DemonKitty's Journal

DemonKitty's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


1 entry this month


01:40 Apr 27 2010
Times Read: 593

“…” Getting down to room.

“Love the teeth”

“Who’s there?!” Turns around, staring into darkness.

“Why would turn around in darkness?”

“Who are you?”

“Your worst nightmare and greatest dream.”

“That makes no sense.”

“How did you get that scar on your shoulder?”

“Don’t change the subject.”

“I didn’t”

“Yes you did. How is the scar on my shoulder relevant to what we are talking about?”

“Answer my question and maybe you will find out.”

Sighs. “I got it when someone with caps bit me.”

“You sure they were caps?”

“Yeah, no one had teeth like that guy did. He gave me this weird virus when he bit me too. A medical dude right there sucked it out. The next day in the paper said that he died from the weird virus.”

“Yes the virus kills if someone directly ingests it like that. Injected though…”

“What would have happened if it stayed in my body?”

“You would have felt as though your blood turned to fire but after a few days it would go away and you would either die or be taken in as a slave.”

Sits on bed. “I could have died…”

“No you wouldn’t have.”

“Then I would have been some sort of slave?”

“I wouldn’t let that happen either.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I’ve been watching you.”


“Shh. No not stalker. Protector.”

“Protector…from what?”

“My kind”




“Shh. I’m not joking.” Smiles showing fangs.

Stares. “Caps.”

Pulls at fangs. “Real.”

“Yeah right. Prove you’re a vampire.”

Takes out a knife and slices arm; it heals quickly leaving no mark.

“Believe me now?”

Nods. “Hard to fake that.”

Laughs a little. “Yes.”

“So why would vampires want to hurt me?”

“Because you know truths.”

“What truths.”

“You know fact from fiction when it comes to vampires. You know what is fake and farfetched. You needed protecting.”

“What does it matter if I do or not? No one believes me anyway.”

“That is not the point. It’s that a human knows about us and tells other people.”

Swallows. “So that guy that bit me was trying to…”

Nods, “Yes. Now you know the truth.”

“But that was years ago. Has anyone else tried?”

“Yes, even while you sleep. So I have protected you from them as well. I think they are getting desperate though.”

“How do you figure?”

“They have gone to your school in hopes of killing you there.”

Takes a steady breath. “They could have hurt one of my friends.”

“They could have indeed. They approached me this afternoon while you were on the phone. They told to either kill you or…”

“Or what?”

“Change you.” Looks down at her face for a reaction.

“Ch-change me? Into a…”

“A vampire…”

Sits in silence.

“Are you okay?”


“No you aren’t. What’s wrong?”

“You’re going to kill me aren’t you?”

“Is that what you want?”

“No, but I know what it is to be a vampire.”

“It’s not so bad once you are matured you know that.”

“I know but when I am young. I don’t want to hurt anyone I love.”

“I wouldn’t let you.”

“I still don’t know. It will hurt.”

“The pain is fast.”


Puts a finger to her lips.

“I know this is what you want. Just let me do it.”

Nods. “Okay.”

“Lay down. Don’t scream. Most of all… hold very still. Understand?”

Nods again. “Yes I understand.” Takes a raged breath.

Leans down and pressed fangs against her neck. Eyes glance up at her face. Her eyes closed tight in fear. Sinks fangs deep into her neck making her gasp. He ignores her and sucks at her neck and blood. He bites into his wrist and holds it to her lips.

“Drink only until the burning goes away.”

Nods. “Okay.” Drinks only until burning is gone.

“Now you need to feed.”

“I know but I still feel human… I want to see my love before I become…you know.”

Sighs. “This isn’t a good idea.”

“I know. I could hurt him.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yes. Put me in chains and a muzzle or something.”

Gets chains. “Good idea.”

Puts hands behind back.

“There wrapped them tight.”

Puts muzzle on her.

“That should do it.”

“Thanks for this.”

“Anytime. We can’t stay long though. You need to feed.”

“I know I know.”

“Okay.” Touches her and they disappear and appear in Alex’s (Wolf’s) room.

“What the fu…Kitty?”

“Don’t get close to her.”

“Who are you? What have you done to her?”

“Who I am is of no importance.”

“Why is she chained like that? And on a leash?”

“She doesn’t want to hurt you.”

“What do you mean she doesn’t want to hurt me?”

“I turned her into a vampire, but she hasn’t fed yet.”

“She’s a wha..?”

“Vampire that’s why she has the muzzle on.”

“She doesn’t want to bite me?”


“Is she aware of who I am?”

“Don’t talk like I’m not here.”


“Can I go to him now?”


“Hi honey.”

“Kitty is that really you?”

“Yes it’s me. Can he hold me?”

“Can you stay in control?”

“I’m not sure…hold my leash just in case.”

“Okay go ahead.”

“It’s nice to finally be in your arms.” Kisses her forehead.

“I can hear his heart beating…”

“Get away from her! Now!”

“What? Why?”

“I’m sorry Wolfy; I held it back as best I could.”

“You did great Kitty. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Falls to knees.

“No stay back from her!”

Backs away. “Kitty…”

“Goodbye for now my love…” Closes eyes tight against animal within.


“Once I get her fed and sleeping somewhere I’ll return and explain.”

Touches her and they disappear.

“I can’t hold it back any longer.”

“That’s fine. Let it take you over. It’s time to hunt.”

Falls back to knees screaming in pain. Opens eyes and they turn black nails grow long and fangs grow in. Hisses cold breath at nothing.

“Good” Slices through chains and unclasps the muzzle.

“Time to hunt my pet.”

Lips curl into a smile and let’s go of the leash. She takes off after a pair of deer and runs into a hiker.

“Good, she will get a taste for human blood right away.”

Breaks hunter’s neck and feeds on him. Her mouth covered in blood she stands and hisses at the night sky. Goes over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. Grabs his arm and twists. He growls and lifts her up by her wrist snapping the bone.

“You do not attack me!” He growls.

She winces in pain ignoring him.

“Understand?!” He growls louder getting her attention.

She nods weeping a little. He let go and she drops to the cold ground holding her wrist. He starts walking holding her chain.

“Let’s go!” He growls, tugging on the leash.

She whimpers getting up and walks beside him.

“Are you still hungry my pet?” She nods keeping her eyes down.

“There is a mountain lion that way. Seek it if you wish.”

He lets go of her leash and she takes off in a dead run. He smiles as she disappears in the distance. She returns only moments later blood down the front of her and a few scratches on her shoulder. They disappear quickly and he grabs a hold of her leash.

“I’m tired. Can I sleep?” They disappear and reappear in a dark room with a king sized bed, a deep coffin, a couch, and small tables and a dresser.

“This is your room. For now you will sleep in the coffin that will be wrapped in chains when you are inside.” She nods slowing studying the coffin carefully. She climbs into it and lies down cross her arms over her chest. He bends down and removes the leash.

