So its been a struggle this past year but hopefully it'll be getting better soon. I'm scheduled for surgery on this coming Monday for a complete hysterectomy. The surgeon is going to be taking everything because of how many issues I'm having. If I said I wasn't scared, I would be lying my ass off. And because I have a double chambered uterus, they have to make an abdominal incision instead of the smaller incisions... so boo! But at least I'm getting it done.
Also my computer has been down so that's why I haven't been getting on here. O_o
Crazy thing I'm starting to realize about life... it throws people your way when you most need them and its the least unexpected. I have a love interest. =]
13:55 Jun 20 2024
I hope the surgery is successful and keeps you healthy, and that you heal quickly. Congrats on your love interest :D
01:03 Jun 22 2024
Sending all my best on the surgery, healing after. And glad to hear of the love interest. :)