested and basically tortured will do that to someone especially when it happened to them when they were a child. Blame her a little. While you're at it, blame her for my sexuality too. It bothers you that I like girls and stuff. Well shut up and blame the abuser for a change... not me. My thoughts are hard enough to deal with without you making me think less of myself.

And at least... I WAS HONEST. I was upfront. Brett knew what I was doing. We agreed on it. I never went behind his back. Ever.

Everyone in our family has cheated except you and my dad... they hid it even though their spouse knew it was going on. Whatever. Don't lecture them. Lecture me. Think less of me.

Fuck it! It's my business! If I want to go sleep with a prostitute, it's my business.

Screw off, mommy! Screw the hell off!

I have dwelt on this for over two weeks now. You hurt me by saying that. I'm tired of trying to get your approval. It's not going to happen so why try?



03:22 Oct 03 2012

I thought I should put that the boyfriend on the side happened over two years ago.

05:23 Oct 03 2012

Sex me pls

15:57 Oct 03 2012

Best request I've ever gotten!

Surely. ♥


19:56 Oct 02 2012
Times Read: 1,002

Aurora is gone for the night. I'm so happy to be able to clean without a child under my feet trying to help me.

I'm determined to get this living room looking decent again. Toys, blankets, dolls, books, crayons, coloring books, and movies are all over the place.

Thanks mom! This is what I needed! =] A little, tiny bit of a break.

I'm thinking of trying to take pictures tonight for someone. I'm not sure. I at least want to be in that mood to do so. =] I want to enjoy doing it.

But until then and I can talk to a certain person, I'm going back to cleaning. Half the living room is done already. She's been gone a couple of hours and I spent more or less 30 minutes directly after she left cleaning it.

I must not get side tracked by VR again. Stop calling to me!

*pouts* I want to read more upbeat journals. Drama never does fail to amuse me. But that's it... it amuses me. I stay out of it like I always do and probably will. I've had my couple of journal wars and fights on here but I've definitely move on.

I want to read something inspiring. Even reading someone is looking into something new is welcomed right now.

Ugh. Cleaning. Must. Get. Back. To. It.

At least this time, I'm playing my music! Yay!




20:39 Oct 01 2012
Times Read: 1,009

Is it a good kind of gooey at least?

Not some kind of gross gooey that you need to see the doctor about, right?

I'm sure they would love that explanation!

"Some American chick I know has made me have this complication with my body."

Doctor says, "What's that?"

You reply, "Well every time I think about her in certain ways or our conversations about Barbie dolls and toy trains... I feel all gooey inside. I don't think this is supposed to happen, Doc. What can I do?"

Yep! Embarrassing!

A little wetness in the panties isn't bad though! =]





16:55 Oct 01 2012
Times Read: 1,014

You make me feel like no one else. I just wanted to say that. =]

I adore you completely.

I dream about you often when I'm sad, scared, or even happy.

Hell, I just dream about you to do so. =]

I listen to your cover often.

I love the sound of your voice.

Your messages are like opening a present to me.

The joy of being a child again seen.

The conversations we have, I wouldn't dare have them with another.

Will your boyfriend mind when I kiss you? ^__^

I know mine won't. So yay!

I loverly you. ♥

I was going to write more but Aurora and I are going to make brownies for Brett since he had a bad day. =]




00:43 Oct 01 2012
Times Read: 812

Oh my gosh. Dial up is not for uploading images. I've updated my profile a little bit. I'm frustrated with it. Not my profile, not the comments I received on my profile because I understand where they're coming from, but the speed of my internet.

This is why my images were broken links.

*nods* This is exactly why.

I left the links as place holders for myself.

I don't really mind if people find my stamp offending. It's not that bad considering it's the truth. I wrote it up last night some time.

I think it suits me just fine.

Here's a copy of it:

"Hello. This is an automatic stamp. I don't do automatic tens and I rate on content only. I don't load your pictures; simply because I'm on dial up which is slow. Yeah, it still exists. Because of my internet speed, I will not rate most premium members, will not do re-rates, or change my rate I've given you unless I happen across your profile later and see the changes you've done. I hope you have good day. Later. =]"

Yep, it's a Tiffy thing. I'm not above anyone else on this site. I'm just in a different situation.

By the way, if you're active on the site, more than likely, I'll run across it at some point in time. *nods* For sure!

And premium member profiles usually freeze my browser because of my slow net. That's why I usually don't rate them. Images, music players, videos, etc cause it to load so slow.



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