“I will see you again once the sun is down. Goodnight my pet.” She closes her eyes and moves the lid over it and chains it. He sighs and disappears back to Alex’s room who is asleep.

“Wake human.” He says to his sleeping body.

He moves a little but continues to sleep.

“Wake human.” He says louder taking a step forward.

Groggily he wakes and stares into slight darkness at the figure.

“You… Where’s Kitty?” He says instantly realizing it’s the man from before.

“She is sleeping. You have questions?”

“Yeah. First, who are you?”

“It is of no importance.”

“Yes it is. It is to me.”

Sighs. “I am Sebastian Van Desnelian of ancient Russia.”


“I am 4000 years old.”

“That is ancient. No offense.”

“None is taken. Although I am 4000 years old I am only 19.”


“By this day’s standard, yes.”

“It wasn’t young then?”

“No. I had already been with many women in hopes of giving them child before I was changed.”


“They were all my mates.”

“You were allowed more than one?”

“I was allowed as many as I wanted. I was male, women weren’t meant for bearing children and only that. It was a great duty to make children. I was strong and tall. So I was to breed with many women and make strong children.

“Did you love these women?”


“Why were you changed?”

“It was one night when I was attempting to make an outside woman bear child but she bit me and shoved her blood in my face on accident when I cut her with my blade. I was meant only to be a meal. She didn’t know I wasn’t dead so she left me there. I later hunted her down and killed her. Her blood was a pleasant meal.”

Jaw hangs open. “What about Kitty? Why have you changed her?”

“I had no choice.”

“What do you mean?”

“She was to be killed if I did not change her so I did.”

“Killed? Why? What has she done?”

“She has done nothing wrong. She merely knew too much for a human. It was either change her o all my protecting of her had not been in vain or let them feed off of her until they tired of her and killed her.”

“Thank you for changing her.”

“Do not thank me. I did it not for you but for her.”


“Because she is my descendent. I do not take lightly to my own flesh and blood being threatened. She is the descendent of m only child bearing woman. Who I did love. I loved her dearly.”

Looks at floor in memorial.

“Why didn’t you change her?”

“She forbade me too.”


“She was scared as Kitty was. It is normal to fear pain. To hear no self control.”

“Kitty was afraid?”

“Indeed she was. She knew it would hurt. She knew she wouldn’t be able to control herself. She knew what it was to be a vampire.”

“Do you think she would change me?”

“When the time is correct, I believe she would. Why do you ask such a question?”

“Because I love her. I want to be with her forever. Since you are her, by some extension, her father, I would ask you for her hand.”

“You must show me first how deep your love burns for her. Then I will decide if you are right for her.”

“Shouldn’t she be the one to secede if I’m right for her?”

“Her mind will be cloudy and not right for a few months to a year. She will understand.”

“When will you make your decision?”

“In due time. For now I must be off. The sun will arise soon and I wish not to be caught in its rays. I bid you a fond farewell.” Disappears.

“Yeah… Cya.”

Chains rattle. Screams are heard. The sun is down and she scratches at the inside lid of the coffin.

“Jimmy!” A man in a suit hurries to Sebastian’s bed side.

“Yes sire?” He says his eyes low.

“Bring a human up from the basement and put it in her room. She is hungry. Once the human is chained, leave. I will release her. Then bring another human for me. I too am hungry.”

“Yes sire.” He bows and leaves. Sebastian pulls his blankets over his head groining.

Jimmy returns from the basement and a chain a man in his early 20s to a steel pole in a corner of the room. He pats the coffin.

“The master will release you soon.” Then leaves.

Sebastian undoes the chains and slides the lid back.

“Feed my pet. Then we shall speak.”

She feeds slowly. So does he.

“Good. Full?”


“I would hope that I shouldn’t have to leash you in your own home. Correct?”


“Good. Now you need to start learning self control. You attacked your human this morning without mercy. That is good, but you didn’t think at all. That human could have had a blade concealed away and could have killed you. You need to study your prey.”


“You must speak to me. No more simply nodding. There is nothing wrong with your vocal cords.”


“See. You are fine. Now I know you mind is cloudy and you know not about your lover. That is not okay. I wish to get your memory of him back immediately. In which we will go to him every day and you two will speak. He will tell you memories you hold and share. I do not expect you to remember right away but we will start tonight.”

“I have a lover?”


“You think I would remember him…”

“Don’t fret. You will remember him in time. Now drew with the help of Sandra. She will dress you.”

“Dress me? I am no doll!”

“Shh. She is human so you will be on a leash and she will be equipped with a small blade.”


“Sandra!” Chains her to a metal stand.

“You won’t be able to do much. Just concentrate on staying in control.”

“Okay.” Sandra enters. Sebastian gives her a small knife.

“Have fun you two.” He leaves.

“Now what do want to wear today?”

“Don’t know. I hate color though.”

“Alright. He told me that you didn’t I hoped otherwise.” She sighs.

“Nope I hate color.”

“Let’s see…” Looks in closet.

“Aha! I found just the thing. A black corset and black skirt and knee high boots.” She smiles.

“I hate my legs.”

“Not anymore you won’t. You body has been perfected. You can pull anything off now.”


“Looks like you have to step into the corset and tear your shirt off.”

“Damn leash.”

“Don’t get angry.”

“I’m trying not to.”

“Good. Now tear your shirt off. And take all the rest of your clothes off.”

Tears them off easily.

“See your body is perfect.” Hands her a thong and long socks.

Puts them on.

“Thongs are troublesome.”

“You will get used to them.”

Puts corset on. Sandra tightens it.

“Put your skirt on.”

Puts boots and skirt on.

“There no look at yourself in the mirror.”

Punches mirror. Cries. Sebastian runs in.

“What happened?”

“She saw her reflection for the first time.”

“Get out Sandra.”

“Deep red eyes, claws that are black, long sharp fangs. Scary isn’t it?”


“You can make it worse. You can give yourself a tail. Cat like ears. Pupils only slits. Demonic wings. Or you can make it all go away.”


“With a thought.”

Claws and fangs go away and eyes go back to normal.

“There. Better now?”


“We are going to see your lover now. Understand?”

“Yes. Let’s go.” He touches her and they appear in Alex’s room.


“How do you know my name?”

“You don’t remember me?”


Looks at the floor.

“Don’t get sad. It’s not your fault. And it is not hers.”

“Is he my lover?”

“Yes. Talk with him.”

“What’s your name?”

“Alex you called me Wolf or Wolfy though.”


“When we met my screen name was WolfgangG. So you called me Wolfy.”

“That’s funny.”Laughs a little.

“Your face looks familiar. You’re cute.”

“You told me that before.”

“I have?”

“Yes. Many times.”

