I had this really cool childhood friend. I remember that something happened one night to the both of us. She was doing some serious thinking and so was I. Its amazing how you get a phone call in the middle of the night. The whole house is sound asleep...and somewhere two people's worlds are falling apart. Words arent enough sometimes. I slung my rocker bag over my shoulder (the one with all my spellcrafting tools in it) and heard her car from upstairs. I pulled back the curtain, locked my bedroom up and hauled ass to the front door. I threw my bag into the backseat and she was already wiping tears away from under her glasses.A bruise with smattered eyeliner. She turned the heater on and all was silent until she sniffled...and popped this CD in. She drove silently with an occasional sniffel. I never asked what was happening durring her musical venting. I never had to.
Sometimes that's all we really had...