“Well because it’s true.”

“Yeah thanks Kitty.”


“Are you remembering me at all?”

“I can see your face in my memory but it’s fuzzy.”

“Don’t try right. You may not remember right away.”

“Yeah Kitty it’s okay.”

“I want to remember. If you are my lover I want to know you again.”

“You will babe. You will.”

“Come you need to feed.”

“I don’t want to leave yet…”

“Do you want to hurt him?”


“Then let’s go.”

“I love you Kitty.”

Stares at him.

“Wolfy?” Eyes look glazed.


“I remember…”

“You telling her that you love her must have stabbed her mind and opened up her memories of you.”

Hold him in her arm and kisses his cheek.

“I missed you…” Grows fangs.


“You smell so good…” Pulls her leash and holds her arms.

“Time to go feed.”

“Feed…” Eyes turn red.

“Bye Kitty.” They disappear.

“Well that was fun.” Let’s go of her leash and she runs after a couple of deer. He leans against a tree watching.

“That went way better than I thought it would.”

She feeds.

Sighs. “We have hours before the run rises. Would you like to stay here and play?”

She jumps into the tree above him and looks down.


“Yes. I will teach you how to play.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

He jumps into the tree and hangs from the limb she is on. He smiles.

“This is fun.”

“I know how to have even more fun…”

Bites one of his fingers. He falls. He laughs landing on his feet looking up.

“You are right that was fun.” Her eyes turn to slits as she jumps down. She grows cat ears and a fluffy cat tail as she lands.

“What do you have in mind?”

“I want to play with my Wolf.” Small claws grow.



“That’s not a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“You could hurt him.”

“I am in control. I love him and want to be with him.”

“You could hurt him none the less.”

“I wouldn’t. I’ve fed. I will stay in control. Please let me be with him.”

“You really do remember him.”

“Every bit of him. My heart would it still be beating would beat only for him.”

“I understand.”

“So I can go?” He cat ears perk up.

“Yes.” He touches her and they appear in Alex’s room.

“Shh. I don’t want to wake him.” She crawls into his bed and curls up next to him.

“What the fuck?!” He wakes and pushes her to the ground.

“Wolfy! Shh.” She hisses at him.


“Yes it’s me. Now shh or you will wake someone.”

“You have a tail! And cat ears!”

“Shh. I know. Can we lay back down now?”

“Uh, yeah. Come on you must be cold.” She lies next to him and wraps the blanket over them.



“Your skin is freezing… “

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s not your fault.”

“I know but I’m making you cold.”

“It’s fine.”

He falls asleep.

“Guess it really didn’t bother him much.”

She snuggles up to him and falls asleep. Sebastian after a few minutes falls asleep too.

Sun rises. High noon and the end of summer.

Alex wakes slowly. Shivers a little from Kitty’s cool arms around him. He gets up and out of bed and foes to the bathroom. He returns more awake and stops walking when the sun light from his winder hits his bed and is slowly making its way to Kitty and Sebastian on the floor.


Her eyes flutter open.

“Hi my love…” She stares wide eyed at the run light.


His eyes open slowly then he stands and back father away from the sun light. “Get on my side of it. Quickly.” Kitty carefully slides past the trail of sun on the floor.

“It’s no surprise that we didn’t wake when it rose.”

“What do we do?”

“Stay out of it until it goes down. Human.”


“Do you have a basement?”


“Can we go down there?”

“My parents aren’t here so they won’t be a problem but the sun…”

“We will use your blanket. Take her first. Let no sun touch her.”

He nods and grabs his blanket.

“Come on Kitty.” Shields the sun as they make their way to the basement.

“I’ll be back Kitty.” Closes door to basement, Door reopens.

“This will work perfect. Thank you human.”

“No prob. Now I have to get going. I made plans for today.”

“Kitty runs up the stairs quickly.

“I want to kiss you.” They kiss. He closes the door.

“Did you have to kiss him?”

“Yes I did. Now how are we going to sleep?”

“I will lean against the wall and hold you in my arms.”

“You are going to be my coffin and chains?”


She sighs.


“There. Now you can’t get away.” Rolls her eyes at him.

“Guess I can’t.”

“Go to sleep now. There is a lot of sun left in the sky.

Falls asleep ignoring him. He falls asleep too.

She wakes close to ducks a pair of eyes staring at her from a chair across the room. Her eyes glow red when she hears a heart beating.

“Kitty?” Eyes go back to normal.


Sebastian wakes.

“Away with you human. She needs to feed. Then you two may be together.”

Gets up from chair. “Okay.” Leaves.

Her fangs grow when his heart rate dims.

“Calm my pet. He is not a meal.”

She slowly calms coming back into control.

“I can’t believe I wanted to hurt him. I wanted his blood…”

“It’s alright. You gained control. You were able to resist.”

“Can I go feed no so I can come back and be with him?”

“Yes. Do you need me to take you or do you know how yourself?”

“I can go alone.”

“Return to our home after you feed and change before you come here understand?”

“I understand.” She disappears.

He sighs and disappears after she does.

She feeds on a bear and returns to her room.


“Yes Milady?”

“Find me something to wear please.”

“Yes Milady.”


“Yes, Mistress?”

“Where is Sebastian?”

“In his study.”

“Could you tell him I am here please?”

“Of course Milady.”

“Thank you.”

“Yo-you are most welcome.” Leaves with a smile.

“Kitty!” Jimmy enters just after Sebastian’s voice.

“The Master wishes to see you.”

“I heard.”

“That will be all Sandra. Leave me.” She dresses.

“Kitty!” Sebastian growls louder.

“I’m coming.” She calls back.

Enters his study. He looks up.

“You are dressed I see.” His fangs grow.

“Yes. I know you didn’t call me to see if I were changed or not.”

“You are correct. I called to you to tell you that I have enough faith in you to let you go to his home alone and spend time with him. Okay?”


“I trust you to stay in control.”

“Okay. Is that everything?”

He rises and hugs her.

“Be safe my child.”

“Of course.” She says with a smile and disappears from his arms.




“The sun has set low enough that if you went outside and knocked on the door my parents could meet you.”

“Is that what you want?”



Disappears and there is a knock on the door. Alex rushes down stairs. His father answers the door.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m here to see Alex.”

“Alex! Oh, there you are. This girl came to see you. Are you going to introduce her to your mother and I?”

“Of course dad. Mom!”

“Come in here young lady.”

“Thank you.”

“Well who is this pretty girl?”

“Mom, dad, this is Kitty. My girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend? Her? She seems out of your league.”

“Wait. Is this the girl who has you glued to that phone?”

“Yes this is her.”

Alex’s father holds out a hand. She grasps it tight and shakes.

“You’re bloody freezing girl. You feel like ice!”

“I am sorry.”

“Come on Kitty. Let’s go to my room.” She entwines her fingers in his. Pulls her up the stairs and closes his door behind him. Sits on his bed.

“They just met a vampire and they don’t even know it.” He laughs.

“Your dad made my nose hurt.” He looks at her weird.


“His scent made my nose hurt.”


“Not sure. Whatever is in his skin is entering the air and hurting my nose.”

“Hmm. I don’t know.”


“Yeah dad?”

“Come here!”

“I’ll be right back Kitty. Okay?”

“Okay.” He walks down stairs.

“Come with me in to the basement, I need to talk to you about something.”

“Umm, okay. Why can’t we talk here?”

“People are listening.”

“Dad, no one is around.”

“She is in your room right?”


“Exactly. Let’s go.” Gets down to basement.

“Okay. She can’t hear us.”

“She wouldn’t have been able to hear us on the 1st floor.”



“Shut up and listen.”


“That girl isn’t human. She is a vampire. Don’t speak. She is new. No more than week old. She seems in control but you should protect yourself.” Hands him a small wooden stake.

“I refuse to kill her.” Pushes stake away.

“This will not kill her. Only slow her down. Aim it at her neck. With luck it will separate the 3rd and 4th vertebrae and paralyze her until it is removed. I have chains here so we could tie her up before removing it. Understand?”

“But she will only be here at night. How late can she stay?”

“Until 2 am and then she would have to leave. Take the stake; keep it with you or within reach of you.”

“Fine.” Takes it.

“Let’s leave the basement laughing so she doesn’t get curious. And boy?”

“Yeah dad?”

“I’m sorry that she is a vampire.”

“It’s fine.”

They laugh opening the door. Alex goes back upstairs. He sighs looking at Kitty.

“I should have known…”

“Known what?”

“My father is a vampire hunter.” Pulls out the small stake.

She glares at it her eyes turning deep red.

“Don’t worry. I would never let him hurt you.” Kisses her throwing the stake away. Her eyes go back to normal.

“I love you babe.”

“I love you too honey.”

“You’re allowed to stay till 2 in the morning. That’s one of the perks of him knowing you’re a vampire.” They laugh.

“Alex! Dinner!”

“What are we having?”


“Guess mom is in on it too. I wish they would tell you they know. Or you tell them. Yeah tell them at dinner.”


“Coming mom!” They go down stairs holding hands.

“How do you two want your steak?”

“Medium mom.”

“And you?”

“Rare please.”

Her eyes go wide. “It’s true…”

“Told you I wasn’t crazy”

“What are you talking about mom?”

“Nothing just something your father told me.”

“Okay, then.” They go back upstairs.

“Yup, mom knows too.” They laugh.

“I wonder if they will try to kill me.”

“That’s not funny.”

“Yeah it is. They probably have never seen a vampire before like this, if at all. I doubt they will be able to hurt me if they wanted too.”

They hear a gasp down stairs. She laughs more.

“And they like to eves drop on conversations they shouldn’t be.”

He holds her. “Shh.”

Wraps her arms around his neck and kiss his lips. Puts her head on his shoulder.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

A knock at the door. He wraps his arms around her waist.


“Dinner time.”

“Okay, coming.”

“Come on Kitty.”

“Am I telling them?”

“We will tell them together.”

“Okay.” They walk downstairs.

“Sit down.”

They sit next to each other Alex’s father across from Kitty, who is smiles politely.

“Here are your steaks.”

“This is raw.”

“Is that what you wanted dear?”

“No, but it’s fine. I may need a straw to suck up all this blood though.” She laughs at her own joke. Alex laughs too but his parents remain silent.

“Let’s just eat.” His father says and begins eating.

Kitty looks down at her steak and licks her lips. Alex nudges her leg under the table and she begins eating. They finish, Kitty licks blood absently from her lips. His parents stare.

“Kitty should we tell them?”

“Yeah I suppose we can.”

They stand. His parents stare at them.

“Look mom, dad. We know you know about Kitty.”

“About what I am.”

“I know dad before you pulled me aside.”

“We don’t care that you know. Just that you don’t try to kill me.”

“She is clearly in control even if she was changed only a few days ago.”

“We knew what you were from the moment you stepped into this house.”

“We were going to kill you but when we heard you two. You love each other dearly.”

“We know that if we killed you, Alex would never forgive us and would likely die to be with you. His mom looks down.

“Well thanks for not killing me. And feeding me.”

“Come on Kitty…”

“Wait boy.”

“What da…”

“Kitty is it?”


“Let me see your fangs. I want you to be yourself in this house. You may wear your fangs and whatever else you want.”

“I would rather not reveal my true nature but if you insist.”

“I do.”

“Alright.” Grow her fangs, claws, tail, ears, and her eyes turn red and pupils turn to slits. Alex puts an arm around her waist and kisses her cheek. Her tail wraps around his left leg.

“That is your natural form?”

“Yes. Its not what you were expecting was it?”

“Not at all.”

Her ears perk up and she smiles flashing her fangs a bit.

“With your permission I would like to steal Alex for a while.”

“I trust you could take care of him?”

“Of course.”

“The same rule applies Alex. She is gone here by 2 am and you are to be home by then. Understand?”

“Yes I understand.”

“I will have him back by then. Safe and sound.”

“Good. Have fun.”

“We will.” They walk out of the house.

“I can’t believe we did that.”

“I can.” She kisses him.

“So where are we going?”

“My house.”


“Hold tight to me.” He holds her tight. They disappear.

Appear in her room.

“What was awesome!”

“I’m glad you liked it. Jimmy!”

“Yes milady?”

“I have a guest here with me. While he is here we are not to be bothered. Tell Sebastian and the rest of the staff this.”

“Yes milady.” He leaves closing the door behind him.

“These walls are sound proof.”

“They are?”


“Is that your bed?”

“Sure is.”

“It’s huge.”

“Would you like to lay down with me?”

“Damn right I do.” He says taking his shirt off.

She lies down in bed after taking her shoes off. They lie beneath the blankets and hold each other. They kiss as Alex removes her shirt. Candles appear all around the bed and light.

“Just the way we imagined it.” She whispers.

He kisses her neck and reaches down to his pants when the door slams open and all the candles flicker out.

“There better be a damned good reason to interrupt me when I said not to!” Kitty growls.

“Jimmy just so kindly alerted me that you have a guest! Oh look a human!” He grabs Alex by the back of the neck.


“Who did you think I would bring here?”

“I was not sure. By the look of the candles I interrupted something important.” He looks around the room setting Alex down.

“Yes you did. Please leave.” He leaves.

The door locks by itself and Kitty groans pulling the blankets over her head. Alex lies next to her.

“The mood is gone, isn’t it Kitty?”

“Completely.” The candles disappear.

He curls up against her side. She wraps her arms and tail around him.

“I love hearing you heart beating. Makes me happy.” She says laying her head on his bare chest. He runs his fingers through her hair.

“When will I be like you?”

“When you are 17 like me.”

“I have to wait 3 years?!”

“You don’t want to be the same age as me?”

“I want to be older than you. 18 maybe.”

“You just said you didn’t want to wait 3 years now you want to wait 4?”

“Yeah. I want to be older than you. So to speak.”

“If that is what you want…”

“Yeah it is.”

“Okay my live.”

They cuddle. An alarm goes off.

“Damn it its 10 of already!?”

“10 of 2?”

“Yeah I need to get you home. Put your shirt on.”

“Okay, I’m ready.”


“Yes milady?”

“Tell Sebastian I’ll be right back.”

“Yes milady.”

“Okay let’s go.” They appear outside his house.

They kiss.

“I love you my Wolfy.”

“I love you too my Kitty.”

“Sweet dreams.” Kisses his forehead and disappears.

He goes in. His mom checks his skin everywhere.

“Mom what are you doing?”

“Making sure she didn’t bite you.”

“She didn’t. Can I go to sleep now?”

“Fine. Go.” He lies down in his bed up stairs and drifts off to sleep.

She appears in her room and snuggles into her bed and falls asleep.

Alex wakes for his first day back to school in the morning.

“I hate Mondays.” He says getting in the shower.

“Alex! You’re going to be late for school if you don’t get going!”

“I’m coming mom!”

Alex leaves the house and begins walking to school. He meets up with a friend and they walk together. The days passes slowly in Alex’s mind, He gets in trouble for not paying attention in his classes. He gets a detention making his day last longer. By the time he gets home the sun is beginning to set on the horizon. We walks in the door and his house is empty. He sulks in his room with a blanket over his window.

In her room Kitty dresses for the day. She does to Sebastian’s room and sits on the side of his bed. He wakes.

“I’m leaving to go to Wolfy’s house.”

“Already?” He says stretching.

“Yeah I feel his heart aching. He missed me and I miss him.”

“You are dressed and have fed?”

“Yes and yes.”

“Then you may go to him.”

“Thank you!” She disappears.

“Kids…” He says rolling his eyes and turns back over.

She appears in his room behind him. She hugs him from behind wrapping her tail around one of his legs.

“Kitty!” He turns and hugs her.

“Miss me?”

“Did I?!”

They laugh.

“What are you doing here? The sun is still sorta up.”

“Eh. I’ll just stay out of it.”

“What happens if you go in it?”

“It will burn my skin really bad.”

“Have you tried?”

“No and I don’t want to either. I’m curious as to how much t burns but I don’t know.”

“It would go away once you fed again wouldn’t it?”


“So try it then.”

Sighs. “Alright.” Goes to ray of sunlight in the hallway.

“I’m afraid.”

“I’m here for you.”

Slowly puts hand into the sun light. Screams and takes hand out.

“That fucking hurt!” Screams falling to knees. Sebastian appears.

“What happened?!”

“Sun light touched her hand.”

“What?!” Bites his wrist and puts it too her lips. She sucks hurriedly on it and the burn fades. She draws back and leans against the wall.

“Why did you do that?” You knew it was going to burn you.”

“I wanted to see how much it would burn.”” She licks her lips.

“Don’t do it again!” He growls disappearing.

Kitty slumps against the wall. She sighs.

“I’m sorry I got you in trouble Kitty.”

“It’s fine. He only yelled at me.”


“He has broken my wrist when I was first changed.”

His eyes get wide. She pulls him down next to her and leans against him.

“Don’t worry. I’m a vampire. I hear quickly and I have a really, really high pain tolerance. Please don’t worry my love.”

He nods and she kisses his cheek.

“The sun is down. I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise?”



She grows her fangs, claws, and eyes turn deep red.

“This isn’t my surprise is it?”

She laughs. “No, silly.”

“My dad and mom are home.”

“Let’s go say hello.” They go down stairs hand in hand. Kitty goes back to normal.

“Good evening.”

“Well hello Kitty.”

“Yes, hi vampire.”

“Would you mind if I take Alex early tonight. I’ll get him dinner. And he should be home by 2. Possibly later.”

“What are you buying him for dinner?”

“Probably something at a restraint right in town. Or where ever he wants to go. Here or someplace else.”

“No blood!”

“Of course not. Only I will drink blood. And it won’t be his.”

“Good. Fine you can go.”

“Thanks.” They disappear.

His parents stare wide eyed at the place they were once standing then they look away and begin fixing themselves dinner.

They appear in a thick forest. Dark but very warm.

“I hope you like your surprise.”

“This is my surprise.”

“Part of it.”

“A forest?”

“It’s what the forest is.”

“What is it?”

“Yours. All of it.”


“327 acres.”

His eyes get wide.

“Right here in the center of it all will be our house.”

She leans against a tree as he tries to see it.

“How can you afford this?”

“It’s a gift from Sebastian to us.”

“A gift?”

“Yes silly.”

“Wow.” He looks to the ground.

“What’s wrong honey?”

“Nothing. Just happy.”

“Good. I’m glad.”

“Can I speak to Sebastian in private please?”

“Yeah I guess so. But if he is busy you will have to wait.”

“Okay let’s go.”

“Okay.” They disappear.

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know. Jimmy!”

“Yes milady?”

“Where is Sebastian?”

“He is away at the moment.”

“Did he say when he will return?”

“No only to tell you it may not be for days.”


“Yes milady. Ah, Sir Alex. He left something for you in his study.”

“For me?”

“Yes. Come with me please. Milady it is for his eyes only. Please stay here.”

“Fine. Go ahead love.”

“I’ll be right back.” He kisses her and leaves following Jimmy. He points to a large manila envelope.

“That is for me?”

“Yes and this.” He hand Alex a white envelope.

“He told me to tell you that any questions you have will be addressed in this.”

“You said this was only for my eyes.”

“Yes sir. You may stay and read it.” He leaves.

Alex opens the small envelope and takes out a letter.


This letter is for your eyes only. I wished that I could tell you this in person but something has come to my attention and has pulled me away for some time. As I am sure Kitty has made you away of my gift to the two of you. This is an engagement gift. I have accepted your proposal of her hand in marriage. The manila envelope I also left for you has $400,000 in it so that you may pick out a ring for her of yours of her choosing. I wish you congratulations and look forward to giving her to you. If you have any more questions feel free to address them to me upon my return. For no farewell.

~Sebastian Van Desnelian, Son of Russia~


Alex folds up the letter with a smile then grabs the manila envelope and rushes back to Kitty.


“Yes my love?”


“It’s an envelope thing.”

“He takes her hands and gets down on one knee.

“Will you marry me?”

“She smiles and hugs him.

“Of course I will!” Kisses him.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” Kisses again.

“Sebastian was in on it wasn’t he?”

“I asked him for permission to marry you.”

“He accepted the proposal?”


“I’ll get him for that later to thank him.”

Door opens.

“Mistress I am sorry to intrude but a matter calls to your attention seeing as how Sebastian is not here.”

“What’s the matter?”

“A pair of guard werewolves is fighting.”

“You have werewolves?”

“Yes Sir Alex. Mistress?”

“Yes we are coming.”

“Sir Alex I suggest that you stay…”

“No he will come too.” She takes her form and her tail flicks back and forth. They go to where snarls can be heard. A pair of wolves is trying to be restrained by 4 other werewolves in human form. Their naked selves muscled and tense.

“Mistress!” All for exclaim.

“What is the problem here?”

“Sorry for our indecency. These two began arguing then began to fight.”

“Your indecency is quite alright. Let them go. I will take it from here.” They leave and the two began fighting again. She hisses once and they stop.

“Change to human form now!” Alex covers his ears.

They change.

“Mistress…” They cover themselves.

“I do not care about what went on only that it will stop now! Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Two handsome wolves such as yourselves should not be fighting.” She wraps her tail around Alex’s waist.

“Is this our early meal?”

She hisses. “This is my mate!”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know your mate was human.”

“Well now you know. Anything else before I leave?”


“What is it?”

“Why are there so many of us on duty? It’s the night no one ever tries to attack at night.”

“Sebastian called you to do duty?”


“I am not sure why. Follow his orders none the less.”

“Yes mistress.”

“Will that be all?”


“Yes my love?”

“Can I hang out here for a while?”

“Sure I guess.”

“Is it possible to be changed into a werewolf then into a vampire later?”

“Yes. You would still age though just not as fast. It would take an extra 20 years for you to be 18.”

“I can deal with that. Being a werewolf will be awesome.”

“What about your parents honey?”

“What about them?”

“Werewolves have a tendency to like human meat.”

“I will tell them to cook more meat and keep more in the house.”

“If I could interrupt for a second.”


“We only need to eat about once a week.”

“Once a week?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Please we are creatures of hell. I am no mistress to you.”

“Alright them. But we still don’t eat that often. Newborns or newly changed don’t eat at all for years. They want to eat but they don’t have to.”

“So he wouldn’t go after his parents?”

“No. not a chance especially if he is blood to them.”

“So can I be a werewolf?”

“If someone is willing to bite you then, yes.”



“He would have to stay here while his body goes through the change. He will be in immense pain. He will change back and forth constantly. We will need people like him he can be around that he can’t hurt.”

“I can’t stay here. My parents wouldn’t allow it.”

“Then you tell them what you are going to do. Perhaps they will understand.”

“They won’t. My dad is a hunter. He will disown me.”

“You will stay here my love. I will tell them what you are to become.”


“Shh.” She kisses him. “Everything will be okay.”

“I’m nervous.”

“You have reason to be boy. It will hurt.”

She holds him tight in her arms.

“Next time I see you my love you will have a tail.” She puts a hand on his lower back. They kiss again.

“Come boy. I’ll take you too the only place you will be seeing for a while. Kitty disappears to his parents house.

“Kitty! You are here early. Where is Alex?”

“I’m afraid you will not be seeing him for a while.”

His father stands quickly and grabs her by the neck.

“Why won’t I be seeing my son?!” Lifts her up and puts her against the wall.

“He has chosen to be a wolf.” His hand tightens around her throat.

“A wolf?! A werewolf?!” A smile pop is heard from her neck.

“Yes. He chose this life. You should accept it.”

“I would rather him be a damn vampire!”

“He wants to be changed into once he is 18.”

“That’s four years from now!”

“No that’s 20 years from now. Wolves age slowly.”

“20 years…” He drops her. She lands lightly. He stumbles back to his chair in a daze.

“When will I be able to see my son again?”

“A week or two. He must go through change. I will not see him for days until his change is complete. He’ll need to be taught that humans aren’t his food.”

“Will he need to eat a lot?”

“When he is changing he will but he will not need food for years. Even when he does a large meal of meat will last him about a week maybe longer.

“The change he must go through. Will it hurt him?”

She looks away from him. “Yes…”

“How much!?”

“A lot…”

“And still you let him do it?!”

“He wanted this. He knew what was going to happen to him. He knew.”

“I hope your ear hear his pain. So you can feel it too.”

“I will hear every day. His pain will hurt me too. We are one. I feel his pain and he feels mine.”

“So you will suffer with him?”

“The pain will hit me harder.”

“Oh...I didn’t know. Does he know?”

“No. I refuse to tell him until after. I will not get in the way of what he wants.” She falls to her knees gasping in pain.

“It’s…happening…I must go.” She disappears.

He stares at the place where she once was.

She appears in her room and collapses. Putting a hand on her shoulder she screams in pain. 100ft beneath her Alex grasps his shoulder screaming in pain. A large metal collar hangs very loose around his neck weighing him down to the floor. Thick chains lead to 3 separate thick rings on the floor. His cloths are completely gone, leaving him cold and naked on the solid concrete. His screams continue and as his screams continue Kitty’s do too. Her vampire nature doesn’t dampen the pain at all. She feels all the pain he does. She can hear his screams.

“KITTY!! HELP ME!!!” Her heart aches hearing his cries for her. She appears outside of the steel door to the room Alex is in on her knees. The two wolves at the door help her up. They see the pain in her eyes and the hand on her shoulder.

“You feel his pain?”

“Yes…” She manages to squeak out without screaming.

“You really are his blood mate. He won’t hurt you if you go in. If anything it will ease his pain, and yours.” They open the door and help her to Alex.

She whispers. “I’m hear my love, I’m here.” His slowly growing stronger and larger arms wrap around her. They scream in pain at the same time. His shoulders widen and chest becomes broader. He arms and legs grow a little longer and his hair grows longer. Night begins to turn to day as his muscles build in his body. The days brag on with their screams. The wolves outside the door take shifts guarding them. Finally as night fall days later Alex’s body has stopped changing. He passes out along with Kitty still wrapped in his new larger arms. They wake the next night and Alex’s eyes turns black. His skin turns pure black as black fur grows in and his body takes the shape of a large wolf. He nuzzles his head against Kitty’s chest as her cat ears, tail, and claws grow. The door opens and Alex growls at the wolf that steps in pushing Kitty behind him. The wolf steps closer and Alec lunges at him. Only to be stopped by the heavy collar and chains. He yelps falling back. Kitty stands and puts her arms around his furry neck comforting him. Keeping an eye on the other Wolf, he licks her cheek. The wolf pulls a hook from outside the door with a large piece of meat hanging from it and tosses the meat at Alex. He lunges at it and drags it back into a corner. Kitty licks at the blood pooling from it while Alex greedily chews at it. He growls a little when Kitty chews as a small piece of it. She backs away and leaves the room. She sighs when the door closes.

“He in going to be a handful for the next few days isn’t he?”

“Yeah you should go change and rest. We will keep an eye on him for you.”

“I have a few things to do before I rest at darn so I will be back here to rest with him then.”

“Alright. Would you mind if white you are away that we fight with him so he can hone his skills?”

“That is fine. Try not to hurt him to bad.”

“Only as much as we need to of course.”

“Thank you. I should be back just before or just after dawn.”

“Sounds good to me.” She disappears, changes and goes to Alex’s house. He mother is standing there with a shot gun pointed at Kitty.

“Where is my son!?” She says pumping it.

“He is safe. Please don’t be mad.”

“I want my son! Human and healthy!” She fires a shot. It hits Kitty making her stumble backwards.

“It is a bit late for him to be human but he is healthy.”

She pumps it again.

“What do you mean to late?!”

“He is a werewolf now.” She fire another shot, Kitty stumble back into a wall.

“Why is he a werewolf?! Why isn’t he human?!”

“He wanted this. He chose this.” She shoots her again.

“You lie!”

“No I don’t. This is what he wanted. Respect his choice.”

She lowers the shotgun. Alex’s father walks in and grabs it from her.

“I’m sorry Kitty. She has been upset since I told her.”

“It’s alright. I wasn’t expecting any less.”

“Have you seen Alex?”

“Yes I was with him as he changed. He was eating when I left.”

“Does he look different?”

“He is about 6’3’’ in human form and twice the size as a wolf.”

“What color fur does he have?”

“Black fur.”

“Wait doesn’t a werewolf attack everyone when they are first created?”

“Everyone except their blood mate.”

“So you truly love each other?”

“We are made for each other.”

“See I told you. Blood mate feels everything the other does.”

“She went through the pain Alex did?”


“Yes I did.”

“I’m sorry for shooting you. I should have listened to my husband.”

“It’s fine. I’m all healed now. Although I need to feed.”

“I have a question.”


“Do you know who changed you? Do you know?”

“Yes I know. He is a distant ancestor.”


“That is for him to tell you if he wishes too.”

“I take it you live with him?”


“What about Alex?”

“If he wants to live with me he can. If he wants to live here with you that’s fine also.”

“You wouldn’t keep him from us?”

“No. I need to feed now.” Her eyes flash red.

They step back from her.

“Go ahead girl. Feed and take care of our son.”

“Please take good care of my baby.”

“Sure.” She disappears.

She kills and feeds on a lost woman in the woods She licks the blood from her lips. Grows her cat ears, tail and claws. Her eyes slit. She appears outside Alex’s steel door. Snarls and growls are heard from inside. A yelp is heard and a pain in her side appears. Opening the door and closing it quickly when she is inside. Alex bleeding is growling at another wolf on the other side of the room.

“Get out.”She orders it. He limps out of the room slamming the door closed behind him. Alex tries to stand and yelps.

“Lay down my love, please. Relax. I’m here for you.”

She sits next to him and smoothes his fur. He instantly relaxes at her touch.

“Good boy.” She kisses his muzzle.

“I love you my Wolfy.”

He howls softly at her.

She lays lightly against him and he puts a paw over her. She kisses it and she sinks herself in his fur, She closes her eyes just as he does. In the morning Alex’s arms are wrapped around Kitty holding her tight as she sleeps. Outside the sun is balanced on the horizon. Kitty wakes slowly her red eyes glowing in the slight darkness.


“Wolfy? You aren’t a wolf anymore.”

“Yeah. I was a wolf?

“Yeah all day yesterday.”

“I feel weird. Bigger too.”

“You’re about 6’3’’ now honey. Lots of muscle too. Everything grew.”

He looks down.

“Yeah everything did grow.” They both laugh.

“These chain are lighter than I remember them being.”

“You were smaller and weaker before honey.”

“How much do you think I could bench now??”

“A bus maybe.”

“How much can you bench?”

“A train probably.”

“Damn. Guess you would still bear me in an arm wrestling contest.”


“I love you.”

“I love you too”

“So how do you like being a werewolf so far?”

“Kinda cool. I don’t even remember being a wolf but my body is amazing!” She laughs running her fingers through his long curly hair.

“I love your hair. So long and shiny.”

“Thanks. Doesn’t it mean that when I’m a wolf that my fur is blonde?”

“No you’re fur is black.”


“Yeah. I don’t know why.”

“That’s cool! I have black fur!

They laugh.

The door cracks open and a wolf walk in completely naked. A deep rumbling is heard is Alex’s chest.

“Calm down Wolfy. It’s okay.” He wolf ears grow and they flatten. His canines get long and his tail grows.

“Shh my love its okay.” Her tail, ears, and fangs grow. Her eyes slit as his turn black.

“How is he doing Kitty?” Alex growls when the wolf says her name. His large arms wrap around her and he holds her tight t his chest.

“Protective as you can see. Control is obviously improving. I’m trying to keep him in control.” Alex’s grip tightens a little growling still.

“Yes he is improving. His change started to happen but you comforting him won’t let him get any farther that he is now.”

Kitty licks at the skin on his chest and he stops growling.

“Never seen such a strong connection between blood mates before.”

Kitty ignores him wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him down to kiss him. Their tails wrap around each others. His ears perk up and his eyes turn golden yellow.

“I’m sorry Kitty. This wolf inside me is protective of you. You make it easier to stay in control. I would never hurt you.”

“I know you wouldn’t honey.” They kiss again.


“Yes?” He says not looking up.

“Do you think you could stay in control long enough to meet our and your clan leader. The Alpha.”


“Honey the Alpha of a wolf pack or clan is leader of the rest. He controls everything.

“I don’t know if I could stay in control.”

“All he would have to do is tell you to stay in control and you would. His word is law and we cannot break the law. It runs in our veins.”

“When would he be able to see me?”

“Whenever you feel ready to come off those chains.”

“Could Kitty come too?”

“The Alpha would only allow her to be in a wolf form at your side. If she were human she wouldn’t be allowed at all. Kitty?”


“You would also have to do as the Alpha orders if you are to be a wolf next to your mate. Should he order you something you must do as he commands without question or hesitation. No matter what it is. Understand?”


“If he accepts you into the pack then as a female whether or not you have a mate, You must grace his bed to truly be in our pack.”

Her eyes grow wide and Alex growls.

“All outside female wolves have to. My mate did. It tore me to pieces when she did, that another man’s hands were on her. But she was accepted.”

“Doesn’t the Alpha have a mate of his own?”

“Yes he does and she enjoys watching her mate share a bed with new wolves. It doesn’t happen often. They must shade bed as wolves and in human form.”

“Does she have to like it?”

“It will be her Alpha. She will enjoy it. She must.”

“I don’t want to like it.”

“You have to. Or he will reject you.”

She sighs.


“Kitty. I won’t lie to you. I don’t like this at all. If this is what it takes then I guess we have no choice.”

He kisses her.

“I love you Wolfy.”

“I love you too Kitty.”

“When will you be ready to meet him Alex?”

“I am now. Let’s go.”

“You must approach in wolf form. Only take human form if he tells you too. Same to you Kitty.”

They nod.

Alex and Kitty both shift into wolves. She bites at Alex’s chains while he pulls at them. The man wolf undoes the collar and it crashes to the floor. Kitty and Alex nuzzle.

“Follow me you two. Don’t be afraid to show your love in front of the Alpha.”

Then nod and follow the wolf. They walk so close to each other that they brush up against each other now and then. Kitty’s fur is a soft white with pitch black paws. A pair of wolves opens up a pair of steel double doors. Kitty presses herself against Alex nervous. He licks her muzzle and leans against her.

“Come on you two. The Alpha waits for no one.”

He hurriedly pushes them forward toward the end of the hall, where a large gray wolf sits like a statue. He looks frozen until Alex and Kitty get within a few yards from him. His body moves slowly to a standing position.

He barks a firm ‘sit’ and all werewolves except Alex and Kitty sit. He steps towards them who nuzzle each other encouragingly. Their tails wrap around each others.

“So you must be the newest addition to our pack?”

Alex nods sharply.

“And what of your mate? She looks like us but the blood doesn’t run through her veins.” He looks into Alex’s eyes.

“Well? Give yourself hands and answer me.” He orders.

Alex shifts and stands.

“She is a vampire.” His eyes glance down at kitty who leans against him nuzzling her head against his hand.

“A vampire is your mate? Impossible.”

“She is my blood mate. We are one.”

“Blood mates? Never thought that a vampire and a werewolf would ever be blood mates. Vampire!”

Kitty turns her head to him.

“Humanize yourself if you wish to be accepted into this pack.”

“Kitty becomes human and holds tight to one of Alex’s arms.

“Beautiful young vampire.” He takes human form. Alex holds back a growl as he strokes Kitty’s cheek.

“You would make an excellent addition. But first. Prove your love for this wolf next to me.”

“I have no love for him. There is nothing to show.”

“In this pack you love everyone. You will prove that to me personally.”

Alex growls wrapping his arms around Kitty holding her tight to his chest.

“Do you want her to be part of this pack or not?”

“If it means you destroying her body then no. We will go elsewhere.”

“Elsewhere? Haha! You two can’t leave here. Sebastian wouldn’t allow that.”

Kitty lifts her chin smiling.

“Oh I think he would. I am his human blood descendant and he changed me.”

The Alpha takes a knee and bows his head.

“Forgive me Mistress. I had no idea it was you. I didn’t think you would grace us with your presence here. You will all bow to your Mistress!” The entire pack including Alex bows. Kitty pulls him up.

“I am your lover no your Mistress.” She kisses him.

“Never bow to me as such.” He nods kissing her back.



“You may come and go as you please in this pack. You are one of us but I do not rule you.”

Alex nods. “In that case…” Alex bursts into wolf form and attacks the Alpha. Alex bites him many times before pinning him changing back to human form.

“If you ever touch her again I will kill you!” He growls

A wolf close by jumps at Alex. Kitty grabs him in the air and throws him through the concrete wall killing him. She hisses at the wolves approaching.

“Anyone ever tries to hurt him I will kill you!”

The wolves hold their ground as Alex gets up and wraps an arm around her waist.

“Come on Kitty. Let’s go.” They walk out.

“You parents are worried about you. Your mom freaked when I told her what you are.”

“I don’t want to see them. Not ever.”


He glances down at her.

“You know why.”

“Sorry. Just thought you wanted to see them one last time.”

He sighs.

“Fine but I need pants at least.” He laughs.

“Sandra can help with that.” They appear in Kitty’s room.

“Cover up with a towel from the shelf there.” He does.


“Yes Mist…a wolf…”

“It’s just Alex. He’s harmless. He needs cloths though.”

“Umm. Hold on I think there is some pants in the closet in the shop.

She leaves and returns after a few minutes later with what looks like boxers and shorts.

“Here dog. These should fit.” She tosses the cloths to him without looking.

Kitty’s fangs and claws grow and her eyes turn red. She grabs Sandra by the neck lifting her up.

“You will respect him! You will refer to him as Master! Do I make myself clear?!”

She nods tears running down her cheeks. Kitty tosses her to the floor and she hurries out of the room. She goes back to normal and she lies down next to Alex who has put the boxers and shorts on.



“Control yourself.”

“I did.”

“You did?”

“I should have killed her for what she did. Sebastian probably will when he gets back. Wouldn’t surprise me at all. She should be grateful is she lives another week or for however longer Sebastian is gone.”



“This isn’t you…”

She looks down at the floor.

“I’m acting the same way you did in that hall. Except instead of giving her flesh wounds I gave her mental ones. Trust me she is grateful.”

“She is?”

“I saw her thoughts. She is.”

“Kitty. Please I don’t like how that went though. Try to be how you used to be. Nicer.”

“Alright honey. I’m sorry.” She kisses him.

“Let’s get going to my parents so I can say good bye to them for good.” He smiles down at her.

“You sure you don’t want to ever see them again after tonight?”

“Yeah I’m sure.”

“Okay my love.” Touches him and they disappear.

His parents stand when they appear in the living room.


“Hi dad.”

“You’re huge. Where is your shirt?”

“Alexander! You had us worried sick.”

“I don’t care.”

“You came home to stay right?”

“No. I’m getting my things and we are leaving for good.”

“Boy! You will not!”

“Yes I am.”

“Girl this is your fault. You took him from us!”

“I didn’t choose any of this. I never chose to be a vampire and he wanted to be a werewolf!” She hisses at them.

In one swift movement Alex’s father pulls out a stake and plunges it into Kitty’s heart. She screams dropping to her knees. Alex grabs his father and snaps his neck. Alex’s mother grabs a silver stake and jams it into Alex’s chest as he snaps her neck. Kitty and Alex fall to the floor.

“We weren’t supposed to die yet…”

“It’s my fault. We shouldn’t have come here to say goodbye to my parents.”

“It’s no one’s fault. We couldn’t have known…” She gasps in pain just as he does.

“I love you my Wolfy…” She says slowly, her life fading.

“I love you too my Kitty…” Alex breaths.

They gasp again and kiss. Alex wraps his arms around kitty just as they both breath their last breathes. They die together. Their lives end at the same time. Blood mates meant for each other. Not to live without the other. Gone. But n death their love will continue. Forever.



02:22 Apr 27 2010

Wow...that was good...sad though at the end, very sad

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